• Published 30th Jan 2012
  • 3,974 Views, 36 Comments

Dash wants to be her Canary - Cloud Shimmers

TwiDash, I added the OC tag because I just thought these character i invented would help the story

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First of many Nights

Rainbow Dash had finally gotten home, she didn't know why but she had felt really awkward about staying at Twilight's house. Maybe because Twilight was the biggest crush Rainbow Dash had ever had. She decided that she just wanted to find a fluffy cloud and go to sleep, not too hard considering that 99% of clouds were fluffy and 99% percent of the time Rainbow Dash could fall asleep without being tired. She found it, a perfect little cumulus cloud, she perched on it and began her nap.

No sooner that she had actually fallen asleep a certain mail pony came around shouting her name. "Rainbow Dash? Where are you?"

Dash knew that there was no hiding from Derpy, so she called out, "I'm right here, what is it?"
"I have a letter for you from one Twilight Sparkle," Derpy said professionally. "Well more mail to deliver," and with that she was gone.

Rainbow Dash,
We really need to talk about something. Get here as fast as you can!

Twilight Sparkle

Rainbow felt conflicted, on one hoof she cherished all the time she got with her crush, but on the other hoof Rainbow Dash was nervous that she would have to be alone with Twilight while not completely wasted. She decided it was best not to keep Twilight waiting, it sounded pretty urgent. It was a short flight anyway, Rainbow needed the practice after not flying for a few days. The library was ever growing in size, followed by the other houses around PonyVille. She slowed herself down as she approached the door and landed with nary a sound. She opened the large wooden door when Twilight popped out of nowhere.
"So what's up Twi?" Rainbow dash casually asked.

Twilight had a confused look on her face, "Do you remember anything from the other night? Anything at all?" the Unicorn asked.

Rainbow Dash thought for a second, "Nope nothing at all, why?" she said in a chipper voice.
Twilight's head was about to explode so she said it all at once, "Wegotdrunkthanwecrawledinbedthenwegotflirtyandthenwemadelove!" The unicorn was panting.

"Twi," Rainbow said, "Your gonna have to slow down, like a lot."
"Okay," she was panting still, "We got drunk."

"Yes I know," the pegasus said.
"Then we crawled in bed," Twilight took another deep breath.

"You don't own a couch," Rainbow added.
"And then we got really flirty," Twilight looked down.

"Uh, uh-huh." Rainbow saw where this was going.
"and then we made," her voice shrunk into a Fluttershy tone, "Love."

Rainbow Dash just stood there for a moment, her mouth wide opened.
"I'm sorry, I just didn't know what came over me-" She was interrupted.

"OHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSH." The pegasus said bouncing around like Pinkie Pie, "We did IT? Oh wow, this is awesome!"

Twilight was shocked at what she was hearing, "What? Your fine with this?"
"I'm better than fine with it!" Rainbow Dash stopped in front of her face, "I'm all over it!"

Twilight saw a seductive look in Rainbow Dash's eyes, "You wanted this?"
"Twilight," the mare began, "I've liked you for a really long time, I mean I REALLY like you. This is sort of like a dream come true for me."

Twilight still couldn't believe the words coming from her friends mouth, "You mean you've wanted to have sex with me this whole time?" Rainbow Dash thought she was furious, "And you didn't ask?"

"Its alright Twi, I'll leave you alon- what?" Rainbow was the confused one now.
"Yeah Dash, I've thought about it, you broke me out of my shell, and now because of this I don't feel any regret, I REALLY like you too." The unicorn approached her friend, "Should we take this upstairs?"

Rainbow Dash let out a squee, "Oh, Celestia yes!" But before either of them had moved, a pegasus broke throught the window.

"Rainbow Dash!" Derpy called out. Rainbow Dash looked up.
"We're in the middle of something Derpy, can't you see Twilight and I are talking?" She snapped at the grey pegasus.

"Twilight isn't here!" Derpy said. "It's just Derpy!" The mail pony said.
Rainbow Dash looked around and found that Twilight had been turned into Derpy, She screamed at the top of her lungs.
Still screaming Rainbow Dash awoke, "It was all a dream!" she said in a relieved way, but her calm was interrupted by tears. 'It was all a dream' she thought in a sad voice. "Twilight would never love me," she said to nopony, "I'm brash and arrogant and selfish, and she's perfect. Why do I even bother." Her tears fell through the cloud she had been sleeping on. Her self wallow was interrupted by Derpy.

"Rainbow Dash," the mail pony said, "Here's your letter." Derpy said in a sweet voice, "I'm sure she loves you." and before Rainbow Dash could respond Derpy had flown away. Was Derpy right? Rainbow Dash opened the letter, pinching herself to make sure it wasn't a dream.

Dear Rainbow Dash,
I've held this in long enough, I need you to stop by the library whenever you can. It's really important that it's only you who comes so don't mention it to anypony.


Rainbow Dash looked at the last words, 'Love Twilight'. She had ever seen Twilight end a letter with that word before, it was something that made Rainbow Dash swoon, even if it was just a little. She looked of toward the library, pinched herself again, and flew towards the building.

Twilight heard a knock on the door, she had her suspicions as to who might disturb her at this hour. She magically opened the door, and sure enough there she was. The Rainbow colored pegasus, however she looked a little concerned with something. "Hey Dash, I need to tell you something." As the two sat down for some tea, Twilight began explaining everything she knew about what had happened on that night. When she finished Rainbow Dash looked at her.

"Anyway, that's all she wrote," Twilight said rather solemnly. When the pegasus didn't say anything she began to cry, "You must hate me." Twilight sobbed.

Rainbow Dash slapped her friend, "That's for being so hard on yourself, THIS is for being honest with me." Rainbow Dash kissed her sobbing crush, the tears somehow made the experience a little more special. Twilight just sat there, letting her friend kiss her. She had a million thoughts running through her head, but one spoke louder than the others; 'kiss back'. Twilight followed this advice, and it seemed to work out. once they broke the kiss the two friends were just looking at each other.

"I-I," Rainbow Dash was stuttering, "I love you."
"Rainbow Danger Dash," Twilight said in a very sweet way, "I love you to." The two just held each other until the sun came up. Twilight and Rainbow Dash never felt happier.