• Published 3rd Mar 2013
  • 3,284 Views, 50 Comments

A dream come true - Will Atkinson

Two kids wish on a full moon to be in the world of Equestria then after the wish a visitor comes and takes them to the world of Equestria.

  • ...

Chapter 4

A dream come true
By Will Atkinson

Chapter 4

Starlight Castle
The Next Day

Chrysalis was sleeping soundly until she heard a knock at her door.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

"UGH WHO DARES DISTURB MY SLEEP!!" Shouted Chrysalis as she opened the door with her magic.

"Um I'm sorry to disturb you, your majasty." Said one of the guards that was in the doorway.

"But we got word from our spies that, that alicorn you had a fight with yesterday is coming our way."

After hearing that Chrysalis' ears purked up.

"What? Are you sure it's him captain?" Asked Chrysalis.

"Yes your majesty I am sure it's him."

"Good, good." Said Chrysalis.

"Now let's see how our prisoner is doing shall we?" Chrysalis asked as she got up and head towards the throne room where Twilight was still chained up."

Everfree forest
one hour ago

"Ok guys you ready to go and get Twilight out of that castle?" Asked Chris.

"Yes we are Surgarcube." Said Applejack.

"Ok Applejack and Mark here is the posion to make you two invisable for two hours." Said Zecora.

Chris looked at Zecora in shock.

"What two hours? We would not even make it to the throne room in two hours."

"It's ok bro." Said Mark.

"I think two hours is plenty of time for us to get to the castle."

"Well ok then Mark I trust you." Said Chris.

After that Mark and Applejack took the invisibility poison and soon they set off to Starlight Castle.

"Now remember guys you need to not talk. Because who knows Chrysalis might have spies all over the place." Said Chris.

"Don't you worry now Chris we know the plan." Said Applejack.

"Yeah when you go in and face Chrysalis we will secretly get Twilight out of the castle. Said Mark.

"Ok then let's do it." Said Chris, as they set off towards Starlight Castle.

Starlight Castle
present time

Chrysalis approached the throne room and opened the door with her magic. As she did so she could see Twilight all bandaged up and sleeping soundly. As Chrysalis approached her she raised her hoof and slapped her awake.

"UH!!" She cried out.

"It's time to get up slave, you don't want that alicorn you love so mutch to see you asleep now do you?" Chrysalis asked.

"What, what do you mean?" Asked Twilight still a little weak from the beating that she got from the whip last nght.

"I mean slave that he's coming for you right now thanks to my spies in the everfree forest he should be here in about an hour." Said Chrysalis.

Twilight struggled against her bounds and then she looked back at Chrysalis.

"Chris is going to kill you for this."

"OH SHUT UP!!" Said Chrysalis, giving Twilight another hard smack.

"I'm hoping he will come you fool so I can take your place as you."

" HA Chris will never fall for that trick Chrysalis when he gets me out you'll be nothing."

"I said to SHUT UP!!" Said Chrysalis, as she gave Twilight another hard smack.

"You don't know what it's like to be alone for so long without love, or without friends. Look at you Twilight you have friends that care about you, and somepony that loves you, while I have nopony."

Twilight looked at Chrysalis.

"Well the reason that I have such good friends and a lover is because I never try to destroy otherponys love for one another or try to take over Equestria."

Then Chrysalis looked at Twilight with a glare in her eyes.

"HA just save your pity for somepony else slave for once I have Chris' love for myself I will rule all of Ponyville, and then after I do that I will rule all of Equestria you little POOR UNFORTUNATE SOUL HAHAHAHAHA!!!!" Laghed Chrysalis.


I admit that in the past I've been a nasty
They weren't kidding when they called me, well, a witch
But you'll find that nowadays
I've mended all my ways
Repented, seen the light, and made a switch
To this
And I fortunately know a little magic
It's a talent that I always have possessed
And dear lady, please don't laugh
I use it on behalf
Of the miserable, the lonely, and depressed (pathetic)

Poor unfortunate souls
In pain, in need
This one longing to be thinner
That one wants to get the girl
And do I help them?
Yes, indeed
Those poor unfortunate souls
So sad, so true
They come flocking to my cauldron
Crying, "Spells, Chrysalis, please!"
And I help them!
Yes I do

Now it's happened once or twice
Somepony couldn't pay the price
And I'm afraid I had to rake 'em 'cross the coals
Yes I've had the odd complaint
But on the whole I've been a saint
To those poor unfortunate souls

Twilight strugled with her chains again.

"Your, your insaine." She said to Chrysalis. .

"I might be insane but I'm gonna make sure I win this time my salve." Said Chrysalis with a smile on her face.

"Oh guards?"

"Yes your highness what is it?"

"Please take my slave to the dungeon with my other slave could you?"

"Yes your highness of course."

So the guards unchained Twilght and dragged her out of the throne room to the dungeon.

"Now for my plan." Said Chrysalis, as soon as she said that she transformed into Twilight and chained herself up to the chains on the floor and on the ceiling.

Everfree forest
fifty minutes later

"Uh oh." wispered Applejack.

"What is it, what's wrong Applejack?" Asked Chris.

"We have only ten minutes until the poison wears off surgarcube ."

"Shoot." Said Chris.

Then off in the distance they saw the castle.

"ALRIGHT WE MADE IT!!!!" Shouted Mark.

"Shhh Mark." Said Chris.

"Ooops sorry."

"Alright guys let me go in and you guys stay here." Said Chris.

"But why Chris?" Asked Applejack.

"Because you guys have less then ten minutes left until you two become visible again."

*Sigh* "He's right Applejack we don't have a choice." Said Mark.

"Alright but you be careful now ya hear Chris."

"Don't worry Applejack I'll be careful."

After that Chris spread his wigs and flew off to the castle.

("Good luck brother and may Celestia be with you.") Mark said to himself as he watched Chris heading towards the castle.

Starlight Castle
ten minutes later

"Um excuse me your highness."

"Yes what is it?" Said Chrysalis.

"Um that alicorn is here."

"Good you can send him in now."

"Yes your majesty."

Just then the door of the throne room opened and there stood Chris. As Chris looked around the throne room he saw Chrysalis disguised as Twilight all chained up and covered in bandages.

"TWILIGHT!!!!" Chris shouted.

The fake Twilight opened her eyes and as she did she saw Chris looking right at her.

"Chris is that you?"

"Yes Twilight it's me." Said Chris.

Then he ran right up to the fake Twilight and hugging her tightly.

"Oh Twilight your alright I thought I was not going to see you again."

"Um Chris?"

"Yes Twilight?"

"I can't breathe."

"Oh sorry Twilight."

"It's ok Chris."

"Now could you please unchain me so we can leave before Chrysalis comes back?" Asked the fake Twilight.

"Ok no problem." Said Chris.

But just as he was about to set the fake Twilight free he noticed her horn was not surounded by the dark magic that Chrysalis put on her anymore.

"Um Twilight what happen to the dark spell that Chrysalis put on your horn?"

"Oh...that...w...well it...it wore off." The fake Twilight lied.

Just as the fake Twilight said that Chris backed away from her.

"But I thought that the dark spell was not suppose to wear off unless Chrysalis does it or if she is destroyed and I highly doubt that she would take that spell off. Especially if she did then you could simply just get off of those chains yourself right?"


"Further more how come the guards allowed me into the throne room so easily? If I know Chrysalis she would make it difficult for me to get in here to get you but they just let me in here unless this is a trap. Right Twilight or should I say Queen Chrysalis?" Chris Asked, glaring at the fake Twilight.

Just as soon as he said that the fake Twilight started to laugh in Chrysalis' voice.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA very clever young alicorn, your not as dumb as I thought you were."

As Chris watched the fake Twilight's form change into Queen Chrysalis.

"I knew it, I knew it was you the whole time." Said Chris.

"Well I'm here now young one and I would like to welcome you to my castle." Said Chrysalis.


"Very well Chris." Said Chrysalis.

"Guards bring forth my slave and her friends."

Chris looked at Chrysalis puzzled.

"Uh friends?" He asked.

"Why yes Chris look at the door behind you and you'll see what I mean."

As Chris turned around he saw the door open and there was Twilight, Carrot Top, and to his shock there also right next to Twilight was Applejack, and Mark.

"Applejack, Mark." Said Chris.

The guards then pushed Twilight, Carrot Top, Mark, and Applejack into the throne room.

"Did you really think that I would fall for a that kind of trick Chris?" Asked Chrysalis.

Chris looked at Chrysalis then he looked back at Applejack and Mark.

"Were sorry Chris they were waiting for us when you left." Said Applejack.

"Yes that's true and it's all thanks to my spies." Said Chrysalis

Everfree Forest
Fifteen minutes ago

("Good luck brother and may Celestia be with you.") Mark said to himself as he watched Chris heading towards the castle.

Just then he felt Appejack's hoof on his shoulder.

"Don't worry surgar he'll be ok." She said.

"I hope so Applejack, I hope so.

Just then Mark and Applejack saw that the potion was starting to ware off.

"Oh no Mark what are we going to do?" Asked Applejack.

Mark looked around the forest to find a place to hide. Then he saw a cave right at the end of the forest.

"There, that cave." He said.

Just as soon as they got into the cave the potion wore off.

"Are you sure we'll be alright in here?" Applejack asked Mark.

"Yes I'm sure Applejack.

But just as he said that they heared a voice saying.

"Don't move."

Applejack and Mark turned around and saw an army of changelings as guards.

"Oh great." Said Applejack.

"Chrysalis will be happy to see you two, now move it." Said one of the changeling guards.

Starlight Castle.
present time.

"See I knew you pobably have some help on getting your precious Twilight back so I decided to see what would happen and just like that when you left them alone to come to the castle my spies found your friends hiding in that cave when that stupid so called invisibility potion wore off of them and they brought them here."

Chrysalis then looked at her guards.

"Excellent work now you may leave us."

"Yes your highness." They said closing the door behind them.

Chris glared at Chrysalis.


"No they will be our audience while I kill you."

Then suddenly Chrysalis charged right at him at full gallop.

"CHRIS LOOK OUT!!!!" Twilight shouted.

Chris looked at Chrysalis and jumped out of the way just in time with Chrysalis' horn just missing him by inches.

"Oh man that was close." Said Mark.

"Yeah too close." Said Applejack.

"Chris be careful she's coming back." Said Twilight.

Sure enough he saw Chrysalis coming back at him but this time he charged right at her. Just then the two locked horns with each other and stared each other down.

"Give it up boy you can't win." Said Chrysalis.

"No I won't give up until your dead." Said Chris.

"Ok you fool but I'm not the one who is going to die." Said Chrysalis as she jumped into the air.

"YOU ARE THE ONE WHO IS GOING TO DIE!!!!" She said as her horn began to glow.

"Hey what is this? I can't move." Said Chris.

"Aw what's wrong Chrisy you can't move?" Asked Chrysalis with a smirk on her face.

"I have to give you credit young alicorn your strong but now it's time to end this once and for all. Goodbye Chris Thunder."

With that she charged again and lowered her horn aiming it right towards Chris' neck. Chris shut his eyes and prepared himself to be impaled by Chrysalis' horn, suddenly he heard a loud scream.


After that he heard Applejack, Carrot Top, and Mark behind him scream in fear.


After hearing Applejack, Carrot Top, and Mark screaming out Twilight's name Chris' heart suddenly sank. He slowly opened his eyes hoping it wasn't Twilight who got hit with Chrysalis's horn. As he opened his eyes he saw the purple unicorn looking down at him, with Chrysalis' horn sticking right out of her right flank, with blood dripping down off of the tip of Chrysalis' horn.

"TWILIGHT NO!!!!" Chris screamed as he got out of the barrier that Chrysalis had him trapped in and went to Twilight's side.

Chrysalis pulled her horn out of Twilight's side and then she collapsed on the floor just as Chris got to her, as Twilight was bleeding badly on the both sides of her flank, Chris knew that Twilght was going to die but he didn't want to believe it.


Twilight looked at Chris with tears flowing down her face.

"Chris why would you say that? You should know why I did it."

"What, what do you mean?"

"Y....you s....saved me from getting hurt y....yesterday r....remember s....so I though th....that I re....return the f....faver."

Twilight groaned in pain.

"Twilight please just hang on your gonna be alright you hear, your gonna be alright."

Twilight smiled at Chris.

"I....it's ok C....Chris it dosen't hurt anymore. T....the p....pain is g....gone now."

("Oh no she's hurt so bad she dosen't even feel the pain.") Chris said to himself.

Suddenly he saw Twililght was coughing up blood.

"Twilight come on you've got to stay awake, please Twilight hang in there."

"HAHA it won't be long now!" laughed Chrysalis.

Chris looked up at Chrysalis and glared at her.

"SHUT UP!" He said.

Then he looked back down at Twilight as he stroked her mane.

"C....Chris I....I know, I know th....that I'm g....going t....to die." Twilight said, her breathing slowly getting weaker.

Chris looked at the mare in shock.

"W....what? No Twilight don't say that. You're not gonna die, you hear me? You're not gonna die."

"Y....you know w....what Chris?"

"What Twilight?"

"I....I love you, I...I love you s....so much."

Chris then started to cry.

"I....L l....love you so much too Twilight." He said, holding Twilight tight in his hooves.

Twilight then looked at Applejack, Mark, and Carrot Top.

"Hey guys?" She asked.

"Yes what is it Surgarcube?" Asked Applejack with tears in her eyes.

"Apple....Applejack p....please t....take good c....care of S....Spike f....for me o....ok?"

"I....I will Sugar, I will." She said as her eyes began to tear up.

Then Carrot Top walked over to Twilight looked down at her.

"Twilight please don't d....die just try, just try to stay with us please Twilight, you've gotta try."

"I'm, I'm so sorry Carrot Top b....but I....I just, I just can't s....so p....please t....take g....good care of y....yourself."

"I....I will." said Carrot Top, as tears flowed from her eyes.

"Hey Mark?" Asked Twilight.

"Yes what is it Twilight?"

"Take g....good care o....of A....Applejack o....ok?"

Applejack nuzzled up close to Mark.

"Don't worry Twilight I will take good care of Applejack don't you worry about that." He said, putting his hoof around Applejack.

Then Twilight looked back at Chris.


"Yes Twilight I'm right here."

"Chris I....I think th....that i....it's about t....time for us t....to say good....goodbye." Said Twilight, as her eyes closed.

Chris' eyes opened wide as he realized what Twilight just said.

"What? No Twilight don't say that."

"Twilight?" He asked, as he tried to shake her awake but to no avail.

"No, no, no, no, no. TWILIGHT!!!!"

As Chris wept on Twilight's shoulder Chrysalis stepped forward.

"Oh stop your crying you fool and go back to your old life before you ever meet that wretch." She said, as she began to turn and walk away.

As soon as she said that, Chris thought of his old life before he met Twilight. He thought of his parents' death, his evil foster parents, and his and Mark's thoughts of committing suicide. Chris' eyes then truned from sadness to rage then he got up and turned to Chrysalis as she was walking towards her throne.

"Twilight was my old life Chrysalis." He said.

Chrysalis stopped and turned to Chris as he continued to talk.

"And anypony who tries to take that away from me. IS MY ENEMEY!!!!"

"Oh please you still want to fight me after what happened yesterday?" Asked Chrysalis.

"Yes I do, but first." Said Chris, as he looked down at Twilight's motionless body he noticed that Twilight was still breathing, a smile slowly appeared on his muzzle.

"Twilight? I know that you can still hear me so listen up. I'm going to take care of Chrysalis for you, and then I'll do everything in my power to bring you back to me, I promise."

Chris kissed Twilight on her lips, then he looked up at Chrysalis.

"Now Chrysalis let's finish this once and for all." He said as he got up and charged right at Chrysalis.

"YOU HURT TWILIGHT, YOU MONSTER AND NOW I"M GOING TO HURT YOU!!!!" Said Chris as he clashed his horn with Chrysalis'.

"Ugh can you get it through your thick head you young fool? Your precious Twilight is gone, and you should just except it." Chrysalis said with annoying look on her face.

"No I won't except it, she isn't dead, she's not." said Chris.

"Very well fool, I gave you a chance to leave but now you leave me no choice but to kill you." Said Chrysalis.

As Applejack, Mark, and Carrot Top looked on they saw a part of Chris they had never seen before.

"Wow Mark look at your brother go." Said Applejack.

"Yeah I have never seen my brother like this before, he could win."

"You think he has a chance against Chrysalis?" Asked Carrot Top.

"Yes I think he does Carrot Top." Said Applejack.

"So do I." Said Mark.

Chris kept on attacking Chrysalis with all of his might.

"You're a strong boy, I'm impressed."

"Well get use to it Chrysalis cause I'm not gonna give up until your gone."

"No Chris this fight is mine." Said Chrysalis as her horn started to glow again.

Chris then backed away from Chrysalis.

"Oh man not this again." He said.

"Now you little fool take this." Said Chrysalis as she fired a green energy beam from her horn.

Chris moved out of the way just in time.

"HA you still missed me." He said.

But then he saw her laughing.

"Hey what's so funny?"

"HA I wasn't aiming for you fool, just look behind you and you'll see what I mean."

Chris turned around and saw that the beam was heading right at Mark.

"Uh no hey Mark watch it!"

Mark looked and saw that the beam was heading right for him.

"Whoa!!" Said Mark as he quickly moved out of the way before the beam hit him.

"Drats it looks like your as fast as your brother here I see as well." said Chrysalis.

"But no matter I'll
destroy you and your brother eventually."

"You will never defeat my brother." Said Mark.

"Oh really you fool." Asked Chrysalis.

"Yeah really you wicked old witch."

Chrysalis eyes then changed from green to red.

"Well I guess I have to kill somepony else now." She cackled.

With that she left Mark and Chris up in the air. Then suddenly she through them across the room right onto her throne.

"Chris, Mark are you two alright?" Asked Applejack.

"Oh they're just fine but I can't say the same thing about you, you little fool." Said Chrysalis, as she was walking towards Applejack.

Just then Carrot Top stepped right between Applejack and Chrysalis.

"STOP!! I won't let you hurt Applejack.

Chrysalis looked at Carrot Top with her eyes burning with rage.

"Get out of the way right now you little fool before I kill you too." She said, looking down at Carrot Top..

"No I won't, so it looks like you'll have to kill me too anyway." Said Carrot Top.

"Very well, then prepare to die too." Said Chrysalis, as her horn started to glow green once more.

Applejack knew she had to do something and fast or Carrot Top would get hurt or worse. So she grabbed Carrot Top and threw her out of the way of Chrysalis' beam of green energy. Then the next thing she knew the beam hit her head on and she went flying right into a statue of a alicorn.

*Gasp* APPLEJACK!!!!" Screamed Mark, as he ran towards her passing Chrysalis as he did.

"Oh Applejack, are you ok?"

"Yeah, I think so Surgarcube." Said Applejack as she struggled to get up.

Mark looked at Chrysalis.

"Why are you doing this?"

Chrysalis looked at Mark.

"Why am I doing this? I'll tell you why I'm doing this. For too long I've seen ponies happy, and too long I've seen ponies in love. Why do they get to be in love while I don't?"

As soon as she said that Chris got up from where he was thrown to as well and looked at Chrysalis.

"That's because you don't know what love is Chrysalis."

Chrysalis turned around and stared at the alicorn.

"Oh really? Well then tell me what love is to you Chris."

"Alright I'll tell you. Love is something that you feel for somepony, like me and Twilight, or like my brother Mark and Applejack. But the way you do it that is not love, it's evil."

Chrysalis just smiled at Chris.

"Ha you think what I do is evil? Well then your right. She said as she lifted Chris off the ground and thew him right at Applejack and Mark.

"Are you three alright?" Asked Carrot Top as she came up to them.

"Yeah we're fine, thanks." Said Mark.

Then they looked up and saw Chrysalis walking towards them with her horn glowing green.

"Goodbye you four, say hi to Twilight for me, in the after life."

But just as she was about to kill them a voice rang out.

"STOP!!!! Don't you dare hurt them."

"Whoa! Who in the world of Equestria said that?" Asked Applejack.

"Uh guys?"

"What, what is it Chris." Asked Mark.

"That statue is moving."

As the ponies looked on the statue of the alicorn started to shake and then suddenly it split open. A big bright light shot forth from the opening of the crack in the statue, and there in the statues place was a white alicorn with blue eyes, and a black mane with bright stars in it. To the ponies she looked like Princess Luna but it wasn't, the alicorn looked at Chrysalis and said.

"So we meet again after all these years uh Chrysalis?"

Chrysalis looked at the alicorn in disbelief.

"You again but how? Oh well it dosen't matter you know I turned you into stone once I'll turn you into stone again."

"Well that's not gonna happen this time, I was off guard the last time we met. But I know now I'm ready for you Chrysalis."

Just then Mark went up to the alicorn and said.

"Um excuse me miss but who are you?"

Just as Mark said that the alicorn looked down at him.

"My name is Princess Starlight, and this may come as a shock to you ponies but I am Princess Celestia's daughter.