• Published 30th Jan 2012
  • 3,975 Views, 36 Comments

Dash wants to be her Canary - Cloud Shimmers

TwiDash, I added the OC tag because I just thought these character i invented would help the story

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Stormy Weather

It was a pretty normal day in PonyVille, the birds were chirping, the ponies were happy and the sun was shining. At least it would be for the next hour or so, the weather team was setting up for a big storm. It was going to last the whole night, so most Ponies were already locking up shop, except for one to buried in books to notice. Twilight Sparkle was hiding her shame, she had just creaked open a romance novel, 'It's so cheesy, but i can't stop reading!' she thought to herself. She made sure nopony was looking, she had sent Spike on some errands and was completely alone. She began to read.

Rainbow Dash kept looking down at the library, 'I wonder what Twilight's doing right now?' the pegasus thought to herself, Maybe I could stop by, just for a minute.' She looked around her, her portion of the work for the storm was done, so she had the rest of the day to herself. She took off for the library, a little nervous. After all she had had a crush on Twilight since she first got to PonyVille. It wasn't uncommon in this day and age, ponies were accepting in the 11th century, compared to a few centuries ago, where villagers would shun anyone labeled 'different'. But once Celestia had found out about this she cracked down hard. There was no question of 'right and wrong', anypony could love anypony they wanted.

"Twilight," Rainbow Dash entered her friends library, "I was wondering if I could chill with-" She saw Twilight, reading something that wasn't scientific, or magic related. It was a trashy romance novel. "I was wondering if I could Chill with you for a while." It was everything Dash could do not to explode from laughter, apparently Twilight noticed this.
"Rainbow Dash," She began obviously being nervous, "I didn't hear you come in, I, ugh please don't tell." She spat out, with a look of shame in her eyes.

"Twilight, its okay." Rainbow Dash giggled, "I mean when you spend all your time in a library, your bound to have some urges to pick up a romance novel." She said so with a sort of 'matter-of-factness' revealing a bit to much about her own habits.

"So you know quite a bit about these books?" Twilight questioned, putting the book into her desk.
"Uhh," Rainbow began blushing, "Y-yeah, I sneak in here and have Spike check them out to me." she admitted. "But enough about that, do you want to hang out?" She asked still blushing.

"Sure," Twilight said, "Let me just go write a note to tell Spike where we'll be." And with that she trotted off. Leaving Rainbow Dash alone in the large room. She immediately searched the desk, and found the book. True Night-Mares, Rainbow Dash recognized this title, it was about two mares who fall in love. 'T-Twilight is reading something like this?' Looking at the back she noticed the rating, 'Clearly Twilight is "expanding" her preferences.' she thought. But, does that mean? I could have a shot! a small smile grew on her face, ever expanding. The crush that began so small had manifested into a slight obsession, Rainbow Dash had even volunteered to set up the clouds over the library every day for a month.

"Okay, I have to think of something fun to do with her," Rainbow looked at the clock, 5 o'clock. 'I wonder if Twi's ever even been to a bar?'

The two friends had entered the small building, for a pub it was nice, and not crowded with the usual scum that lurked around these places. It also appeared to have some kind of party going on. A bunch of Pegasus Colts in jerseys were holding up a trophy. When the one that was being hoisted up looked over and recognized the the rainbow maned mare.

"Oi," he said, "Here to celebrate our victory Dashie?" the Colt had called out, with an accent that would put Rarity to shame, "Well then come 'ere, drinks are on me!"

"You know them," Twilight said with a surprised tone, "I didn't know you kept such friendly company." she smiled but was then hoisted up and carried next to the head colt.

"I'm Kicker Night," he introduced himself, "And I've known Dashie since summer flight camp, every year we come to PonyVille, every year for the Squash tourney!" He said, "And this year we are the victors!" he raised a hoof to the sky, and his friends cheered. "Over here are, Moogley, Vyse and Mash, the best mates a Colt could ask for, just don't ask about his brother Banger," he pointed to Mash, and they all started cracking up.

"What's Squash?" Twilight asked, clearly confused on the subject.
"Only a sport that requires skill and accuracy, our team is the Trottingham Fliers." He explained it in more detail and they all sat down and had a drink, "Whatever you two like, Drinks are on us," he then whispered to Moogley, "Spot me a quid!"

Unbeknownst to Rainbow Dash, Twilight was quite a drinker "Well in Canterlot, most meals are served with wine." Twilight said, "So where are you all staying? Trottingham is a far ways off."

"Well normally we would stay at a hotel, but my sister offered to hold us up for a few days, and I promised Pip I'd teach him to play." Kicker said, "My nephew is the most important thing in my life and," he trailed off going on and on about Pip, who had recently moved from Trottingham, he pulled out pictures and they sang songs as they were progressively getting shit faced, before anyone had noticed it was raining.

"Oh-oh, noes" Rainbow said, "How can i get homes now" She could barely stand so flying was out of the question.
"Just stay with, hic, mee" Twilight chirped in, "Besides your drunks, you can't fly!" they both started laughing, and the two left for the library. As they walked they botched the songs that the athletes had been singing, and when they finally arrived, Twilight was shocked, "Someone stole my couch!" he said in a huff.

"Twi, you don't own a couch!" Rainbow Dash said and started laughing her flank off.
"Fine, well then just crawl in my bed." She said with a groan, whatever the alcohol did to her, she was feeling 'courageous' She remembered to the book she read earlier. She wondered was Dash was thinking about when she crawled into the bed.

"You knoow Twilight," Rainbow Dash began, "Your cute when your drunked." she looked into Twilight's eyes.
"Yeah," she said, "And your cute when your you." She had tried to sound clever and romantic but her brain was on the fritz, the two started giggling. "Wait that's not right, I meant to say-" she was interrupted when Rainbow Dash had kissed her.

"Oh, I know what you meant," Dash said in a seductive tone.