• Published 20th Feb 2013
  • 8,560 Views, 578 Comments

Teenage Mutant Ninja...Ponies? - MemoryLane

Michelangelo, Donatello, Leonardo and Raphael are all teleported to Equestria after a machine malfunction. Is there anyway to get back to New York? Or will sibling rivalry once again triumph?

  • ...

Happiness and Rainbows

I was shaken awake the next morning, with an extremely loud ringing in my ears. Ugh. It was too early for this. Obviously, it was 7:30. Time to wake up. I opened my eyes to see Spike shaking me awake reluctantly. I was not in the mood to talk, or even look at him at the moment. I was not a morning pony. I turned over, closing my eyes once again as I faced away from the baby dragon.

"Go away..." I mumbled, almost unintelligibly. Spike let out a soft huff as he kicked my back.

"Come on, Leo. We have breakfast ready." He argued, sighing. My gut turned at the word. I almost felt sick to my stomach at the thought of it. I gripped my abdomen and shook my head, not even bothering to open my eyes.

"I don't care." I deadpanned. I really didn't. I was tired and I had barely gotten any sleep the past night. Raph's words were killing me, to the point where I thought I might've been losing it. I'm not...broken! That's not me! Calm and collected! That's always been Leonardo! The leader of the siblings, the eldest! Sure, things have been going awry, but that still didn't mean I'm losing control of anything!

Once the smell of some sort of food hit my nostrils, I almost gagged. But unfortunately it woke me up as well. I just wanted to sleep a little longer. Not having a choice now, I opened my eyes and sat up, only to see Spike shuffling into the kitchen, as he had finished his task of waking me up. I did a small stretch before actually getting to my hooves. There was a loud commotion going on inside of the kitchen, well, my brothers were definitely up. I actually could have figured that out by the fact that I was the only one left in the room.

I sluggishly trotted into the kitchen area, to see everypony gathered around a round table, hunched over a plate off what appeared to be...square shaped pancakes?

"Morning sleepyhead!" Twilight chimed, using her magic to cleanly cut her pancakes into pieces, only to stick them in her mouth a second later. "Spike made haycakes!"


"Leo! This stuff is better than pancakes! It's like someone took a rainbow, and mixed it with happiness. And out popped this thing!" Mikey was so flabbergasted he wasn't speaking right. Actually, that was normal for him. He eagerly began to cut into his haycakes.

Raphael was going to town on his plate as well, loudly smacking his lips and pouring a thick helping of syrup on them. He refused to even glance in my direction. Donnie seemed to be having trouble. Loads of it. He still hasn't figured out how to use his hooves, or use magic, much like myself. He resorted to just digging into it and biting off large pieces with his mouth like some sort of carnivore. I wanted to ask Twilight about magic later. We could both use a hand...hoof...dammit.

"I'm not very hungry..." I groaned, walking out of the kitchen. A few of the ponies gave me a concerned look before I actually turned around to leave.

"Well, he sure is acting syrup-titiously this morning. Am I right?" I heard Mikey crack just before I was out of earshot. Once again, nothing but groans coming from the very same room.

I wanted some fresh air, but I was afraid of vomiting if I did so. I'm not sure what it is anymore. The stress? The realizations? Homesickness? I didn't know, and I really didn't want to know either. I simply took a seat on the floor again, where I was just sleeping a moment earlier. I just wanted a few more moments of peace...please...

I was rudely interrupted just a second later. How was I not surprised? This time, instead of dragon, a different purple entity was standing over me. Its horn lit up brightly, flipping the covers off me. I shot out of bed, angrily. Remembering to practice what I preach, I chilled out before I got any more irritated.

"Leo, get up. We have to talk." Twilight dropped the blanket over on the recliner. She had that look in her eye, the one that burned with a strong intensity. One would call it determination, others would call it torment, others would call it insanity. I let out an annoyed sigh.

"What is it?" I grunted as I stood up, stretching and cracking my back. Ah, that felt nice. Twilight stomped over to me, until she just just inches from my face. She seemed a little angry...

"I know you are lying to me." She mumbled, barely above a whisper. It was obvious that she had to keep herself from screaming. "Both you and your brothers." I furrowed my brow. What was she talking about? It's too early for things like this, I couldn't think straight.

"What the shell are you talking about?" She narrowed her eyes at me as I spoke.

"That right there. I did research on the mythical creatures called "humans". They don't have shells. So why do you keep talking about them?" She asked. Ha, she was trying to corner me. How cute. No way I was going to let that happen, though. I smiled.

"Oh, it's just a slang term." I replied, confidently. "All humans say things like that" Okay, so lying wasn't going to help the situation, but it's not like she was going to find out. She growled at me when she realized that she had no proper or purposeful rebuttal.

"Just know this, Leo," She took a few steps away from me, her lips twisting into a smirk. "Different species are either stupid, or gullible. It's best to learn which applies to whom." She patted the back of my neck, before she trotted back into the kitchen, humming a very familiar tune.

Heh. I could get used to her. She's smart, and she definitely knows her stuff. Hopefully she didn't learn the truth on her own.

Or at all...


A little while later, Twilight was generous enough to try and give Donnie and I magic lessons. Finally. I was getting really tired of being useless, and I was pretty sure Donnie felt the same way. We trotted outside into the front yard of the library. I was still pretty tired, but I forced myself to listen to Twilight's rambling. I'd pay more attention, but she's simply going on and on about things that aren't relevant to the topic at hoof. Ha, caught myself that time.

The more I inspected Donnie, the more nervous he seemed to get. "You...think this is a better idea than just learning how to use our hooves?" He asked. I nodded, completely sure.

"Of course! It'll save time, energy, and let's face it. We have the opportunity to move things with magic. How are you not excited?" I replied. He simply shrugged, turning back to Twilight as she finished her monologue.

"You boys ready?" She asked, to which I eagerly nodded. Donnie was just a little more hesitant, but he nodded as well.

"While we're at it, do you know any multi-dimensional spells? It'd save us a lot of time and energy." Donnie asked. Hm, not a bad question. Although I already knew the answer. Surely it couldn't be that simple. It never was.

"No, that's impossible..." She deadpanned. "Not even I can do that..." Donnie, now having made the situation a little awkward, began to shuffle nervously.


"So, how does magic work, anyways?" I asked, I wanted to know exactly what I was working with here, and I wanted Donnie to know as well.

"Well, it's an inner phenomenon that revolves around your mental state." She explained. Hm, she almost reminds me of Master Splinter in a way. Strange. "Your mental balance and state of mind, along with IQ in some cases, will determine how strong your magic is. I'm going to teach you the exact way that I was taught as a filly." I saw Donnie perk up. He's going to have fun with this. I thought I heard him say that his IQ is somewhere over 500, which is to be expected. Dude can make technological junk like it was nothing. Well, portals, those he had trouble with.

I still didn't know how to feel about that. That meant I was going to have to quit stressing, and it's not something that I can do easily. But I didn't really have time to "relax" right about now. If I needed to blend in around here, then I needed to learn magic.

"I'm not able to teach you if your mental state isn't...up to par. I hope you both know that." She stated, to which we both nodded. As she was speaking, I was attempting to clear my mind. I really wanted this. I wanted so much just to be able to help in whatever way I could. "First off all, I want you to feel your horn on your head." At first I thought she meant literally, luckily I didn't follow my first thoughts. I would have looked completely stupid.

I numbed myself down, until the only thing that I could possibly feel was my mind, and my horn. I phased every other body part out. I managed to keep my eyes open, for the most part. Donnie simply shut his tightly. "Feel the air around you, feel everything."

I tried my best to focus. I ended up having to close my eyes along with Donnie to help myself out. I...I could hear everything. I could feel almost every single change in the air as it grazed passed my emerald coat. I heard the birds chirping loudly. I wasn't even that close, but I could hear the chatter of ponies in town! I never knew that unicorns have such good hearing...this is incredible! I felt as if I was an eternal state of bliss, and I never wanted it to end. Twilight spoke up once again, putting the calm moment to a brief halt.

"I want you to concentrate everything inside of you on your horn. Muster up everything." She trotted over to me specifically, almost whispering to me. "Determination, courage, strength, willpower. Everything." What did that mean? I tried my best to do what she had asked. If this is the way Twilight was coached when she was younger, then I wanted to meet that pony who actually taught her. I felt my horn begin to tingle a little bit. I realized that I was squinting so hard that I was starting to get a small headache, a light blue hue appeared shone through my eyelids. "Good. It's working. Open your eyes." She demanded. Wow, pushy.

I opened my eyes and looked over at Donnie. His horn was glowing a bright shade of lavender. Darker than Twilight's coat, but lighter than his mask. He smiled at me confidently. So, this is what using magic means? I looked up at my horn. Instead of a purple, it shone like sapphire, almost the same color as my own mask. I almost felt like laughing, this was incredible! I was using magic!

From out of nowhere, Twilight dumped our weapons in front of us, almost causing me to yell at her. Didn't anypony ever teach her to be careful with other pony's things? "Pick them up." She ordered, smiling the whole time. Really? She isn't even going to give us any tips or anything? Okay, now the resemblance between her and Master Splinter was uncanny. It's so strange.

I tried to do this how the actors do in the movies. I stared at the swords in front of me, pointing a hoof at it and half expecting it to work. Hey, the force never fails, right? I wasn't surprised to find that it didn't work, and that the glow coming from my horn simply sputtered a few times.

Donnie was having much better luck. The glow was actually surrounding his bo staff, and he was trying desperately to pick it up. It would get about an inch or so in the air before falling back down onto the soft grass. I looked back at my own swords, why couldn't I do it? I did best back in New York, so why was I so...ugh. I felt depressed.

I wasn't useless, was I?

Twilight put a hoof on my shoulder comfortingly. I knew exactly what she was going to say. "Yeah, yeah, practice makes perfect, I know..." I sighed. I've been told a thousand times before, but the phrase never meant much to me.

She simply smiled at me, showing me a little bit of her pearly teeth. "Practice doesn't make perfect, practice reduces the imperfection."

"Ha! Got it!" Donnie cheered. Twilight and I both turned our heads in his direction. He was beaming excitedly, with a bo staff to his right, covering in a dark purple hue. "I actually did it!" Donnie lifted his bo staff in the air to try and twirl it, something he took great joy in doing. It made two rotations before he lost focus and ended up smacking himself in the face. I let out a small chuckle.

"Good job, Donnie." She looked back at me and my unmoving swords. She turned tail towards the door of the library. "Let's practice a little later." She muttered as she, using her hooves, opened the door and trotted inside. I helped Donnie to his feet, who now had a small gash on his chin. He smiled meekly.

So, that just left me. Every other one of my brothers were helpful in some way. Donnie could use magic, Raph had his hooves, and Mikey could fly. Where did that leave me? It left me alone, unable to help. Even if my life depended on it. I gritted my teeth and turned back towards my swords, closing my eyes and letting the glow surround my horn again. I felt a new spark. Something of which I've never felt before. It was as if something had unlocked. I narrowed my eyes, determined.

I refused to be useless!


Later that day, I was still outside. I was still trying to telekinetically pick up my swords. It was almost lunch and my stomach was growling uncontrollably. I was so hungry...but I refused to eat. Not until I figured out how to do this. I didn't want to look...ridiculous, having to eat without using any utensils. I dismissed it without giving it a second thought.

I'd be out here all day if I had to. I didn't care. I'd rather starve to death. Dehydrate, pass out, whatever. I saw myself making some progress. The glow would surround the swords, but they refused to move an inch afterwards. I was starting to get extremely frustrated, and I almost felt like quitting. But, no. Not yet.

Master Splinter would be ashamed of me right now. Terribly disappointed, and I wouldn't blame him one bit for thinking so. I was running out of time, options, and patience. With an angry yell, I picked up one of my swords in my mouth and hurled it as far away from me as I could. My face turning red from frustration. I felt like collapsing. Now I had an idea of how Raph felt to be angry. What was happening to me?

I heard a scuffle behind me. Shocked, I turned around abruptly. I came face to face with my youngest brother, who was standing outside of the library door with a half eaten cookie in his hoof. He was...frowning? Mikey was frowning. That's new. He looked down at the ground, and then back at me, breaking eye contact for a simple second. I felt slightly embarrassed. I didn't have time to tell him anything before he barged passed me. I could hear his hooves clopping softly on the grass below him. He picked up my sword and gingerly flew back to me. I stood there, not being able to say a single word. He placed the sword in my hooves, which I had to keep from rolling off onto the ground once again. He also gave me a silly grin, before taking another bite of his cookie and walking back inside.

I was speechless. I felt like breaking down right then and there. But I didn't. I simply tossed my one sword with the other one the ground. Wait. Where did it go? My other sword was gone! I looked left and right, only to see that it had indeed disappeared. Great...I knew this place wasn't all sugar and spice...

"Nice job." I heard yet another voice say, piercing my eardrums and almost causing me to jump. I turned around, once again, to see an unfamiliar face. She was glaring at me hard with rosy colored eyes. Her body was that of a light indigo. She had her foreleg bent, as if she was just about to take off. What really put me off was that her mane and tail...it was a rainbow. I'll be frank, I barely got a good look at her. The next series of events went by a little too fast.

"What? Who are you?" I squinted at her, tilting my head just slightly. Instead of answering my question, she simply smirked and pointed behind me. Confused, I looked, only to have my face contort into a large smile. In a light blue hue, my sword was above me, levitating. I actually did it.

"No way! Haha! Finally!" I celebrated. I was so excited that I had almost forgot the mare behind me. There was a loud "Fwoosh" as I actually turned back to speak with the mare. She had disappeared. I ran over to the spot where she just was, and began to search. But she was nowhere to be found. Strange...

Soon, I didn't even have to focus that hard to carry things. I practiced carrying EVERYTHING. I picked up both of my swords at once, swung them around for a bit, as well as some sticks, a rock or two. I'll admit, I had a blast. Levitating things is almost like riding a bike, so I had the hang of it after practicing for a little longer.

I couldn't wait to show Twilight.

Author's Note:

Aaaaand depression. I like this chapter. I wanted to make a more serious chapter for once. So Leo and Donnie finally got the hang of things. But what about that rainbow maned pony that was watching him? Strange. Also, will we ever know about that pony that was watching him and Raph the other night? Eh, probably not anytime soon. Kiddies ;D

I had more planned for this chapter, but I decided to save it for the next one. Sorry this one is so short, but I felt that it has meaning.

I have a feeling that there are many mistakes, but I will continue to go through here just to double check. :3

Thank you all for reading! Have a good one bros! Remember, feedback and comments are always appreciated!
