• Published 17th Feb 2013
  • 10,527 Views, 404 Comments

The Panzer Lehr - Celestial Knight

A German column running from the Russians gets stuck in Equestria. They get tangled up in a war between Equestria and the Gryphon Empire. Can they turn the tide?

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Chapter 4

Muffled sounds, total darkness and a dull beeping. That was all Cadence could hear and feel.

“What happened? where am I?” She though to herself. “I was on the balcony, waving, then...Did I die?

The dull beeping began to get steadily faster, there were a few more louder muffled noises and something sharp was jabbed into her foreleg. Her thoughts slowly faded and she passed out completely again.

Cadence opened her eyes. And immediately shut them again as an intense white light blinded her. She tried again, this time opening them slowly. A room slowly faded into view, a pure white room with drab green curtains surrounding her.

“Where am I?” She tried to ask, but all that came out was a quiet wheeze. The curtain was suddenly flung back and two ponies in white lab coats burst in. Cadence would have jumped at this sudden intrusion if a pain in her chest hadn’t made itself apparent at the same moment.

She groaned in pain and leant back against a pillow. A white light shone in her left eye and she blinked, it then switched to her right eye. “Visual functions seem ok, check auditory functions.” There was a tapping behind the left side of her head and one of her ears instinctively flicked back to listen. It happened again on the other side of her head.

“Seems ok.” Said another voice. “How are you feeling your majesty?” Cadence finally got a good look at the two ponies. Both were crystal ponies, one was a very pale silver, almost the colour of diamonds, her cutie mark was a pair of crossed syringes, the other, a brownish stallion, had a cutie mark of a surgeons mask.

She tried to speak, but still no words came out. Just a garbled mess. A glass was lifted to her lips. “Drink this slowly.” Said the mare. Cadence did so, reveling in the feeling of cool water rushing down her parched throat. The glass was quickly drained and lifted away.

“What happened?” Asked Cadence, although her voice was still quite hoarse.

“You had a very near death experience.” Said the stallion. “You suffered a double lung puncture. We were wondering if you’d ever wake up.”

“How...long was I asleep?” Cadence asked, almost dreading the answer. She began to panic as he looked over to a calendar mounted on the wall.

“Four days.” The stallion replied. “You can thank Twilight Sparkle and your husband that you lasted that long. They fed oxygen into your body with their magic for four days without eating or sleeping.” He pulled back the curtain around the bed a bit more and revealed Twilight and Shining Armor lying on beds next to her, both passed out. “They’re suffering from stress, lack of sleep and severe exhaustion. They’ll be ok though.”

“So what happened while I was asleep?” Cadence asked, trying to ignore the pain in her chest, but not quite stifling a grunt of discomfort. The stallion nodded at the mare, who quickly left the room. “Not much, your majesty. When they brought you in you were in really bad shape. We had no means of treating you, none of our surgeons had been trained in the kind of operation you required. So a bunch of those human things went down to the library and tore it apart for medical journals and other things that could be useful.”

The mare returned with a syringe and jabbed it into Cadence’s foreleg. Cadence drew in a sharp breath, but the pain in her chest began to fade. The stallion continued. “So we used the knowledge we could get from the journals to patch you up as best we could. You’ve only been out of surgery 8 hours.”

“You have my thanks for your efforts Mr....” Cadence suddenly realized she did not know the stallion’s name.

“Patch, your majesty. Quick Patch. Doctor and head surgeon of the Empire hospital. My assistant is Ms Sunny Days.” Said the stallion, bowing. The mare did the same.

Cadence almost laughed. “Sunny Days” had been an avatar created by Celestia so that she could escape the palace after some of the harder days of work. “I thank you for your services.” She said. “I will ensure you are payed handsomely.”

“The honor was ours your highness.” Said Patch. “I suspect there are some visitors waiting outside to see you. Should I show them in?”

“Please do.” Said Cadence. “I should enjoy some company after four days of sleep.”

The doctor nodded and walked out the door. He came back a few moments later leading a ragtag group of ponies and humans. It consisted of the mane 6 minus Twilight, Schlesinger, Schmitt and Krous. Cadence was immediately barraged with concerned, joyful and congratulatory expressions.

“We didn’t think you’d pull through.” Said Schlesinger. “I’ve never seen anyone survive a wound that serious before.”

Cadence smiled at him. “I wouldn’t have if you and your soldiers hadn’t gone and found those medical journals.” She said.

“I’m only sorry it took us 3 days.” Said Krous, rubbing the back of his head. “I dare say the librarian will not be happy. We unorganized everything, it’ll take months to sort out.”

Twilight’s ears perked up at the sound of “unorganized” and as soon as the word “sort” left Krous’s mouth she was awake and bolted upright in bed. “Sorting? What needs sorting?”

“Twilight, you’re ok!” Pinkie squealed and crossed the room in one bound to wrap her hooves around Twilight’s neck.

“Argh....Pinkie...choking!” She gasped out.

“Heh, sorry.” Said Pinkie, climbing down off the bed. Schlesinger looked over towards Shining Armor.

“How long will he be out?” He asked. The doctor walked across the room to Shining’s bedside.

“He should come around pretty soon.” Said the doctor. It was at that moment that Shining Armor’s eyes snapped open. The problem with waking up after a drug induced coma is that the brain is usually confused and disoriented. This came into play when Shining leapt from his lying position to his hooves in one swift movement. The doctor looked impressed, that is until Shining started trying to strangle him with a stethoscope, at which point he stopped being impressed, and got busy choking.

It took him about five seconds to remember where he was. “Oh, oops.” He let the doctor drop to the floor. “Sorry about that.”

The doctor coughed a few times then looked up. “It’s no problem, I should have expected this.” They both suddenly became aware of a room full of laughter. They could help but chuckle as well, Shining’s antics had been rather hilarious.

When the laughter died down, Schlesinger spoke up. “What are we to do now?”

Twilight answered. “When you arrived and explained your presence I sent a message to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. I got a response asking me to bring you to the palace, they would like to discuss certain things with you.”

Schmitt looked over to her. “No postal system in the world works that fast. How did you get a response in less that a day?”

Twilight looked over to him. “My assistant Spike has the ability to send and receive letters via magic. By the way, where is he?” She asked, looking around and not spotting her best friend.

“The gravity of the situation got to him darling.” Said Rarity. “So we sent him home to Ponyville.”

“That was probably for the best.” Said Twilight. “He saw everything that happened on the balcony when Cadence was struck.”

Schlesinger began to speak again. “How are we supposed to get to the Palace?” He asked.

“We’ll take the train of course.” Said Rainbow Dash, as if it were the most obvious thing int the world.

Schlesinger looked up at her. “With respect, that little chuff chuff we saw couldn’t pull 150 tonnes of steel.” He addressed all of them. “We can’t leave any of our equipment behind, if it were to fall into the wrong...hooves...the results could be disastrous.”

Cadence coughed. “I may be of use here. Doctor, how long must I stay in this bed.”

The doctor addressed her. “Well, your injuries appear to be healing at a rapid rate, which i’m attributing to the fact that you are an Alicorn your majesty. I should say, mid afternoon.”

“That is good.” She said. “All of you meet me at the railway station at the aforementioned time.” Everyone nodded their consent.

A few hours later, everyone was gathered at the Empire railway station. “What is it you wish to show us?” Asked Schlesinger.

“Something that can help you get your weapons to Canterlot Colonel.” Said Cadence. “Please follow me.” She began to walk along side the railway track, following a siding that had been previously buried by snow. As the rounded a now grassy hill a large building came into view. It was the size of a small aircraft hanger and had obviously seen better days. The windows were broken, there were several large holes in the roof and many of the walls were rotting. A large double sliding door was sealed with a rusty steel Padlock.

“Twilight, if you would...” Said Cadence. Twilight nodded and lowered her head, putting her horn close to the lock. There was a bright purple spark and the lock dropped open.

“Why do you bother with locks if you have magic?” Asked Schlesinger, putting a shoulder to one of the doors and giving a heave.

“The Crystal Empire is an earth pony kingdom.” Cadence explained, stepping back. “Their locks are not enchanted to resist spells.”

With much grunting and no small amount of effort the two double doors slid open, their wheels screaming in protest at the movement. As the doors opened, a rather primitive lighting system sparked into life on the roof, revealing a large shape covered in a tarpaulin.

“What is that?” Asked Schlesinger, stepping inside.

Cadence followed. “A means of getting 150 tonnes of steel to Canterlot.” She seized a corner of the tarpaulin and pulled. The tarp fell, revealing an engine. A huge train engine, complete with tender full of coal.

“That’s impressive.” Said Schlesinger. Schmitt climber the front of the engine and wiped away a layer of dust from the front of the boiler revealing a name in bronze letters. “Celestial”.

“The Celestial.” Twilight breathed. “This train disappeared 1000 years ago with the Empire. It was the peak of Equestrian engineering at the time. This line of engines was discontinued after the Discordian war, too expensive to build an run. That's why we reverted to the smaller engines you see now. Older technology, granted, but still reliable.” Along with the train there were 5 flatbed carriages on a separate siding within the hanger, along 5 boxcars and three passenger cars.

“This train was built for one purpose. Haul freight.” Said Cadence. “It should get you back to Canterlot with all your equipment.”

Schlesinger looked the boiler of the train over, observing a few rust spots. “It may need some work before we can use it.” He said. “How long could it take to fix.”

Cadence thought for a moment. “If I get a crew working on it immediately, maybe tomorrow, by midday.”

“Ok, sounds good.” Said Schlesinger. “I’ll get our engineers to come and assist them. In the mean time, we should all relax for a while. We’ve been running around for four days, well most of us at any rate.”

Twilight’s stomach suddenly rumbled, she looked down and blushed. “I could use something to eat.” She said. “I haven’t eaten anything in 4 days, except the essential vitamins that the doctor gave me when I came to.”

"I shall have a feast prepared at the Palace, come. I'm sure Twilight has many questions." Said Cadence.

Twilight looked up and here eyes widened. "Goodness yes you're right. I haven't asked you anything about your culture or people or..."

Rainbow leant over to Schlesinger. "You have no idea what you're in for."

300 miles north west.

Griffon City of Talonon.

Gateway to the Griffon Kingdoms.

“I must say that I am glad that you could join us at such short notice, your highness.” Said the Baron of the region, a thin but well groomed griffon named Whitefeather.

“We are glad that you could accommodate us at such short notice.” Princess Luna leant forward a little towards the table. “Likewise we are glad that our sister saw fit that we could come to ensure a lasting relationship between our two great nations.”

Technically, the Griffon Kingdoms was not a nation. Rather a loose coalition of city states ruled by a single king. In spite of this there was still the occasional infighting between different city states.

Baron Whitefeather chuckled quietly. “Of course your highness. But diplomatic talk can wait. For now let us drink to a healthy relationship between our two nations.” He snapped his talons and a servant stepped forward with two glasses. He placed one at each end of the table and carefully filled it with wine. He bowed and stepped back.

“This is a vintage wine, Ridgegrape 1033. Cured to perfection by our master brewers.” Said Whitefeather, lifting his glass. “I propose a toast. To a healthy relationship between our two nations.”

Luna raised her own glass. “Hear hear.” Both of them drank, quickly draining each glass. Luna put a hoof to the end of her muzzle. “My, that...was strong.” She shook her head to clear a small lightheaded feeling, but it persisted.

“Only the finest for royalty.” Said Whitefeather. “Are you feeling ok your highness.”

“Yes.” Luna put a hoof to her forehead. “What...what was in...what was....what...” She slumped back in her chair, then slid sideways and fell to the floor. She was unconscious before she hit.

Whitefeather sat back smirking. “Even gods can be laid low by simple means.” He said before snapping his talons again. Another griffon, this one a burley and heavily feathered griffon walked in and scooped up Luna’s unconscious body. “You remember what to do correct?” Asked Whitefeather.

“Remove, send to the embassy in Canterlot along with the message.” The Griffon replied.

“Good.” Said Whitefeather. “On your way then.”

As the griffon left Whitefeather called over the one who had served them the wine. “Good job with that knockout powder.” He said. Knockout powder was the griffon slang for a thin powder that was created by mixing certain plants found in the remote northern regions of the kingdoms. It did not technically knock out the victim. It simply paralyzed them for a certain period of time. In other words, they couldn’t move, speak or see, but they could hear and feel everything going on around them. It was the perfect abduction weapon, odourless and almost colourless.

“It was easy sir.” Said the Griffon. “Should I send word to the king.”

“Yes.” Said Whitefeather. “Tell him that phase one is complete. Phase two may commence.”

380 miles north.

Griffon city of Gryphus

De facto capital of the Griffon Kingdoms/Empire

In a hidden room, deep beneath the fortress capital of the Griffon Empire, a debate was raging.

The Imperial Senate of the Griffon Kingdoms, composed of the lords of all the various factions, had been called to order. The subject. War.

"The Equestrians are the weakest of the great nations." A burly looking griffon with a heavily plumed helmet resting on his head shouted. All in the room turned to listen. "They have the smallest standing army, and the poorest combat reputation, yet they hold total monopoly over the grain and mineral trade. Their impossibly high taxes are driving our people to starvation. I say, we take what we rightfully deserve. We are the strong, and the strong shall rule the weak!" Cheers erupted from all corners of the room.

Another griffon, this one thin with greying feathers stood to speak. "I would advise caution. The Equestrians may be the source of our nations ills, but they are crafty. What is to say their Princess Celestia will not simply vaporise us?"

"She would not dare." Another griffon spoke up. "It would be an abuse of her power, and would bring about condemnation from her allies, which she could ill afford in times of war."

At the far end of the table there was a raised pedestal, partially concealed in shadow. On it was perched an ornate throne of oak and in it, sat the King. He idly tapped a talon on the armrest of his throne while he listened to the debate. It had little meaning to him anyway, his plan was already in motion. The guard on his left leant over and whispered something. He raised a talon and all noise in the room suddenly ceased, all eyes turning to him.

"My friends." He began. "I have good tidings. Your debates about whether a war with the Equestrians is necessary or not is no longer required, for I have seen the suffering of our people, and I have chosen to act." What he failed to mention was that the reason the griffons were suffering was because of him. In reality, there was plenty of grain, and the economy could afford to pay the reasonable tariffs, but the King had been siphoning off large sums of it to supply the growing griffon army.

"With the aid of a traitor within the Equestrian High Council, we have lured Princess Luna, the co-ruler of the Equestrian state, to her doom. Baron Whitefeather of Talonon was successfully able to capture and subdue her. She will now be the Equestrians undoing. Celestia will not risk her sister's safety over anything, even the sovereignty of Equestria. She will surrender, and then they shall both be detained, and put to death." The King took a step forward slightly into the light. "Today begins a new age, an age not decided by the whims of a pair of pony Princesses, but an age decided by the steel of Griffon forges, by the stone of Griffon walls, and by the iron of Griffon hearts. Today, we cast aside our petty rivalries as we reform the great Empire of our forefathers. Today begins our destiny!"

The room roared with thunderous applause.

Author's Note:

Here it is. Part 4. A little later than I expected (damn you school and exams.) I will try to update more regularly from now on but don't count on anything.

On a side note, i'm looking for an image to replace the one I use as a cover art now. If anyone can draw or find a better one, PM it to me.