• Published 6th Feb 2013
  • 7,937 Views, 188 Comments

An Apple Scratch toward the World. - Mariacheat-Brony

Best friends/sisters for years, Vinyl and Applejack are about to get their life changed for good

  • ...

Epilogue : a royal party

“So, Pinkie,” Twilight called as she turned the pages of her clipboard. “How are the repairs coming along?” she asked before glancing around the busy ballroom.

It had been three days since the attack on the Castle. Due to the amount of damage done, the wedding, which should have happened the day after Chrysalis’ attempt, had been postponed until the repairs were done. Canterlot Castle had been filled with many workers since the restoration had started.

“They’re almost done, Twilight!” Pinkie replied, tipping her yellow helmet at her dark skinned friend. “There’s only a few nails left to be nailed, and a final coat of paint on the window frames, then it’s over!”

“Perfect!” Twilight nodded happily, before checking the item “checking on the repairs” on her to-do list. “Now, I have to go to Rarity’s workroom.”

“Why?” Pinkie asked in confusion. “She’s on the balcony with the others.” Pinkie pointed her thumb above her shoulder to a window across the room.

“Hum?” Twilight blinked before noticing the three women outside the window. “That’s odd. She said that she would probably be busy on the dresses all day long.”

“Maybe she finished early,” Pinkie suggested with a shrug.

“Maybe,” The Princess’ student let out slowly. “I’ll ask her.”

“Later!” Pinkie waved at Twilight who waved back before heading for the balcony.

On her way to her destination, Twilight frowned with puzzlement. From one of the windows, she saw the heads of her future sister-in-law, Fluttershy and Rarity coming up and down in perfect synchronicity. She walked out of the ballroom, seeing the rather odd scene taking place on the balcony.

“What...WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?” Twilight asked loudly.

All three heads of the women sitting on Applejack’s back turned to the scholar, tea cups in their hands while the farmer continued her streak of push-ups. Twilight blinked before glancing around, seeing Rainbow doing push-ups as well under the watchful eyes of Vinyl, who was sitting cross-legged on her back.

“Rainbow dared Jacquelyn to a push-up contest,” Octavia, being the only one sitting on a chair nearby the small table, explained before taking a sip of her tea cup. “Jacquelyn dared her back with the condition of someone sitting on their back.” she ended her explanation with a small wave of her hand.

“Oooookay,” Twilight let out in bewilderment. “Why did she ask that?”

“To spice up the challenge, Sugarcube!” Applejack rolled her eyes at the scholar, not even bothered by the effort she was giving.

“But...why are you three on her like that?” Twilight asked to the three ladies on the farmer’s rather large, and muscular back for a woman’s.

Fluttershy, Rarity and Cadence looked at each other for a few seconds before facing the puzzled Titanian.

“It’s surprisingly comfortable!” the trio replied in unison.

“How much have they done already?” Vinyl asked the cellist while Twilight was trying to process what the others just said.

“By my count, they’re at sixty-eight,” Octavia replied.

“It’s really ...hum… comfortable?” Twilight asked in disbelief.

“Oh, yes!” Rarity assured with a nod.

“Very strong, and firm muscular tissue that gives a proper support,” Fluttershy explained.

“But it’s also subtle and delicate enough to perfectly embrace the shape of your backside,” Cadence added after thinking a bit, only to frown at her own sentence. “That sounded way better in my head.”

“Maybe you should re-phrase that really quick,” Vinyl suggested with a smirk. “Because, you’re making it sound like AJ’s gropping all three of you,” she added with a short mocking laugh.

The reactions were instantaneous, all three women became beat red at the implication, and the same could be told about their blonde bench. Applejack leaned on her left arm before using the right one to grab the cushion on the chair that Cadence had abandoned in favor of Applejack’s back, and throw it at her sister.

“HAHA! Missed!” Vinyl chuckled as she caught the cushion with her magic. “WOAAH!” she fell backwards while trying to avoid the chair that quickly followed.

Her fall disturbed Rainbow’s rhythm and the pair quickly tumbled on each other in the following seconds with pained grunts.

“Was that really necessary, Darling?” Rarity asked Applejack, silently awed by the fact that the farmer was still maintaining her push-up stance with only one arm with the trio still on her back.

“Nah,” Applejack admitted casually. “That was for my own satisfaction!”

“Brutish cowgirl!” Vinyl muttered as she helped herself and Rainbow up.

“Thank ya kindly!” Applejack chuckled. “Now, off my back, Ladies!”

The three women stood up to go for their chairs- Vinyl had levitated Cadence’s back in her spot along with the cushion. Released from the trio settled on her back, Applejack stood up and stretched with a low grunt, popping her spine with a large amount of satisfaction.

“Isn’t that bad for your back?” Twilight asked slowly.

“With them girls all lighter than feathers? Not at all!” Applejack declared, causing the girls in question to blush once again at the compliment.

“Anyway, Rarity!” Twilight called the seamstress. “I wanted to see how are the dresses coming along.”

“They were mostly done before the attack, Darling,” Rarity replied.

“Why did you keep on saying that you’ve been sewing non-stop since the day after?” Twilight asked with suspicion.

“Well, if you really want to know, I wanted to make sure that the only dress I had left to do was perfect!” Rarity explained with a small humph. “It’s really important that it is!”

“....” Twilight blinked before widening with dread. “You mean that you still haven’t finished Cadence’s dress?!”

“What?” Cadence asked loudly.

“Twilight, dear, why do you think that?” Rarity asked with a cocked eyebrow. “Cadence’s dress was the first one I finished.” Cadence sighed with relief at that. “The only way for it to be more perfect would be during the moment when Cadence will place the ring on her finger!”

“Awww, that’s sweet!” Cadence let out with a small smile.

“You’re very welcome, Dear.” Rarity gave her princess friend a short bow.

“Whose dress are you working on then?” Rainbow asked out of curiosity.

“Applejack’s,” the seamstress answered, pointing at the farmer.

“Huh?” Applejack blinked in confusion. “Sugar, it doesn’t need to be perfect!” she added with worry. “Ah’d rather want that ya ain’t overworkin’ yerself for it!”

“Yes, it does need to be perfect!” Rarity argued. “That’s why I came here to get you before I was dragged in your silly dare contest.”

“We didn’t see you complain a lot though,” Octavia commented with a cocked eyebrow.

“That’s not really the point.” Rarity shrugged. “I need Applejack to try her dress before doing the finishing touches.”

“Is that really necessary? Didn’t ya have ma measures-thingy?” Applejack asked.

“Yes, it is,” Rarity replied simply. “Now, would you please come with me so that I can make your dress fabulous… Or maybe you just want to look like you’re wearing a sack of potatoes?” she asked playfully.

“To be completely honest, Ah wouldn’t mind the sack of potatoes over the dress if Ah can avoid another modeling session.”

Rarity’s right eye gave a small twitch while the others giggled softly.

“I’ll pretend I haven’t heard what you just said!” Rarity let out slowly. “And YOU will come and try that dress! Is that clear?” The seamstress stared straight into the farmer’s green eyes with determination.

“Huh… Yes, Ma’am… Ah guess,” Applejack replied sheepishly after being a bit lost in the sapphire blue orbs of her interlocutor.

“Perfect! Now, come along, Darling!” Rarity waved Applejack to follow her inside.

“Huh, see ya’ll later then,” Applejack said before walking after the seamstress.

“Bwahaha!” Rainbow let out a few moments later. “Rarity got your sister totally whipped!” she said to Vinyl mockingly.

“Hmmmm… Not sure she’ll be the one whipped in a few seconds,” Vinyl replied after glancing inside and putting her hands on her ears.


“YAAOOWWW!” Rainbow flew in the air, her hands firmly pressed on her butt.

“Thank ya kindly for the whip, Pinkie!” Applejack’s voice came from the ballroom as the end of a rather long, pink whip was pulled back inside.


“Feeling nervous, Lil’ Sis?” Applejack, who was standing in the dress Rarity had made for her, asked with worry.

“A little bit,” Vinyl admitted slowly as she waiting for her cue to go on stage to start the music. “Too bad my lucky shades were broken when I shouted at Chrysalis.”

“Sugar, ya need no lucky charms or trinklets!” Applejack reminded her sternly. “Ya got enough talent to be here! Don’tcha ever forget it!” she added, putting her hand on her sister’s shoulder.

Vinyl sighed softly, grabbing her sister’s hand. “Thanks, AJ.”

“Now, go make some noises, Sugarcube,” Applejack said softly before scruffing her sister’s naturally spiky hair. “Not too much though! Remember it’s about the newlyweds!” she added playfully before leaving backstage.

“It’s like me asking you to act all lady-like!” Vinyl replied with a short laugh, earning a dismissive hand wave from the blonde.

Vinyl took a short breath before getting settled on stage as the couple of the day entered the ballroom, followed by the two High Princesses and the Council of Harmony. The guests all turned their attention on Cadence and Shining who were both positively beaming, something that brought a small smile on the blue-haired musician’s face.

The newlyweds walked slowly to the center of the ballroom, then they bowed softly to each other. Shining took his wife’s hand, entwining his fingers with hers before their foreheads touched one another. At this moment, Octavia gave a small wave to Vinyl who focused her magic in her hands immediately after noticing the cellist.

Let’s get this party started!” Pinkie shouted excitedly as Vinyl slammed her hands together, creating many strings of her blue magic before the music started to ring through the ballroom.

While the crowd was more than a bit awestruck by the magic used to provide music, they quickly returned their attention to the couple of the day who had started to dance while Twilight had joined Vinyl on stage. The blue haired Titanian gave a small touch with her magicked finger on the Council member’s throat, slightly amplifying her voice before she started to sing.


The guests all started to bob their heads to the rhythm of the song while Twilight kept singing the first song of the wedding reception. Soon enough, the attention on the newlyweds diminished as everyone started to dance.

Vinyl caught sight of the crowd dancing to her music, even Luna and Celestia were enjoying themselves to the beat she offered. She couldn’t help to smile. This was what she was meant to do. She had never been so certain of that as she was right now.

Vinyl closed her eyes before going wild. She had rehearsed a selection of twenty songs she was supposed to play for the hour she had been booked for. She kept playing for more than three hours, and in the end, she had only played a single song of the ones Cadence had picked for the wedding. No one thought of stopping her though. They were all far too busy enjoying her music.


“Can Ah have a glass of fizzy apple cider then?” Applejack asked at the waiter behind the bar installed at one end of the ballroom.

“I’m sorry, Miss, we don’t have that either,” the waiter replied with embarrassment.

It was the tenth drink that the young blonde asked and that he couldn’t provide. He was starting to feel sorry for the girl as many women, and men from the Nobility around her started to gossip and to mock the blonde for her rather simple tastes as they said.

“Urgh!” Applejack groaned, ignoring the giggles made of her by the nearby Nobles. “Let’s make things simple, pal,” she added to the waiter. “Tell me what ya have, an’ I’ll take what will do with my tastes, alright?”

“I can give you the menu of our drinks, Miss,” the waiter replied slowly before offering said menu to her.

“You won’t find anything, you know?” a male’s voice said to Applejack as she was leafing to the drink menu.

“Huh?” Applejack blinked in confusion before turning her head to where the voice came from. “Why isn't that Prince Blood-not-so-much-blue?” she added with narrowed eyes to the blond prince and the bunch of nobles behind him.

“Well, I hardly think you could ever find something that matches your tastes,” Blueblood replied with a high and mighty tone. “This is a royal ceremony, not the common pig fair after all.” his comment brought the snickers from his group of supporters.

“Ah’m rather surprised ya got a clue of what they serve at pig fairs, actually,” Applejack replied with shrug, her eyes settling down on the glass of red wine the blond was holding. “What have ya got there?”

“Huh?” Blueblood blinked before glancing at his glass for a few second. “That’s a glass of red wine of course. Surely you must have heard of wine before?” he asked with a laugh.

“Is it any good?” Applejack asked, doing her best to not snap at the prince who apparently hadn’t caught the meaning of the first lesson she gave him a few days before.

“It is, but I doubt that an uncultured farm girl like you could ever appreciate this fine Manehattanite vintage,” the prince reply with arrogance.

“Mhm. Could ya get me a glass of what this here prince thinks is Manehattan wine, please?” Applejack asked the waiter, unfazed by the blond’s remark.

“Huh, all right,” the waiter replied with surprise before doing as asked.

“What do you mean by “what I think is Manehattan wine”?” Blueblood asked in confusion as Applejack received her drink containing the exact same, dark red liquid as his.

“Hmmm.” Applejack focused her gaze on her glass, tilting it a bit to the right. “A nice burgundy color…. small deposits at the bottom of the glass… That’s the characteristics of a vintage from further in land, not a coastal region like Manehattan!” Applejack put her nose just above her glass. “.... A subtle aroma of cherry… The vineyards in Dodge Junction and Fillydelphia add a bit of cherry juice to their wine… But the clear smell of pine makes me think that it’s from Fillydelphia.” She took a sip of her glass, making her drink circulate in her mouth. “Yep! Fillydelphia! Dodge’s vintages are bit more dry in the mouth.” She took another sip. “A bit strong of taste… stays long in the mouth… Chateau Fleur de Lys… six...No! Seven years of age!” she turned to the waiter.

“That’s correct, Miss,” the waiter commented in a slightly awed tone.

“That’s what Ah thought!” Applejack replied smug before turning to the Prince. “Also, food for thoughts, Prince: Manehattan vineyards only export white wines!” she added before giving him a patronizing tap on the cheek.

Applejack, pretty pleased with herself, turned her back to the stunned prince and his even more stunned group of supporters and walked away slowly, nearly bumping into Rarity.

“Really impressive, Miss Apple,” Rarity commented with a short nod. “I have no idea you were such a connoisseur in wines.”

“Well, Lady Rarity, it ain’t proper to assume thin’s,” Applejack chuckled before clearing her throat. “After all, one can never be certain of what stands after the cover of a book, isn’t that right?” she added with a perfect Manehattanite accent that surprised Rarity even more than the farmer’s knowledge in wines.

“Oh my!” Rarity let out slowly.

“Surprisin’, huh?” Applejack asked, returning to her usual southern accent.

“Quite,” Rarity nodded, eyeing the farmer from a totally different perspective. “Tell me, Darling, how good is your knowledge in proper vintage?”

“Not to sound full of maself, but Ah’ll say pretty decent.” Applejack pointed back at the dumbfounded prince behind her. “Better than his, that’s for certain,” she added with a short laugh, soon joined by the seamstress. “Why do ya ask?”

“Well, I just happen to have a private booth, what do you say that I test your knowledge with some of the vintages I have booked for the evening. I want to see how many you can recognize,” Rarity explained.

Applejack stared at her for a few seconds. “Ya had ma curiosity, Lady Rarity.” she smiled widely. “Now, ya have my most dedicated attention!” Rarity beamed at that sentence before leading Applejack to her private booth.


Vinyl had just stopped her performance to bow to the cheering audience. She had given two encores already, and while she wouldn’t have minded giving a third one, she knew her limit was near.

After the crowd reluctantly accepted her coming down of the stage, she encountered the dark haired cellist she had spent the last few days rehearsing with with a large glass of water in her hand.

“A wonderful performance, Miss Apple!” Octavia said with a warm smile as she offered the water to the tired musician. “Though, if I may give a small piece of advice, from one professional musician to another, try to play for the amount of time you’re hired to play. Not everyone will bother paying the extras you just did, no matter how good they are!” she added playfully.

“I guess I kinda lost myself to the music, huh?” Vinyl asked sheepishly. “I’ll try to pay more attention to that!”

The pair of musicians discussed the blue-haired one’s performance, being interrupted a few times by a random guest praising Vinyl or giving his salutations to Octavia. In order to have their conversation uninterrupted, the pair walked into the gardens and settled on a bench a bit aside from the path leading to the ballroom.

“Vinyl, I have something I must speak to you about,” Octavia said after nervously rubbing her hands.

“I’m all ears!” Vinyl replied, oblivious to her friend’s nervousness.

“Well, yesterday, after your sister left with Rarity, I went to see Princess Luna and Celestia about the program of this evening. You remember?”

“Yep, it was only yesterday after all!” Vinyl joked, earning a giggle from Octavia, something that helped the cellist relaxing.

“I kinda lied… It wasn’t about the program that I went to speak with the Princesses,” Octavia confessed slowly. “It was about you.”

Vinyl blinked before turning her face to the cellist. “About me?” Octavia nodded. “Huh… What did you talk about me?”

“I...I made a suggestion to the Princesses. A suggestion that they agreed to,” Octavia explained. “I recommended you for the seventh seat in the Council of Harmony.”

“.....” Vinyl brought her glass to her lips after a short silence, she took a sip from it before spitting all the water out of her mouth. She noticed Octavia’s cocked eyebrow. “Sorry, I kinda always wanted to do that at least once!” she explained sheepishly. “So… You recommended me?”

“Yes!” Octavia nodded.

“Ok, so I heard correctly.” Vinyl licked her lips nervously. “Why?”

“Because of your magic!” Octavia explained. “You might not realize it, but sound magic as developed as yours doesn’t exist! The implications it can have in the fields music and magic are not negligible.”

“That much?” Octavia nodded. “So, I’ll have to stay here? In this Castle, I mean?”

“Yes,” the cellist replied softly. “It’s the one obligation you would have. We stay close to the Princesses’ so that they could watch us progressing, developing our talents, becoming examples for the next generation… Leaving our mark in History!”

“And, the Council is the only path for that?” Vinyl asked softly.

“Huh?” Octavia let out in confusion.

“For leaving our mark in Equestria’s History,” Vinyl started her explanation. “The Council isn’t the only path. Many famous people weren’t in the Council, yet they achieved something that changed the lives of everyone since then. Like Snow Drop, who was the first Jupitarian to have tamed the magic of Winter. Like the famous explorer, Daring Do, who discovered wonders from times even before Celestia and Luna. They all left a mark in History.” she glanced at the puzzled cellist. “Like you’d have, even without joining the Council.”

“...What?” Octavia asked with puzzlement.

“You’re not looking at this the right way… I think,” Vinyl shook her head before focusing her magic. “Let’s take you for example,” she added as a little Octavia made with Vinyl’s blue magic appeared in front of her.


“Yeah.” Vinyl nodded. “You’ve started playing in professional circles when you were fifteen or sixteen.” she said as the magic Octavia started to play on a tiny cello.

“You’re well informed,” Octavia commented slowly.

“Your very first record was one of my sixteenth birthday presents,” Vinyl explained. “I’ve been a fan since then.” Octavia smiled with a small blush in response. “Anyway, you’ve become famous around seventeen by becoming one of the youngest first chair cellist in Manehattan’s orchestra, and a year later, you composed with the help of a friend probably one of the most beautiful symphonies I have ever heard.” Octavia’s blush only deepened. “Then you became a Council member.” Magic Octavia slided in front of a miniature of Canterlot Castle.

Octavia waited for Vinyl to continue, and frowned when she didn't. “And that’s it?”

“Pretty much yeah,” Vinyl replied.

“I’ll have you know that I haven’t been twiddling my thumbs since I joined!” Octavia argued.

“I’m not saying you have,” Vinyl replied with a smile. “But about that mark in History, admit that you have already left it before joining the Council.”

Octavia was at loss of words when she realized what Vinyl meant.

“You see, from my perspective, you, and the other girls as well, were brought in this Council because you had already left your mark, not the other way around,” Vinyl explained softly.

“I...I see what you mean,” Octavia whispered slowly.

“I’m honored that you of all the people suggested me to join,” Vinyl said softly. “I really am, but I’m going to have to decline. It’s too… restrictive for me,” she explained.

“What do you mean restrictive?” Octavia asked. “How is the Council restrictive? You have access to the royal funds. You can meet people from all around the world. You…”

“Octavia,” Vinyl interrupted the cellist. “Have you ever played another instrument beside your cello since you’ve been chosen?”

“Huh… no, why?”

“Well, because I was hoping you’d do another record of your violin,” Vinyl commented with a sigh. “The first one was nice.”

“What does it got to do with anything?” Octavia asked in confusion. “Besides, I’m the Council’s….cellist,” she added in a shocked whisper.

“Who said that?” Vinyl asked slowly. Octavia didn’t answer. “That’s why the Council is restrictive in my opinion. It shows you a path, yes, but a path with fences and walls that prevent you from changing direction.” The magic Octavia now slided in between two blue walls which she tried to pass through without success.

“So, I lost opportunities when I joined the Council?” Octavia asked nervously.

“Probably some,” Vinyl replied with a nod. “But, that’s common to every choice people make.”

“And, I’m stuck on that path for good according to you?”

“That path isn’t a bad thing, Octavia!” Vinyl assured. “If it works for you, it’s not a problem to walk on it, but if it doesn’t… well,” she grinned. “What’s stopping you from jumping over the fences to explore what you missed now that you realize there’s something beyond them?”

To express her point, Magic Octavia grabbed her mini cello before hammering the small fences of her path until they shattered. The real Octavia giggled as she saw her tiny version changing her cello in favor of a guitar before getting a shot at the drums.

“Thank you for telling me that, Vinyl,’ Octavia said in a whisper as her blue, miniature version dissipated in the air. “It brings me a whole new perspective.”

“You’re welcome.”

“It’s too bad that you didn’t accept though,” Octavia said with a sigh.

“Why’s that?”

“Well, I kind of took a liking in working with you over the last few days,” Octavia explained with a small blush. “I was hoping we’d do that again if you chose to stay.”

“Well, what’s stopping us from doing that?” Vinyl asked with a chuckle. “Canterlot isn’t that far from Ponyville. Nothing prevents us from visiting each other, right?”

“Yes, indeed,” Octavia replied with a nod. “I suppose the Princesses wouldn’t mind your presences after what you and your sister did for us… I just realized I never really thanked you for saving me that day.”

“I wasn’t gonna let one of my idols being kidnapped right in front of me.” Vinyl chuckled softly. “You’re lucky they weren’t stalkers though, I might have joined them if they were.”

“Lucky me,” Octavia replied before giggling at Vinyl’s joke. It was a joke, wasn’t it? Don’t ask, Octavia, it’ll ruin the mood!

The pair of musicians continued their discussion in a more lighter tone, oblivious to the fact that Princess Celestia had heard their conversation about the fences restricting the Council members during her stroll in the gardens. The Sun Monarch couldn’t deny what the young musician had said.

Such a shame she didn’t accept Octavia’s offer. Celestia commented internally as she walked back to the Castle, leaving the two girls to their conversation. She would have changed quite a few things… Though, those changes can still happen if she keeps in touch with Octavia.

The more she thought about it, the more Celestia was convinced that jumping over those fences, as Vinyl said it earlier, was the perfect experience for her six Council members. She had noticed that all six of them had a bit lost their enthusiasm as the routine of their lives in Canterlot was finally settling in, even more so for Twilight, Octavia and Rarity who had all three joined around the same time a bit more than three years ago.

The girls need to break out of this routine, seeing the world from a different perspective… In short, the Council needed a long breath of fresh air. Princess Celestia kept thinking about it until she walked to the dessert table to help herself with a slice of cake. To help her think about things of course.

She was about to grab the plate with a slice of a double chocolate cake with whipped cream and strawberry jam offered by the waitress when her gaze was attracted by a round, red fruit on the table. Celestia smiled as she glanced at the apple on the buffet, it had just given her a great idea. She took a forkful of her cake as a reward for it, giving her a totally different reason to smile. The cake was really delicious.


Dear Jacquelyn and Vinyl Apple

I am writing to you about something that you might want to know about.

For a while now, I have been noticing a rather important loss of enthusiasm from the girls. I had hoped that it will pass thanks to the wedding organisation. Sadly, I was mistaken, but I’m happy to tell you that I found the perfect solution for them.

I think, and my dear sister agrees with me on that, that the girls need a little break from the Castle life, and from Canterlot in general. The fresh air of the countryside would do all them some good, and I can’t think of a better place than Sweet Apple Acres for that.

I told the girls about it, and all of them seem pretty excited at the prospect of spending three weeks in Ponyville. Some a bit more than others. We had to tie Pinkie Pie up to prevent her from running to the train station as soon as we suggested the idea to her and the others.

Also, Rainbow wants me to tell you that she’s still got that push-up contest to finish with Jacquelyn. I’m a bit puzzled by her explanation involving a cushion and a chair though. I fail to see the correlation between those two elements and push-ups…. Probably some new fashion I haven’t heard of yet.

Anyway, to make things clear, the girls should arrive at the farm in the afternoon on the fifth of July, and should stay for about three weeks. They can stay a week longer if they want to, but we don’t want to impose of course.

Yours truly.

High Princess of the Sun
Celestia of Equestria.

Ps: Luna just reminded me that Pinkie eats the equivalent of nine meals a day, so you might want to plan enough food during their stay. She also wishes you two good luck.

“What do ya think about that, Sis?” Applejack asked when she noticed Vinyl had finished reading the letter Ditzy Doo had just given the blonde Apple.

“What do I think?” Vinyl asked back. “I think we’ve got a strange summer coming right up!

Author's Note:

And there you go, the rewrite is finished!

I hope you've enjoyed it, both those who remember the story as it was before and those who first encounter the Apple Scratch verse during the rewrite.

The link to the sequel is at the end of the chapter.

If you want more informations about the general Lore of Apple Scratch, check on the Verse Group!

Yours truly


and before I forget! Thanks to G3K0771 and GWG for editing the whole shebang :)

Comments ( 38 )

so are all the stories going to be rewritten, or just this one?

Just this one! (maybe they will be rewritten one day, but that will be long after I finished them.)

3567548 ok! so now your gonna work on the other two incomplete stories?


Hopefully GTVS! (fingers crossed)


Excellent work. The rewrite is finished and I personally think it's leagues better than the original just from the sheer amount of detail, especially during the Vinyl history lesson chapter. I can tell a lot of work has been put into this and I see that you care very much for your stories and it seems like you have a lot of good ideas and concepts you want to write about and get out to the world. It's refreshing to see an author so dedicated to their work, like you are.

I eagerly await more amazing stories from you.

(I would also like to give my thanks to G3K0771 and GWG for their outstanding work seeing as how they edited throughout this whole thing. I assume it was around as difficult as actually writing all of it. So, thank you both.)

Wow, great story. Now I'll have to read the others now. :twilightsmile: Keep up the great work.

You still haven't read the other Apple Scratch?:rainbowderp:... You sure were patient:scootangel:

You know, in most cases I would be somewhat put off by how Mary Sue-ish your main characters can be (especially how ridiculously overpowered AJ is) but I'll give it to you that they're usually charming enough to offset that. Keep up the good work.

Well to me it's best to read the original starting point before getting into the other stories. That's just me though. Also if I read your other stuff it might spoil the ending of the first one for me. One time I read this book that was actually the second book to a series and I was totally lost. (I forgot what book it was though.)
So yeah I try to be patient. :scootangel: :twilightblush: (What helped was the fact I had other stuff to write. That kept my mind off of it.)

Rather like the re-write, works pretty good and a heck of a lot more details. And while I would be interested to see what you do for the others, I'd rather see them finished first :derpytongue2::pinkiehappy:

3568847 This concept (Aj being over powered) came up a lot in the third story for this series. Mariacheat-brony reads/watches (whichever or both) a lot of anime and the like, where such characters are rather common. They just keep getting stronger and stronger and then nothing really bothers them, they just typically don't flaunt it. :ajsmug:

WOO HOO ITS FINISHED YEAH :yay: AND ITS AMAZING TOO:pinkiehappy: now if you could just speed up the other apple scratch story that's being written...

Absolutely wonderful re-write! I thought it was a good story before but this just blew me away. You added so much more details and made somethings make so much more sense then they did before. I can't wait for you to continue on this series and your other ones.
I eagerly await your upcoming updates!:pinkiehappy:

me encanto la original tiene su encanto pero este es por mucho mejor mas por la historia de la fundación y el nacimiento de las princesas simplemente grandioso :applejackunsure:

Group react.

We read the first draft and thought it was awesome!

and this one was just amazing

This is a great story so keep it up!!


Face Face Face~!::ajsmug::derpytongue2::heart::heart::pinkiehappy::pinkiegasp::pinkiesmile::rainbowdetermined2::rainbowkiss::raritystarry::twilightsmile::facehoof::moustache::trollestia::yay:

3728842 lol nope at time when I found this story I was half asleep and did not see that there was a Prequel im sure ill read it at some point but this was well made and I was able to piece together most of the past with out it im sure there is a lot in it though

I WANT TO BE A GUARD SO BADDLY!!! They are so fun and awesome and fun and they make me laugh! :rainbowkiss: Is there a crystal guard for the crystal empire???? WHO CARES I LOVE ALL THE GUARDS IN APPLESCRATCH STORIES!!!! :3 Oh and did I mention guards????:moustache:

Shaddup! The author is to busy authoring to make you a guard.

I'm surprised it's that story that makes you want to be Guard... When it's Cloud Kicker's story that focuses on the Guard:derpytongue2::twilightsmile:


Maybe it because I read this first who knows! I suppose its because CK's seem so serious and this seems more light hearted. Either way I love all the AppleScratch stories!

THIS IS THE BEST FREAKEN STORY I HAVE READ IN THE PAST MONTH!!!!! CHANGE THAT TO EVER!!!!!:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

Oh My! This. Hood! Though Apple Scratch sounda like a shopping name for Apple Jack and Vinyl!:raritywink:

I don't know how many times i have read your AppleScratch stories, but they're still as awesome and funny as the first time i found them. Your stories helped me not hate humanized pony stories and have lead me to some of my all time favorites. I just want to say thank you and to keep writing and being awesome.
P.S. please update your Equestria Games story, GTVS and Scratchin' Thieves. Mostly GTVS

Hey, Mariacheat, who draws this artwork you use for your stories?

3933355 Sweet, I think some of this persons art has been featured on another great Vinyl/Tavi fanfic, University Days. Looking forward to more stuff in the future! Also, which was the first fic in the series, there are so many Apple Scratch fics here.

Nope, that would be Swift-Blaze ! She's the one who did the art for GTVS and For University days.

Billie did the ones for Apple Scratch Series and Scratchin' thieves:twilightsmile::twilight blush:

The first story written for the series is this one.
though, chronologically, it's Lieutenant Cloud Kicker

must be in one of those two links
link1 Link2

No, they have horse drawing carriages. Though the rickshaw could be fun, It would be a pain to drive this on the dirt path to SAA:twilightsmile:

I think i've found a new universe to devour

Woo! :rainbowkiss: That was just pure amazing, awesome, bad-ass, hilarious, funny, cute, cool, hysterical, awe-inspiring, angry, loving, embarrassing, courageousness!!!!
I commend your writing skills and genius! :yay:

It is the first story of the series :twilightsmile: Normally you know enough at this point, but there are a few bonus explanations in the Apple Scratch Verse.


I can see your point, and I'll respect it :raritywink: Thanks for trying to read it at least:twilightsmile:

Can I ask you something in a PM? It involves with this story.

I Read this entire thing in all most two hours :rainbowlaugh:

Applejack, pretty pleased with herself, turned her back to the stunned prince and his even more stunned group of supporters and walked away slowly, nearly bumping into Rarity.

“Really impressive, Miss Apple,” Rarity commented with a short nod. “I have no idea you were such a connoisseur in wines.”

“Well, Lady Rarity, it ain’t proper to assume thin’s,” Applejack chuckled before clearing her throat. “After all, one can never be certain of what stands after the cover of a book, isn’t that right?” she added with a perfect Manehattanite accent that surprised Rarity even more than the farmer’s knowledge in wines.

Intriguing, yet again a farmer would know her wines.

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