• Published 21st Feb 2013
  • 2,220 Views, 104 Comments

The Stallion in the Library - leonidas701

2 weeks after defeating Nightmare Moon, Twilight finds a visitor in her library. Who is this stallion, where did he come from, and why is he so interested in Pinkie Pie?

  • ...

Not So Different

*Slam* went the door as Twilight closed the door to the library.

"What was that about?" Spike asked Twilight as he put down his tail, having grabbed it to avoid being caught in the door.

"It- it's nothing Spike." Twilight said as she looked away. "I'm going to go to my room, it's been a long morning. Why don't you go help out Rarity."

Spike was a bit hesitant to leave his friend, but his mind was quickly filled up with fantasies of Rarity praising him for helping her, and being so attentive, and then she would offer to reward him for his hard work and- "Ok, thanks Twilight. See you soon."

"Yeah, bye." As soon as Spike was out the door Twilight went up to her room, flopped onto the bed and started crying into her pillow. It's all still the same, I can't believe I ever thought it would be different. As Twilight lay there, drowning her pillow and drenching her sheets she decided that no, she would not deal with this again. She got up out of her bed, went to her desk and started writing. Dear Princess, I am sorry but I can't stay here in Ponyv

Suddenly there came a knock at the door. She put the unfinished letter into her drawer and, barely holding herself together, went down the stairs. Bet that's Spike. Thought Rarity would keep him distracted for longer then. She looked over at a clock. 15 minutes. How am I gonna tell him that we need to leave? She got to the front door and opened it, preparing for an exuberant Spike to tell her all about how Rarity dropped her needle and thanked him for picking it up. What she found instead was Card, who said,

"Hey I finished up all those books and came to return them. I even brought some Sci-Fi from my personal collection." He said as he walked into the tree. A likely story. I bet he's here for the tickets too."Have you ever heard of a book called Dragon's Egg." He turned around, looked at Twilight, opened his mouth-

Here we go, he'll start talking about all these great book, then probably mention their author who, shock of all shocks, happens to be going to the gala, and can he please go t- But then he said something strange. Something that noone, not her parents, not Shining, not Celestia, had ever said to her. At least not without her leading them into it. Card took one good look at her and then said,

"Twinkly, what's wrong?" With a look of concern on his face.

At this Twilight lost it, she broke down into tears where she was standing. Card, after taking off his jacket, went over and held her, whispering comfort into her ear. Twilight couldn't take it, she had to let it out, she told him everything. Told him about being the personal student of Celestia, and how that affected her social life. About how ponies would try to get close to her just to get the ear of the princess, how foals would only pretend to be her friend so that they could get all the cool stuff she had in the palace and then leave her as soon as they had gotten what they wanted. She told him about putting on a brave face so as not to worry Celestia, and throwing herself into her studying just so that she had a way to get away from the pain all the betrayals had caused her. Then, after all that, she told him about being sent to Ponyville by Celestia to learn about friendship, but really to stop Nightmare Moon's return. She told him how she found the elements of harmony along with Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie (who's name caused him to bite his hoof,), Fluttershy, Applejack (who's name made his eyebrows scrunch up), and Rarity. Then she got to today.

"It all started again," she choked out in-between sobs. "They all started to press me, told me all of their great fantasies of what would happen at the gala. When I told them that I would have to think about it they started in with gifts, trying to bribe their way into my friendship. Then they all ganged up on me, not just my so-called friends but everypony in town. I grabbed Spike and wished they would all just go away. The next thing I knew, I had teleported to the library. You know what's funny though? I would have gladly gone with them, I would have given away my ticket without a second thought, if only they had just said that they wanted to to the gala with me, not just go." She gave off a few hiccups and then stood back up. As Card went to pick up his jacket she said," Thanks for listening. I feel so much better now."

"No problem," dismissed Card, "but I wouldn't be so ready to dismiss your friends just yet. From what you told me, I doubt that they were doing this on purpose. Why don't you try telling them that the way they acted was rude and hurt your feelings. See how they react when they realize what they were doing. It might surprise you."

"I don't know if I can see them yet." admitted Twilight with a shaky voice.

"So wait a while. See if they come to the conclusion on their own after they've cooled down a bit."

"Are you certain?"

"Postive," Card reassured her. "I'll even come with you when you're ready to do it. What’s important is that you don’t judge everyone based off of the past, whether it’s your past or theirs."

"Okay, I guess," Twilight said uncertainly. She wiped off her tears. "So where are these books of yours."

"Right on that table," said Card.

When did those get there? "Ok, so I believe you brought up a book named Dragon's Egg? That sounds interesting."

"Oh, you have no idea."

-----2 hours of reading later-----

"Well, it's getting to be kinda late. I should probably get going. why don’t you hold on to those books, see if you can get through them all." Card said, while looking at a clock above Twilight's head.

"You're leaving so soon?" Twilight said, not wanting the one who was quickly becoming her best friend, aside from Spike, to go.

"Well, I still have to go give Pie that apology you made me promise to give her."

"Oh, " Twilight said, recalling the outburst at SugarCube Corner. "Well let me come with you. I need to go to Rarity's to pick up Spike, and I want to talk to her about today before my nerves leave me. Carousel Boutique isn’t that far away from

"Okay," Card said, "Now, do you know where Pie is?"

"N- no, actually," Twilight admitted, "I haven't seen her since you exploded at her and she ran off to her room."

"Well that's a good place to start. Even if we don't find her there, we can at least get some food. Let's go." He headed over to and then opened the door, "Mares first."

"Thank you"

“No problem. Now, what do you think of your first foray into the galaxy that is Sci-fi?”

While they go off on their little walk, let us check in with someone else who’s day is not going so well. TELEPORT TO S.C.C., AWAY!!!!

*Knock, knock, knock*

“Who’s there?” came softly from beyond the door.

“It’s me dearie. I have your food.”

“...” Taking the silence as a yes, Ms. Cake opened the door to see a deflated Pinkie Pie, sitting on her bedroom floor with rivulets of tears on her cheeks.

“Here you go dearie.” Said Ms. Cake, “ I made your favorite. Triple decker pink bombs.”

“... Not hungry.” At this Ms. Cake sighed, put her tray down onto Pinkie’s bed and then came to sit down next to her.

“Dearie, you have to eat.”

“Don’t feel like it.” Pinkie whispered, not even bothering to look at her mother-figure.


“... How could he be so mean.”

“I don’t know.” Ms. Cake said, remembering the event that caused her daughter in all but blood such pain.

“I was just trying to make him feel welcome. I gave him a cake, I tried to throw him a party, I even followed him all around town to see where he lived so I throw him a housewarming party. But no matter what he just ran away... Then he said.. he said...” Pinkie Pie started to cry again. The sight made Ms. Cake’s heart break, and she hugged her, tried to protect her from the world.

“Some ponies are just bitter hateful creatures. He was probably somepony who can only see the bad in things. Ponies like him exist, and they say some hurtful things, but you can’t let them bother you. You need to let your life go on.”

“...” Ms. Cake sighed again, got up, and moved to pick up the tray.”

“... Leave it here, please.”

“Yes, dearie. When you’re done, come down to put it away. Ok?” Ms. Cake said with a smile appearing on her face.

“... Ok.”

At this Ms. Cake left the room and rushed back to the kitchen where her husband was.

“Any progress?” Mr. Cake asked.

“She’s asked me to leave the tray.”

“That’s fantastic.”

“I agree dearie, it’s just...” Ms. Cake got a slight frown, “It’s been three days since that stallion was here. I can’t imagine why she’s still upset.”

“Pinkie’s delicate, you know that.”

“I know, but still. I just wish there were more we could do for her.”

“So do I sweetheart.” at this Mr. Cake swept his wife up into a hug. “So do I.

Now back to our two walkers. What? No I’m not going to teleport you, they’re right outside! Lazy bums. *grumble, grumble, kids these days..., grumble, grumble*

“Ok, we’re here,” said Twilight.

“Awesome,” Card then turned over to face Twilight, “Now Twinkly are you sure that you don’t want me with you when you
talk to that Rarity mare?”

“Yes.” Twilight said with a determined look on her face. “I need to confront them on my own.”

“Ok, if you’re sure.” Card remarked with an uncertain tone in his voice.

“I am. Now, don’t you have an apology to deliver.”

“Yeah, ok. Bye.”

“Goodbye.” Twilight waved her hoof goodbye at set off on the path to Rarity’s business, leaving Card standing there on his own.

“Well,” Card said, turning his attention to the restaurant in front of him, “Might as well get it over with.”

*Chime Chime* went the bells as Card pushed open the door.

“Hello, how may I help y-” Mr. Cake stopped in the middle of his greeting upon seeing who it was at his door way. His face
darkened, he snapped out, “What do you want.”

“I came here to apologize to Pie for my rude behavior.” said Card before he bowed to Mr. Cake and said “I would also
like to apologize to you for causing such a disturbance in your restaurant.”

“Oh.” said one very taken-aback Mr. Cake, whatever he was expecting an apology clearly wasn’t at the top of his list. “Well if you’re here to apologize, then I suppose I shouldn’t stop you. Pinkie is right upstairs, here let me show you to her room.”

“Thank you.”

“You know, what you said to her hurt her really bad.” Mr. Cake said as he lead the stallion up the stairs.


“Yeah. She hasn’t eaten, has barely talked to anyone, she won’t even leave her room except to go to the bathroom.”

“Really, now.” Card said with a troubled look on his face, “That’s not good.”

“I know. Whatever you plan on saying to her, it had better be good. Here’s her room.”

“Thank you.” Card said as he opened the door. Mr. Cake just walked down the stairs, back to his kitchen.

Card took his first steps into the dark room, when suddenly he heard a tiny voice say,

“The tray’s outside Ms. Cake. It was delicious, thank you.” Pinkie Pie said, still on the ground not even turning to look at the door.

“I’m not Ms. Cake.” Card said in his most delicate voice, but to no avail. As soon as Pinkie heard that voice, the one that had been in her nightmares, she dashed to the farthest possible place in her room she could get to.

“Wh- What do you want.” She stammered out. Card took a few steps towards her.

“I just want to-”

“No! Don’t come any closer!” She said as she tried to push herself into the wall.

“Fine, I’ll stay here. I just wanted to apologize to you. I am very, very sorry.”

“Re- Really?” Pinkie asked, peeling herself off the wall. “you mean it?”

“Yes I d-”

“YAY!!! I knew nopony could say all those mean things!” She ran over to try to give him a hug, only to crash straight into a wall.

“Wait what?” Card said with a confused look on his face, “What do you think I’m apologizing for?”

“For all of those meanie-mean things you said!” Pinkie said as she bounced around, her hair now coming back to full inflation.

“What?” Card said as he shook his head, “I’m not apologizing for that.”

“O-o-oh.” Pinkie went as she slowly stopped bouncing around and her hair began to straighten out again.

“Yeah.” Card said as he looked at her, “I meant every word I said to you. What I came to apologize for is bursting out at you at, not only your job, but your home. That was very rude of me, and I apologize for it from the bottom of my heart.” At this Pinkie started crying again.

“B- B- But I- I- I-” She said while whimpering “I did all those things for you. I gave you a cake.

“You threw it in my face!”

“I threw you a party.”

“You fired at cannon at me!!!”

“I even tried to find out where you live so I could throw you a housewarming party. How can be so mean after all of that.”

“YOU WERE STALKING ME!!!!” Card said, his hackles fully raised. “Yeesh, don’t you know what the word “boundaries” means?”

“B- B- But.” Pinkie stammered out.

“But nothing! You’re like a child who thinks the world revolves around them, and that all of their ideas are fantastic, no matter what anyone else thinks. Did you ever think that maybe my constantly running away from you was a sign I didn’t want to party?”

“How could you not want to party?” said Pinkie Pie, the very concept seeming ludicrous to her.

“Anyway,” Card said ignoring her question, “What’s with all the sorrow? You’re acting like you’ve never been insulted be-” He looked over to her and took on a shocked expression. “Oh my God, You’ve never been insulted before, have you?”

“No one as mean as you has ever been here before.” Pinkie admitted.

“That explains so much.” Card then suddenly took on a very serious expression. “Look Pie, I can guarantee that I am not the only pony in this city who doesn’t want to party all the time. You seem to be a smart mare, why don’t you try paying more attention to how ponies around you react whenever you show up. What you discover might surprise you. If I am wrong about all of this, then you can throw me the biggest party in the world and I won’t complain. I’ll even tell you where I live so you can have it at my house. I will pay for it all, all you have to do is pay close attention to ponies when you walk by, Ok?”

“Why should I listen to you? Ms. Cake says that you’re just bitter and hateful, and that you can’t see the good in anything.” Pinkie Pie said, finally standing up to look him in the eye.

“That is not true, I can see the good in everything. I even see something I like in you.”

“Oh really, what?” Pinkie challenged.

“I like your mane.” Card admitted, “I think that it looks very good with all your hair straight like that.” He then opened up the door. “Look, I am leaving now, but why don’t you think about what I have said.” He left the room, picked up the tray outside of it, and, after giving the tray back to a pony who he assumed to be Ms. Cake, he left S.C.C. and went home.

… … … … ..Oh, sorry. I was in the bathroom. Anyways, let us check in on Ms. Sparkle, see how she’s doing.

Ok Twilight, you can do this. Just talk to Rarity and tell her how bad she made you feel with how she acted. Twilight took a deep breath and knocked on the door. “Rarity, I’m here to get Spike, can I come in.”

“Oh, of course dear. Come in.” Rarity said while grinning wildly. “So, I assume that you are here to give me the other ticket?”

“Actually, Rarity-” Twilight said

“I accept of course. Oh I can’t wait to meet my prince charming.” went Rarity, completly ignoring Twilight

“About the tickets-”

“Oh, he’ll sweep me off my hooves, and take me to dinner, and treat me like a-”

“I gave back the tickets. At least I will” This made Rarity stop, shocked at the revelation

“...What.” Rarity said, flabbergasted, “How could you? Why would you?”

“Because they were making my friends fight over me and I started to feel less like I was your friend, and more like I was some trophy to be fought over.” Twilight admitted. “I didn’t want friends who made me feel like they were only there for my stuff.”

“I- I had no idea. I am so sorry Twilight. How can I make it up to you?” Rarity asked

“You don’t have to, just please, never treat me like a prize again. It... It doesn’t feel good.”

“Of course. I am so sorry.” Rarity said again, still with a shocked look on her face.

“Don’t worry about it.” Twilight then looked around and said “Where is Spike? I do need to bring him home.”

“Oh the poor little thing fell asleep. Here let me go wake him up.” She went to a small basket in the corner and started to shake the purple dragon.

“Hmm, Hmm.” Spike woke up. “Oh hi Rarity.”

“Hello Spike. Look, Twilight’s here to pick you up. Thanks for all of your help today sweetie.” At this Spike blushed and stammered out.

“I- I- I- It was no problem Rarity.” Twilight had to stifle a giggle seeing the little dragon shift around like he really had to go to the bathroom.

“Come on Spike, let’s go home.” Twilight called out. “Goodbye Rarity.”

“Yeah, Goodbye Rarity.”

“Good night, both of you.” Rarity said as she saw them to the door.

-----Back at the library-----

“Spike, before you go to sleep I need you to take a letter for me.”

*Yawn Ok, Twilight.” Spike said as he pulled out his quill and paper.

“Dear Celestia,

Today I learned that you should not judge everypony based off of what happened to you in the past. Everypony deserves a clean slate when you meet them.

Your Faithful Student,

Twilight Sparkle”

After he sent the letter, Spike fell down where he stood and went straight to sleep. While chuckling, Twilight picked him up and put him in his bed. Now, just one thing left for me to do before bed. She went up to her bedroom and pulled open her desk drawer. Taking the unfinished letter out of it, she used a scissor spell to cut it up into tiny pieces and then threw it into her wastepaper basket. With this act done, she headed to sleep satisfied.

Author's Note:

Here is the first chapter that I have felt truely satisfied with. Hope you all like it.