• Published 4th Feb 2013
  • 1,157 Views, 15 Comments

Fashionistas Farmhands and Fiery Fury - ForeverFreelancer

A need for a dressmaker's skills will bring two ponies together who are opposite as they could possibly be, helping Rarity realize that Prince Charming doesn't necessarily have to be a stallion of royal status.

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Chapter 2 The Sweetest Apples

Rarity entered the farmhouse following closely behind Applejack, anxiety taking over her perfectionist mind. Have I brought all the proper supplies? Should I have brought more? How do my dressmaking skills even have a prayer of measuring up to a Manehattan pony’s standards? her mind screamed, but on the outside, she made sure to remain calm and collected, as if she wasn't worried about such a daunting task in the slightest.

When in reality, she was worried, very much so. The deep frown on her muzzle was proof of that.

Sweetie Belle was already upstairs, playing with Apple Bloom. The light laughter of the two fillies could faintly be heard from the lower level of the farmhouse.

Rarity took a moment and looked around, admiring the quaint atmosphere the simple farmhouse had to offer. It displayed a rustic sort of charm, from its patterned rugs decorating the wood floors, to the stone fireplace on the far side of the living room, to the potted cactus plant she spotted in one corner, to the aged look to the wooden furniture, making each table and cabinet look antique.

Applejack didn't have time to give her a grand tour though. She quickly motioned Rarity with a hoof. "C'mon. Everypony's in the den. Just folla' me."

Rarity did as she was told and follwed her friend down the nearby hallway and into the cozy den. There, she entered to see two very different groups of ponies.

On one side of the room was Granny Smith and a few other ponies Rarity didn't recognize. Granny sat in her rocking chair, rocking and nodding off, while the couple sat on the couch next to the elder pony. Though they all looked very laid back and seemed to carry themselves the way Applejack did.

The listless look in their eyes and their relaxed posture were both sure signs that they were as Southern as Applejack and her immediate family.

The other group of ponies was the one that captured Rarity's attention to an even greater extent. They were sitting on a couch on the other side of the small room. The expensive jewelry they wore shimmered brightly despite the dim light the lamps in the room provided. The three ponies sat up straight with perfect posture, their snouts tilted up in the air ever so slightly.

These ponies were the total opposite of what anypony would consider 'country', by any means.

One of them was a pony with a hot pink coat, who sported a sleek emerald green mane and tail. She was smoothing her already perfectly straight mane, looking incredibly bored. Not used to sitting on any sort of upholstery that felt lumpy, she grimaced and moved over a few inches.

Sitting next to her was a lavender pony with a wavy cerulean blue mane and tail. She was dabbing powder on her face, staring at her reflection in the mirror of her compact. Examining her facial features closely, she tilted her head from side to side so she could view her magnificent face from all angles.

Lastly was the pony standing in the center of the room. She was a sight to behold, with her slender chartreuse body and cascading curly orange locks of hair falling over her shoulders. She was quite a bit taller than Applejack and Rarity, her thin frame making it seem as if she hadn't eaten in days.

"Everypony," Applejack spoke up, getting the attention of the others in the room. "I'd like to intr'duce ya'll to Rarity, mah good friend and dressmaker."

The tall pony whipped her mane about haughtily. "Ugh, finally." She walked over and smiled down at the unicorn, her cyan eyes gleaming. "It's so nice to be in the company of a sophisticated pony after being surrounded by these common southerners all day." She glanced back at the country ponies. "Uh, not that I don't love my Apple relatives dearly," she explained, flashing a fake grin before turning her attention back to Rarity.

Applejack huffed and rolled her eyes and her cousin shot her a disapproving look, shaking her head to silently warn her not to say another word.

Applejack trotted over to the older couple in the corner of the room. "This here is mah Aunt and Uncle Apple Spice, Rare."

Rarity smiled respectfully at them. "Hello! Pleased to meet you all," she greeted them, to which they responded with nods of their heads and small smiles of their own.

"And I'm Mandarin." The charteuse pony said, lifting a hoof to gesture to the other debutante ponies. "These are my friends."

Rarity bowed her head politely. "It's such a delight to meet you, Mandarin." Rarity waved, acknowledging the pink and lavender ponies, who smiled and nodded, but said nothing to the shorter unicorn. "Applejack has told me nothing but good things about you," Rarity said to her. Mandarin smirked at that, knowing it to be totally untrue. "She tells me you live in Manehattan," the ivory unicorn continued. "What a marvelously exquisite city it is! I've always longed to live in a place like that."

Mandarin smiled, seemingly impressed with Rarity's introduction. She nodded, scrunching her small muzzle in repugnance. "Yes I came all the way here from my lovely home to this…boring…smelly farm, because I want you to design an original piece, specifically for me."

"And I would be thrilled to do so," replied the posh unicorn. "As you can see, I have all my supplies here with me for whatever fabric, stitching, and accessories you desire."

Mandarin's friends exchanged impressed glances.

"Well then," said Mandarin, casually flipping her mane out of habit. "Let's head upstairs so we can discuss the design I prefer." Mandarin looked back to her friends, arching her eyebrows sharply. "Girls?"

Like soldiers being called to attention, her friends stood and filed out of the room behind their posse leader. They even seemed to canter with arrogance.

Rarity smiled, obediently following the taller ponies upstairs.

Applejack shook her head once they were gone, her nostrils flaring. She ran over to her relatives on the couch. "Aunt and Uncle Apple Spice, Ah do apologize dearly for mah cousin's attitude and whatnot." She stamped a hoof in disgust. "She really is somethin' else, Ah swear."

Applejack's Aunt Spice nodded, pushing her glasses further up on her snout. "Ain't a thing we can do about it. She's family after all. However, yer little friend…mm…Rarity, was it? She seems like a nice young lady, even if she might be a tad on the prissy side."

Applejack's uncle nodded, clearing his throat. "Sweet little gal, don't look like one who belongs nowhere near a farm though," he joked.

The three ponies laughed.

Applejack smiled. "Yea, she does hate to get them hooves of hers dirty, but she's awful kind and generous, Ah'll give her that much."


A few hours later, Mandarin promenaded back into the den wearing a flowing red dress. It was pleated and fitted her snugly around her slender body, per her request. The jewels on the crisscrossing straps sparkled as brightly as her dangly earrings and shimmering bracelets. An haute couture gown that could undoubtedly rival the work of any fashion designer in Canterlot.

Mandarin was very pleased with her own finished product the unicorn created for her. Once she thanked Rarity, she and her conceited friends soon left Sweet Apple Acres so they could catch their afternoon train back to Manehattan. Getting Rarity to design and make Mandarin's dress was the only reason they came to Ponyville in the first place. They were already jaded by the quaint town that did little to entertain their debutante lifestyles.

As soon as the three had left, Rarity eased herself back onto an empty spot on the couch. She put a hoof to her forehead, sighing. "Well, I do hope she was satisfied with my work, and not just complimenting me to be courteous," Rarity worried aloud.

Applejack scoffed. "Believe me Rare, if she said she liked it, she wasn't butterin' you up none. That cousin a' mine is the biggest whiner an' complainer in our whole family. Nothin' ever pleases that spoiled pony. You musta' done good work if she was complimentin' you and such." The earth pony smiled at her. "Thank ya kindly for comin' over and makin' her dress Rarity."

Rarity smiled. "It was my pleasure Applejack."

She said goodbye to Applejack's relatives and then trotted over to the base of the staircase. "Sweetie Belle!" she called. "It's time to go home now!"

She heard a door slowly creak open, and Sweetie belle and Apple Bloom came into view at the top of the stairs. The two fillies had disappointed looks on their faces.

"Already?" whined Sweetie Belle, her lower lip poking out.

"I'm afraid so, dear," her older sister answered. "I have work to get back to at the boutique."

Sweetie Belle sighed and trudged downstairs. "Fine," she grumbled. She looked over her shoulder. "See ya Apple Bloom."

Apple Bloom waved. "Bye."

Applejack walked the two girls out. "Mighty nice havin' ya'll over. Come back whenever ya feel up to it."

Rarity smiled and nodded, though she felt quite certain that she wouldn't be spending any more of her time on a farm, of all places. "Of course," Rarity called over her shoulder nonetheless. She didn't want to be rude, after all.

As she made her way down the path towards the gate, a male voice called to her.

"You leavin' Miss Rarity?"

Rarity stopped and looked over to see Big Macintosh standing by one of the hundreds of apple trees on the farm. He was displaying an almost disappointed look on his face.

She gave him a surprised look in return. "Well…yes. It's about time Sweetie Belle and I went home. We've been imposing on your relatives for much too long today."

"Aw shucks," said Big Mac as he began trotting over to her slowly. "That ain't true, y'all ain't imposin'. We're always happy to have folks over. 'Sides, I feel like ya'll just got here."

Rarity looked up at him and his relaxed but warm and friendly smile. She had to admit: for a farmhand, he was a bit on the handsome side. Quite strong too. She found her gaze lingering on his defined muscular build, her eyes moving from his shoulders to his haunches.

She mentally chided herself immediately after for eyeing him in such a way. Stop that right now Rarity! What's the matter with you? And to think of Applejack's brother in such a way. That's preposterous. It's absolutely absurd!

She smiled up at him shyly. "I suppose it does seem that way doesn't it?"

"Eeyup," he simply replied.

There was a lengthy moment of awkward silence, the only noise to be heard was the occasional call of birds in the trees.

Big Macintosh tried desperately to think of a way to strike up conversation with the pretty unicorn, but what could he say? He wanted to talk to her, to have something meaningful to initiate conversation with, but failed to come up with something interesting enough to say to her. He didn't really understand where this desire to speak with the fashionable dressmaker came from, yet here he was, his mind scrambling to form words.

All his mind could conjure up was Gosh, she sure is a pretty lil' thing.

Rarity decided to end the awakward moment with a nervous laugh. "Well," she said, running a hoof through her curly mane. "I suppose we should be going now."

The crimson stallion's face fell. He bit his lip as he watched her begin to walk down the path with her younger sister. Then a light bulb flashed in his mind and he thought up an idea. "Hey, wait!" he called, trotting after her.

She stopped and turned to face him once more. "Yes, Big Mac?"

"Ya know," he began with a smile, "it'd be mighty rude a' me to see you off without givin' ya one of the apples from our special grove here."

Rarity tilted her head in curiosity. "Special grove?" she asked.

Big Mac nodded. "Eeyup. Prettiest apple trees ya ever did see. And they grow the tastiest darn apples around too." He paused a moment before working up the courage to continue. "Ah…Ah could take ya down past the pasture and show ya...if ya'd like?"

A bright smile formed on Rarity's muzzle and her gentle laughter rang out. "Why…that actually sounds lovely Big Macintosh. And...I am a little hungry, since I skipped breakfast this morning. I'm rather curious to see for myself if these apples are as delicious as you say they are. If it's alright for me to try one that is."

He chuckled warmly. "'Course it's alright." He motioned her with his head. "C'mon."

Sweetie Belle watched the two older ponies walk out near the pasture, matching gaits, strolling side by side.

"Soooo…I guess that means we're staying a little longer then Rare?" Sweetie Belle called out to her sister.

The little filly waited, but didn't receive an answer.

Sweetie Belle grinned. "I'll take that as a yes!" She turned and galloped back inside the farmhouse.


Rarity walked along the dirt path with Big Macintosh at her side. She looked around and noticed that the orchard she and Big Macintosh found themselves in was actually a lovely tranquil setting. Rarity hadn't spent much time outdoors, and considered the fact that maybe she was missing out on the beauty of the world around her.

Big Macintosh couldn't believe such a gorgeous pony was walking alongside him. He wanted to strike up conversation with her, but just like before, he refrained from saying anything right away, for fear of sounding stupid, so he waited for her to speak first.

That didn't take long as Rarity admired the country setting. "It's such a gorgeous sunny day," she noted with a small sigh, watching the clouds slowly pass over head in the light blue sky.

"Eeyup," Big Mac agreed. "Such a lovely day to take a walk with a…" he cleared his throat, "…a lovely girl like yourself, Miss Rarity."

She blushed deep crimson and gave a coy smile. "Well, umm...thank you Big Macintosh. I-I'm flattered. And, no need for formalities, darling. You can just call me Rarity."

"Alrighty then," he said, smiling back down at her. He was relieved that she wasn't put off by his statement. That was certainly a step in the right direction.

"I'm enjoying our walk as well," she informed him.

He laughed softly, silently admiring her striking azure eyes, which captured his attention the most. Those beautiful blue irises, they reminded him of shimmering diamonds, sparkling in the sunlight. He found himself getting lost in them, if only for a moment. But to keep his mind from wandering too much, he shook his head and replied, "Well ah'm awful glad to hear that."

The red stallion looked up to see they had finally reached the grove of what he referred to as Sweet Apple trees.

He walked up to the base of a large tree. "This is it," he stated. "Them apples up there are sweeter than anything you'll ever taste in yer life, I guarantee it."

Rarity giggled softly. "Well I must try one then." She frowned as she looked up at the lofty branches, her head canting to the side and her small equine ears twitching. "Oh, but they're awfully high up," she spoke in a subdued murmur.

Big Mac smirked. "Not a problem. Ah can fix that." He turned and, in one swift move, used his powerful hind legs to kick the base of the tree.

The trunk shook and the branches quivered wildly from the impact, and within seconds, a few ripe apples fell near the roots, landing in the tall blades of grass below.

Rarity trotted over with an impressed look on her face. "That's quite a talent you have there, Big Macintosh."

Raising his head to look at her astonished expression, he felt his cheeks burning as he blushed, though the color could hardly be seen on his dark red cheeks, much to his relief. He hid it to the best of his ability, keeping his cool. "Aw shucks, Miss Rarity. Uh, ah mean, Rarity." He shrugged, flashing an amused grin. "Nothing to it."

The sweet smile still adorning her lips, she used her magic to lift an apple off of the ground, her horn glowing as she levitated the large fruit. "Now, let's see if these apples are as scrumptious as you say they are."

She took a bite and found the apple to be so sweet and delicious that her mouth practically watered. After swallowing the morsel of fruit, she licked her lips and said, "Oh my! Big Macintosh, you were right, these are truly delectable!"

The red stallion chuckled, watching her nibble at the juicy apple. "Told ya."


After Rarity and Big Mac each indulged in a Sweet Apple, they headed back for the farmhouse, not saying much, but enjoying the peaceful environment of the farm.

When they reached the front steps of the house, Rarity turned to him. "Well that was quite fun. Thank you for showing me the grove."

"Mah pleasure, Rarity." He nervously dug at the dirt with the edge of his hoof. "Maybe next time ya come around..." He shrugged. "Ah could…Ah dunno, give ya a full tour or somethin'…that is…if yer plannin on comin' back to Sweet Apple Acres again…"

Normally, for any other reason, Rarity would respectfully decline. Being around a farm simply wasn't her cup of tea. She wasn't a southern sort of mare, she'd never taken much pleasure in outdoor settings, she was a fashionista for Celestia's sake! A pony who yearned to be among the elite crowd.

So why did she all of a sudden find herself captivated by those bright green eyes of the handsome farmhand, who was staring back at her intently?

She beamed up at him, her tail swishing in a jovial manner as she finally answered him. "I shall definitely take you up on your offer, Big Macintosh. For now though I really must get Sweetie Belle home. And I have so much work to do at the boutique that I desparately need to catch up on. But this was fun! Really it was."

He nodded. "Sure was. It...was real nice spendin' time with ya today, Rarity."

Without realizing it, Rarity batted her lashes. "The feeling is mutual, Big Macintosh."

They smiled at each other for a long moment.

"There ya'll are!" came Applejack's voice. "We had no idea where ya'll two had run off to!"

The two raised their heads to see Applejack now standing on the porch.

"Oh, not to worry Applejack," Rarity assured her. "Your brother was just showing me around Sweet Apple Acres. Quite a nice location once you…give it a chance."

Applejack looked at her brother in confusion. She had no idea what in tarnation those two ponies were doing hanging out together. But she decided it wasn't worth fretting over and shrugged her shoulders.

Big Macintosh simply smiled and nodded.

Rarity trotted up the porch steps. "I'll just go get Sweetie Belle and we'll be on our way."

Once she and her little sister began to make their actual exit that day, Big Macintosh walked over and opened the gate for them.

Rarity waved to the burly stallion before she and her sister strolled further down the road. He waved back.

As Rarity and Sweetie Belle walked home, the little filly looked up to her older sister. "So Rarity, did you have fun hanging out with Apple Bloom's big brother today? Huh sis, did ya?"

Rarity smirked down at the filly, who cantered beside her, her features alit with curiosity. "Yes, I did actually," Rarity told her.

Sweetie Belle gasped, a large grin on her tiny muzzle. "Does that mean ya'll are friends then?"

Rarity laughed softly. "I suppose you could say that Sweetie, yes."

Sweetie Belle smiled and hopped along beside her cheerfully. "I always have so much fun going to Sweet Apple Acres. I wish we could go there more often."

"You know," said Rarity, a warm smile on her lips as her thoughts drifted back to the red stallion. "That sounds like a wonderful idea to me, Sweetie Belle."

Author's Note:

Chapter 2, here we are, altered again from the ff.net version, hopefully it reads more smoothly.

Comments ( 5 )

Great! I wake up and check on fimfiction to see what stories updated before I go to work, and then you I find this!:twilightangry2: Now I have to wait 6 hours to read ch.2. Thank you life, just...thanks.:facehoof:

Okay, so it took eight hours...:twilightblush:...but I read it!:pinkiehappy:

---> I think the pacing so far is good; you needed a reason for Rarity and Mac to meet, so you made one. Though, I'm not so sure Mac would be as talkative as you've made him so far, but that's just my opinion. Apparently you've already written this, so I guess you can't do anything about that.:applejackunsure:
Question!: Since this is already technically written, how often do you plan on updating this?:unsuresweetie:

LOVE THIS STORY i would love to see you make another chapter, although you might be busy on something else....

I've read this story on fanfiction.net, and I think it's a really good story. When will you post the whole thing?

When will the rest of this be published? Since you've already written the whole thing?

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