• Published 21st Feb 2013
  • 2,222 Views, 104 Comments

The Stallion in the Library - leonidas701

2 weeks after defeating Nightmare Moon, Twilight finds a visitor in her library. Who is this stallion, where did he come from, and why is he so interested in Pinkie Pie?

  • ...

A Chaotic Interlude

“Wheee!~” Pinkie Pie cheered as she twirled on the ice. To Pinkie Pie winter meant three things: hot chocolate, New Year’s parties, and ice skating, and for the first time since she had gotten back to Ponyville from Canterlot, it was cold enough for the lakes in the Everfree forest to freeze over.

She had had it all planned out since last night, when her Pinkie sense told her that there would be snow in the forest. She set her vibrating alarm for five a.m., so she could go out and play and still come back in time to start working, she had dug out her skates from the closet, and she had prepared a huge box of cookies for her to eat on her way to the forest.

For the past hour, Pinkie Pie had been whirling and twirling along the ice, taking advantage of her solitude with loud cheers and yells. She was in the middle of spelling out her name backwards.

“Pppppppppppppppppppeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-” she said, drawing out the sound of each letter as she carved them. Suddenly she was interrupted by a faint voice coming out of the trees near the lake she was skating on. As it drew nearer she started to be able to make out what it was singing.

“-uts, go nuts. Donuts, go nuts. Donuts, go nuts,” Card sang quietly as he emerged from the forest. He was carrying a flat box with the top open.

“Hhhhiiiiiiiiiii!” Pinkie yelled as she skated over to where Card was. She got up to the lakebed before she was hit by the smell of freshly cooked donuts.

Card looked at her over his donut box. “Hey,” he said. “What are you doing here?”

“I’m ice skating!” Pinkie said as she stepped onto the snow-covered ground.

“Really? It looks like you’re just walking on the ground with skates on.”

Pinkie giggled. “No silly, I was ice skating. I stopped to say hello!” She got right in front of Card, “Hello!” Her stomach then growled in response to its close proximity to sugary baked goods. “No!” Pinkie said to her stomach, “Those aren’t ours! Don’t be rude.”

Card laughed as he took two donuts from his box. He put one of them in his mouth and bent down to offer the other one to Pinkie’s stomach.

Pinkie’s stomach rumbled.

“Is that a yes?” Card asked, straightening up to look Pinkie in the eye’s as he spoke.

“Yep! Thank you!” Pinkie said. She bent down to Card’s hoof and ate the donut off of it. “Yum!” she said, “It’s been so long since I had one of these!”

“I know right!” Card said, “That’s the one bad thing about living here, it’s so hard to get donuts!”

“I know! I’ve been trying to get Mr. Cake to buy a donut machine, but he doesn’t like them very much. He says they remind him to much of olives!”

“What? But donuts are nothing like olives! They’re both roundish and have a hole in them, but that’s it! What a silly reason not to sell donuts!”

“I know!”

“I know!”

“I know!”

“I know!”

“I know!”

“Wait, what do we know again?”

“...I don’t know!” Pinkie said, before she collapsed on the snow in giggles. Card didn’t join her on the ground, but only barely.

As their laughter subsided, Card spoke again. “Why are you so happy?” he asked in between his dying chuckles.

“What do you mean? I’m always this happy! Why are you so happy?” Pinkie asked.

“I know why I’m happy, I want to know why you’re happy.”

“Oh. Well why wouldn’t I be happy? I can skate, I have donuts, why would I be sad?” Pinkie explained.

“Good point,” Card said.

“Now, you have to tell me why you’re so happy!” Pinkie said in her best serious voice. An effect which was totally ruined by her still giggling.

“My friends are coming over today,” Card said as he finished the last donut in the box and threw it into his jacket. He bent down to pick up a little bit of snow from the ground as he continued, “And besides, it’s winter! The best of all seasons. All the bugs are gone, you can see your breath, and snow makes everything pretty.” He took the small bit of snow he had and sprinkled it throughout Pinkie’s mane. “There! Now you are pretty!”

“Aww, you mean I wasn’t pretty before? You big meanie-face,” Pinkie teased as she stuck her tongue out at him, “You know what, I’ll make you pretty too!” Pinkie took off her skates and ran to the treeline. She picked up a small flower and stuck it into Card’s hair so that it looked like it was growing out his head.

Card looked at their reflections in the ice and barked out a laugh. “Thank you for your kind aid to my ugliness Milady!” he said as he swept his legs around in an exaggerated bow, bringing his head so low that the flower nearly fell out of his hair.

“Always happy to help!” Pinkie played along with Card and tried to curtsy in as flamboyant a manner as she could, but ended up tripping and falling onto her face.

Card laughed again as he helped her up.

“Tee-hee~, Thank you kind sir!” Pinkie said.

“Always a pleasure o’ Pinkest of Pie’s!” Card said in his best Blueblood impression.

Pinkie giggled some more. Suddenly the box she had carried her cookies in started ringing.

“Oh, no,” Pinkie said as she pulled an alarm clock out of the box. “I have to go now. It’s almost time for me to start working.” She tied her skates together and hung them around her neck.

“Mind if I walk you home?” Card asked, “I could use a distraction.”

“From what?”

“I still need to clean my house before my friends come, and I really don’t want to.” Card groaned.

“Oh yeah! If your friends are coming I need to get together a party for them!” Pinkie said, her eyes widening as she started planning out what to do.

“No, no, no. Please,” Card said as they started walking towards SugarCube Corner. “My friends make enough trouble when they’re calm, let alone when they party.”

“Oh? What do you mean?” Pinkie asked, always intrigued by a story.

“Well let me give you an example,” Card said. “This is something that happened just last year. My youngest friend had just turned eighteen and so when night came, he burst into the room where me and my other friends were relaxing and yelled, ‘The government thinks that I am now responsible enough to drink, who wants to go help me prove them wrong!’”

“Haha, what?” Pinkie said.

“Oh, and it gets better,” Card said. He continued telling the story to a rapt Pinkie Pie the whole time they were walking towards her house. Eventually they made it to their destination.

“-So he goes up the fire hydrant and yanks it straight out the ground! Then he tucked it under his foreleg and said, ‘I need this,’ while he-”

“We’re here!” Pinkie said, interrupting Card’s story.

“Oh. Well would you look at that?” Card said as he looked at the bakery’s sign.

“I’m sorry, but I’ve gotta go now,” Pinkie said regretfully. Before she could open the door Card spoke up.

“Wait. I was planning on throwing a New Year’s party over at my house, but I’m not a great planner. I was wondering if you could maybe help me out?”

“Oh! I would love to!!!” Pinkie said with one of her massive smiles.

“Great! Thank you!” With that, Card leaned over to Pinkie and kissed her on the check. “Bye!” he said as he walked off.

Pinkie was stunned for a few seconds, blushing while her brain processed what just happened. When it was done, smiled. Not one of her big, ear to ear, grins, that let everypony around know how happy she was either. This was a small, private smile. A smile for nobody but herself.

-----Meanwhile, Across Town at Sweet Apple Acres-----

“Where is it, where is it, where is it?” Applejack muttered to herself as she tore apart her room.

“Young lady, y’all better come down for breakfast right now!” Granny Smith called. “We’re all waitin’ on yah.”

After a few glances from Applejack between her room and the door, she finally tore herself away from her search to come downstairs to eat.

“Ah’m sorry y’all, I just can’t find Brick’s hat anywhere, and Ah dun know where it could be,” Applejack said as she came to the kitchen.

“Did you check between your bed and the wall?”

“A’course, that was the first place Ah-” Applejack stopped talking when she looked at who had just spoken.

“Howdy A.J.,” the blood-red unicorn stallion said as he leaned back in his chair. He tipped back the brown stetson on his head that was just barely covering his white mane so he could get a better look the young mare. “How’s it going?”

Author's Note:

A.N: I really hope you all enjoyed Card in this chapter, because this’ll be the last you see of him for a while. This kicks off the next major story arc, in which I will be introducing all of Card’s friends that I’ve been hyping up so much. It will go until the end of this story, on New Year’s eve.

Now, let me explain. This story is the first volume of what will become an ongoing series. That’s all I can say about it for now, but rest assured that though Stallion is ending, that doesn’t mean Card’s going away anytime soon. That said, the format for the next several chapters will be a little strange.

First off, they will all be very short. This is because I’m going to be writing and releasing them every few days. Secondly, every chapter will end like this one, with the ending acting as an introduction to the next character. Thirdly, to clue you all in a little bit about the character’s character, I will be listing off a song that reflects some facet of their personality.


The song for next chapter is I want you bad, by The Offspring.

Please let me know what you think of all of this in your comments, I really am going to be relying on feedback to get through writing ten or so chapters in around two weeks. Thank you all for your support!

Now that that’s done, I’ve gotta go study for finals! Wish me luck!