• Published 8th Feb 2013
  • 426 Views, 25 Comments

Beyond This Galaxy Of Ours - bronystrongwing

A merc group's ship is sent to Equestria when they attempt a mass relay jump mid-battle.

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A crowd of ponies surround the mysterious metal object that had fallen from the sky. Celestia, Luna, the Element holders, and two guards head the crowd. Small whispers dance across the wind as they await the ruling of such an event. Without warning, a loud hissing noise accompanies large gouts of steam being jettisoned from one side of the metal space rock. Mere moments later, a section of the object moves inward, then to the side, revealing three bipedal figures. The one in the center of the three turns it's head, observing the gathering. Finally, after a long gap of silence, it speaks.

"Hey Al, it looks like I owe you some cred's."

Ten ponies and three aliens ride in a carriage which has befallen the curse known as awkward silence. Said carriage approaches the train station. After much haunting by this horrid curse, a curious, one-eyed human finally breaks it's evil hold.

"So, we in trouble?" said Max, little fear nor anger present in his tone. "I mean, we sort of did just traumatize an entire village. Oh, and are you horses or ponies?"

Samdon decides this to be an opportune time to vocalize himself. "The hell are ponies?" He asks, also not very worried with the current situation.

Finally, Aldiv intervenes with his everlasting knowledge of trivial content. "Small equines native to earth. Am I correct Max?"

Celestia, dumbfounded by their calm demeanor on such an over the top event such as being stranded on an alien world, finds her voice and speaks. "W- we are ponies. I apologize for asking, but why are you so unnerved with everything that has occurred?"

Max, taking a moment to realize he is being spoken to, responds. "Huh? Oh yeah, sorry, we come from a place where the outrageous and messed up is common place. In fact, that's how I make a living. Now may we please know if we're being taken to either a meeting or a guillotine? Because if it's the first, that would be nice, although the second one does sound more fun."

Twilight Sparkle's curiosity finally got the best of her as she blurted out "WHATSPECIESAREYOUWHATISTHATGIANTMETALROCKWHYDOYOUONLYHAVEONEEYEHOWCOMEYOUALLLOOKSODIFFERENT?!" At which she covers her mouth with a hoof, attempting to avoid a blush. "Sorry."

"It's fine. In fact a curious mind searching for answers is a good thing." Aldiv says, a tone of pride in his statement. "Now, can we please be told if we are guests or prisoners?"

"Guests, for now." Luna says, skeptic of the being's motives.

"Good." Max says. "I'm ordering room service."

Author's Note:

What's that, reader? This is bad and I should feel bad? Haha, maybe so, but, I write not for you, but for me. To see what I can accomplish. Please leave criticism, but don't be a dick and just say "This is horrible, go die." I will not acknowledge it, except by replying with a very long worded statement that equates to "I don't care, lick it."