• Published 26th Feb 2013
  • 362 Views, 6 Comments

The Real War - Overwhelming Light

The son of a great warrior must step up to the plate when Equestria is attacked by an unknown enemy. The teen must learn the truth to his father's great abilities and control them as his father once had.

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The Real War


I am surrounded, ponies and griffins circling around me. My front left hoof is bleeding badly and I have no where to go. Burning Pegasi fly up high above me, circling me as they scream and howl. A few close their wings and fall down towards me choosing to kill me with the sacrifice of their own bodies. I stare up at them with despair as I know this will be the end.

My eyes close and I grit my teeth as they hit. The first two break one of my hindlegs with a thundering crunch. The third angles its hooves and crushes a few ribs. I yell out and try to open my eyes only to watch as my vision fades away. The corners of my eyes begin to grow dark. As I am seeing my life flash before my eyes, a real cascading white flash erupts above the battlefield.

The pegasi above me scream and try to get away only prolonging their demise. The white light evaporates everything it touches. Slowly working its way towards me, the light destroys all the enemies that I could not. When the light touches me, I expect to feel pain and/or agony. No, the sensation is that of relief, sweet relief.

Dull beeps and boops are heard all around me. I wiggle and feel cold metal all around me.

“He is waking up.” A male voice whispers.

“What?” Two mares sound shocked.

“He is coming to.” The stallion says again.

“Its too early!” A mare hisses.

I feel a tiny needle puncture my foreleg.

“I know...” The stallions voice fades away.


Birds are chirping and a warm wave of air slides across my face. I raise a hoof to my eyes and rub them intensely trying to eradicate the weird dream from my mind. I stretch all my legs apart and stretch and sigh loudly. I finally decide to open my eyes.

I first look over my self, I feel fine and I don’t see any problems. No cuts, no bumps. Then I look at my surroundings.

I am in what appears to be a hospital of some sort. White walls everywhere! Stupid plastic wrap on the pillow. Yup. I am in a Hospital.

I look around for a nurse or an aid button. On the nightstand beside me I see the remote to call for help and a few glasses of water. I use my magic to push the button and sure enough I can hear the clops of the nurse.

“Need something Mr. Light?” The small olive-colored mare nurse asked.

“Umm yes, why am I here? Is something wrong?”

The nurse smiled. “I'll check for ya!”

The nurse trotted over to a small table that had a clipboard on it, she flipped a few pages and her eyes grew wide. She looked at me shocked, and dashed out of my room yelling 'Doctor!'

I laid back in my bed. “Great, cuz thats a good sign...”

Just as I begin to close my eyes and wait for the inevitable return of the nurse, I hear two loud sets of hooves outside. The clops get closer and the door opens.

“Hello Light! Why you have made an outstanding recovery! Pardon me, I am Dr. Orange.” States the newly arrived orange stallion.

“Recovery? Recovery from what?” I questioned.

“Well you were supposed to be in a coma!” I grimaced. “But it seems you have woken up and are completely healthy!” The doc smiled.

“Wait. Wait.” I raised a hoof. “Why was I supposed to be in a coma?”

“Well we put you in a medically induced coma to try to alleviate some stress on your heart. You see whenever you did, whatever it was with those other stallions, you put immense stress on your heart.” The doctor explained.

“Oh. Well what is next? Do I need to be put back under?” I asked a little uneasy.

“No, no, no from what this says,” He floated the clipboard up to his face. “You are completely healthy and can be released.”

“Are you sure? Just like that?”

“Just like that!” The doctor confirmed.

“Well then, thank you!”

“Its my pleasure and my cutie mark.” The doctor chuckled and left the room.

The over dramatic olive-colored nurse returned back into the room with a wheelchair, she had apparently left sometime during the conversation. She smiled nicely and brought the wheelchair next to the bed.

As I struggled and wiggled around to get into the wheelchair I asked, “Is anypony waiting for me in the lobby?”

“I don't know but we sure are going to find out!” She smiled again.

After finally getting into the wheelchair the nurse began to wheel me out. When we arrived at the lobby and main door a friendly face was there to greet us.

“Well you look great!” I said happily.

“I don't feel too great mate.”

“Well at least your up Bent.”

“Yeah it is a good sign.”

“So how is your head?” I gestured towards his bandaged up cranium.

“Well the buck to the head hurt like hell but I should be okay now. I had to take a few of those disgusting potions cause I had one hell of a bump” He chuckled which I assumed was a great sign.

“Stop your whining, its for the better. Those potions pack one hell of a punch. So what do we do now?” I asked.

“Well actually. We are going to meet the Princesses. They, for some unknown reason, want to question both you and the other stallions.” He shifted around slightly. “When I came to they asked me all about the incident and what exactly happened. I told them I didn’t see too much because the buck was so sudden.”

I stood there for a second, mouth agape. “W-We are going to meet the Princesses? B-But why!? Oh no! They must be angry that I did that! That I hurt somepony!” I started moving around uncomfortably and shaking slightly.

“Shut up and come on. You don't want to be late to the meeting with the Princesses.” Bent grunted and pushed me towards the door.