• Published 20th Feb 2013
  • 2,785 Views, 185 Comments

Paradiso - Syvvak

Octavia and Vinyl are rivals, and nopony knows why.

  • ...

Chapter 7


Chapter 7

Written by


Story Concept by



Trees passed by in a blur. The steady rumble of the train speeding across the track lulled Vinyl into a daze, along with the seemingly endless smear of green and grey against the orange and purple canvas of the rising sun. Thoughts of the near future and recent past played through her mind. Some of the scenarios of her upcoming encounter threatened to throw her into an emotional mess, but were quickly soothed by the set events of the past. But thinking on what had happened recently caused her to worry, despite the conversation the day before with Fleur de Lis.

“But Octavia-”
“Vinyl,” Fleur said quickly, cutting the DJ off, “my husband and I are two of the most influential ponies in Canterlot, if not Equestria. Unless the Princesses stated that Octavia was a terrible cellist, we can get her back to how she was before this little faux pas. Her taking a few days to herself will not hurt anything.
“Besides, she doesn’t even have any work set for almost a month, so she won’t be missing anything important.” The white unicorn gave a reassuring smile, hoping to quell any fears Vinyl may have.
"And it will give you two some time to catch up, too," Lyra chirped.
"I... Fine. We'll do that."
"Trust me, ma chère, we will fix this. I promise." Fleur gave the most sincere smile to the musical duo she could.
"Yeah. Besides, it kinda IS our fault in the first place, so it is only right." A guilty frown briefly grace Lyra's lips, but was quickly wiped away. "So, I see you two don't seem to want to strangle each other anymore... well, Octavia doesn't want to strangle Vinyl anymore, at least. That's good."

The rest of the lunch was just idle chit-chat. Upon leaving, Vinyl and Octavia went to the train station to find a train heading to Marechester. Deciding the next morning was the best time, they returned to Octavia's home. Neither mare talked much. The upcoming events were nerve wracking for Vinyl. Octavia noticed this and offered her presence as support.

The two had sat on the loveseat for hours after packing, lost in thought. Small bits of conversation would happen from time to time, but nothing lasting. Dinner passed mostly the same, though Octavia was able to get Vinyl to talk a bit more over the leftover soup.

Shortly after dinner, the two mares decided to retire. After making sure they had everything set for the trip the next day, they went to Octavia's bedroom. Tucked under the blankets with the lights off, Octavia embraced Vinyl. The moonlight that drifted into the window framed the unicorn, giving her an ethereal glow. Smiling, Octavia looked her marefriend in the eye and said, "Everything will go fine tomorrow, Vinyl. I promise. They're family. They'll forgive you."

Vinyl looked down at the grey mare sleeping against her. The same mare who embraced her as she cried herself to sleep the night before. Though she was still unsure of what caused her tears, be it the fears of rejection and anger from her parents or Octavia's loving words of encouragement, she was grateful the cellist was there for her.

She stroked the earth pony's black mane and gave her a slight squeeze, inadvertently causing the mare to awaken from her slumber. Rubbing her lavender eyes, Octavia looked up at Vinyl and smiled. Vinyl smiled back.

"Mornin', sleepy-head." She leaned over and pecked the mare on the forehead.

"Are we almost there?" Octavia asked, still dreary from sleep.

"Tavi, we left the station twenty-seven minutes ago," Vinyl replied, a slight laugh in her voice.

"It felt like I have been asleep longer." The cellist scooted closer to her white counterpart.

"You have." When she didn't continue, Octavia looked up at her, frowning. "We sat at the station for a half an hour. You dozed off before we left."


Vinyl sat there for a moment, unsure of what to do as Octavia placed her head back on her side. Eventually, she spoke up. "Hey, Tavi? Thanks."

"Hm?" the waking mare responded.

"For last night. I don't know what came over me. I don't know and, quite frankly, I don't care, but you were there for me. Thank you."

Octavia gave the unicorn a slight squeeze. "Of course I was there for you. I'm your marefriend. It's in my job description now. 'Lie there for hours as Vinyl rests on your chest, causing you to go numb all over, and cries into your mane.' It's all emboldened, italicized, six sizes bigger than everything else, and written in the seventeen most common languages. And it is the most gorgeous shade of red, much like your eyes."

Vinyl gave a blush as Octavia chuckled. "I don't see how I missed it," she said, her voice dripping with sarcasm, but was laced with mirth. "Wait, I kept you up all night?"

Octavia stopped laughing. "I, uh, didn't mean to say that."

"I'm sorry."

"Hey," Octavia said, pulling away and looking into Vinyl's ruby eyes, "don't be. I don't think I would have slept much anyways. Just... everything that has been going on, everything that is going to be happening soon, it's all running around in my mind like... like that time you were running around the house with my aunt's cat attached to your face."

"TAAAVI!" Vinyl groaned, blushing as Octavia erupted in laughter. "I thought we weren't going to talk about that? Especially in public. You promised."

Octavia's laughter quickly died down. "I did. I'm sorry. I... it was just so funny. And it was pretty cute." She let out a light giggle as Vinyl's blush deepened. "Besides, we're all alone here. Nopony else is in our car."

Vinyl took a quick look around the cabin, her eyes meeting empty seats everywhere she looked. "Oh. Well, I guess I will let you slide this time, but please don't tell anyone else. It's embarrassing."

Octavia wrapped her hooves around the still-blushing mare. "I'll try, but I won't promise. I'm your marefriend now. I have to embarrass you sometimes."

Vinyl just sighed and returned the embrace, her gaze shifting back to the window. After a few minutes of staring out at the landscape as it sped past, she began to laugh. Slowly, she started to get louder, causing Octavia to pull away.

"And just what do you find so funny? Are there some chipmunks arguing over a coconut?"

"What?" Vinyl said, calming herself down. "Oh, sorry. I just remembered the second time we went out drinking."

Octavia scrunched her face up as she tried to remember what Vinyl was. "I seem to be drawing a blank. Would you mind refreshing my memory?"

Vinyl turned slowly, trying to keep her face straight. Slowly, her lips started to tremble. Biting her bottom lip, she took a deep breath.

"You don't remember?"

"Isn't that what 'drawing a blank' generally means?"

Vinyl chuckled. "Fine, fine. I'll tell you a story, my little filly. Get comfortable, 'cause this one's a doozy." Octavia rolled her eyes, but snuggled up against Vinyl.

"As I said, it was the second time we went out drinking after we met. Nothing much happened while we were out on the town. We got kicked out of a few clubs, all me, by the way, and we got pretty drunk. You were pretty funny. You're a funny drunk." Octavia let out a low growl, causing Vinyl to laugh before continuing.

"Well, when we got back you talked. A lot. You're a talkative drunk, too. At least you aren't a mopey drunk." A quick jab to the ribs caused Vinyl to continue. "Well, you got to telling me about when you were a filly. I don't remember much, but one thing has never left me.

"You told me you use to go around everywhere with a pillowcase on your head calling yourself 'Bloopermare', the greatest superhero to ever live. You said you would go to school with it, the market, outside to play. Everywhere. After you finished telling me, you ran, well, stumbled, upstairs, brought a pillowcase back down, and proceeded to cut holes in it an put it on your head! You then ran around the house accosting the furniture for... I don’t remember, but it was pretty funny, and probably kinda cute, too."

Vinyl sat there laughing, causing both mares to shake. Octavia was mortified. She couldn't believe she had told another living being about that, especially one she had barely known. Slowly, she pulled away from Vinyl.

"Vinyl," she said quietly. Calming down, Vinyl turned to her marefriend, a smile lighting her face. As she looked upon the grey mare, her smile faltered slightly.

"Yes, Octavia?"

"Could you not tell anypony about that?"

"But 'I'm your marefriend. I'm suppose to embarrass you sometimes'," Vinyl replied, smirking.

"Well, this is different. I... that was a hard time for me."

Vinyl looked at Octavia. The cellist's eyes were slightly moistened and looking everywhere but Vinyl. "Alright," Vinyl said, pulling her into a hug.

"Thank you." Vinyl held the hug for a few minutes before speaking up again.

"Do you want to talk about it?" she asked softly.

Octavia just sat there, relishing the feel of Vinyl's fur against hers. Eventually, she spoke up. "I would love to, dear, just... not right now. We already have plenty going on. And I would rather talk about it at home, not on a train."

Octavia felt a hoof brush across her mane. "Okay, Octavia. Just know I'm ready whenever you are. I'm here for you whenever you need me." She just nodded into her DJ's white chest, unable to express herself with words.

After an amount of time neither mare could guess, a gentle male voice came over the intercom. "Arriving in Marechester in fifteen minutes. I hope the ride was smooth for all y'all and that you enjoy your stay. If you go out for ice cream, might I suggest The Parlor. A good friend of mine owns the joint and they have some of the BEST homemade ice cream I have EVER tasted. And I have tasted a lot of ice cream, believe you me. And no, I wasn't paid to say that. I was actually told by him and the conductor not to say that, but they're not the boss of me... well, one is, but... meh. Oh, here he comes. Ooh, he does NOT look happy. Stop talking? Okay. Welp, hope you all enjoy... is that a whip? No! I won't do it again, just not the whip! Help! RAPE! *bzzzzzzt*”

Vinyl sat in stunned silence. Slowly, she leaned back to look at Octavia, who looked as shocked as she. She smiled and shook her head slowly with a chuckle. Eventually, both mares were laughing, holding onto each other for support. They quieted down when they heard the intercom crackle to life again.

"I apologize for that. Somepony doesn't know when to stop talking. Yes, you! But, there is no whip, there was no rape, and The Parlor does have some good ice cream. Again, I apologize for that. We should arrive shortly. Remember to grab all- put that down! Do you want me to tell your mother? I- *bzzzzzt*”

The musical duo were laying on the ground laughing, unable to keep seated as their laughter wracked their frames. It took a few minutes, but they were able to push it down to chuckles. Until they heard the conductor shouting at his assistant, causing the mares to lose any composure they had gathered.


Vinyl and Octavia walked down the streets of Marechester, the occasional chuckle escaping, the argument from the train still fresh on their minds. Their luggage was being carried in Vinyl's crystalline blue aura while Octavia carried her cello, despite Vinyl's offer to carry it as well.

Octavia was glad for the little 'mishap' on the train. It had seemed to help take Vinyl's mind off all the fears she had of the upcoming visit. Hopefully, her good mood would last. After a few blocks, Vinyl spoke up.

"Hey, Tavi. Should, um, should we tell them about us? I mean, they know I'm gay, but if it makes you uncomfortable..."

"Vinyl." Octavia slowed her pace, as not to stumble as she turned to look at the unicorn. "This is your family. If you want them to know about us, then so be it. If you don't, that's fine."

"But it's 'us'. It would be rude if I were to start telling everypony I know that we were together if you were still a bit uncomfortable with others knowing it. I mean, you didn't even tell Fleur, and you two are, like, best buds."

Octavia continued walking in silence. "It's not that I'm embarrassed about it, or embarrassed by you, I just... I don't know. I guess I just don't know how to go about it. I'm also a bit shy, if you haven't noticed."

Vinyl sidled up to the grey mare and nuzzled her neck. "Well, I will tell my parents, how about that? Then, I can help you figure out how to tell your friends later, if you want."

Octavia gave her a quick peck on the cheek. "That would be fantastic."

They walked like that for a while, until Vinyl sighed and stopped. Octavia hadn't even noticed the change in the scenery. Where before they were in a somewhat busy city surrounded by buildings and ponies scurrying about, they now stood on a calm, almost tranquil, street. The road was packed dirt, not the cobblestone of the rest of the city. The houses on both sides had fair sized yards, some with a few trees. Most had some kind of a garden, whether flowers or vegetables.

"Wow. This place is... fantastic. Which house is yours?" Octavia looked around in wonderment, having rarely been out of a big city.

"Heh, you'll know it when you see it." Vinyl resumed walking as she spoke. "Unless they fixed it."

Octavia didn't know what she heard in her marefriends voice -- fear? Sadness? Anger? -- but she knew it wasn't good. She quickly closed the distance and gave Vinyl a quick nuzzle. "I love you, Vinyl. Even if they don't want anything to do with you, I will still be here, and I will still love you."

Vinyl huffed and gave a slight smirk. "You know just what to say to make a mare feel better, Tavi."

Running her words through her head, Octavia realised how that may have come off. "Vinyl, I-"

"Vinyl Scratch? Is that you?" Both mares turned to see an elderly mare walking out of one of the houses wearing a cooking bib.

"Mrs. Motherbee? Oh my gosh! How are you doing?" Vinyl placed the luggage on the ground and embraced the caramel colored mare.

"Wonderful, wonderful. The kids say you're a big hotshot musician now."

"Heh, I guess so. Still baking your special bread for the neighborhood?" Vinyl asked as she released the mare.

"But of course! These ponies couldn't get by for a week if I didn't feed them." Both mares gave a laugh. "You know, a lot of them were hurt when you left. None more than you mother." Vinyl looked down in shame.

"I know, Mrs. Motherbee."

"No note. No letters saying where you went or that you were okay. You had us all worried sick."

"I know, Mrs. Motherbee. I'm sorry."

"Ah, but the past is the past, and this is the present. You're here now, that counts for something, right?" The elder mare ran a hoof through her greyed mane.

"I hope so. I don't know if others feel the same," Vinyl said sadly.

"Welp, hope for the best. I've known your mother since she was a filly. She has always been quick to forgive." She gave Vinyl a gentle smile, before looking behind her to Octavia. "And just who might this be? You look familiar."

Octavia took a few steps forward as Vinyl introduced her. "This is Oct-"

"Gramma! Tree took my teddy!"

"My name's not Tree!"

"Sorry, Branch!"

"My name is Forest, Sunny!"

"My name's not Sunny, Fartest!"

"Sonata! Forest! Stop bickering! I'm sorry, dears. Younguns’ to deal with. We should catch up later." At that, the elderly mare turned toward the house and shouting children, adding her voice to the cacophony.

Vinyl chuckled as she picked up the luggage. "I missed this place. Come on, Tavi." As they walked, both mares looked around, taking everything in. Vinyl was coming to realize how much she missed this little street. While they had never had a lot of extra money, her and her mother never lacked anything. If they needed a bit of food, a neighbor was always glad to give something, or invite them to dinner. If Vinyl needed a foalsitter, plenty of ponies were available, though she would try to go to Mrs. Motherbee's, since she always had delicious homemade breads.

Vinyl heard a chuckle from beside her. "Am I to assume that is your house?" Despite knowing what she was pointing at and what she would see, Vinyl looked to where Octavia was pointing. Fourth house from the pond at the end of the road on the right side. In the front yard, next to the walkway leading to the house, was a mailbox. Ordinary, except it was painted like one of Vinyl's amplifiers and on top of it stood a miniature statue of Vinyl, pointing forward. As they approached, Octavia saw writing on the front of the mailbox. It was small and crude, but legible. 'Place any mail for Vinyl Scratch (or any others she allows to live at this address) within, or be blasted by my BASS CANNON! And have a nice day:)’

Seeing the whole thing made Octavia chuckle. "And why would they fix this? This is absolutely adorable!"

"Hardy-har-har. That's not what I was talking about. That is," she said, pointing at the house. Octavia followed her hoof, eyes resting on a second-story window. She looked between the window and the mare beside her, a smile slowly forming. She eventually started to laugh.

"So, heh, what happened there? Trying to tell some lucky mare where you lived so you could have a little fun?"

Vinyl looked up at her bedroom window with a smile. 'Vinyl Scratch Resides X', it read, with the 'X' going across her window. "No. When I was about eight, I put that there. Don't remember why. Maybe I put it there so people knew where I lived when I became famous, maybe I put it there so my friends could find my house easier when they came over, maybe a bit of both.

"Mom was furious at first. Desecrating her house, using up so much paint. But Dad came home shortly after it started. Don't remember what he said, but he convinced her it was a good thing. I think he said something to me about letting everyone know where I live when I became famous when Mom finally left. 'Course, he gave me a bunch of other chores, since I had used Mom's paint without permission and painted on the house."

Octavia gave a smile and turned to the reminiscing unicorn. "So, are you ready?"

"If I said no, could we go back home and cuddle?" Vinyl gave the most pleading look she could muster. Octavia just sighed.


"*sigh* I know. I didn't really mean it." She turned towards the door, waving a hoof. "Ladies first."

"Vinyl, we're both mares."

"But you're a lady, I'm not."

"Vinyl," Octavia growled.

"Fine, grumpy. See if I'm ever courteous to you again. I guess chivalry is dead." Vinyl continued grumbling incoherently to herself as they approached the door. Octavia just sighed and shook her head. Pausing as she went to knock on the door, Vinyl turned to Octavia. "Thank you. For everything."

Octavia just smiled and nodded. Vinyl took a deep breath, raised her hoof, and let it rap on the door five times before returning it to the ground. After a minute without an answer, she turned to Octavia. "Maybe they're not home?" she asked, sounding somewhat hopeful.

Octavia just sighed and approached the door. She proceeded to knock on it seven times before stepping back. Soon thereafter, they heard scuffling from inside. She turned to face Vinyl with a smirk on her face, which was met with a scowl. They turned back to the door just as it was flung open.

"Stop that incessant pounding!" a copper colored earth pony hissed. "You'll wake the ba... Vinyl?"

Vinyl looked up at the stallion, her eyes hidden behind the glasses Octavia didn't even notice her put on. "Hi."

The stallion rushed forward and wrapped Vinyl up in a bone-shattering hug, which the mare returned after a few seconds.

"Where have you been?! You left without saying anything to anyone. No letters to let us know you were okay. We only found out you were still alive when we heard about your performances a few months ago. We were so worried. What were you thinking?" Octavia could hear the stallion holding back his tears.

"I'm so sorry, Daddy." Tears fell freely from Vinyl's eyes into the stallions dark red mane. "I- I- didn't-"

"Shhh. It's okay. You don't have to explain right now." Octavia saw some tears slip from the stallion's eyes, as she felt some slip from hers. "You're here now, right? That has to count for something."

They stood there for a few minutes, crying into each other's shoulders. Eventually, they separated. Vinyl removed her glasses to wipe her eyes. Upon seeing this, the stallion chuckled as he wiped his own moist eyes. "I have never understood why you insist on wearing those abominable things everywhere. All they serve to do is hide your gorgeous eyes."

"That is what I have always said," Octavia chuckled, causing the stallion to turn and face her.

"I must apologize. I didn't see you there, Miss. It has just been so long since I have seen my daughter."

"It's fine. I have went through much of the same thing recently, with the same mare, in fact. I understand completely."

"Oh yes, let's all pick on little ol' Vinyl since she seems to cause trouble with the ponies she cares about," Vinyl scoffed as she returned her glasses to their perch upon her muzzle.

"Vinyl, come now. Don't be like that." The stallion stepped forward to nuzzle the unicorn. "How about some introductions."

"Fine. Octavia, meet my father, Copper Girder. Dad, meet my marefriend, Octavia Philharmonica."

Copper smiled at Octavia and extended a hoof. "Pleasure to meet the mare who could capture my daughter's heart."

"And you. Vinyl hasn't said much about you, but from what she has said, you seem very important to her." At this, Copper turned to Vinyl and smirked.

"Oh, really? She said nice things about me?." He turned back to Octavia with a sly grin. "So, Miss Philharmonica, did my dearest daughter tell you the story behind her window?"

Octavia turned to see Vinyl's face pale, causing her to raise an eyebrow. "She said-"

"Mom will probably be happy to see me!" Vinyl shouted, cutting the cellist off. "Let's get this over with. My hearing isn't what it use to be. It's better now. Let's change that, shall we?" At that, Vinyl pushed past Copper Girder and walked into the house. Both earth ponies smiled before following her.

As Copper closed the door, Vinyl looked around, losing herself to memories. "You two go sit on the couch. I'll see if your mother is awake, Vinyl," Copper said, walking up a flight of steps off to the left of the entrance to the living room as the mares sat their luggage out of the way.

When they sat down, Octavia turned and kissed Vinyl. Pulling away after a few seconds, she spoke. "See, I told you it wouldn't be that bad." Vinyl just chuckled and continued looking around. After a few minutes, they heard two sets of hoofsteps coming down the steps.

In the front was Copper Girder, a smile still gracing his lips. As he stepped away, the pony Octavia assumed was Vinyl's mother came into view. Her ruffled red mane matched Vinyl's eyes in intensity. Though, it probably looks better when it is brushed, Octavia mused. Her robin's-egg blue coat was also slightly ruffled, signifying she had just woken up. Her eyes, though they were quickly filling with tears, were the clearest blue Octavia had ever seen.

Taking a few steps forward, the mare raised a hoof to her mouth. "Vinyl? Is it really you?"

Vinyl rose to her hooves and ran over to embrace her mother in a hug as tears began to fall from both of their eyes. "I'm sorry, Momma! I shouldn't have left like that. I'm so, so sorry!" Vinyl sobbed.

"No, you shouldn't have," she said sternly, but not angrily. "But you're home now. I missed you so much."

"I missed you, too."

Octavia wiped more tears from her eyes. She stole a glance at Copper Girder and saw him doing the same thing. As she lowered her hoof, she saw something on Copper's back. Leaning over, she saw a little filly who couldn't be more than a year old. She gasped as she saw her climb atop her father's head and point at Vinyl.

"Sissy?" she said.

"Yes, that's Sissy," Copper said, causing Vinyl to look at him. When she saw her, she gasped, her eyes going wide. Turning to her mother, Vinyl attempted to say something, but couldn't seem to find any words.

"Sissy home!"

Author's Note:

Welp, another chapter. Yep. Wrote it in one night (except for the first few paragraphs. Wrote them back in... June, I think). I wrote it on wordpad. Was weird. The colors of the side filler stuff was different from GDocs, and it bugged me. Don't rightly know why. Huh. And I didn't have any form of spellcheck or anything. Didn't really bother me (other than a few words I can never seem to spell right). Then when I copied it to GDocs it changed all of my italics to normal... feggot. And when I would try to make some of the edits from my phone, it wouldn't want to get a signal and wouldn't save anything I did, so I am going to have to run up to the library, make my edits, then post it (I haven't even left my house yet. Typing this up so I don't have to in that hot ass piece of shit car).

Well, thanks to Pretty Princess Lynked for the story and all the help she has given me with it, and Noc for... nothing this chapter. He was... AFK so I had to get three other douchebags (whom (I wonder if I used that right) I shall not name (YA HEAR THAT JOSH, SIMPLY, AND SCRIBLLESCRIPT (I am gonna start calling you 'Scrib', like the little white bugs of the same name from Morrowing... I hate them things. Always with the sneaking up on you while you're in a fight and paralyzing... little fuckers piss me off... but that isn't why I am calling you that...) NO CREDIT FOR YOU!!)) to fill in for him (I picked them cuz I knew they would be there on such short notice).

So, yeah. Sorry for how long it took. Haven't had internets since June 21 and kinda lost motivation (not like I had much before that, but still). I apologize for any... errors or inconsistencies me and the Three Musketqueers may have missed. I wrote it between 10 PM and 5 AM (my mind functions best then, but my hands don't like to listen as well... asshats). Aaaaand I rambled. Next chapter is already in the works... if I can think of these names I need (still haven't came up with the names of a few characters (remember, I haven't left to make my edits yet)).

PS - I bought this blueberry cheddar cheese the other day. Don't really like cheese unless it is melted or on a burger, and this was not much different. Though, it did tasted damned good melted on crackers.

There was something else too. Can't remember what... huh. O vell. OH! I REMEMBERED! I put a reference in here (two, but one is an inside joke about my uncle). It is ICP, all I be saying, ninjas.

Catch anything, lemme know.