• Published 26th Feb 2013
  • 362 Views, 6 Comments

The Real War - Overwhelming Light

The son of a great warrior must step up to the plate when Equestria is attacked by an unknown enemy. The teen must learn the truth to his father's great abilities and control them as his father once had.

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Chapter 1

The Real War

My friends call me by my callsign "Angel." My enemies do not know who I am, for they only know of my work.
The War broke out suddenly, it wasn't even a war at that point, it was merely radicals attacking embassies. At first the citizens of this Republic were told, "Do not worry this small skirmish will not last longer than a few months! This pitiful resistance will be crushed soon enough."

That was four years ago. This War has changed the lives of everypony in Equestria, too many innocents have been killed by the crossfire. The innocent townsfolk watching their homes burn, or worse yet, knowing one of their friends or relatives are in the home slowly losing their life...

Most Equestrians feel that this war is not worth the risk of the lives of mares and stallions. They believe there should be some sort of 'Diplomatic Resolution'. They don't know the whole story... But I do. For, I am one that is not in any record book. I am a Phantom for the Republic. I do not exist.

My 'Story' is only being released because I have retired and I have changed the names of those who are still in combat. There is still classified information that I can not inform anyone of yet, but I can tell some information that has been declassified.

When I was younger around the age of Fourteen, I always studied the past. I studied the past wars and tried to learn from them. I was always interested in serving my country just like my father who was a veteran of the guard. I had read many, many autobiographies from way back. The autobiographies told the truth of the war, how it was bloody and nopony wins. There is always loss in war, but less loss then the competitor is the goal for most leaders. Less casualties, less innocents hurt, less destruction to the home land, these were the goals of the leaders back then. I understood this, most autobiographies were very descriptive and told of the wounds inflicted during combat. They were gruesome but I was strong at that age.

I continued learning about war until my senior year of High School. I was planning on joining the military or the guard after I graduated, but my parents had different ideas. They were planning on me going to some college somewhere to be a 'great intelligent stallion'. I really did not want to but my parents chose for me. My summer after I had graduated was coming to a close. I was preparing to go to Manehattan for college.
It was packing day for me, I had to gather up my possessions. As I was gathering all my newly acquired 'formal wear', my brother rushed into my room carrying on about something. He was screaming that something had happened. I quickly followed him outside.

There was a large group of ponies gathered around a messenger from Canterlot. The messenger looked very tired he had bags under his eyes and he looked scared or something similar. I walked into the group to hear what was going on. There were mares crying every which way I looked. I began to move faster through the crowd.

I finally reached the messenger. I hurriedly asked him what had happened. He looked at me with weary eyes, then he spoke. "Canterlot Castle was attacked, The Princesses are unharmed but many guard ponies were injured or worse." A stab of fear hit my heart, for my father was at the castle. He had been called there by the Princesses themselves.

"Who is responsible for this!?" Somepony shouted. The messenger shook his head. "That's the worst part, we don't even know who did it! All we know is they came at night and surprised the guards. They hit a few of our archives and took off without a trace." My worry for my father had mounted to breaking point, I had to make sure he was okay. I left the group and took off for home, my little brother in pursuit. I could not find my mother at home so I went out to look for her.
I was beginning to lose my self when I found her. She was eerily quiet, her face was dark and she looked as if she had cried...

I asked her if she had heard the news. She began crying and I knew right away something was horribly wrong. "Is Dad alright? ...Mom? ...Is Dad okay!?" She sobbed a little louder every time I had said 'Dad'. I left my brother to comfort her. I ran out the door and raced towards Canterlot. (We lived in the 'suburbs' around Canterlot.) I reached Canterlot Castle a short time later. I automatically noticed the large groups of Guards and the Military everywhere. I raced through this grand city as fast as I could. I was on a mission, no one could stop me.

Except for the very large guard who happened to be blocking my way. I collided with him and I tumbled head over hooves. I landed on the ground with a very audible thud. I turned around to apologize when I noticed he was staring at me intently. He asked me if I was a relative of Standing Tall. I told him I am his son. The Guard told me to follow him, so that's what I did.

We walked through multiple squads of ponies to reach... where ever we were going. The guard told me that his name was Bent Steel. I nodded and asked him where we were going. He told me 'I would find out soon enough.'
We entered the Castle and began to take lefts and rights through the halls. I felt like we were lost, I was nowhere near used to the mirror-esqe corridors, it was all identical!

A short blind walk later, I noticed we were coming up on a rather large steel door. I began to study it, because I couldn't see a handle, a knob or anything for the matter to open this monstrous obstacle. After a good minute of studying I gave up, that's when I noticed Bent Steel was smirking at me.

"Give up ehh? Haha you lasted longer than your father!" He said gleaming.

"My father? What was he doi-" Was all I got out before the door squealed. I turned my head to see Steel placing his hoof on a seemingly random wall brick. He pushed ever so slightly and a spark of gold magic flew from the brick to the door.

"Lets see if your reaction was as great as your fathers." Steel began before he gave the brick a mighty shove and a flurry of gold magic tendrils flew out and gripped the door.

The door ripped open suddenly and...

"Hey son..."