• Published 8th Feb 2013
  • 427 Views, 25 Comments

Beyond This Galaxy Of Ours - bronystrongwing

A merc group's ship is sent to Equestria when they attempt a mass relay jump mid-battle.

  • ...

Wait, what? Part 1

"The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge, but imagination."
Albert Einstein

As the group finally reached the castle, ship still in tow, the princesses waited outside to greet them.

"Uh, what's that?" Luna asks, nervous of what this new large object being carried by a guard. Then she looked closer. "Wait, Flashpoint, are you carrying that?" When he responded with a strained shake of his head, she was thoroughly confused. "Then who is?"

"That'd be me." Max says, half grin across his face, sweat forming on his brow. "Can we find somewhere to put this, I'm burning calories like an arsonist in a wood house."

"That's not magic. How are you lifting it?" Celestia asks, surprised by this development.

"It's called Biotics, you get it from being exposed to eezo radiation while in the womb. After that, you need to get something surgically put in your head. Then you need years of training. When all that's done, most are lucky to lift anything over two hundred pounds." Max says, straining to keep the large object afloat. "Now, I ask again, where can I put this thing down? It's got some pissed off synthetics inside and they keep shifting the weight."

"Oh! Right, um, put it down here. I can teleport them to the castle's dungeon." Says Celestia, Readying a spell.

"Before you do that," Samdon says, "We need to disarm them first. Hey Lucky, how many guns they got?"

Lucky spoke up, moving with 3040 into the two princesses' view. "WE BROUGHT TWO RIFLES. WE ASSUMED THREAT TO BE MINIMAL. ALSO, GREETINGS, I AM PLATFORM 7777, YOU MAY CALL ME LUCKY. THIS IS 3040, WE HAVE YET TO COME UP WITH A NAME FOR HIM. IF YOU HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS, THEY WOULD BE APPRECIATED." He said, gesturing toward 3040, who responded with a bow.

"Uh, Max, Who are these two?" Luna asked, more curious than nervous.

"Oh, they're Geth. They were part of the original crew of these guys." He said, pointing to the ship. "You see, Geth use a single body, or platform, to carry at least a hundred of their programs, or minds, and they all need to form a consensus to do anything. These two got hurt in the crash, and all but one instance was erased per. So yeah, they're individuals now."

"Wait, they were part of the group who wanted you dead? Why trust them?" Asked Luna, now concerned of the safety of the people of Canterlot.

"Eh, forgive and forget. Besides, they helped us with the whole cave in situation." Said Samdon, aiming his rifle at the ship. "It sounds like they're getting close to getting out. Max, Al, get over here."

As they prepared for the oncoming firefight, the hatch finally slid open to reveal three tall, thin, synthetics, two wielding rifles. "THEY ARE TELLING ME AND 3040 TO HELP THEM. IF WE DON'T THEY CLAIM TO TERMINATE US. 3040 IS CURRENTLY TRYING TO CONVINCE THEM TO SURRENDER." Lucky turns to face the princesses. "HE IS FAILING."

"I have an idea, Strongwing, start flying around, distract them." Samdon said, whispering just loud enough for the group to hear. "When I say so, Max, you and Flashpoint rip the guns out of their hands. Got that?" When he received a confirmation, he turned his attention back to the Geth. Strongwing took off, flying in circles and performing maneuvers he was taught by his cousin. When all three offenders were watching, Samdon shouted. "Now!"

The guns flew from the two Geth's hands. The third emitted a series of electronic noises, which were cut off when they were teleported to the castle dungeons by Luna.

"Well, that was fun. Let's do it again sometime." Max said, letting loose a chuckle. "Alight seriously, Lucky and mute boy need rooms. You think you can manage that, Princesses Lulu?" When he received a confused look, he let out a sigh. "Sorry, habit. Anyway, they need places to stay. Hey, y'all seen Sharpfeather? I need to tell her what happened."

"I see you've already made a friend. I believe she's inside, working on the dining hall." Celestia said, smiling.

"Thank you, I'll be on my way, then."

"Say, bro, why'd you join the guard? I mean, you hate taking orders." Sigmund asked, sitting on the floor with Kam.

"I did it because I wanted to make sure that everyone was safe, including you, Sigmund." He said, a caring smile on his muzzle. "Why do you ask?"

"You know those guys I brought with me? The tall ones? Apparently, they're a group of fighters. They just so happened to be there when I spoke with the Princesses." Says Sigmund

"Wait, you spoke with the Princesses!? Jeez, I thought you just got the first guards you saw! Anyway, what were you saying?"

"Well, uh, I was thinking of, I dunno, joining them. Or at least get training from them." He said, a hint of despair evident. "But, I also thought about how weak I am. How I was always the smallest, and that I nearly died from just being born."

"What!? You're crazy! That just means you're tough! And I think it would be an awesome If you joined them!" Kam shouted.

"Well, that's just it, they say they're gonna leave as soon as they can. What if I don't find them in time? Or if they accept, but I have to go with them?! I wouldn't be able to stand being away that long! I ca-" His rant was cut short by Kam's paw smacking across his face.

"Don't act like that, man! Have at least a little self confidence! I mean, you just stormed the castle to get us help! Literally! I'm an idiot, but even I wouldn't do that!" He said, anger flowing in his veins.

"I-I just did the first thing I thought of. It just felt like if I didn't do it, I'd never see you or anyone else again. I can't stand to lose anybody else." Sigmund replies, tears now freely falling from his eyes.

"I know, but your parents wouldn't want you to be a coward. If it'll help, I'll go with you to find them. Say, what was that one guy's name? The one with the metal eye?" He asks.

"Oh, I think it was Max, why?"

"Well, it seems to me like he's the leader, and you'd need to ask him to join."

"Oh, right." Sigmund says, letting loose a sigh.

"Alright then, let's get to Canterlot!"

Author's Note:

Y'all might notice that the chapters are getting a bit longer, that's just me settling in to the story. Also, I still need chapter title ideas.