• Published 25th Sep 2011
  • 6,019 Views, 84 Comments

Failure has Its Own Price - BigMacAttack

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"RAINBOW!" the yellow pegasus screamed as she gazed on the broken body of her closest childhood friend. Tears pouring down her face as she saw the blood and the odd angles of Rainbow's hind legs as she lay in the bloody dirt. Her head turned to Big Mac and he felt true fear at the anger he saw in her eyes. "Who did this!"

"N-n-no-pony, she crashed during on oh her tricks just now." Why was he afraid of this tiny pegasus? Her eyes threatened a greater pain than anything he could imagine, but that quickly faded as she saw how upset she had made him.

"Oh...i'm so sorry..." She withdrew within herself as she cried over the bloodied body of her closest childhood friend.Huge sobs racked her frame as Big Macintosh Shook his head to clear the fear that had spiked from the pegasus's fearsome eyes to his own.

"We need ta get her ta tha nurse, ah can carry her but ah need ya ta fly ahead oh me ta tell them ah am coming. Can ya do that? Miss..." he paused as he realised he had no-idea who this pegasus was.

"Um...i'm fluttershy..." She immediately clammed up as she seemed to collapse within herself. Falling to the ground beside Rainbow Dash. Placing her hoof gently on Dash's Stomach as the tears fell to form rivers down her friends side. "A-and i'm afraid...the nurse..the nurse i-isn't here..."

"WHA?! HOW ARE WE GUNNA SAVE HER!" The explosion of noise from Big Macintosh caused Fluttershy to recoil in fear from the sound. She looked towards her friend and something seemed to click in her head.

"Ummm...i think that m-maybe...I-i...could do it...N-no...I can do it!" she straightened herself up from her friend's side turning to stare Big Mac dead in the eyes. "Um...do you have anything like a first aid kit? Bandages and salves?

"Now tha ah can get ya, but ah think it would be better if'n we can move her back ta tha homestead, we always need things like tha' on tha farm." His expression brightened considerably as he realise that she just might have a chance. "But, ahhh...pardon ma askin'. But how da ya know all tha? Are ya a nurse or somethang?"

"N-no...I care for my animal friends back home...and I needed to know how to heal them when they were hurt...so I learnt to heal others..." At this her chest swelled with pride, her friend had always helped her in the past and now she would be able to save her! "We need to get her to the house right now! But we have to be careful..." Fluttershy gently nosed Rainbow Dash to roll her onto her stomach, her legs were bent out at odd angles and the broken filly didn't respond to the touch. It was worst then Fluttershy had originally thought...

"Ah don't think ya can carry her...ya ah too small, no offense Miss Flutershy." Fluttershy cast her eyes up at the Massive stallion, his large broad back would be much better and safer for transporting the injured Pegasus...

"Ah'm gonna need ya help ta get ma harness off. Ah can do it by maself, but it would take too long. ah just need ya ta undo tha clip under tha front" he reared his head back to give Fluttershy a clear view of the clip. as she lent forwards to undo the clasp, she noticed just how powerfully build the stallion was. As it was he didn't really need to lean back, he was already much larger than she was, undoing the clasp she took a step back as the stallion shook off the harness with a significant crash.

With a little effort from Fluttershy they placed the injured Pegasus onto Big Macintosh's back, his broad expanse of a back easily held the Pegasus and he turned towards his home, eager to return to help the injured Dash. "Lets get going, ah don't think she's gonna make it if we wait around much longer." he stated casting a worried glance up at the unconscious, broken bundle on his back.

"Umm, what about your harness?" Fluttershy's voice was more certain now, for the presence of the massive stallion had calmed her nerves and she was slowly getting into her element. For now she had to focus on tending to an injured animal and friend.

"Don't worry about it, ah come an pick it up afta we finish with miss Dash, beside ah think it might be a bit heavy for ya ta carry miss Shy." He started towards the house, this focus remaining of providing a stable transport for the injure patient. As he looked back he saw the pale yellow Pegasus attempting to lift the heavy harness, and succeeding. Big Macintosh was quite impressed by this display, Miss Shy was going out of her way to carry something so heavy even though she had no reason to. It seemed she was stronger then he had given her credit for.

They completed the journey back the house without incident, however there was no time for a break, as Rainbow's breathing had become shallower. The two ponies worked in tandem, Fluttershy quickly got to work, binding and dressing the wounds on Dash's body, while Big Macintosh acted as a assistant nurse and provide all the materials necessary for the healing.

At the end of the day both ponies were run ragged and Rainbow Dash's condition had only stabilised minutely, it would all depend if she lasted the night, but Fluttershy had faith in her friends strength. But that didn't stop the panic that settled itself in both the ponies hearts.

As they sat at the Apple family table eating a simple hay and apple sandwich that Big Mac had whipped up, the both were practically drooping over their plates, the day had taken a huge toll on both of them. Realising that she was probably too tired to make it back home by herself, Big Macintosh suggested that Fluttershy stay the night. "Ah don't know rightly where ya live but the lease ah can do is offer ya a berth for tha night, plus ah'm ashamed ta admit tha ah don't know tha first thing about caring for a sick pony." this had always been a sore point with Big Mac as it was Granny smith who had always dispensed the right information about caring for each other, and with her no-longer living on the farm and the girls away for the next week, there was zero medical talent left on the farm.

"Umm...i-if you...i-i mean...yes, I would love that thank you." the thought of spending the night away from her house was a little frightening for Fluttershy, but for some reason she couldn't be afraid around Big Macintosh, even when she had started to doubt herself during the operation his steady presence had helped her though it. plus she was still worried about her friend, it was still too soon to say she would be alright. "But umm...where will you sleep? There is only two beds..."

"Now don't'cha worry about tha miss Shy, ah will sleep down here on tha couch, y'all can take ma bed. It's not tha most comfy and it may be a tad too big for ya, but ah'm sure you will be alright." Fluttershy found herself too tired to put up much of a resistance, and indeed Big Macintosh almost carried her up to his room. She didn't even remember falling asleep.

As he returned to to couch to sleep for the night Big Mac's thoughts began to wander, he had never met this yellow Pegasus before. But her hidden strength had impressed him, the anguish she must have undergone to operate on her best friend would have been astounding and her kindness astonished even him. She had voluntarily carried his harness even thought it was much too heavy for her so that he wouldn't have to collect it the next day. Her medical talent had also impressed him by a large margin, he would ask her for a few tips over the next few days provided that miss Dash made it through the night.

The worry began to gnaw at his mind and he struggled to push himself up from the couch. he trotted up the stairs to check on the patient one last time, her breathing had gotten deeper and more regular. He kept watch over the Pegasus until the moon had risen to the highest peak in the sky until sleep finally overcame him.

The morning would reveal the fruits of their labours, or the sadness of a great loss.