• Published 20th Feb 2013
  • 2,780 Views, 185 Comments

Paradiso - Syvvak

Octavia and Vinyl are rivals, and nopony knows why.

  • ...

Chapter 10


Chapter 10

Written by


Story Concept by



Octavia’s ears perked up at the sound of a door closing. She turned from her cello to see Vinyl and Stormy Breeze walking down the stairs, both still slightly wet from the shower. As they neared the bottom, Octavia lay her cello aside and approached the sisters with a smile.

“So,” she said, planting a kiss on each unicorn’s forehead, “do you feel better now that you are all cleaned up?”

“Baph!” Stormy said with glee, bringing a smile to the cellist’s lips.

Vinyl looked at the grey mare with a seductive smirk. “Yes, I feel better now that I have gotten all wet, just like you wanted.”

Octavia looked at the mare incredulously with a blush. She wanted to hit her, but with Stormy sitting atop her head, she knew she couldn't. Turning away, she sighed.

“So, I changed your diaper, you got a shower, and you have a bottle of milk,” Octavia said, pointing at a bottle filled with milk on the coffee table. “I guess you’re all ready for bed, aren’t you?”

“Yeah, ready to go nigh-night?” Vinyl said, floating a yawning Stormy to the couch along with the milk..

“Oh, I was talking about you, Vinyl. Though, I guess she should probably go to bed, too.”

“Oh, Tabi thinks she’s funny.” Vinyl looked down at her sister, who gave a sleepy smile around the nipple of her bottle. “I guess she’s right. Come on, Sis. Time for bed.”

Vinyl stood from the couch, floating Stormy Breeze and her bottle onto her back. She approached Octavia and placed her lips upon the cellist’s. Walking past her a little, she said, “Give Tabi a good-night kiss.” The sleepy filly opened her mouth in a big ‘O’ and placed it on Octavia’s cheek.

“Goodnight, girls.” Octavia reached for her cello and bow as the sisters walked past. Biting her lip gently, she said, “Would you like to hear me play before going to bed?”

Vinyl stopped and turned to face the cellist, raising an eyebrow. “What makes you think I was going to bed?”

Octavia looked away. “You've just had a long day today, not to mention the past few days. I would understand if you fell asleep as soon as you lay down or just wanted to go to bed early. And we’ll probably have a busy day tomorrow.”

Vinyl smiled. Without a word, she lay upon the couch, an almost asleep Stormy Breeze curled up beside her. “We would love that.”

Octavia looked up happily. Standing on her hind legs, she pulled her cello and bow into position. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath, and pulled the bow across the strings. As she played, she thought. She thought about when she met Vinyl, all the fun they had together. She thought about when she realized she had a crush on the same mare, and how torn she was when she left. She thought about how happy and angry she was when she saw Vinyl again. The raging emotions when she came to apologize. The joy when she kissed her back.

Octavia thought about everything leading up to where she was. And where she was needing to go. Most importantly, she thought of the little filly she needed to apologize to. The filly she had abandoned. The filly she had promised she would visit, but hadn’t seen in years.

Feeling tears in her eyes, Octavia finished playing. She looked up to see the unicorn sisters sleeping, Stormy Breeze wrapped in Vinyl’s legs, a smile upon both of their faces. Placing her cello in its case, Octavia took the blanket from the back of the couch and draped it over the sisters. Kissing both unicorns on the forehead, she turned towards the kitchen.

“That was beautiful, Octavia.” The cellist jumped. Looking around, her eyes finally spotted the speaker at the stairs: Copper Girder. He sat, leaned against the wall, with Ruby leaning against him, her eyes closed. Both were smiling. “Vinyl was right, y’are very talented.”

Octavia blushed, trying to hold back a large smile. “Thank you very much.” Octavia just stood for a moment, unsure of what to do. “Do you have any tea?”

“Third drawer down, far right of the sink,” Ruby said, eyes remaining closed.

“Okay, thank you.” As Octavia walked towards the kitchen, she turned back and said, “Are you going to join me?”

“Of course we are, Dear,” Ruby said, standing up to follow the mare. Copper trailed behind.


Sitting at the kitchen table, Octavia, Ruby, and Copper sipped on cups of tea.

“So,” Octavia began, “how was your dinner?”

Ruby looked up. “Oh, it was nice. Seeing old friends always is.” Octavia just nodded. “And yours?”

Octavia stared at the table with a smile. “It was wonderful. I got to see a whole new side off Vinyl, and I loved it.” Her thoughts went to earlier that evening. Watching the sisters bond was one of the most heartwarming things she could remember. And it was even more touching when Stormy Breeze insisted upon her joining them.

Octavia, Ruby, and Copper sat around the table talking on inconsequential subjects for a few minutes. When they paused to refill their cups, Octavia’s mind began to wander.

“Would you mind if I asked a very personal question?” Octavia questioned, staring into her steaming cup of tea.

Ruby and Copper looked at each other questioningly. Copper shrugged, letting Ruby know he was okay with it. “Of course, Octavia. Ask us whatever you are comfortable with,” Ruby said, gently.

Taking a deep breath, Octavia asked a question that had been bothering her since before her and Vinyl had arrived. “Were you upset with Vinyl when she ran away?” Both ponies were taken by surprise.

“Of course we were,” Ruby began. “Well, at least, I was. She came home the night before, screaming at us for no reason, then ran off. It was hard not to be a little upset.”

“Are you still upset with her?” Octavia still couldn’t bring herself to look at them.

The older ponies sat in contemplation. Copper was the first to speak up. “I’m not. I mean, I was a bit hurt that she thought that was the best to do was leave, but she was never one for facing her problems. You probably know that.”

Octavia nodded and took a sip of her tea, waiting for Ruby to talk. “I… I don’t know. I’m upset that she did it, and I’m glad she’s finally come to visit us, despite how long it took her, but I don’t know if I’m upset with her anymore. I know she must have wanted time to herself after what happened, but she could have told us. We would have helped her.” Ruby leaned against Copper, tears in her eyes.

“I’m really sorry,” Octavia said, looking back into her cup.

“For what, Dear?” Ruby asked, leaning away from Copper.

“For bringing up something so… emotional.” Octavia released a sigh.

“Someone had to do it, Babe.” The ponies at the table turned to see Vinyl standing in the doorway with a sleeping Stormy Breeze on her back. She walked over to Octavia and kissed her before sitting down, cradling the filly against her chest.

Everypony just looked at Vinyl. “No need to stop talking because I’m here. Converse.” She began gently rocking Stormy. “Oh, and don’t worry about catching me up. I’ve heard everything.”

“Would you like some tea?” Octavia asked, not really comfortable for some reason.

“No. But a glass of water would be nice,” Vinyl said with a smile.

“So,” Ruby said as Octavia filled up a glass, “is there anything you want to say or ask?” She wiped some stray tears from her eyes.

“Actually, yes. How did you know what happened that night?”

Ruby straightened up and took a deep breath. “After we realized you had… left, we went and looked for you. We asked your friends, went to your favorite places, but couldn’t find anything.” Ruby sniffled. “We stopped to get some lunch and were talking when this young mare approached us.

“She apologized for listening to our conversation, and asked if we were looking for Vinyl Scratch. We told her we were and explained what had happened. We told her how we had looked all over for you, but nopony knew anything. Then she sat down and told us what had happened at the party the night before. She told us that you told her you were moving.”

Vinyl was biting her lip and looking at the table. Her glass sat empty and she was no longer rocking Stormy. She felt Octavia’s hoof begin rubbing her back comfortingly. She looked up to realize her mother had stopped talking. She nodded, letting them know she was listening, as Octavia sidled closer to her.

“She said she gave you her number and asked if we wanted her to tell us if she found anything out,” Copper said. “We told her only if it seemed like you needed help. We had decided you were old enough to go be your own mare and realized you may want some time alone. To help get your thoughts in order. We knew you would come home if things got too bad, but we also knew they probably wouldn’t.

“And look at you now,” he said, a little too loud, earning a jab from Ruby. “Sorry.” He looked over to Vinyl, who went back to rocking a waking Stormy.

Copper stood up and walked over to Vinyl. He wrapped her in a gentle hug and whispered, “I couldn’t be prouder.” Vinyl nuzzled into his shoulder, tears pouring from her eyes. Octavia and Ruby couldn’t help from letting some tears fall as well.

As he pulled away, Copper felt a slight tugging around his neck. Stormy Breeze had wrapped her hooves around his neck. He pulled her to him and said, “I think we should go to bed. We have a big day tomorrow.” Everypony nodded in agreement.

Octavia carried the cups to the sink as the others went upstairs. As she made it to the top of the stairs, she saw Vinyl and Ruby hugging as Copper turned into a room. As she approached, she heard faint “I love you” followed by “I love you, too, Mom”. As they pulled away, Ruby turned to the room Copper had entered.

“Goodnight, Octavia,” she said.

“Goodnight, Ruby.” Octavia turned to see Vinyl walking up the hallway. Turning to the door at the far right, she pushed it open and waved Octavia in. Too tired to look around, Octavia headed straight for the bed. Curling up under the covers, she sighed in relief. Feeling Vinyl crawl in beside her, she wrapped her in a loving embrace.

“Goodnight, Octavia. I love you,” Vinyl said, letting sleep take her in its hold.

“I love you, too, Vinyl.” Octavia smiled into her marefriend's mane as she fell asleep.

Author's Note:

So, not entirely satisfied with bits of this chapter, but, then again, when are we? So, thanks to Pretty Princess Lynked (I wish I didn't have to copy and paste linked stuff for the author's note. Get's anoyinng) for the story, and Joshy-boy and Leonofsweden (especially him. He helped me a lot) for pre-reading this for me.

I apologize for how long this took to get up. I just... couldn't seem to get around to it.

In other news, I have this awesome Pikachu theme for Google Chrome.

[The usual 'find an error, point it out, please' and 'I enjoy reading your thoughts about this chapter/story, so feel free to leave them' goes here]