• Published 25th Sep 2011
  • 6,020 Views, 84 Comments

Failure has Its Own Price - BigMacAttack

  • ...

The Start of Something New

"And that pretty much the whole story right up till ah fainted, not much else ta say really. Ah woke up at Miss Zecora's house and we travelled back to town after that." Big Mac put down his drink and cast his eyes around the room. The other ponies all had varied emotions written over their faces.

"So ya telling me ya killed a dragon, brother? Ah would find tha hard ta believe but ah reckon the scars tell tha whole tale. Wow, ah knew we didn't let ya do any applebucking because tha trees couldn't take it, but ah didn't know ya had that kind of strength!" Applejack shook her head and continued drinking as Rarity piped up.

"So what happened after that? I mean you look like you nearly lost your life there dear. Those are some very impressive scars." She gently poked them with her hoof, eliciting a slight wince from Big Mac. "Oops." she smiled gingerly while Big Mac had a weird sense of Déjà-vu.

"Ah don't rightly know. Tha whole dying thing made it kinda hard to remember." He chuckled as the rest of the group cautiously smiled; he noticed their discomfort and chuckled again. "Ah...Poor taste?"

"How can you be so...so blasé? You died! D-do ya h-have any idea..." she sniffled "...how m-m-miserable poor Ap-Aplebloom a-and ah would have b-been?" At this Applejack pulled her hat down so that the others wouldn't see the tears running down her face.

Big Mac raised himself to his feet then limped over to his sister, lifting her face so he could gaze at her directly. "Dry ya tears sis, ah wasn't dead then and ah ain't gonna die while ah have ma family and friends ta protect." He wrapped her in a massive hug and he let her cry her tears out.

"A-ah'm sorry Mac, I just keep feeling like yer gonna slip away, when ah arrived after hearing about rainbow, all we heard was that you were lost in tha forest. T-then when we heard about the dragon attack, ah nearly lost it right there and then. Please don't ever do anything that stupid again...P-please?" She raised her head and looked him in the eyes and his heart nearly broke. How could he have been such a stupid idiot?

"Ah'm afraid ah can't do that sis, as long as ah have you, Applebloom and Fluttershy close to my heart ah will never stop protecting you three." he kissed his sister on the nose and went back to his cushion and nuzzled Fluttershy. She smiled and cuddled close to his side.

"D'awwww! You two are so CUTE together!" Pinkie's massive cry sent Fluttershy cowering behind Big Mac in surprise. He turned his head to look at her as she gave him a slightly rattled smile.

"Pinkie! You know you shouldn't use that volume around Fluttershy!" Twilight magically rolled up the scroll she was writing and smacked Pinkie Pie across the rump.

"Hehe, Oops?" And small orange object flew out of the shadows of the doorway and hit Pinkie. "Owww! A carrot?" Pinkie bent her head down and picked up the half-eaten carrot that had slammed into her head.

"Yer getting better at launching those, Little Buddy." Big Mac chuckled, remembering the force which the bunny could put behind the shots.

"Angel!" Fluttershy scooped angel into her arms and cuddled him to her face, he joined in until he realised what he was doing and began to struggle against her grip, in an attempt to save face. Which just made everypony in the room roar with laugher.

"Good it is to see, the laughter of so many." Zecora had entered the room unseen and proceeded to wearily trot towards the circle of ponies. There were some heavy bags under her eyes but she had a radiant smile adorning her face.

"Zecora! Is Rainbow ok? Where is she?!" Applejack had leapt to her hooves and was practically yelling at Zecora.

"Quieten your voice my dear, you have no reason to fear. Your friend is sound asleep; her life is now hers to keep." Zecora trotted to a free cushion in the circle and was given a mug of hot chocolate by Twilight. "Thank you Twilight my dear, but I have some news that everypony must hear. Healed her I have indeed, but a final cure she will need. Her body is as healed as I can, but on her wings I have not began."

"Why not? Is there something wrong with them?" Twilight looked up from her scroll and waved her quill at Zecora. "Do you need my help with some medical research?"

"Not to discourage you my dear, but with this you cannot help, I fear. More ingredients I need; Cloud Root, Filly Feathers and Sky Seed. From here I cannot make a cure, but with those her healing I can assure." Zecora paused to take a sip of her drink as Spike grabbed a few books from the shelves. He flicked through a couple of pages until he found what he was looking for.

"Look at this, girls! We can find the first and second ingredient in the same place! They both grow in Cloudsdale!" He showed them two pictures of the two plants. One was a root that had a distinct cloud shape and the other was a tiny seed that was the colour of the rainbow. "But the second one? What did you say it was? Filly feathers?”

"From a time in her past, in those feathers the memory of flight should last. Correct me if I err, but don't Pegasi keep every feather?" Zecora turned her head to look at Fluttershy who had taken up residence at Big Mac's side once again.

"Oh indeed, it’s a sort of tradition. We Pegasi only loose our feathers when we grow up so our parents often keep them for us. My mother still has them back at Cloudsdale." She squeaked.

"Then fetch me a few of Rainbow's you must, you know the location of her parents I trust?"

"Unfortunately, we don't, Rainbow hasn't spoken much about her life in Cloudsdale before she came here to Ponyville. We might need to ask her herself about their location. Either way an expedition to Cloudsdale is a must for now. Spike can you send this letter for me?" Twilight rolled up the letter she had been writing and passed to spike who breathed an emerald green flame on it and it disappeared.

"What was that Twilight? Did you send a letter to Princess Celestia again?” Spike questioned Twilight.

"Not quite, you will see later on. Now who can we send to Cloudsdale? Unfortunately the only one who can fly here is Fluttershy. Rarity, you have been discouraged from visiting Cloudsdale after that last fiasco." Twilight grinned at Rarity.

"I thought we said that we would not be discussing that ever again, Twilight dear?" Rarity began to smile while the shadows around her began to grow and her horn started glowing.

Twilight grinned again and continued "As I was saying, Applejack, you can't go because you have to take care of your farm and we need someone at the farm for Rainbow. She won't be able to go home with her wings injured."

"Ah there is ah slight problem, we don't have enough beds back at tha farms for Applebloom, Mac, Rainbow and maself." Applejack placed her hoof under her chin as she thought about other alternatives.

"Is there any way for me to go up to Cloudsdale? Ah always did want to have a go at flying." Big Mac lazily took a drink from his cup and finding it empty placed it beside him.

"Not with you as you are now, it would be impossible. You are too heavy for both the Walking on Clouds spell and the Faux Wings spell. You would need to literally become a Pegasus to even consid..." Twilight stopped mid-sentence and brought her hoof up to her chin.

"What is it Twilight? Oh is this a guessing game?! I pick muffins! Was I right? Huh? Huh?" Another hit with the scroll. "Oww! Why is it always the head with you ponies?!"

"PINKIE! BE QUIET!” Twilight sighed, unrolled the scroll and continued writing. “I did just think of something, but it’s going to be rather dangerous." Twilight looked at Big Mac and he felt a tingle of apprehension.

"What did y'all think of Twilight? And just what did you mean by 'dangerous'?" AJ prodded Twilight in the side.

"Well it's not really dangerous per-se...Just I will need some help and a major part of it depends on how much you value your status as an Earth Pony, Macintosh." She stared at Mac and he felt that sense of apprehension double inside his gut.

"What do ya mean Twilight? Are ya talking about making me a Pegasus? Ya can do that?" His jaw fell open at the pure audacity of the idea and in awe at the idea that this unicorn could wield that much power.

"Yes, the idea is simple in essence. But the amount of power required would be extraordinary. It might be easier if only Fluttershy goes by herself."

"Um. B-by myself? But I haven't flown there by myself before. I-I-I just couldn't..." She looked like she would burst into tears again and this set Big Mac's mind in stone. Macintosh hugged her close until she stopped and began to settle down.

Big Mac turned towards the purple unicorn and looked her straight in the eyes. "Twilight?"

She gulped, he was frightening, his stare actually unsettled her to the point where she was tempted to look away. "Yes?"

"Ah'll do it. Make the preparations for the spell. “He turned back to Fluttershy to find her staring into his eyes. He smiled and kissed her nose, causing her to squeak and smile from ear to ear.

"A-are you sure? Once you become a Pegasus, there is a high chance you won't be able to return to your original appearance. And I cannot confirm whether the spell will alter anything else besides your physical makeup. But if you are still sure I will enlist the help of the pony I just summoned to Ponyville and we can begin at first light with the spell. Think long and hard today and tonight about your decision and make up your mind before tomorrow morning." Twilight placed her hooves together under her chin and presented Big Mac with a stare that would have made him think twice about this, if he hadn't made his mind so resolute.

"Ah, will. And thank you Twilight. Ah know you can do it." He smiled and Twilight began to smile as well.

"Your plan is daring I am sure, I will prepare drawings of the plants to take on this tour. Your friend Rainbow dash should awaken soon, shall we visit her in her room?" Zecora broke the silence and immediately the whole atmosphere changed completely.

Almost in unison the other six cried out "Yes!"

They cleaned up the cushions and everypony bolted for the farm, eager to see their dear friend.


The Farm was quiet and they all crept up the stairs as quietly as possible, following the zebra who lead them into the darkened bedroom. The closed curtains blocked out the last rays of the sun and a heavy scent of herbs and potions lingered in the air. Twilight used her magic to ignite the candles and lamps around the room and the ponies got their first good look at their friend. She looked peaceful as she lay there, the bandages around her face and body were no-longer the colour of seeping blood.

"How? How is this even possible? She looks like she was never even hurt!" Big Mac's exclamation caused Rainbow Dash to stir but not wake and he immediately lowered his voice. "Did you do the same thing ta me? How?"

"As I told you once before, my natural cures are simply more. Medical treatments are often diluted and weak; healing sometimes needs something not quite as meek." Zecora nudged Rainbow Dash in an attempt to wake her and she simply grunted before rolling over, muttering something about 'Wonderbolts' and a giant trophy.

Twilight began to giggle and she moved towards the front of the bed and braced her hooves against the ground. "She's back to normal alright. Let me see if I can wake her." Twilight's horn glowed and she levitated the bed slightly and rocked it side-to-side...nothing. If anything Rainbow began to snore. "Well that didn't work..." She lowered the bed to the ground and stepped back.

"Hmm, Oh I know! How about we do this!" With that Pinkie grabbed the back of Applejack's head and forced her to kiss Rainbow Dash. Applejack recoiled and threw Pinkie Pie across the room, but not before locking lips with the pegasus for a few seconds.

She spluttered and pretended to wipe her mouth with her hooves. “PINKIE PIE! AH SWEAR AH'M GONNA BUCK YOU THROUGH THAT WINDOW!" She grabbed Pinkie Pie and was about to make good on her promise but a small sound from behind her made her slowly turn around.

"A-AJ? W-wha?" Applejack threw Pinkie out the window and turned back to the bed, a huge grin plastered over her face as sounds of crashing came from outside the window. "W-was that Pinkie?"

"Oh sugarcube! You're all right!" Applejack leapt onto the bed and wrapped her arms around Rainbow and hugged her close, tears falling from her eyes as she squeezed the rainbow pegasus so tight she nearly crushed poor Dash in the process.
"OWCH! AJ! I'm alright! You’re killing me!" Applejack loosed her grip and stepped back from the bed, everypony chuckling at the sudden display of affection from the normally stoic pony. "How am I still alive? I thought I hit that thing dead on?"

"You must thank your friends Macintosh and Fluttershy for your life; they removed you from the worst of your strife. I simply finished what they began, and now I must leave once again." Zecora turned to the door and was about to leave when Fluttershy stepped in her way and barred her exit.

"P-please stay Zecora! You of all ponies deserve the credit for this! I couldn't really heal her...I'm not good enough at that sort of thing. You shoul-"

She was silenced by a striped hoof on her nose. Zecora leaned in close and whispered in her ear. Zecora dropped her rhyming tone and spoke with the full force of her voice. "I did only minor things to her condition; YOU did most of the work. Stay strong and I will teach you all that I know when you return from this trip. Now go and receive the praise you deserve my dear. When this is over and done, return to me and I will pass on to you the secrets of my craft. Till that time you are needed by their side."

"Y-yes...thank you Zecora. For making me feel better." Fluttershy allowed her to pass and trotted back to her friends as they were explaining the past few days’ events to Rainbow. Zecora looked at Fluttershy's retreating figure and chuckled to herself.

"She will see that I am quite honest indeed, for me to lie there was no need." Zecora smiled and turned towards the door, vanishing into the hallway as the others wrapped up the story of the past few days.

"Ok so let me get this straight...You killed a freaking DRAGON?! And now you and Fluttershy? Go Flutters!" Rainbow winked at Fluttershy and the timid pony blushed from ear to ear and shyly smiled.

"Hehe, yeah the scars still hurt but yes ah did kill a dragon. I guess ah got a little too mad. Ah'm surprised that ya taking the whole wings thing so well." He tilted his head towards her side where her wings were still tightly bound.

"Well duh! I mean if they can't be healed I can't fly at full speed! Besides they can be healed...right?"

"Well, yes. But there is a small problem, we need some ingredients from Cloudsdale and Fluttershy has never flown there by herself before. So we will be performing a Class Alteration Spell on Macintosh here and he will be accompanying her along with a guide for the visit. However, we need to contact your parents. We need some of your old feathers from your youth. Something about the soul or memory of flight stored in them can be used to restore your wings." Twilight's explanation left Rainbow Dash with a bored expression on her face.

"Sooo, basically you are going to get something from Cloudsdale and you need my Dad's address? And did you say something about making Macintosh a Pegasus? Is that even possible?" She gave Twilight a look that the unicorn knew all too well

Twilight sighed and placed her hoof on her face, rubbing her eyes. "Yes Rainbow, that is the general gist of it all. And yes it’s possible, just not entirely reversible. There is a huge chance he will be stuck as a Pegasus forever."

"Eh? That's a bad thing? Being a Pegasus is awesome! I mean come on! We can FLY! How could you not want to be a Pegasus?!" Rainbow Dash shrugged her shoulders, as if the very idea of someone passing up this chance was ludicrous.

"Well ah have pretty much made up ma mind right now. If'n this needs ta be done, so be it." Big Mac shrugged and turned towards the doorway. "Ah'm going outside fer a bit. Rest up and we will bring ya back tha things ya need to heal. Count on it." Leaving his words to linger in the air, Big Mac stepped outside, and continued down the stairs to the kitchen. He was starving, so he grabbed an apple and was about to go outside when he noticed a small white form following him.

"Now what are ya doing following me? Why don't you go say hi ta your friend up there?" Then Big Mac remembered that he had promised something to Angel before they had left earlier. "Wait a dang minute, ah forgot ya present! Can ya follow me fer a sec little guy?" Angel nodded and leapt up onto Big Mac's back.

"Or ya can hitch a lift if ya want" he chuckled and trotted out the door and into the barn. They wandered over to a small sack next to an old broken dog-basket. Angel hoped off and sniffed at the basket. He knew who it had belonged to and the story of its current state. No pet had lived at Sweet Apple Acres for a while now. Winona lived now with Granny Smith at the Retirement Villa in Canterlot after a falling tree branch had crippled her. The toll had been hard on the family and while Winona lived; she couldn’t stay on the farm in her current condition. So Granny Smith had taken the chance to retire to Canterlot and had taken the poor dog with her. AJ and Big Mac had never had the heart to get another pet as it hadn’t felt right replacing such a critical member of the family. Angel looked as Big Mac brought out a simple piece of slate set into a wooden frame with a small bag that could be slung over the shoulder.

"Applebloom made this for when Winona was first injured, as a way fer her to communicate without moving too much. But her paws were too damaged to use tha chalk properly. Ah reckon y'all have more luck with it." Big Mac passed it and it fitted the little rabbit almost perfectly. "Now ah'm guessing ya down know how ta write, huh? Ah can show ya a thing or two when ah get back, but until then see if'n Twilight and Spike can teach ya anything. She strikes me as a very smart pony. Now go, visit your friends in the house and leave me alone fer a bit, ok?"

Angel just nodded and left Big Mac alone in the barn. Big Mac sighed and left the barn, trotting to his favourite spot under the apple trees. "Ah'm ah doing tha right thing? If ah go through with this ah'll be able ta help everypony. But ah'm an Earth Pony...Ah was born one and ah was supposed ta stay one..." He glanced up at the stars that were beginning to shine in the dark night sky. He looked to the moon that was beginning to rise over the Saddleback Mountains and he thought of the Princess of the night. He had always wondered what their new princess was like as they had never really met before. He had fortunately avoided the fiasco of Nightmare Night those few years ago.

He figured it was worth a shot anyway. "Dear Princess Luna, ah sorry that ah missed the past few days of talking to yer. Things got a little crazy around here and ah haven't had tha time to sit and make ma prayers of tha night. But ah have no idea what ah'm supposed ta do...Could ya give me any sort of hint? Anything at all?" He sighed, Mac knew that the princesses couldn't actually hear his prayers, or if they could, how many other ponies needed help more than he?

"Well if thou want'st our opinion, we would do that which need'th to be done. Thy friends are surely worth more to thee than something as unimportant as thy class?" Big Mac leapt to his feet and was greeted by a large pony wearing a hooded cloak that hid her face.

"Who tha hay are you? And what are ya doing on my farm?!" He turned to face the attacker and stood at his full height, but even then the figure was only a touch smaller than himself.

"Peace. We mean thee no harm. We merely heard thy prayer to the Princess of the Night. Remember, thy prayers are all heard and thou art as important as all her subjects. We shall take our leave as we have our own agenda this evening, but remember what it is that we have said. The morning will hold many changes for thee and thy friends will have need of thee. How thou may help them is entire up to thyself. Fare thee well, Macintosh." With that the figure turned and vanished into the night with a swirl of black magic. Leaving a very confused pony alone under the trees.

"Oookay...Not the weirdest thing ta happen ta me... But, defiantly up there with cheating death and that incident with the doll." He shook his head and settled back under the tree. "Guess ya did answer my question in a way Princess, Thanks. Ah think ah know what ah'm meant to do now." He lay his head down and slept under the trees. Tomorrow would be a morning of many changes. And he needed his rest.

Comments ( 26 )

and continue...i wanna see what happens to all of them

84246 Indeed i shall...Indeed i shall my friend!:pinkiesmile:

Wow. Mac as a Pegasus. Wonder what's he going to look like?

Keep writing! I am dying to see what happens next

86045 You forgot one simple thing. This is Equestria. The general theory of kinetics can be put aside since inadequate research has been done on it under simulations emulating the Equestrian environment. We do not know the exact make-up of the atmosphere, and for all we know there may be a level of impact on how dense the air is which would allow deceleration to occur faster despite her initiating Mach 10 speeds.

*shifty eyes*

86045 lets assume that Rainbow herself has an extremely dense muscle consistency. She did dismantle a barn by divebombing it at extreme speed. Then a appropriate amount of force would be aquired to cause substantial injuries, no?

Also it has been assumed that most ponies are in fact around the 4 feet tall mark. As a general rule most horses or ponies that are around that size are close to, or over 100 kgs. But this doesn't apply to Pegasi as they must have a lighter frame due to their small wings being able to sustain flight. This then changes how we must view the weight of Rainbow once again. The wings of a pegasi are closest to that of a small tropical bird. Judging the size of wing to weight ratio of a general bird of that catagoire means that the wieght of a standard pegasus must be approx around 20 kg.

Considering that Rainbow must be denser than most Pegasi due to her extreme endurance we can assume that she would be around the 30 kg mark.

i studied Physics and Ornathology for 4 years and the major application of it is being applied to Ponies... I feel fuffiled...

86062 doesn't matter. kinetic energy ALWAYS follows that equation, and work is ALWAYS equal to force multiplied by distance. Doesn't matter if the force is air resistance (which btw becomes negligible at supersonic speeds) or the returned force of a tree/mile-long-marshmallow at impact.
86198 okay i was using 50kg as an example. just take 3/5 of all the resulting numbers if it bothers you so much.
regardless, anything more than 5 tons is CERTAINLY going to obliterate a pegasus especially considering their bones are lighter an likely more fragile.

86234 She survived, You can't explain that!


86338 I can

You didn' want to ear that Sad/Tragedy label yet :trollestia:

87269 You suck at Spelling, you can't explain that! Oh wait...:rainbowlaugh:

Jks this has been fun. Any other parts of my story you care to debate? :derpytongue2:

87396 I don't suck at spelling it's just my keyboard is wireless and i'm close to the end of the signal range :twilightangry2:
i didn't want to debate anything, i just wanted to finish twilight's calculations :twilightsmile: (see? she's happy I did them!)

87468 Really? And here i thought it was because you liked my work so much you wanted to help me improve it.:fluttercry:

I will be reading this because it seems like it's close to one of my favorite Fics, The Epiphany. It even has the same cover! I just hope this one is happier lol because the other fic made me do this -> :fluttercry:

102065 Really?:rainbowhuh: Link...now. I must read this!:flutterrage: Onwards to Tearjerker!

LOVE this story! Please continue, or I'll sic Angel on you!!:flutterrage:

122935 No Please! He is deadly with those carrots!:fluttercry:

Archaic Royal Canterlot Equestrian Dialect is Best Equestrian Dialect.

139091 We are of agreeance.:trollestia:

I first read this on DeviantArt and loved it. Here I am now and I love it again! :pinkiehappy:

I love this story so don't even think about taking a break! :twilightsmile:

139805 Hehehe, don't worry. It's coming...just a bit slower due to some other things occupying my time right now.:ajsmug:

This story is very well done. Keep it going, don't stop now!

I read the whole story and i loved it:yay:! Btw don't you guys notice that Rd always gets hurt By falling out of a mother fucking sky:rainbowderp:? i just now noticed that...it is always the reason she gets hurt or dies .
It's very ....Awakward......:facehoof:(do you spell it awakwardor awkward ?) ( i'm alomst 13 and i can't spell a easy word wow i am stupid:fluttercry:

172675 nearly finished, just polishing some final paragraphs.

182416 Dude, I'm 19 and i can't even spell, that's why i'm and artist!:derpytongue2:

183712 Oh, HAHAHA! See what i mean! This is why i have editors for the story and spellcheck. Hahaha!:rainbowlaugh:

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