• Published 3rd Feb 2013
  • 2,364 Views, 38 Comments

My Little Princess - pyromANarchist

"You're mine... You can't leave" Twilight is becoming an Alicorn, but not everyone is happy about this new development. So when she is involved in a serious accident, Fluttershy sees her chance.

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Chapter 2

MLP chapter 2

Hours passed. Nothing happened. Nothing other than the continually recycling chain of questions that wore on her mind. Everything had happened so fast, Twilight had a hard time realising just what had become of these last few hours. Being alone for so long after what had happened with nothing but thoughts to keep company slowly drained Twilight's sanity. Slowly, but surely, her imagination ran away with her mind. In the silence she began to hear something.

Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud.

The distant hammering rang out in Twilight's head. It sounded like machinery of some sort. What would Fluttershy be doing with machinery? She listened again.


It was still there, now faster. Twilight lay wondering for a few seconds before curiosity got the better of her, but to her confusion, as she lifted her head up, the noise vanished. That confused her. Was Fluttershy watching her? She lay back down and scanned the room.


The noise returned, even faster. Then she realised. If Twilight could have moved easier she would have kicked herself. It was her heartbeat. She felt rather foolish upon reflection. She tried to relax again, but despite the worry being over, her heart refused to slow down. Out of the corner of her eye she thought she saw a shadow move. She jerked her head to look but saw nothing. She turned back, suddenly feeling a dread come over her. On the shelf just at the edge of her sight, something was staring at her. Again she jerked her head but saw it was only a bottle.

Fluttershy had given her the creeps. Seeing such a lovely pony such as Fluttershy in that state was a shock to say the least. It was the eyes, she was sure. The way she seemed to stare straight through her. Being alone for so long in the absolute silence scared her too. Fear began to take over Twilight's mind.

Something moved again. Twilight tried desperately to resist the urge to look. In her mind she knew it was nothing, but the more she tried not to give in to the desire, the more it pulled. It moved again. She looked. She was right. It was nothing. Something else moved. Twilight felt her skin crawl as if an army of ants was running across her. She closed her eyes tight and put a foreleg over her face in a vain attempt to shut out the imaginary sensory assault. In her mind she saw the shadows creeping around her. She opened her eyes in time to see something flicker behind her. She turned to see nothing. What did she expect? What DID she expect?

Goosebumps ran up and down her skin under her fur. Was that a cold breath of air? Why was their a breeze inside? Twilight couldn't take it anymore. She rose off the sofa, raging against the drug that kept her still this long, and let out a weak scream.


Her cry barely echoed around the empty room. Did she hear someone calling out to her? No, it was just her echo. Or was it? No, it WAS.


She half ran, half fell towards the wall, the effects of the drug causing her to sway and stagger like a drunk. She pounded the wall using all of her sapped strength. All it did was make a few soft patting sounds and she slumped to the floor. Weakly she spoke out loud

"Just let me out"

She sobbed on the floor for a minute, but all that did was give her a numb leg from the cold hard floor. She dragged herself back to the dreaded sofa and lay face down, curled up in the tightest shape she could make, and prepared a mental barrier against the horrors of the room. She listened to the silence that was the only thing she could be sure of. She lay there for several minutes with a blank mind. Twilight thought she felt a presence near her. She blocked the thought before it could run away with her mind. The presence was still there in Twilight's mind but she ignored it, willing it to go away.

"Twilight?" spoke Fluttershy, her quiet voice sounding loud in the cold silence of the room.

Twilight jumped with an almighty jolt that, if it wasn't for the drugs, would have skyrocketed her to the ceiling. How could she have snook up to her like that? There was absolute silence in the room, she would have heard a drop of water fall, yet she hadn't heard a thing. Like a ghost, she was just there. Twilight half expected her to just fade away into nothing like an apparition. She was hovering silently just a few inches from the floor. Completely silently. She was holding, balanced delicately on one hoof, a tray with a plate full of food and a glass of deep yellow punch.

"I got you some food, Twilight. Don't be scared." she reassured her.

For a few achingly long seconds Twilight just stared blankly.

"How did you get here?" she finally asked, realising after she said it how stupid the question sounded.

"Why, the door..." she replied, voice trailing off at the end.

An idea struck Twilight. An idea that could end all the misery all together. Twilight considered running. The drug couldn't keep her from trying. Even if she had locked the door she could get the key off Fluttershy. What could she do anyway? She could easily overpower the slight pegasus. Fluttershy was weak and helpless after all. Several awkward seconds passed, tension building in the atmosphere between the two ponies. It wasn't until Twilight looked into the eyes of her opponent that she realised she could never bring herself to do it. She knew she could escape that way, but Fluttershy was her friend. Even at this dire time she just couldn't. Years of loyalty made her stop and think about attacking her, even when she had been attacked herself. And yet this could be her chance to escape. Her life could be in danger of she didn't act now. Her mind was a battlefield of conflicting thoughts and feelings.

Fluttershy seemed to stare straight into her eyes with an innocent, slightly troubled look. She seemed perfectly content to just sit there and watch the thoughts spin around Twilight's dizzy head. Twilight tried magic again, in desperate search for a way out not including violence. Nothing happened. She had to run. Still, as he turned to Fluttershy and looked deep into her eyes she couldn't bring herself to hurt Fluttershy. Yet she could still try running. She looked away and geared her mind up to bolt towards the door. Fluttershy placed the tray on the floor and turned to leave. She felt her heart beating out of her mouth. She might just have one shot at this. She waited a few precious seconds to put distance between her and Fluttershy. There was now at least ten paces between them. While she was looking away Twilight shot up out of her chair and ran with a surprising turn of speed. No sooner had she taken two steps when Fluttershy, swift as lightening, jabbed a syringe deep into her neck, threatening to kill her outright. Twilight choked at the sudden impact to her neck. Fluttershy had closed the gap between them just a few milliseconds too quickly. How did she move that fast? It was almost supernatural. She felt her body fall in a heap on the floor.

"Please don't try to run. I kind of knew you would, but I'm trying my best to look after you. Don't make this any harder than it needs to be, I don't want to hurt you" came the soft voice, the words seeming to be spoken directly into her head as she lost consciousness.

'This is starting to become a theme now, isn't it?' she thought as she blacked out.

When she awoke her food was cold. She still ate it hungrily, she hadn't eaten since the party that suddenly seemed so distant in the past. She chugged down the punch, but saved some just in case she felt thirsty later. As she finished the meal the reality of her situation dawned on her once again. She was stuck here, with nothing to do, imprisoned by what she could only describe as a maniac, waiting for something to happen and completely at the mercy of some complex drug. How could this have happened? Well, she knew how, but not why.

Twilight suddenly felt alone. She felt alone in a way that she had never felt before. One moment she had everything going for her, and the next, she had everything taken away from her. She wanted to cry again. How long was this going to last for? Surely someone would notice. Maybe Fluttershy would give it away. She hoped and prayed that someone would find her soon. It had been just a few hours and yet it had already taken it's toll on her mind. What would Fluttershy do to her? What did she want? She shuddered at the thought of possible answers to those questions. What did the future hold?

She thought about her failed attempt at escape. Escape was impossible. Not with Fluttershy the way she was. There was no other door, and the one grimy window was behind thick metal bars. She probably didn't have the strength to break it anyway. She was trapped, in the greatest sense one could ever be trapped, but she knew worrying wouldn't do anything. She felt completely hopeless, and yet, she knew that with that attitude, she was. Despite everything, Twilight knew she must stay strong.

Worrying would only get her to the sorry state she had been in before the meal came. She would not let Fluttershy's madness make her give in. She would refuse to let her win. She would stay strong, for Celestia. No more of that shadows moving nonsense. She just had to stay calm and not panic, then she would be ok. Just not loose her mind, and then she would be fine until someone came to rescue her. She had to find something to do, something to occupy her mind. She looked around the room and saw the shelves. There was a few dusty books, old veterinary textbooks. Well, what else was there to do?

Twilight lost herself in the book. As she read, she became so engrossed in the material, she forgot her predicament. She managed to relax a little. All she had to do was keep her head while she waited for Celestia to come and rescue her. She had every confidence that Celestia would come, or at least someone, so much so she didn't feel the need to question it. To her it wasn't a question of 'how will I leave' as much as 'when will I leave'. And of course the question of will she keep her sanity until she does leave?

Later that day Fluttershy came into the room again. She held in her hoof two small pills, and a glass of clear water. This time Twilight heard her coming.

"Hey Twilight. It's late now. You should probably get some sleep. Here, I got you something to help you" she said, offering the pills.

Twilight looked from Fluttershy to the tablets, then back again.

"Fluttershy, why are you doing this? Why can't you just let me go?" asked Twilight.

"Because I want you to be mine. If I let you out then you wouldn't be. I didn't realise how much I wanted you until I nearly lost you. I'm not going to let that happen again." explained the canary yellow Pegasus.

"But we were still going to be friends..."

"But you weren't going to be MINE. You were going to be Celestia's. I wanted you, all of you. Not just what was left." Fluttershy interrupted, with a loud, harsh tone in her voice that Twilight had only heard her use against a dragon that one time. Twilight looked on, shocked. Fluttershy noticed and she continued in a softer voice.

"I don't want to hurt you. These are to help you get to sleep." she said, motioning to the pills.

"I hope they help" she added as she got up and left

Twilight couldn't make any sense out of Fluttershy's actions. She didn't seem to want to hurt her, and yet wanted to keep her imprisoned in her basement. It just didn't make any sense. She wasn't hers. She was her own person. What did she mean by being hers? Like as a pet? She was a pony, not a pet. Why did she have to do that?

"Fluttershy. I'm not yours. I'm my own pony. You can't have a pony as a pet. It doesn't work like that. I don't want to be here, you can't own me" Twilight desperately explained, her voice raised

Fluttershy stopped and slowly turned around. At first she looked viciously angry, but she slowly grinned a sadistic, maniacal grin

"Oh no Twilight, I think you'll find I can have you. And I will have you. Despite your best attempt you are still here, and you will be for a long time". And with that she left, the heavy door thudding into place.

Twilight raged in her mind. She wasn't hers. She wasn't. She would show Fluttershy that. She would make sure that no matter how long she was here she would not be scared as she had been that first time. Eventually all would be good. She swallowed the pills with the refreshing drink and went back to reading on the sofa, hoping to nod off fairly quickly.

After about fifteen minutes Twilight realised she might be enjoying herself slightly too much. The text started to swirl around the page and the usually dim colours of the room seemed unusually bright. Her head started to sway and spin. Despite the strange and slightly frightening experience, it didn't feel in the least bit displeasing. It felt amazing. Suddenly Twilight was forgetting everything and getting completely caught up in the moment. The ecstasy grew higher. Nothing else mattered to Twilight at that moment. Not even her imprisonment meant anything anymore. She was on top of the world. She was the one. It was thrilling! She never wanted to come down off the almighty high. Colours danced and flashed in front of her face. Rainbows did somersaults over sparking shapes. Twilight just rolled over onto her back and enjoyed the show.

After a few hours, the colours started to fade. Twilight was flat out on the sofa, her body and mind completely relaxed. As she came off the upper, she quickly fell into a deep, undisturbed sleep.

She awoke late the next morning. At first she felt embarrassed at how juvenile she had thought under the influence of the drug. Then she felt foolish that she had been tricked that easily. Then she felt stupid that she had enjoyed herself so much when she was in a situation as bleak as this. It felt so good, like nothing else she had ever experienced. She thought maybe Fluttershy would bring the drug again... No. No way. She knew how bad it was. She wasn't a junkie. Heck, what was she thinking about? She had been kidnapped, drugged repeatedly and now was trying to tell herself she wasn't a druggie. She couldn't let herself be drugged like that again. Fluttershy was just messing with her mind, and the truth was, it was working.

As she tried to move she found once again her body was under the influence of the dreaded drug. Breakfast was already there, and she ate and finished off the juice she had saved. It was when looking for a new book to read that she discovered the notepad, with a pencil. Twilight had an idea. Using the pencil, she engraved two tally marks in the wall behind the sofa. She then turned her attention to the notepad. She wrote at the top of the first page: 'Day 1'. She chewed the end of the pencil contemplatively, and then furiously scribbled the events of the day. She then began 'Day 2' before burying herself in the book.

Hours passed. Lunch came and went while Twilight patiently awaited rescue. She waited, and waited, and waited. It would come eventually. She would just have to wait. Fluttershy came again with another meal, and later once more. This last visit surprised Twilight, until she remembered the two small pills she had held in her hoof the previous night. Her stomach sank. She knew how good she would feel, yet she knew she didn't want the drug really. She had already made it up in her mind. She wasn't going to let Fluttershy mess up her mind like that again.

"I'm not taking those pills, Fluttershy. Not after how you tricked me yesterday" Twilight called out through the dim light that she had grown accustomed too, but Fluttershy struggled to see through for a moment.

"I thought you might say that. That's why I put it in your drink, I just came down to see that you'd drunk it, that's all"

"Aaargh. Why would you do that? I thought you wanted me? Don't you want to look after me? Why do you keep doing this? This is going to kill me" she shouted.

Fluttershy just smiled, then grinned again

"It will be ok Twilight, it will be all ok"

And she left. Already Twilight felt the oncoming effects of the drug. Soon she was just a heap of unconscious pony lying flat in the sofa.

From then on things fell into a routine. Meals, books, and nightly Fluttershy would find a way of forcing two small pills into Twilight, and the ballerina of colour would begin, and end as always with unconscious sleep. Many lonely days passed, but Twilight kept writing her diary, at first to keep track, then out of habit, then later just to stay sane.