• Published 4th Feb 2013
  • 1,156 Views, 15 Comments

Fashionistas Farmhands and Fiery Fury - ForeverFreelancer

A need for a dressmaker's skills will bring two ponies together who are opposite as they could possibly be, helping Rarity realize that Prince Charming doesn't necessarily have to be a stallion of royal status.

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Chapter 1 Oppurtunity Knocks

On a rather gorgeous sunny day in Ponyville, a unicorn fahsionista was sewing away in her Carousel Boutique. The sunlight poured in through the window, filling the room with warm light. The unicorn concentrated as she used her dainty hooves to feed the fabric through the bejeweled sewing machine, humming a tune softly as she did so.

She enjoyed these quiet times in the morning, before Sweetie Belle awoke and would make her busy day that much busier.

Not to say she didn't adore her younger sister. She loved that filly. But alone time was something the ivory unicorn savored. Other ponies found it strange. They often wondered why she spent so much time locked away in her boutique, obsessing over fashions and new ensemble creations, when there was so much more to life than glamour and money.

Her friends loved her and always enjoyed her company, but they all found her…a bit high maintenance at times. She didn't let that bother her, though. She was perfectly happy with being prissy and materialistic. It was simply who she was.

She was using her magic to put the finishing touches on a party dress for a client when she heard the faint clip-clop of small hooves. The next sound to reach her ears was the door swinging open, followed by the breaking of glass against the floor.

Rarity shut her eyes and gritted her teeth, her volatile temper threatening to rear its head.

"Morning Rarity!" a young voice chirped.

Rarity quickly grinned to hide her irritation and turned to greet her sister. "Good morning Sweetie Belle."

Sweetie Belle looked down at the mess she'd just accidentally made. She'd flung the door open a little too far and the edge of the door had hit a decorative vase, knocking it off the table it had been placed on. The young filly gasped and gave her older sister a sincerely apologetic look. She put her hooves over her mouth. "Oops," she squeaked.

Rarity walked over and assessed the damage with a frown. She'd really loved that vase. It was a gift from a previous suitor. He had moved away to Canterlot months ago, and they decided it best to end their courtship. But their time together was a memory she’d always treasure.

And now even the vase itself was nothing but a memory.

Sweetie Belle cowered away, in fear of being yelled at. "I'm so sorry Rare!" she exclaimed.

Rarity was silent as he gave herself a chance to internally calm herself. She finally let out a sigh and smiled. "It's alright, darling. Nothing a little broom and dust pan can't fix."

The little filly's eyebrows quirked at her sister's reaction. "Uh…aren't you gonna yell at me?"

The older unicorn used her horn to magically sweep up the shards of glass and dispose of them in the nearby trash can. "Now, what good would that do?" Rarity asked. "Just please be more careful next time, ok dear?"

Sweetie Belle nodded.

"Now," said Rarity. "Is there something you needed?"

On cue, Sweetie Belle's stomach growled. "I'm a little hungry," said the filly apologetically, her head lowered.

Rarity smiled and mussed her sister's mane gently with one hoof. "Well, come on then. I'll fix you some breakfast."

Sweetie Belle smiled. "You're the best, sis!" She turned and hopped out of the room, followed by her older sister and caretaker.


After cooking a plate of fluffy golden pancakes, Rarity served herself and her sister. As they ate, Sweetie Belle struck up conversation with her sister.

"Hey Rarity, you know that girl in my class that's real smart? Her name's Smart Cookie.” She put a hoof to her chin. “Actually, her name fits her pretty well, come to think of it. Anyway, remember her?"

"Mm, you've mentioned her before if I recall," Rarity said absently, her mind mainly focused on all the projects she was stressing over as she ate. While her stressed mind sifted through her current projects and deadlines, she skimmed the morning paper.

"Well,” the filly continued, “her older sister is about your age, and she just got married! Isn't that cool?"

Rarity smiled and nodded as she nibbled at the pancake on her plate. "Yes, that's lovely. Weddings are such beautiful events. Marvelous decorations and exquisite food. And the occasion is always memorable if coordinated properly by the right group of ponies."

"So…how come you've never had one?"

Rarity's eyes snapped up to her sister's curious expression. "Hmm?" she asked.

"How come you've never had a wedding?" Sweetie Belle repeated.

Rarity laughed softly, dismissing the thought of marriage almost immediately. "Oh Sweetie Belle, darling, ponies don't just have weddings because they want to or because they're fun events. A wedding is a serious occasion in honor of two ponies joining together after falling in love."

"Ohhkay," Sweetie Belle said. "So…aren't you in love with anypony?"

Rarity sipped coffee from her china cup. "Not currently, no," she answered in a casual tone.

"Well why not?" demanded the talkative filly.

Rarity shrugged. "I just have so many things occupying my time right now. I don't really have the time for nonsense like…dating or…love..." She cleared her plate from the table using her magic and took it to the sink.

"How can you say that?" Sweetie Belle asked, totally shocked by her sister's words. "Smart Cookie says falling in love is, like, the best thing that ever happened to her sister! And what do you mean you don't have time for love? Can't you make time sis?"

Rarity washed her hooves at the kitchen sink. She really wasn't interested in having this sort of discussion with her younger sister. As she’s told her previously, she had far too many things on her mind. "Mm, perhaps one day darling, just not right now." She walked over and took the filly's empty plate. With a smile she added, "Besides, I'm much too busy caring for you as well, Sweetie Belle dear. Not that I mind."

Her younger sister smiled. "Well ok, if you say so," replied Sweetie Belle.

Just then, there was a loud persistent knock at the front door.

Rarity glanced up at the clock on the wall. "Strange," she mused. "Customers don't normally come in this early…"

She trotted to the foyer and opened the door. There stood her friend Applejack. The earth pony looked frazzled, her mane wind-blown and her breathing heavy due to galloping all the way to the boutique. "Howdy Rarity," Applejack huffed, tipping her Stetson hat.

Surprised, Rarity's eyes grew wide. "Good morning Applejack. What brings you to my boutique?"

Applejack sprinted into Rarity's house, struggling somewhat to catch her breath. "I got a real big favor to ask of ya, Rare."

The unicorn was so behind on her projects, but she would always make time for her friends. Rarity smiled at her. "How can I be of assistance?"

Applejack’s frown never diminished. "Well, ya see, my cousin is actually tha one in need of yer 'assistance'. She came here all tha way from Manehattan. She saw yer work in some of them stores up there, and wants you to design a dress for her personally. It's fer some kinda party she's goin' to or somethin'. Masker-…somethin’ or other."

Rarity gasped. "Oh my! Manehattan! What a magnificent city to reside in. And the ponies there are so sophisticated! I would be honored to design a dress for your cousin, darling."

"Whew!" Applejack sighed in relief. "Ah'm awful glad to hear that Rarity. Cause if ya didn't, Mandarin'd be a mighty big pain to be around, due to her not gettin' her way and all."

Rarity held a hoof up. "Not to worry, Applejack. I'll make sure that she gets a fabulous piece from me. Exactly as she requests."

Applejack grinned back. "Thanks Rare. She's staying with us at Sweet Apple Acres, and she'd like ya to come over as soon as ya can today."

The unicorn nodded. "Of course. Let me just gather up some supplies and I’ll be over shortly."

"Hey Applejack!" Sweetie Belle greeted her, trotting into the room.

Uh-oh, thought Rarity. I forgot about Sweetie Belle!

Rarity looked to the farmpony. "Would it be alright if Sweetie Belle came along with me? I can't simply leave her here."

A bright smile stretched across Applejack's muzzle. "Course it'd be alright! Apple Bloom needs a playmate anyway; she's been annoyin' Mandarin with all her questionin'."

Rarity smirked, knowing exactly what it was like to have an inquisitive filly around the house.

"Yippee!" Sweetie Belle, jumping up and down in excitement.


As Rarity made her way to Sweet Apple Acres, her sister trotting cheerfully alongside her, she ran into Spike, who was delivering a stack of parchment back to Twilight. If he didn't have his hands full, he would've waved, but instead smiled brightly. "Hi Rarity! Hey Sweetie Belle!"

Rarity smiled and nodded to the baby dragon. "Hello Spike."

The filly grinned and waved. "Hi Spike!"

Rarity knew full well that Spike had an obvious crush on her, but she never once thought anything of it. He was a dragon, after all. And much too young for her. She treated him like a little brother, or a cute little kid, which is exactly what he was to her.

But to Spike, Rarity was Celestia's gift to Equestria. She was gorgeous, generous, caring, creative, talented, everything he wanted in a girl. And he was more than simply infatuated with the elegant unicorn, not that the baby dragon was ready to confess his feelings for Rarity just yet. He still had some time to muster up his courage however. Though he practically groveled at her hooves, she didn't seem to pay him much mind. He was still optimistic, however, that one day soon, he could tell her how he really felt and she would reciprocate. But all he could say to the beautiful unicorn at this point was: "You look like you got a big project there."

She glanced at the abundance of materials she was magically levitating around her. "Oh well, yes," she replied. "I'm designing a gown for a pony from Manehattan."

"Wow," said Spike. "That sounds really fun!"

Rarity laughed nervously with a modest shrug of her shoulders. "Well, while it may be fun, I'm worried that my seamstress skills won't measure up to a debutante pony's lofty expectations."

"You'll do fine," Spike said with a reassuring smile. "She's gonna love whatever you design for her. Your seamstress skills are incredible, and I'm not just saying that. Your talent as a dressmaker is totally unsurpassable."

If any other guy had complimented her this way, she would've been taken aback. But since it was only her little Spikey-Wikey, Rarity simply smiled and patted his head. "Aw, well thank you Spike." She stopped abruptly and noticed that Spike was now walking alongside her.

"Uh…Spike? Weren't you…walking in the other direction?" Rarity asked, puzzled, her eyebrows furrowing.

Snapping back into reality after daydreaming about the lovely pony, he rapidly shook his head to clear his lovestruck mind. "Huh? Oh, yea. I uh, you’re right, I was. I was bringing this stack of parchment back to Twilight. She's been writing a lot of letters to the princess lately and we've run out of pretty fast, so, here I am, out and about and running errands." He forced a chuckle. "You know me, number one assistant!"

Rarity nodded. "Mm…I see. Well Spike, I would love to stick around and converse with you, really I would, but I simply must get going. Applejack's cousin is expecting me over at Sweet Apple Acres." She waved and galloped away.

"Wait up Rare!" Sweetie Belle called before galloping after her. She turned to wave at the baby dragon. "See ya later Spike!"

Spike sighed deeply as he watched the beautiful unicorn gallop away, followed by her little sister. Her dark violet mane flowed so sinuously in the afternoon breeze.

"One day soon," Spike said quietly to himself. "I'll make you mine Rarity. This I swear." Once rarity was completely out of sight, he turned and continued his walk back to Twilight’s library home.


Rarity and Sweetie Belle finally arrived at Sweet Apple Acres. As the two approached the front gate, Rarity looked around, taking in the rustic environment. She hadn't been here in ages, as she did her best to stay away from country settings. She was a pony who enjoyed the finer things after all.

Hearing the approaching ponies, Big Macintosh looked up to see Rarity and her little sister. He slowly unhitched himself from the cart he was pulling and leisurely trotted over to the front gate. He opened it to let the two girls in.

"Hey Big Mac!" said Sweetie Belle, running up and hugging his large front leg. "Is Apple Bloom around?"

Big Macintosh nodded. "Eeyup.” He gestured with his head toward the farmhouse. “She's upstairs in her room."

"Thanks!" Sweetie Belle took that as an invitation and dashed into the house in search for her best friend.

Rarity walked passed him, and she smiled up at him politely. "Thank you kindly for letting us in, Big Macintosh," she said in a courteous tone.

He smiled a friendly smile. "Sure thing, Miss Rarity. Mah sister said you were comin' over."

She nodded. "Yes, I'm here to make a dress for your cousin."

Big Mac slowly nodded. "Ah see. So that's why all them fancy fabrics and tools are floatin' around ya then?"

She giggled, a grin appearing on her face. "Precisely. They are crucial for making her dress."

About that time, Applejack galloped over to the two. "Oh, thank Celestia yer here Rarity! Mandarin was getting’ a tad antsy. Now come on, she's waitin’ for ya inside."

Rarity turned her attention back to the taller stallion. "It was nice to see you, Big Macintosh."

"Always a pleasure, Miss Rarity," he answered back with an amiable grin. "If ya'll be needin' anything while yer here, feel free to let me know."

"Of course," she replied and nodded before Applejack grabbed one of her hooves, catching her by surprise, and began leading her to the house. "Come on!" said Applejack. "You two can chat later. Rarity's got work to do!"

The crimson stallion chuckled as he watched his sister trot to the farmhouse with Rarity close behind.

Mighty cute for a unicorn, Big Mac thought to himself. Polite little thing too. It'll be nice to have her around today.

Author's Note:

This is a story I started after being inspired by Evan McIan's "The Lucky One" on fanfiction.net. It was a wonderful story that made me fall in love with this pairing. Cleaned it up a little and decided to post it here. Enjoy!