• Published 7th Feb 2013
  • 1,587 Views, 19 Comments

Discord goes to Earth. Hilarity ensues - maximus25

Discord is bored. Discord is angry that the previous sentence rhymed in such an oxymoronic way. Discord should butt out, this is MY description, not his. Anyway, Discord arrives in the human world and finds it's not all fun and games.

  • ...

Discord and human go on fantastic adventures. (Maybe)

“So, as I was saying-”

No, there’s no time for that, we have to continue The Plot.

“Help, audience. I’m being oppressed!”

Don’t listen to him. When you’re not around he gets all the freedom he wants. I take him for walks, he does his business, all that jazz. Now, onto the story. When we last left off Discord had learned of his sudden loss of power. Now, what are you going to do about it?

“I’m gonna go get it back! Discord grabs the human, and I go off in this direction!”

You just pointed straight up. You can’t go that way, as established.

“How am I supposed to pierce the vault of heaven if I can’t get there?”

While you’re being foolish, the human wakes up and begins struggling.

Said human screams, “Help! Someone! There’s a... well, to be honest I don’t quite know. But it’s trying to take me somewhere or something!”

Discord sighs, “Oh be quiet, it’s hard enough to concentrate without your yelling. By the way, I’m a draconequus, not that you would know what that is. My name is Discord, but a certain pink mare calls me Dissy. You’re not allowed to, as you are definitely not pink, and I don’t think you’re a mare.”

“Mare? As in, like a horse?” The human, who we know as Francis from the last chapter, stops struggling as he ponders this question.

“Of course not. Like a pony! Did I not make ponies on this planet?” Discord absentmindedly dropped the human and scratched his beard.

Francis picked himself up, “Aren’t ponies just tiny horses? Wait, why do I care?”

“They are much more than just ‘little horses’ but I can’t expect you to just know these things. So, what is it that you do, other than ask dumb questions?” Discord looked around, finding the streets still decidedly empty of humans.

“Uh, well... I tend to walk around the streets collecting bottles and junk. Sometimes I gotta kick some hobos, but not much else.”

“That was the most boring thing I’ve ever had the displeasure to witness. Come on, we’re gonna go do something fun!” Wrapping his arm around the human, Discord dramatically snapped his fingers. Nothing happened.

“Nothing happened, dude.” Francis stated, unimpressed.

“Oh right, I forgot. Hey, human, do me a favor. Can you fully believe that I can break the laws of physics and teleport around the Earth?” Discord looked at him expectantly.

“First of all, the names Francis. Second, I don’t see how believing that will do anything. Third, why did you even ask me?” Francis attempted to push the draconequus away, but was unsuccessful.

“That’s a dumb name!”


“Your name, it is dumb. I’m changing it, right now. From here on I shall call you Mrs. Kittensworth!”

“But I’m a dude, dude.”

“Yes, your full title is Mr. Mrs. Kittensworth, but that just sounds silly. To answer your other question, something about human belief in the laws of physics makes them stronger than my magic can break. Believe in me, Mrs. Kittensworth, and I shall bring you anywhere in the world. I hope.”

“I don’t think so. I got bottles to collect, so I’m gonna go do that and not hang around with you.”

“NO! You’re going to believe in me so I can casually break the laws of physics because the only power I seem to l still have is the ability to talk to The Narrator!” Discord looked up, waiting for The Narrator’s reply.

“Uh, what are you doing? Who’s the narrator?” Previously named Francis, but now Mrs. Kittensworth asked.

“He’s telling the story, duh. Where are you, Narrator?! Come make fun of me! SAY SOMETHING!” Discord fell to his knees, screaming into the sky.

Oh please, like I’d give you the satisfaction.

“AHA! There you are!”

Damn it.

“Now it’s my turn to end the chapter!” Discord stopped Mrs. Kittensworth from running by tripping him with his tail.

No, no no. You haven’t done anything, I can’t release the chapter. The audience would be furious.

“Too bad! I just won’t do anything. If I don’t move, you can’t narrate!” With that, Discord sat on the ground, sticking out his tongue.

Damn you. Alright, you win. Next chapter though, get something done.

“I promi-”

HA! I ended it!