• Member Since 15th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago



Blueblood is not exactly Prince Charming. In fact, rumor gets around that he isn't very Prince-like at all.
His Aunt Luna, however, sees something more.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 24 )

You really did do a good job on this one. Not many stories can make me stop and think about my life.
Edit: I'll do more than like it, I'll favorite it as well! Although that club isn't very exclusive...

2183396 Hey you got the first one, at least. :twilightsmile:

Meh. 2/3 ain't bad. Some good, some bad.

Holy shit. Stop throwing stories at us all the time. I can't hold all this story.

No! Don't tell him to stop, he might listen!

Oh, I clicked this thinking I would do a critique, didn't look at author until I read the first few paragraphs and thought, 'this is good'.

Yeah, nothing wrong here. Great work. Quite awesome this is.

You have surprised me TnaB, I have followed you since the first chapter of "Battleships" and you managed to surpass yourself. This is probably the best story I've read about Blueblood, and lets be honest probably the closest to how he is in canon. Not a jackass, nor somepony wearing a mask. Yes he does drunken debauchery but knows not to do it in public. You've done good.

This needs more chapters.

Cause it's that awesome.

Seriously. Think about adding to this. I like dirction that this story is headed, and I'm quite sure that there is more that can be written.
Besides, I've been in a redeemed-Blueblood mood lately for some reason :pinkiesmile:

I must say, I do very much enjoy these stories that paint Blueblood as a good guy. Not that I don't like it when he's the bad guy, it's just that it gets boring after happening so much.

Have you read The Best Night Ever? It's a pretty damn good Blueblood redemption fic. It takes Blueblood at the Gala and shoves him into a Groundhog Day time loop and forces him to become a better pony.

This Platinum Crown is the sequel, although it's more about Rarity than about Blueblood.

Yes I have, and I did enjoy it but lets be honest that one was a full scale redemption fic, this one is more along the lines that he was already close to redemption all he needed was the kick in the pants.

Here: Give Blueblood Some Character , a group centered around the idea that Blueblood isn't (just) an arrogant jackass.

I like it. Another! :pinkiehappy:

I actually would like to see a continuation of this. :twilightblush:

I liked it, so is he going to go back to sailing? Or just be a more responsible pony?

Excellent little story!

I hope you'll continue this some day. A visit to Rarity perhaps?

Thanks! I'll check it out.

I always like stories that deal with Blueblood and his cutie mark, even if it is in a subtle fashion. Especially when it's in a positive light.

Good story sir, but I shall never let you overtake me on the list! NEVER :pinkiecrazy:
P.S I'm joking

A story where Blueblood isn't a total prick? And he's a sailor? You have done the impossible: make a story where I like Blueblood.


Introspection is a difficult thing, not just in a story, but in real life.
For an author, it is doubly hard as the character himself or herself must justify their own impulse to look inward and then the author must handle how and the details that follow. It is easy to be too ham-fisted with it, but using another character as a guiding light is often a good move, to better bring out the aspects of the other that we need. For Blueblood, I've often favored Luna for this, being the more socially awkward and confrontational of the Princesses.

Curiously, it brought to mind that, if only there was a Royal Navy for this Blueblood to ship out on for a few years... it could do him some good.

A nice, short read. Makes a good tie-in with his cutie mark. Good slice-of-life oneshot, well done.

Excellent. Put tears in my eyes, so you must be doing something right, or I'm just mushy like that... Nah, it's the first one. Very interesting, and, honestly, perhaps one of the most interesting takes on Blueblood I've ever seen. Well done indeed.

Please keep writing, I'll keep reading, even if it takes me a while.

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