• Published 20th Feb 2013
  • 8,563 Views, 578 Comments

Teenage Mutant Ninja...Ponies? - MemoryLane

Michelangelo, Donatello, Leonardo and Raphael are all teleported to Equestria after a machine malfunction. Is there anyway to get back to New York? Or will sibling rivalry once again triumph?

  • ...

Let's Get Outta Here!

Perspective: Donatello

We were really in a pickle here. Pinkie, Raph and I were all surrounded by more than a dozen angry Foot soldiers. Time almost seemed to slow as we got into a heated stare down. No one made a move. No one breathed, as we each waiting for the other to make a move. Raph and I knew better than to attack first, the only thing was that Raph really just didn't care. If there was an opportunity to fight, no doubt he was going to be the first one to start slashing. Somehow, he kept his impulses at bay.

Almost an eternity passed before a single Foot ninja finally broke the silence, she shouted a war cry as she swung around some kind of wooden bat. The feminine ninja charged directly at who she presumed was the weakest of our trio, whom was unfortunately Pinkie Pie. Luckily, I was closer to Pinkie, so I proceeded to jump in front of her and block the strike with my rod. Raphael got to work on the other Foot ninjas that followed the first ones idea of wildly, yet strategically, attacking.

The ninja with the wooden bat was very talented at wielding it. It may not be a weapon suitable for combat, but she sure treated it as if it was. One blow after another, I blocked the bats attacks. One thing I hated about metal weapons, whenever they're hit by something else, say another weapon, it violently vibrates the material. It puts a very weird, yet shocking, feeling in my hooves. Kind of reminding me of getting a VERY rough hoof massage that hurt like no other. I knew how to wield wood, as well as my brothers weapons to an extent, but this rod was killing me. It took much control just to keep from dropping it.

Pinkie was wildly dodging various swipes from a ninja with a sword. It was impressive! It was like she knew exactly what the ninja was going to do next! By the time the ninja had already thought about how to strike, Pinkie had already ducked! Pinkie did not fight back, and I could tell that she was not having a very fun time. "Hey!" she exclaimed as she ducked again. "You could poke someone's eye out with that, silly!" The ninja narrowed her eyes, before increasing the amount of attacks on her. I had a better idea.

"Pinkie! Start hoarding supplies!" I said. I sidestepped another swing from the ninja with the bat, watching as it collided with the ninja who was attacking Pinkie. Heh... classic. "We'll hold them off, just be inconspicuous!" We were already found out, but if Pinkie could just disappear in the middle of the fight, then maybe she could use the time to her advantage. Pinkie cocked her head as the batted ninja got her bearings. I held up my rod defensively.

"What does that mean?" she asked. I sighed.

"Just be sneaky!" I said, turning away for a moment to look at Pinkie out of pure frustration. A war cry from the batted ninja caused me to jump and turn back around, just barely being able to keep from being struck. Having enough of this same ninja, I struck the her across the face with my rod. She reeled back as she went sprawling across the floor. Meanwhile, Pinkie watched, amusingly.

"Ohhh! Yes, cap'n!" she said, doing some kind of silly salute as she proceeded to run off.

Raphael was having a blast, laughing and giggling like a madman as he kicked the shell out of all who came near. "Woot! Do ya smell that Donnie? That's the smell of pure, freshly-made, all-natural butt-whoopin'!" he cheered. I tried to ignore him, I really did.

"Donnie! Raph!" I heard a familiar voice. I turned my head to see that Leo, Mikey, Twilight and Spike were all emerging from the doorway. Wait, Twilight? What was she doing here? She stormed out on us earlier, I wonder what made her come back? Twilight kicked the ground, as if she was ashamed, for some reason.

Leo wasted no time aiding Raph and I with all the Foot ninja the were slowly descending upon us. Mikey and Twilight got to work on barricading the door. Leo unsheathed his weapons, and slashed at another ninja with a similar sword. "Where's Pinkie Pie?" he asked, as I proceeded to twirl around my rod.

It was really weird. My brothers and I could manage to chat during the weirdest times, even when we're being attacked. "She's getting the supplies we need! She'll be back soon!" Upon stating that, I heard Mikey let out a loud, yet purposeful, sigh. Strange. Did something happen while they were out? I was getting that strange vibe again.

Spike was, you guessed it, hiding in a corner. Wait, I thought him and Fluttershy ran off after being a distraction earlier? Why was Spike there? If he was there, then chances were so was Fluttershy. I wondered where she was. Given her rather, uh, timid nature, I'm sure that she's probably out of the building or something by now.

Raph was taking down foes like it was nothing. Kicking and punching the Foot nimbly, yet with purpose. By the next time I had looked over, he had multiple bodies surrounding him, aching in pain from the ruthless beating they had received. I'd never seen Raph so happy, to put it bluntly.

Mikey and Twilight were having a bit more trouble. As we all know, the Foot's door were practically indestructible. I believe that that's just how they make it. That's good for us, seeing as they couldn't just blast the door down. It's bad, because now the Foot ninja's were barging against the door, putting all their weight on it in a strong effort to bust the door open. Mikey, seeing as he had a slight physical advantage over Twilight, held the door in place by propping himself up against it while Twilight stockpiled various metal parts. Every so often, the door would slightly open, only to have Mikey push against it as hard as he could to keep the Foot from pouring in. One of the Foot that was already in the room noticed this, and charged him with a spear. "I could use some help here! AHHHH!" Mikey screamed, ducking girlishly as the spear stabbed the doorway right over his head.

The ninja in question was sent soaring as Twilight's magical beams made knocked it to the other side of the room. Mikey rubbed the back of his neck, while Twilight sighed. "I believe that this is the second time I've had to save your butt?"

"My butt's gotten into worse situations, thank you very much!" Mikey said. When Mikey was slightly distracted, the ninjas on the other side of the door slammed it again, this time almost coming through. Luckily, Mikey held his ground, albeit poorly.

It was about five minutes later when the rest of the ninja's in the room were all incapacitated. "Woo!" Raph said, shaking his head with excitement. "I needed that! I REALLY needed that!" I rolled my eyes.

Mikey and Spike wandered over. I was going to question just what the heck he was doing until I looked over at the door. He had placed multiple pieces of rods similar to mine through the handles, making it so no one could easily enter. Good thinking. "Glad to know you guys got to have all the fun..." Mikey frowned. Well, Mikey wasn't much of a fighter anyways. I stuck my iron rod on my back. Seeing as how I didn't have my wooden one anymore, I was just going to have to stick with this one for now.

"We have to get out of here! The rods aren't going to hold!" Twilight shouted.

"Right! I'll get to work on the masks of the ponies in here-" Mikey started, however, Leonardo grabbed him, roughly.

"Mikey, no. We can't. If we do then we'd have to escort them outside. We really don't have the time for that." Wait, uh... am I missing something here? Masks? What did the masks have to do with anything? Leo took one look at my quizzical face and began to explain it to Raph and I. It was all highly intriguing. Apparently, the Foot ninja's we fought are all ponies from the town that were hypnotized, or something, into working for the Foot because of those masks that they were wearing. So... everyone was a fake? Well, besides Twilight and Spike.

"Everyone, Donatello." Twilight repeated. I cocked my head. Was she trying to tell me something? But that's when I realized the lack of a fluffy pink pony. However, I had a more important question to ask.

"Wait, so... where's Fluttershy? What happened to her?" I asked. Leonardo looked at the ground, sadly.

"She was a fake. A clone, if you will. We destroyed it." Oh... normally I would feel myself a little upset by this, but considering that it wasn't the real Fluttershy to begin with, I felt slightly neutral. As if on cue, Pinkie Pie emerged from the metallic rubble in the middle of the room. She stuck a small metal piece that she deemed worthy enough to carry into her mane.

"Whoa!! That party was crazy! It reminded me of this one time when Applejack, Big Mac and I played that game with those shady looking guys near the-"

We all tuned her out when Mikey took out his nunchaku. He had a frown on his face as I knew what he was going to do to the Pinkie clone. For the second time in the last minute, Mikey was grabbed, but this time by me. "Hey! What gives? She's a clone, remember! I want the real Pinkie Pie!" Mikey complained. I'll be honest. I didn't care about Mikey's feelings right now. What mattered was the mission at hand.

"No! She's carrying some supplies! Deal with her later!" I shouted, holding him back. With a sigh, he put away his nunchaku while Pinkie cocked her head.

The door behind us rattled again, and we all went wide eyed when we realized something that made our hearts stop: the rods were bending. Leo looked around, and found a large tarp in the rubble. He laid it out flat and shouted orders.

"Grab anything important looking and let's get it out here!" Leo commanded. The clock was ticking, starting now. Leo stopped Raph from going to gather supplies and pulled him aside as everyone, including me, dispersed. Luckily, sound traveled in this room and I could hear their conversation easily.

"Raph, I need you to start looking for a way out of here. We need to get outside as quick as we can. Also, seeing as you're stronger, you're going to have to carry the bag of supplies!" Leo said. Raph nodded and grunted in understanding before running off. It was strange how Raph just... took it. Earlier he was making a big deal about being a leader, and being bossed around. I was genuinely surprised that he was so okay with doing those two things. Maybe he senses the urgency, and put all his beliefs aside. I wasn't sure, and I didn't dwell on it for as long as I should have. I was busy collecting the parts that we needed. Transthermalizer, check. Flux Capacitor, check. I made mental notes as I tossed the items into the middle of the tarp.

About two minutes later, the banging on the door was getting more and more incessant. The rattling of the rods made it obvious enough that we didn't have much time left. Leo took note of this as he through a monitor onto the tarp, making sure not to break it. "Time to go!" he said. That was all I needed. I think I had enough parts that I could at least start making the device. I wasn't sure and I knew that I would check it out later. Raph eagerly rolled up the tarp and hoisted it over his shoulder, like a knapsack.

"There's a window over here! We gotta jump!" Raph said. What great luck, a window! It was rather large, but at least we could see outside!

"Aren't we on the third floor?" Twilight said. I really didn't know, but considering that she knew the layout of this place rather well, I took her word for it. I looked away from the window for ONE second, and when I looked back... oh man. There are reasons why I don't question things that aren't my business, but this is too much. There was a huge pink balloon right outside! A hot air balloon, to be exact. Pinkie waved at us from the basket, like absolutely nothing was weird or off about this at all.

"Look what I brought! I knew it would come in handy!" she cheered. Once again... my mind is blown. No one gave it much thought. I used the same device from earlier to carve a hole into the glass that was just big enough for everyone to slip through.

We all jumped as the rods finally gave way. They clattered on the ground as the door burst open. I was not sure how many eyed us down, about thirty, if I had to guess. Yep. Thirty Foot ninjas charged through the door, weapon in hooves, aiming to skewered or beat us into a delicious, pony pulp. "GO! GO! GO!" Raph yelled. The room was rather large, but we had about ten seconds before the ninja's got to us.

One by one we all jumped through the door, until it was just Mikey and Spike left. Mikey motioned towards Spike for him to go first. If Mikey went first and Spike didn't jump fast enough... oof. I can see his logic. However, Spike shook his head.

"I... I don't like heights!" Spike shivered. Mikey thought quickly.


"NO WAIT-" Spike was cut off as he emitted a terrified scream as Mikey literally tossed him out the window and into the basket, and the perpetrator himself followed suit. Raph raised an eyebrow at him for the longest time when Mikey sat down. When Mikey finally noticed, he defensively shrugged.



Perspective: ???

I sat in my throne room, meagerly contemplating my next course of action. I had everything laid out perfectly. This world, their resources, and I have no one but those pesky turtles to thank. There were reports that they resided in a place called Ponyville a few days ago. I sent a few of my troops to investigate the town, only to have them cut down. I hadn't heard back from that troop in a while. I'll make sure that they do not get off easy for this.

This world... it was strange. Everyone was a pony, or some kind of equine. Even most of my troops. Luckily enough, I body was stronger than the machine's abilities, and I got to keep my humanoid form. A guard to my left leaned over to me after hearing radio chatter in his ear.

"Master, there is someone here from Base 11 that wishes to speak with you. She claimed it's urgent." I didn't reply, I just motioned towards the door. The guard knew exactly what I mean, and spoke back into his radio. "You may enter."

About ten seconds later, a white unicorn clad in Foot Clan attire came billowing through the door, as if she was in a gigantic hurry. She was absolutely worn, and I started wondering what exactly had happened. She dropped her head, not passively, but as to show respect. Good. "Forgive me, Master, but there has been some trouble at Base 11."

I sighed, intentionally showing my displeasure at the situation. However, the ninja did not move. Most ninjas tremble at my feet, or fear some kind of punishment. I was slightly impressed with her attitude. "Please, continue." I said. I was dreading hearing what she had to say.

"We were robbed. A group of thieves came in and released two of our prisoners, incapacitated our troops, and made off with various pieces of valuable merchandise." she said, not fazed in the slightest. I felt my blood begin to boil. I grabbed the nearest thing, which was my guards spear, and snapped it over my knee in a fit of fury. The ninja didn't flinch.

"Would you care to explain to me HOW in the world this happened?" I asked. Instead of giving a genuine answer, the ninja shook her head.

"Sir, I mean no disrespect, but I have no clue. They snuck in while the guards were distracted and failed to trip any of the alarms." I narrowed my eyes at the ninja. Contemplating just what I should do next. There was a long pause. This ninja, she slightly gathered my interest.

"You, find another available troop and find the stolen merchandise. Tell everyone else that I told them to carry on their duties." For once, the unicorn seemed a little shocked that I gave her a decent amount of authority. "I trust that you will not fail me."

A wide grin spread across her face. "Yes sir. You'll find that my abilities will be more than enough. They're... magnifique, , if you will."

Author's Note:

Well damn. Things escalated quickly. In these notes I always say "I'm sorry" that this is so late, so I'm not even going to bother saying it. Well, I hoped you all enjoyed the update! Insert butt-kicking yet again and stuff! WOOOOO-

Ahem. Sorry, lost my cool.



Comments and Feedback are GREATLY appreciated! Have a good one bros!


Comments ( 44 )

Good to see some bronies who are tmnt fans aswell "bro hoof or give me 3!"

wait... Rarity?

Before I start this my mind has already started thinking random shit like "Huh, Donnie and Twilight are both affiliated with purple therefore purple=NEEEERD!" and "Will there be a Tank chapter?"..... Oh well, TIME TO FIND OUT!!!

3314393 Who? Rarity? I don't see a Rarity anywhere...! Who's that!? :trollestia:

Fleur? is that her name?

Well, it can only be Rarity or Fleur. Either way, she needs a hard slap.

Oh snap! Watch out for Shredder! :flutterrage:

YAY! THAT WAS AWESOME! :pinkiehappy:

ur a dum

ach. this isn't good.

except twilight can probably just demask them at range...

Hmm... What happened to the Alicorns? They can't be THAT easy to defeat.

when it said white unicorn, I was like "Rarity". Then when it said magnifique, I was like, "Definitely Rarity"
I'm calling Rarity!

The Shredder?! And he's still in his human form?! Ohhhhh snap. :rainbowderp:

What an intriguing turn of events! :pinkiegasp:

Also, poor Donny. I know exactly what he's feeling. The feeling of painful, vibrating metal in your hands sucks.

Good chapter as always Cyneryk, and I look forward to the next chapter. :pinkiehappy:

What this guy said. If the exclamation of "magnifique" didn't give it away, then I don't know what did. :trixieshiftright: All I can say is that she better be hypnotized like everypony else, otherwise I'm gonna go all Hulk smash on her. :twilightangry2:

~ Super-Brony12

FLY LITTLE DRAGON FLY! Best. Line. Ever. It's 10:00 at night and I almost woke up my parents laughing.

3314270 'Gives a brohoof.'

Hm. I still wonder if that Pinkie might be the real one. As I pointed out last time, their "detection method" is hardly optimal...

> No one breathed, as we each waiting for the other to make a move.
as we each [waited] for the other
> As we all know, the Foot's door were practically indestructible.
the Foot's [doors] were practically indestructible
> Luckily enough, I body was stronger than the machine's abilities
I assume that should be "my body"? Also, this assumes the machine transformed them, and not the world itself... odd assumption.
> They're... magnifique, , if you will.
Double comma after "magnifique".

Awesome story, bro. Can't wait to see new chapter :pinkiehappy:

I am a very big fan of TMNT, MLP and your story. You must make more chapters of the story! I beg you!! :fluttershysad: begging face.

What she/he said :pinkiehappy:
This is a really good fimfiction. I really want to read more!!!!!!!!:applecry:

To CoolK21,
I. Am. A. GIRL!
Deal with it!

A wide grin spread across her face. "Yes sir. You'll find that my abilities will be more than enough. They're... magnifique, , if you will."

:pinkiegasp:....... well. Nothing else i can say but...


Or even BETTER!:pinkiehappy:


Especially that 'to be continued' bit!

That was awesome! My sister got me into MLP and TMNT, so I know a lot about both.
1.I expect more to come.
2. The cover art is adorable.
3. I actually writing a story where Pinkie finds her way into TMNT. If you'd like I can PM you a quick summary of it.:scootangel:


4286801 Yes.:rainbowdetermined2: So do you want me to PM you the summary of my story?



Sure, why not?


When are going to make more? Is it cancelled?:fluttershysad:


Curious, what continuum of TMNT is this?

is it the original, the 2003 and onwards, or one of the movie ones?

If its the 2003 and onwards, which lair is this?

3314396 now I have a image of tank with the blade of tengu

Alas This story seems to be dead :pinkiesad2::fluttercry: And I was enjoying it SO much


Not quite yet.


So...when WILL you be continuing this story then?

So, when is this going to get an update?

... We need this so much.. Please Update it.

Im Going to cry if i don't see more soon you don't wanna make me cry do you?:fluttercry::pinkiesad2::raritydespair::raritycry::applecry:

3358348 so did I
I love tmnt and mlp and that was so funny :-) :-) :-) :-) :-):rainbowlaugh::twilightsheepish:

5170143 When is the next chapter coming?

A wide grin spread across her face. "Yes sir. You'll find that my abilities will be more than enough. They're... magnifique, , if you will."


can't wait for the next chapter

Please tell me this story isn't dead. :fluttershysad:

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