• Published 17th Feb 2013
  • 10,545 Views, 404 Comments

The Panzer Lehr - Celestial Knight

A German column running from the Russians gets stuck in Equestria. They get tangled up in a war between Equestria and the Gryphon Empire. Can they turn the tide?

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Chapter 5

Author's Note:

This chapter felt a bit blocky and awkward to me. It jumps around too much I think.

Basically it's a chapter to lead into the major action.

Anyway, enjoy.

“So let me get this straight.” Twilight muttered as she scribbled madly on a sheet of parchment. “Your country has been in two world wars? And you were in the middle of fighting the second one when you came here?”

The group was waiting at the Empire station for their newly restored train.

“Unfortunately yes.” Said Schlesinger. “The first war was more or less unintentional. An overly complex alliance system sparked a world wide conflict. Naturally, because we lost, we copped the blame for the war. The second war was our leaders fault. He ordered us to attack a neutral country. Britain and France, the two nations I told you about before, took offense and declared war on us. We crushed France, but Britain managed to cling on.” He shook his head.

“Then our leader made an even bigger mistake. He ordered us to attack an empire. The Union of Socialist Soviet Republics, USSR. We had some early success, then winter came. We could fight the Soviet troops, but we weren't equipped to fight the cold. We suffered two disastrous defeats. That’s about when me and my men arrived here.”

Twilight quickly wrote this down. “How do you think your war would end?”

“That war was a losing effort.” Schmitt interjected from a little further up the platform. “First Moscow, then Stalingrad, then Kursk. The fighting around Prokarovka showed us the scale of the Soviet reserves. We just didn’t have the manpower.”

As Twilight wrote what he said he glanced back down the line. “Where’s the train? It was supposed to be here 10 minutes ago, fully loaded too.”

“They reported they were having trouble with the boiler.” Said Cadence, who was standing a short distance away with her husband beside her. “I’m sure it will be here soon.”

As if on cue there was a distant whooshing sound of steam being released, followed by a high pitched whistle. The huge engine slowly chugged into sight, black smoke billowing from it’s funnel. Behind it were the flatbeds, each loaded with one of the German vehicles covered in a tarpaulin, followed by the box cars and the two passenger cars. With a loud screech of metal against metal the engine stopped in the station, the rest of the train sticking out down the line behind it.

The crew, which consisted of the four German engineers and a few crystal ponies, climbed down from the engine and onto the platform. “The train is ready sir.” One of them addressed Schlesinger. “We even found time to renovate the passenger cars. The coal tender is full, as is the water tank, all vehicles are secured on board.”

Schelsinger nodded and turned to Krous. “Get your men into the box cars. I want to see all the ponies who are coming with us in the rear passenger car for a briefing.”

Krous nodded and moved to pass the order on to his men. Schlesinger looked to Cadence and gave a curt bow. “I thank you on behalf of my men for your hospitality.”

Cadence smiled at him. “On the contrary, I should be thanking you. If it weren’t for your men, the empire would have fallen long before the Crystal Heart was recovered.”

“Then on that note, I bid you farewell.” Schlesinger gave another bow to Cadence, a sharp salute to Shining armor and then walked off the platform.

He walked along the train, pausing half way along to look up at the Tiger under it’s tarpaulin, before climbing up to the passenger cars. He pushed open the door of the rear car and gave a low whistle. The carriage had obviously been first class in its time and although much of the finery had gone, it was still evident that some emphasis had been placed on it’s building.

He sat down on one of the reupholstered seats and waited for his comrades to arrive. The doors at both ends of the carriage opened. From one end came Schmitt and Krous, from the other, the bearers of the elements of harmony. “We are ready to leave sir.” Schmitt reported. Schlesinger nodded and Schmitt leant out a window and waved down the length of the train.

Someone in the engine gave a blast on the whistle and the train slowly began to chug forwards. A small crowd that had gathered at the station cheered and waved as the train pulled away.

“Right.” Schelsinger said as the train began to gather speed. “What exactly is our plan here.”

Twilight spoke up. “I received a letter from Princess Celestia this morning. She has commanded that the line between here and Ponyville be cleared of traffic until we arrive and that a siding will be cleared for this train. When we arrive, your men will be given temporary accommodation whilst you and your officers will accompany me aboard the regular train to Canterlot where you will be granted an audience with the Princesses. They will be able to answer your questions better than I can.”

The Germans nodded. “How long will it take us to reach Ponyville?” Asked Krous.

“On a normal train, roughly 5 hours.” Said Twilight. “In this train, maybe three.”

“Good.” Said Schlesinger, pulling his officers cap down over his eyes. “Because I need a rest. The next person to disturb me will be shot.”

The ponies exchanged nervous glances while the other German’s chuckled and moved to other areas of the carriage.

Schlesinger was awoke by a sharp jolt and a sudden pain as his arm struck the windowsill of the train carriage. He immediately drew his luger. “Alright, who am I shooting.” He growled from under his cap.

“No one sir.” Came Schmitt’s voice. “We’re here.”

Schlesinger put his luger away, raised his cap, gave his eyes a quick rub and glanced out a nearby window. A large crowd of ponies were gathering around the massive train, peering curiously at it.

“You’d best let me talk to them first.” Said Twilight. “We don’t want to cause mass panic.”

“Agreed.” Said Schlesinger, standing. Twilight exited the carriage and climbed down to the ground. She talked with the assembled crowd for a few minutes before leaning back up to the carriage.

“Ok, you can come out now.” She said. Schlesinger nodded and stepped into the doorway. All talk in the crowd ceased as he appeared and an almost dead silence ensued. He sighed and quickly descended the ladder to the ground. Some of the more fainthearted ponies backed away slightly as he turned to face them. Further up the train, the box cars opened and the infantry poured out and took up parade formation in double lines. The vehicle crews ran along the train and began removing the tarpaulins from their respective vehicles in preparation for disembarking.

All the while, the crowd watched in silence. “Twilight...” Said Schlesinger. “The longer we stand here, the more awkward it gets. When can we head to Canterlot and clear this up?”

Twilight was about to respond when a voice shattered the silence. “They’re real! I told you they’re real!” A mint green pony was practically bouncing up and down in the crowd, pointing a shaking hoof at Schlesinger.

“Who is that?” Asked Schlesinger.

Twilight peered closely. “That’s Lyra Heartstrings I think. We all thought she was a bit loopy with this humans stuff she goes on about, apparently not. But to answer your original question, we can leave immediately. The train was chartered so we can leave whenever you’re ready.” She pointed to a small purple engine sitting in Ponyville railway station, “Friendship Express” printed on the side of the cabin.

“I would like to see to the accommodation of my men.” Said Schlesinger. “Where will they be staying?”

“Well. Applejack has the largest property in town so she’s offered to shelter your equipment in her barn, since it’s not Apple bucking season.”

“Apple...Bucking?” Said Schlesinger, cocking his head slightly.

“Yes, Apple Bucking. Anyway, I can accommodate about 10 of your soldiers in my basement, the loft in Applejack’s barn can hold another 20. She also offered a spare room that can fit 6 or so. Pinkie Pie can take two, Rarity can take two and Fluttershy can take the rest.”

“What about Rainbow Dash?” Asked Schlesinger.

“It would be difficult for her and for you because her house is a cloud.” Said Twilight, noting the confused look on Schlesinger’s face when she finished. “You explained how your weather works to me in the Crystal Empire, our weather is controlled by the Pegasi. They can manipulate clouds so to speak, and usually make their homes out of them.”

Schlesinger nodded, even though he only understood about half of what she said.

“Dang right.” Said Applejack, climbing down from the train followed by the rest of the mane 6. “We’ll keep you housed until you get places of your own.”

“I’m sure the men will be grateful.” Said Schlesinger. “Months of sleeping in the open is not good for a man.” There was a sudden galloping noise from within the watching crowd and some voices shouted. “CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS MONSTER CATCHERS!”

Schlesinger just had time to turn towards the noise as three shapes hurtled from the crowd and crashed into his legs. He looked down to see three small fillies attempting to drag him to the ground, even though none of them were taller than his knees. “What’s this?” He asked.

“Applebloom! What do you think you’re doing.” Applejack stepped forward and pulled the yellow filly off Schlesinger’s leg. Rarity did the same with the small white unicorn and Dash grabbed the orange pegasus.

“We’re stopping the monsters!” Shouted the white one, struggling in Rarity’s grasp.

“Monsters?” Applejack asked. “What in tarnation ya’ll talking about.”

“The monsters that are attacking the town of course.” Said the yellow one, pointing at Schlesinger. Applejack’e eyes followed the direction of her point.

“Monsters. They ain’t no monsters. They’re our new friends.” She said, in a scolding tone.

“Friends?” Said the yellow one. “But how? Who are they? What are they?”

Twilight interjected. “Before I explain anything to you I believe that you owe Mr Schlesinger an apology for calling him a monster and attacking him.”

“I agree.” Said Rarity with a huff. “That was very unbecoming of you Sweetie Belle.”

All three fillies lowered their heads. “We’re sorry.” They said, almost in unison.

“Apology accepted.” Said Schlesinger.

Applejack nodded. “Why don’t ya’ll go back to crusadin’ or something.”

All three of them jerked their heads up. “Yeah, we’re wasting time.” Said Sweetie Belle.

“We gotta get going.” Said Scootaloo. “We’re already late for our next plan.” The three of them raced off into the crowd.


Everyone watched them leave. “What was that?” Asked Schmitt.

“That was mah sister Applebloom, Rarity’s sister Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo.” Said Applejack.

“Who’s Scootaloo related to?” Asked Krous.

“None of us.” Said Twilight. “Her father is in the Royal Guard in Canterlot, so she lives here with her grandmother.”

“Very well.” Schlesinger said, looking to the mane 6. “Can you clear this crowd away, I need to address my men concerning our ability to go home.”

Twilight looked over to him. “Of course, come talk to me when you’re ready to leave for Canterlot.”

Schlesinger nodded and walked up the train to where the majority of the men were milling about. They noticed him coming and jumped into parade formation. “At ease.” Said Schlesinger. “I have some potentially bad news.”

“We may never be able to return to the fatherland.” Their reaction was as expected, none of them moved, but he could see questioning, annoyance, fear and anger in their eyes. “I am yet to confirm the details, but it seems we have no means of getting home. Until I confirm this however, you will be accommodated here in this town by the local inhabitance.”

He turned to a man standing separate from the others. “Sergeant Braun. You are the highest ranking officer, you are in charge until the officers return from the capital, understood?”

“Yes, Sir.” Said the man.

“Good.” Schlesinger turned back to the rest of the men. “You will be accommodated here by the six ponies who accompanied us here. I expect everyone to be on their best behavior. We are their guests, as well as the ambassadors of our race.”

“Yes, Sir.” Said all the men in unison.

“Good.” Said Schlesinger. “I leave you in the command of Sergeant Braun.”

He turned and walked back to Twilight. “I guess we can leave now, unless you have anything you need to attend to.”

“No.” Said Twilight. “My friends have their instructions, we can leave now. Please follow me.”

Schlesinger, Schmitt and Krous followed Twilight over towards the smaller engine. She flashed something at a pony wearing gold armor who was standing in the doorway, and he allowed them access to the first class carriage.

It was definitely a step up, even from the carriages aboard the Celestial. The ceiling was high and vaulted with gold inlay. Wood carvings adorned every column. The carriage itself was divided into four smaller rooms for seating. The seats were long, about the length of a bed, and there were four in each compartment. A table filled the center, adorned with cutlery for an in transit meal.

Schlesinger looked around. “This is a damn sight better than the troop train we had to take to the front.” He sat down on one of the beds. “Damn thing smelled like Volksgrenadiers.”

“What are Voks grenadiers?” Twilight asked.

Schlesinger shook his head nonchalantly. “Volksgrenadiers. They’re just infantry given a few weeks training, handed a weapon and used to replace battle hardened units.”

“So, like a militia?” Twilight asked.

“No, more like a stopgap to buy time for more experienced units to rush over and fix the problem.” Said Schmitt. “They’re practically useless anyway.”

“Hey!” Krous interjected. “If you Panzer commanders would do your job better, then us infantry commanders wouldn’t need to be dragging around regiments of Volksgrenadiers.”

There was a jerk as the train began to pull away. “What happens to these Volksgrenadiers?” Twilight asked, although from the way they had been talked about, she dreaded the answer.

“Either they manage to cling on until a panzer company arrives to beat back the enemy or they get overrun in the first five minutes and by the time reinforcements arrive, they’re all dead.” Schlesinger said.

“And you allow this to happen.” Twilight said, a bit coldly.

“No.” Said Schlesinger. “I don’t command the Volksgrenadiers. I command the Panzergruppen that has to usually rush 20 miles to their aid.“

“What would you describe your men as?” She asked.

“My men are Grenadiers.” Said Krous. “But since we’ve formed a single company now, I guess that makes them Panzer Grenadiers.”

“How long will it take us to get to the capital?” Schmitt asked.

“It should take about an hour.” Twilight said.

“Good. Where’s the bathroom?” Schlesinger asked.

Twilight giggled. “Out and down the rear of the carriage.”

He opened the door, walked down the carriage and into the bathroom, only to find that the toilet was rather elongated. “This will be awkward.” After about five minutes of looking and trying to figure out what to do he decided that just crouching over it was his best course of action. He was half way through removing his belt when suddenly, the there was the sound of metal grinding on metal and the train jerked to a halt.

“Schise.” Schlesinger grabbed the sink to stop himself from falling. He heard the sound of a door being flung open,and the sound of hooves walking into the carriage. Three sets of hooves. He quickly pulled up his pants and retied his belt. He peeked through the keyhole of the bathroom door and noted that a couple of ponies in gold armour were standing just outside, he could make out the shape of crossbows in their hooves.

“Alright, we’re looking for Twilight Sparkle, hand her over and no one gets hurt.” There was a twang and the sound of a crossbow bolt hitting wood. The passengers were all herded into one of the compartments. Schlesinger cursed quietly and drew his luger. He turned the handle of the bathroom door so that it would swing open and took a few steps back. He charged, slamming the door with his shoulder and hurling one of the armored ponies across the carriage. He turned and pointed his luger at the other two who were further up the carriage.

“Drop your weapons!” He shouted. One of the ponies turned and fired. The shot however was poorly aimed and missed, Schlesinger didn’t. BANG BANG. He squeezed the trigger twice and two holes the size of bit coins appeared in the front of the ponies armor. He collapsed onto his knees, then fell on his side. The other pony didn’t shoot, he lunged for the nearest window and dove out of the carriage, smashing it. Schlesinger followed, along with Krous, who had drawn a Walther P38.

The two of them aimed through the broken window and fired at the fleeing pony. Small puffs of dust marked near misses, but neither scored a direct hit. The pony disappeared behind a rock and out of sight. Schlesinger looked at his Luger, noting the weapon was empty. “Missed.” He grumbled, removing the empty magazine a replacing it with a full one.

The two of them looked back into the other compartment where Schmitt was trying to calm the ponies who were traveling with them in first class. Krous went to look at the pony Schlesinger had shot. He was dead. “Bandits?” He asked.

“I don’t know.” Said Schlesinger walking over. “Look at the armor, it’s not even strapped on properly.” He noted a few straps that weren’t connected to anything. He bent down and removed the chest plate to reveal a rather torn looking coat underneath. He reached into one of the pockets and pulled out a small bag that jingled with coins. He looked in and pulled one out. “This doesn’t look like local currency.” He says. “Look at the symbols.”

He passed the coin to Krous. On one side of the coin was an eagle head, on the other, a crown. He resumed searching the body. In another pocket he found a crumpled up piece of paper. Upon unfolding it he found it was two pictures, one inside the other. The larger one was an image of the train they were on, the other, was a picture of Twilight Sparkle, scribbled on the back was a list of abilities and habits. “I don’t think this was a train robbery.” Schlesinger said.

Krous looked at the images. “This whole event reeks of an assassination attempt.” They both looked up the carriage at the false guard that Schlesinger had crushed against the wall. His neck was bent at an odd angle.

“He’s dead.” Said Krous, bluntly. “I’ll bet we’ll find similar stuff on him as well.”

Schmitt appeared in the doorway of the compartment with the passengers inside. “Twilight sent an emergency message. We should be expecting help at any second.”

“What kind of...” Schlesinger didn’t even get to finish the sentence as there was a flash at one end of the carriage. Two unicorns in Guards armor appeared as the light faded. There was a similar flash at the other end of the carriage and two pegasi guards appeared.

Then there was an enormous blast of golden light. Everyone threw up their arms or forelegs to cover their eyes from the brightness. As it began to fade, a figure emerged. Schlesinger, using his hand to keep the fading light away, watched as the figure took shape.

First he saw wings. “A pegasus?” He thought, then noticed the horn. “No, pegasi don’t have horns. Do they?” The winged unicorn had a mane of several bright colours that shimmered brightly. The odd thing about it was that it moved in a similar manner to a flag in a soft breeze, but there was no breeze in the carriage. Her presence seemed to fill the area with a sense of security, but the look on her face told another story.

“Twilight Sparkle.” She said, in a commanding, but gentle tone.

Twilight quickly emerged from the compartment. “Princess.” She ran over and knelt before the winged unicorn.

The Princess gently wrapped Twilight in a hug. “I’m so glad you’re safe.” She looked up at Schlesinger, Schmitt and Krous, who had emerged from the compartment. “And who are these gentle...colts.”

Realizing that the pony before him held some significant authority, Schlesinger snapped to attention and gave a sharp salute. “Colonel Schlesinger, at your service.” The others quickly introduced themselves as well.

The winged unicorn nodded to them. “I am Princess Celestia, co-ruler of the nation of Equestria and goddess of the Sun. You have my undying gratitude for saving my faithful student.” Her horn quickly lit and pulled a table cloth from one of the train compartments and covered the bodies of the two dead assailants. “Although I wish your methods had been a bit less....violent.”

“I apologize your majesty.” Schlesinger said. “But we had to defend ourselves and the other passengers.”

Celestia nodded and turned to the two unicorn guards. She said something to them, then they walked over to the bodies, absorbed them in their magic aura, and the vanished. “Short range teleportation.” Celestia said, noting the puzzled look on Schlesinger’s face. “We call it winking. They’ll be in the medical bay in Canterlot now.” She looked over at Twilight. “We should be leaving, the engineer will get the train moving again.” She turned back to the humans. “Do you have any objection to be teleported to my throne room.”

“Will it be painful your majesty?” Asked Krous.

“It shouldn’t.” Said Twilight, preempting her teacher. “You may feel dizzy or nauseous, but that’s natural for a first time teleport.”

Schlesinger looked at his comrades, who shrugged, then looked back at Celestia. “Do what is necessary your highness.”

Celestia nodded. “Prepare yourselves.” He horn glowed and gently absorbed them all on a vibrant yellow glow, then, in a flash they were gone. It was an odd sensation, like being crushed into nothing and at the same time, expanded to fill the whole universe. Then it was over. Schlesinger opened his eyes to find the world spinning. He reached out and grabbed the nearest object so he could rub his eyes. Once the world settled back into a reasonable degree, he looked at what he had grabbed, to find it was Celestia’s shoulder.

He immediately withdrew his hand. “Apologies your majesty.”

Celestia gave a quiet giggle. “It is nothing.” She walked up to a gold throne on the right side of the room and sat. “But I am sure you have had a long and hectic trip, so please, I will have a guard escort you to your rooms where you can rest, and we can discuss other matters over dinner.”

Schlesinger bowed. “Thank you your majesty, but might I speak with you in private.”

“Of course.” Celestia said. “Guard!” The door opened and a Guard rushed up to the throne.

“At your orders your majesty.”

“Please escort my faithful student and the visiting diplomats to the prepared rooms. I would speak with this one alone, no disturbances unless I call, understood?”

“Yes your majesty. Follow me please.” The Guard lead Twilight, Schmitt and Krous out of the room. Once the door shut, Celestia looked at Schlesinger.

“Now, what did you want to talk to me about?”

“I believe that the assailants that attacked us on the train were not mere train robbers.” Said Schlesinger.

Celestia’s brow furrowed. “What do you mean?” She asked.

Schlesinger reached into an inside pocket of his coat and pulled out the papers and coin purse they had taken from the corpses on the train. “We found these on the body of one of the attackers.” He said.

She took the items with her magic and levitated them close to her face. She inspected the purse first. “This is leather.” She said, a slightly disgusted look on her face. “Not Equestrian made, this is foreign.” She opened it and pulled out a coin. “Griffon currency.” She said. “Quite literally worth it’s weight in gold.”

Her frown deepened significantly when she looked at the photographs. “This is troubling.” She said.

“Yes.” Said Schlesinger. “I feel that someone wanted your faithful student either captured, or dead, and whoever it was, paid in Griffon gold.”

“I shall talk with the Griffon embassy.” Said Celestia. “They will launch an investigation into this alongside our own. I thank you for recovering this evidence for us. If you will forgive me, I have royal duties to attend to. I will call a guard to escort you to your room until tonight. Guard!”

Another Guard ran into the room and up to the throne. “At your orders, your majesty.”

“Please escort Colonel Schlesinger to his room.”

“Yes your highness.” The guard bowed low to the floor. “Follow me please sir.”

Schlesinger quickly saluted Celestia, who bowed back, before turning and following the guard out of the throne room. As the door closed he looked over at the guard. “What’s your name?” He asked.

The Guard looked over. “Private Flash Sentry. 1st Royal Guards.”

“Are you a soldier Flash?” Schlesinger asks. The guard smiled.

“We like to think of ourselves that way, but we are merely guards. There hasn’t been a war in Equestria for 800 years. We’re not an active unit so to speak, but we are Equestria’s elite troops in times of crisis.”

Schlesinger nodded. “This world must be peaceful then.” He said. The pony shook his head.

“Not exactly sir. The Griffon kingdoms is a militarized power. They’re not really a nation, just a loose coalition of city states and small kingdoms that happen to fall under one banner. There was usually infighting between the groups, but it’s been quiet for the last 7 years, since King Ragnar seized the throne and executed King Taalon.”

“Hmmmm.” Schlesinger thought. A nation with a long history of internal conflict suddenly going silent seemed odd.

“Princess Luna is there on a diplomatic visit as we speak.” Continued Flash. “That is why you only met Princess Celestia today.” Schlesinger was too busy thinking about something else to listen.

“Does Equestria have a military?” He asked.

“Yes.” Replied Flash. “But it’s only small. 800 Royal Guards, 6 artillery batteries, 6 companies of line infantry, 2 airborne lancer corps, a mage company, a light infantry battalion, a field hospital and that’s about it. We do have a reasonably powerful navy but most of our larger vessels are in dry dock.”

Schlesinger nodded. “I might talk to Princess Celestia about that later.” He said.

“Here is your room, Sir.” Flash walked over to a large ornate set of double doors and pushed them open. Inside was the largest bedroom that Schlesinger had ever seen. The walls were a dark blue and climbed several meters up to a vaulted ceiling that was decorated with stars. A large four poster bed sat against a wall in one corner and a desk with an ornate chair sat in the other corner. A large fireplace was already lit and crackling in the wall across from the bed.

“This is immaculate.” Schlesinger said.

“Of course, Sir.” Flash said. “This room belonged to Princess Luna. However, when she decided to move into the Lunar tower at the other end of the hallway, this room was turned into an ambassador suite. You’re actually kind of lucky sir, this room is usually reserved for visiting royalty.”

“I can see why.” Schlesinger said, resting a hand on the chair near the desk. “This will do I think.”

“I must return to my post now Sir.” Flash said. “I will return for you when the evening meal is served. In the meantime, feel free to make use of the facilities in this room.” He quickly saluted, then closed the door, leaving Schlesinger alone.

Schlesinger removed his greatcoat and cap, placing them on the desk and running a hand through his slightly greasy silvering hair. “I should clean up first.” He muttered heading for the en suite. After finding a light switch, which for some reason lit candles in every corner of the room, he gawked at the size of the bathroom. The bath itself was easily the size of a small swimming pool and was already full of steaming water, a large cabinet full of different types of soap was hung against the wall beside a full body mirror. The sink was set into a marble bench top with a smaller mirror near the bath and the toilet was a room all its own, with its own separate door.

Schlesinger walked back over to the main door of the bathroom, shut it and locked it. “I guess I should wash.” He stripped off his uniform and piled it in a neat pile on the bench top. Then he walked to the cabinet and selected a bar of soap and something called “manecare shampoo” before slipping into the bath/pool. The water was slightly warmer than he was used to, but still comfortable. He dunked himself, before lathering up and scrubbing half a months worth of dirt from his skin and hair. When he was sufficiently clean, he floated for a little while, before climbing out and drying himself with an oversized towel.

Once he was dry, he put on his undershirt and trousers, making sure the suspenders were tight. Then he checked his reflection in the sink mirror. He had developed a light stubble over the last month of combat but he liked the way it made him look. Like a veteran with several years of fighting under his belt, which wasn’t far from the truth. Next he put on his socks, boots and uniform over shirt. He ran his hand over the badges on the sleeves, indicating his rank, unit and nationality, to ensure that none of the stitching was coming loose. None was. Finally he picked up his iron cross and attached it to his top button.

Satisfied that his uniform was as neat as he could make it, he unlocked the bathroom door and walked back into the bedroom. Noting slivers of light coming into the room, he walked to one of the large windows, which turned out to be a door onto a balcony. He opened the door and stepped out onto the balcony. There was a deckchair and table in one corner and a view of most of the city before him. He leaned on the balcony and looked out over the city, the white stone of the castle shone with a sun like radiance in the mid evening light.

A red/yellow sunset graced the western horizon and a small squadron of Pegasi pushed a cloud overhead.

There was a knock at the door and he turned. “Yes?” He asked.

The door opened and Flash Sentry stepped in. “Sir, the evening meal is almost ready to be served. I am to escort you to the dining room.” Schlesinger nodded and walked over to the door, picking up his cap and putting it on as he went. “Lead the way.”

Flash Sentry lead him down the corridor, up two flights of stair and down a narrower corridor which lead to an ornamental looking door, inscribed with images of ponies in various poses.

“This is the private dining room of the Princesses.” Flash said, opening the door and standing aside to allow Schlesinger entry. Schlesinger nodded and stepped into the room. “I will be outside if you require anything.”

“Thank you.” Said Schlesinger. Flash saluted and closed the door.

He turned to look at the room. A long table occupied much of the center of the room. The walls were painted with various scenes, illuminated by candles and a large hole was open in the roof at the far end of the room, with an impulvium full of clear water below it.

“Colonel Schlesinger, please join us.” The other German officers were already seated at the table along with Celestia. It was she who had spoken and gestured to a seat next to her with a wing. Schlesinger nodded and saluted before walking over to the chair and taking a seat.

Celestia tapped a hoof twice on the table and immediately a set of doors opened at the end of the room. Several ponies wheeled in trolleys full of food. Pasta dishes, plates of salad and surprisingly, two plates of cooked fish and what appeared to be a cooked chicken, the pony wheeling this cart looked rather uneasy, but maintained his poseur and placed the meal on the table, before bowing and leaving the room with the others.

Twilight stared at the steaming chicken, then glanced at Celestia. “Is that a...a...” Her voice faded away.

“I haven’t had a cooked chicken in more than 10 months.” Krous was practically drooling.

“Hold on. I though horses, and by extension ponies, were herbivores.” Said Schmitt. “Where did this meat come from, your highness, and how did you know we could eat it.”

“Canterlot is a hub for many ambassadors from other nations.” Celestia explained. “The Griffons do not take well to greenery and vegetables. As such they are prolific meat eaters. We have a small stock of meat for the ambassadors at all times. As for knowing you could eat it. I saw your teeth. The canines indicated to me that you had a partially meat based diet, so I ordered this made for you.”

Schlesinger nodded. “My thanks, your highness. I was told you may have some answers as to our ability to return home.”

“Yes.” Said Celestia. “But you may not like what i’m going to tell you. Back when my sister and I defeated Sombra, he placed a spell on the Crystal Empire. A time warping spell, causing it to freeze in time for 1000 years, and effectively drop out of existence. Basically, he locked the empire in a bubble of time warping energy for 1000 years. The Crystal Empire radiates a powerful magical aura, which continued to build inside this bubble of time. After 1000 years, the energy reached critical mass, and the bubble burst, releasing a powerful wave of energy and causing the Empire to reappear.”

Schlesinger nodded. “But what does this have to do with our ability to return home?”

“When the energy escaped, it was so powerful it literally cracked the fabric of reality.” Celestia explained. “The result was a sort of doorway between your dimension and ours. You just happened to be in the right place at the right time and you walked through one of these doorways. Unfortunately, this is where the problem starts. Your crossing destabilized the doorway, causing it to collapse behind you. The sheer force of the blast of magical energy that opened that doorway cannot be replicated by any means that I know of. These doorways only existed in theory until the event proved their existence.”

Schlesinger sat back and shook his head. “The men are not going to like this. I’m 68, I’m an old man. Many of them are in their mid 20s and 30s. They still had their whole lives ahead of them back home. Well, assuming the Russians didn’t cut it short.” He shook his head. “Are we stuck here for good.”

“I’m afraid so.” Celestia said solemnly. “However, if you wish to remain in your profession, I would gladly induct you into the Equestrian army.”

Schlesinger thought about the offer. “What would it entail?” Asked Schmitt.

“And what benefits would it provide us?” Krous added.

“You would be recognized as soldiers of Equestria and be granted citizenship and all the rights that come with it.”

“It sounds promising.” Said Schlesinger. “But I would first need to talk to my men, some of them might not be willing to fight anymore.”

“If that is their choice, then it is theirs to make.” Celestia said. “I would gladly induct any who are willing to serve into our military forces, but I will not force those who do not wish to serve.” She paused to take a bite of her own food. “Is there anything else you would like to know?”

“Yes, what exactly are the Elements of Harmony we keep being told about?” Schmitt asked. “All we know is that six of the ponies we have met are the bearers or something.”

Celestia smiled softly. “The original story of the Elements of Harmony is legendary. But I can tell you that it is true. Back before time began, our mother, the great overgod created 6 beings to rule over this world, each to control an element of the world. Light, Darkness, Chaos, Harmony, Life and Death. Four sisters and two brothers. We often quarreled as siblings do, then, one day, the god of Chaos, Discord, argued with Harmony. Their quarrel grew so great that they fought and Discord accidentally killed Harmony. Then he went mad and disappeared. The rest of us buried her beneath what is now the Everfree forest, and from her body sprouted a tree, The tree of Harmony. That tree produced 6 seeds, each a piece of Harmony’s soul, magic, honesty, laughter, generosity, kindness and loyalty. The 6 elements of harmony.”

“So the old legend is true.” Twilight breathed. “So when I channel my element, I am channeling the energy of your sister.”

“That is correct Twilight Sparkle.” Celestia smiled. “Only a few know this legend to be true, but I would like the sacrifice of my sister to be know. Most of the records that contained the story were destroyed by Discord during the Chaos war 800 years ago.”

“On the topic of military.” Schlesinger said. “I was told about the Griffon Kingdoms, and their military prowess.”

“Yes, the Griffons.” Celestia said. “The history between Equestria and the Griffon kingdoms has not been smooth in the past. 4000 years ago, the Griffon’s were a powerful empire, the largest the world has ever seen. No longer.”

“What happened to them.” Schmitt asked.

Celestia sighed. “3700 years ago, there was a war. Well, war had broken out many times before. The griffons had tried to invade fertile plains of Equestria through the northern mountains time and time again, luck was never on their side though, determined resistance ensured their victories were short lived. They just couldn’t accept times had changed. Facing defeats against many foes, losing territory and watching their nation dwindle, their built up their industrial strength to unprecedented heights, and used it to wage one final battle against the world. They fought ferociously, but were utterly defeated. In the years after the war, the shattered empire broke apart, forming a few dozen rival kingdoms. Today they remain in an unsteady peace, with each other at any rate.”

Schlesinger nodded. “So the Empire collapsed on itself.” He looked at the others. “What of the king?”

“Well.” Celestia began. “The old king, King Taalon, was a good ruler. He kept the kingdoms in check while letting them maintain their autonomy. Then he was caught up in a military coup, and summarily executed. His younger son was murdered, the elder, imprisoned. The new ruler is King Ragnar. He keeps the kingdoms in line with a grip of steel. I’ve been noticing that the griffon leadership has been quiet lately, so I sent my sister to discuss diplomatic issues with their council.”

There was a quiet knock at the door. “Come in.” Celestia said, glancing over.

A guard stepped inside, carrying a long box under his foreleg. “Your highness, the Griffon embassy to Canterlot has been recalled.”

“What? Why?” Celestia asked.

Schlesinger looked up as well. “That isn’t good.” He mumbled.

“Ambassador Tradar sends his apologies that he cannot be here in pony.” The guard continued. “He asked me to present you with this on behalf of the Griffon king.” He held the box out to her.

“Thank you good sir, you are dismissed.” Celestia said, taking the box from his grasp. It was long and thin, wrapped with a light blue ribbon.

“The recalling of an embassy can only mean two things.” Schmitt said.

“Yes.” Said Krous. “Either they’re being replaced...”

“Or its wa.....” Schlesinger started before he was interrupted by an ear shattering scream. Everyone was on their feet in an instant, weapons drawn. The door flew open and half a dozen guards poured in. All eyes turned to Celestia, who had just opened the box.

Nestled at the top among tufts of blue feather and paper, was a long, midnight blue, cylindrical object. One of the guards threw up, another two passed out on the spot.

“What...is that?” Schlesinger asked slowly.

“They cut off her horn.” Celestia growled. “THOSE EVIL FILTH CUT OFF MY SISTER’S HORN!” She roared, loud enough to shatter the stain glass windows of the room. A piece of paper drifted down onto the table.

Schlesinger picked it up. “If you wish to see your sister alive, I expect the capitulation of Equestria and your resignation as Princess on my desk in five days. If you refuse, you sister will be executed, and your nation will burn.” He read aloud. “Signed Emperor Ragnar.”

Celestia quietened as he read, her eyes slowly widening with fear for her sister. She quickly summoned a scroll and quill and started writing.

“What are you doing your highness.” Schlesinger asked, rounding the table to see what she was writing.

“I’m getting my sister back.” Celestia said in a quavering voice. “I will comply.”

“No.” Said Schlesinger, seizing the scroll from the air. Celestia rounded on him, backing him towards a wall.

“Give, me, that.” She growled.

“No.” Schlesinger said. “I will not allow such treachery to be tolerated.” Celestia pinned him to the wall with her magic.

“You would condemn my sister!” She screamed at him, reminding him slightly of the sound of a Katyusha rocked battery.

“No, I would save your sister.” Schlesinger said.

“How?” Celestia shouted at him. “We have no idea where she is.”

“No, but. Notify your border patrols to intercept the Griffon ambassadors and bring them back here. They’re bound to have the one who delivered this with them, and odds are he would be in on the plan. So we ring information on your sister out of him, then I will take my men and rescue your sister.”

Celestia glared it him. “If this does not work I will hold you personally responsible.” She growled.

“I’ll most likely be dead if this fails.” Schlesinger said. “Send word to your troops to capture the ambassadors. Do you have a means of spreading word across Equestria quickly.”

Celestia nodded. “We have a basic radio system for emergency communications with towns. Why?”

“When we rescue your sister, we will bring her back and expose the treachery of the Griffons to Equestria and the rest of the world. Does Equestria have any allies?”

“Yes, but the Zebra nation and Saddle Arabia will need solid proof of the Griffons guilt before they will join us in any action.” Celestia said. “What are you getting at?”

“When we rescue your sister, the Griffons will more than likely cross the northern border and attack Equestria.” Schlesinger said. “I was told Equestria had only some 6000 standing troops, that will not be enough to fight the coming war. You will need to call all of Equestria to arms, start raising militias. Are there any plans in place for such an event?”

“Of course.” Celestia said. “The mayor of every town has a secret set of documents locked in a safe, detailing the plans of action for different scenarios, including invasion.”

Schlesinger thought for a moment. "This explains why they hit the train today looking for Twilight. They either wanted to kill her to hurt you, or capture her to use as a bargaining chip. That would also explain the griffon currency we found on the body."

The weight of the situation suddenly hit Celestia and she slumped back in her chair, holding the box containing her sister’s horn close. “War.” She whispered. “I tried so hard to prevent another, and now my only remaining family, my dear sister will be taken from me.” She started to sob quietly.

Schlesinger rested a hand on her shoulder. “Easy.” He said. “We’ll get her back.” He looked over at Twilight who was still rock solid in her seat, her eyes locked on the wall with tears streaming from the edges at seeing her teacher in such distress.

“Schmitt, take Twilight to her room, she looks like she’s got shell shock.” Schelsinger said quietly. Schmitt gently scooped Twilight over his shoulder and carried her out of the room, her tears gently staining his black uniform.

“War.” Schlesinger muttered, looking up.
