• Published 2nd Mar 2013
  • 7,751 Views, 374 Comments

The Great War - RandomPerson

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(A.N. I finally got around to finishing this, but I don't expect it to be quite up to par with my previous chapters, I wasn't juggling so many things then. Anyway, enjoy!)


Kurt trudged through the burnt wood and scorched ground that was once a forest. On his shoulder he lugged the heavy, thirty-three pound machine gun, its tripod strapped to his pack. It had been a day since they had shelled the border with gas and shrapnel, and their reinforcements were now advancing forward. Smoke rose slowly from the ground, small pieces of brush and foliage burning in the aftermath. His squad, ‘Lima’ squad to be exact, consisted of nine men.

Squad leader, Staff Sergeant Mark Connor, a tall, well built man in his early thirties. Next, there was Privates, Nelson and Raymund Sison, the two oldest of three brothers and both rifleman. Kurt of course, as well as Richard Cline, both Privates. Sergeant Dale Ingram, the Model sixteen Flamethrower operator, was a tall, well built man that had a mild temper. Henry Courson a Corporal, their Grenadier or explosives specialist. Lastly, was their medic, Private Norman Marshall, having turned eighteen near the end of basic training because his birthday was so near when the draft was issued, he had been drafted as the legal age. Everyone liked him, his optimistic attitude was a nice change from the dreariness that military service usually brought.

Now, however, they all were quiet, all except Sergeant Ingram.

“Serves you bastards right.” He spat unsympathetically, idly kicking one of the corpses the littered the ground, knocking the bronze helmet that barely clung to its dead wearers head across the scorched dirt. Norman looked pale in the face, as if he was going to puke any second. They had definitely been right about an ambush, there were enough bodies littering the ground, be they in one piece or not, to make a sizable attack force.

The helmet rolled past Norman, causing him to glare back at the Sergeant. Kurt could tell what Ingram had done had upset him. Even if it was the enemy he had done it to, Norman saw it as disrespectful. He was a strange character indeed.

The occasional rifle shot echoed through the air, likely for any survivors of the bombardment. It was highly unlikely that many could have survived it, but there were always a few that had been missed by the gas at least. The weight of the machine gun was already beginning to make itself known. Kurt’s shoulder was already getting sore and they still had two more miles of marching to go.


Lightning Sparks lay atop a small cloud, peering out over the landscape. His focus was fixed on the two neighboring countries borders. The borders of Equestria, Gryphonia, and the Human Republic all met together on a tri-point, one that was not very far at all from his current position on the cloud. The morning before, there had been low booms in the distance that had, despite sounding far enough away, the abnormal sounds had still managed to wake every pony in the small town of Hayseed.

Lightning strained his eyes trying to see what had made the noises. He could see smoke rising up from the trees the had always covered the Gryphon border, making him wonder if there was a forest fire, and if there was a forest fire, than it was his Colt Scout duty to report it so it didn’t spread. He was about to turn and fly off when suddenly a loud crack echoed through the air, grabbing his attention again. He strained his sight once again, trying to see anything. It was then he remembered that he had brought along his Colt Scout binoculars.

Quickly picking them up in his hooves he peered through them, looking towards the source of the noise. They weren’t very helpful. He wasn’t seeing much closer than he had been before but it was better than nothing. He scanned the area slowly, just like the Scout master had taught him when they were bird watching, something he had resented then but was happy to have paid attention to now.

While he swept over the trees, something caught his eyes.There was movement in the forest. Focusing on where he had seen something move, he was astonished at what he saw. Humans! Just like the ones he’d seen in his elementary school’s libraries, they were moving through the forest at a slow pace. From what he could tell there had to be hundreds of them, but...why were they in that forest in the first place? That land belonged to the Gryphons. Unless the Humans were...no they couldn’t be, could they? Another loud crack rang out, making Lightning jump.

“No way...I’ve got to tell somepony.” He hopped off the cloud he had been on, turning tail and flying as fast as he could back to his home.


October ninth, 1:16 PM

Gryphonian Empire Capital city, Gryphus

Empress Goldenbeak sat at the head of a table in the royal dining hall, her Generals and Admirals sitting at the long table that spanned most of the length of the hall. Laughs and chatter of the high ranking officers echoed off the stone walls, as well as the clinks of drinking glasses. When the news of their crushing victory had reached the Capital, Gryphus, Brynja had called a victory celebration with the high ranking officers of her military. They all sat at the table, the finest meat and wine that the castle could muster spread across it.

Many of the the Generals conversed battle tactics and plans for the war over their meal while others merely gloated about the victory they themselves hadn’t even won. Reports from the oil islands they now possessed were also pleasant. All captured enemy military personnel had been dispatched of, ensuring there would be no insurgency. The large mineral stocks on the islands, however, were being shipped back to Gryphonia to fuel their Empire. Brynja finished the wine in her goblet, setting it to the side to be refilled by a servant. She leaned forward on the table and smiled wryly.

“General Halvdan,” She called, effectively silencing the room as the older Gryphon turned to her.

“Yes, your Majesty?” He responded.

“Tell me, what are the battle plans for the main invasion of the Republic? I hope they were as well planned out as Admiral Valmar’s naval invasion.”

Across from Halvdan, the Admiral smirked, eliciting a low, envious growl from Halvdan.

“Yes, Empress, it has been decided.” The General got up from his seat, walking over to the large painted map that adorned the entire right wall.

He cleared his throat, all eyes on him as he began to speak.

“I have committed seven legions of Lancers to invade from their South Eastern border, close to the tripoint. I will be deploying them within the next few hours to reinforce the border legions. With overwhelming force, we should be able to gain the upper claw against the Humans and make a fast push into their territory.”

While the General spoke, a gryphon clad in light armor slipped into the hall, mostly unnoticed as he walked towards the Empress. He tapped her on the shoulder, leaning in and whispering something into her ear.

“What?!” She roared, making the courier flinch and cutting off the General. The room was dead silent as she ordered the courier away, which he quickly obeyed. She was silent for a moment before she angrily pounded her claws on the table, before she stood and began to pace.

“Your Majesty, what is wrong?” Halvdan questioned.

“That courier just informed me that Human forces have crushed the border troops! They’re already inside our borders!”

The Generals began to murmur amongst each other, General Egil speaking up.

“How could this have happened? I had seven thousand of our finest Lancers waiting for them, how could they have already broken through?”

“If they were your finest, General, why could they not stop lowly Human soldiers from crossing?” she shot back.

“It is possible they were outnumbered, but that is irrelevant at this point. We need to focus on our counter-offensive.”

“Agreed, but know this General, your failure to defend our borders will not go unpunished.” She responded coldly. Egil bowed his head in shame.

“General Halvdan, deploy your soldiers immediately. We must meet this invasion with swift retribution.”

“Yes, your Majesty.” He saluted and quickly exited the room.

She turned to the rest of her officers, “The rest of you are dismissed, I will call upon you when I require your assistance.”

“Yes, your Majesty.” They all said in unison, standing and filing out of the room.

Once they had all left, Brynja sank back into her chair, massaging her temples slowly with her claws. “What have I done...” She muttered.


Aronos stood at his post on the sidewalk in the main square of Teneron, the town based around this island’s oil refinery. He was currently stationed on the captured islands of Aichi, their first victory over the Humans. Some Humans walked the streets, but it was mostly Gryphons. The only Humans that still walked freely had either not caused any trouble or proved useful in their current position.

The refinery had been all but dismantled, which had been their main priority after they had brought the Humans under control. Using most of the munitions for the Humans’ weapons, they had successfully blown apart anything vital for the refinery to be operational. The rest of the munitions were to be used in the defense of the islands if the Humans tried to retake them; they were working against the Humans and their technology, but they weren’t above using that technology against its creators.

After several failed attempts, they had finally managed to pry the information on how to use the coastal guns from one of the captured Human soldiers, shortly after they had executed him, as they did with all captured enemy military to ensure there were no threats of insurgency.

The near-deafening sound of the bell tower that was built onto the city hall snapped him out of his trance, drawing his attention. It rang twice, signalling that it was time for a guard shift. He watched the tower for a few more moments; he had to admit, it was impressive architecture. It had been built with the assistance of machines, however, something that marred its design drastically in his book. He looked away, not noticing the quick glint of light that shined from one of the windows below the tower. Walking away from his post as another Gryphon took his place, he sought out his friend, Vigvir.

Vigvir stood at his normal spot as well, stationed at the rationing stand. The few Humans that still walked freely in the streets were rationed small portions of food once a day. Vigvir was in charge of guarding the stand to make sure no Human tried to take off with extra.

“Vigvir, my friend, how has your day been?” Aronos called to him, catching the other Gryphons attention.

“Normal, Aronos, the same as any occupation is I would guess.” Vigvir responded, chuckling a bit.

Vigvir was a large Gryphon. He had a stark white coat that almost shined when the sunlight was hitting it from the right angle. The feathers on his head were the same color, but peppered with gray patches, almost making it look like snowfall.

Aronos had known him since they were chicks. They had enlisted into their glorious Empire’s army together. Though serving for two years now, this was their first active deployment.

“I guess you’re right.” Aronos chuckled as well.

“So, what are you planning to do for the rest of the day?” He asked him as they walked down the sidewalk.

“I’m not sure, maybe I will—” A loud crack tore through the air, making Aronos flinch. A splash of red hit him in the eyes, blinding him. He rubbed his eyes vigorously before there was another crack and something tore past his head, grazing his face as it went by. He was jerked to the ground by it, smacking the side of his head on the concrete sidewalk. His vision was fuzzy and his ears rang, but he could hear more of the booms echoing off the buildings; it was a gun.

He was suddenly grabbed roughly by the collar of his armor and dragged across the hot pavement of the sidewalk. When whatever was pulling him stopped, his head was leaned back against something, presumably a wall.

“Aronos! Aronos wake up! Are you alive?” The sound of his commanders voice made him force his eyes open. His company commander, Captain Farbeinn was looking him square in the eyes with an unpleasant look on his face.

“By the ancestors, son, you’re bleeding all over yourself,” he growled in a frustrated tone. Aronos shifted over to the two other Gryphons behind the wall with them, a tan one that looked to be a year or so younger than him, and the other, a reddish clay colored on he recognized, named Corus.

“S-Sir, what is going on?” He choked out, clutching the side of his face in an attempt to stop the blood running down his face.

“Humans have opened fire on us, we must not have found all their cowardly soldiers when we first swept the island. They’ve killed at least four Gryphons; would have been five if they hadn’t have missed you.”

The younger Gryphon spoke up, his voice wavering if he was about to break down.

“H-Hey, it stopped. W-Where’d they go?” He queried to no one in particular.. They hadn’t got a glimpse of how many there were, or even where they were being shot at from, but it had stopped. That did not sit well with Farbeinn.

“Perhaps they have no more ammunition?” Corus spoke up, “We destroyed it all once we took the island didn’t we?”

“Captain Vidar ordered some of it to be used for demolition of the Human factories, but not the kind they would use in their small arms.” Farbeinn responded.

“Trajius,” The tan colored one looked back at the Captain. “Try to see if you can spot anything around the corner.” Farbeinn spoke.

Trajius gulped but nodded, gradually inching closer to the edge of the wall. With a deep breath he slowly peaked around, scanning the road and surrounding buildings.

“Do you see anything?” Corus whispered.

“No...I don’t.” Trajius answered him, slowly edging around the corner more to see if they were on a blindside to them or not.

“I think they mo—” Trajius was cut off as his head snapped back, a rifle shot echoing through the air as it did. A pink mist was all the other three saw before the Gryphon’s limp body slumped over, half of his head obliterated.

“Fuck!” Corus shouted as he scooted away from the body as fast as he could, his claws digging into the concrete as he pushed himself away. Farbeinn stared at the dead corpse, the gears in his head spinning. The way Trajius’ head had snapped sideways, the bullet had impacted on the right side of his head, not the forehead. If it came from that angle, that would mean it would have had to have been fired...from the Town Hall behind the wall directly across the road.

“Aronos, do you see the window above you?” He leaned over to the wounded Gryphon.

Aronos looked up to see the window a few feet above his head. “Yes, sir?” He answered.

“I believe that our attacker is positioned in the Town Hall. I need you to travel through this building and flank him.”

“But, Captain, what if I am hit?” Aronos asked, the fear was clear in his eyes.

“Then you will gain even greater favor with the ancestors for dying for the preservation of Earth. Is that not enough incentive soldier? Now get ready, we will distract the Human.”

Aronos gulped and nodded. Thinking of that reward made what he was about to do seem a bit more honorable rather than crazy. Quickly getting into position, he crouched and waited for the Captain’s signal, ready to spring through the window and do his duty.

“Corus, grabbed Trajius’ body, we will use it to our advantage.” Farbeinn whispered.

"B-But sir, he's dead. Shouldn't we just leave him be?" Corus protested.

"His body will serve the same purpose his life did. Now grab his body!” Farbeinn ordered harshly, glaring at him. Corus reluctantly nodded and slowly reached for Trajius’ wing, grabbing it and dragging it towards him. Aronos tensed as Farbeinn directed Corus what to do with the body.

“Now!” Corus shoved the body as hard as he could from out behind the wall, a bullet almost instantly impacting into the corpse. Aronos dove for the window, smashing through it and rolling across the floor a few feet. He scrambled for something to hide behind, trying to keep out sight; surely the hidden gunman had noticed the broken window.

He hid behind a desk, his heart pounding at the sheer intensity of the situation. If he made one wrong move he could be shot just like all the others. Slowly edging over to the right, he peeked, around the corner, trying to find a path of exit that wouldn’t get him killed. The only way out he could see would take him through another window, flying as fast as he could across the street, and if the Captain was actually correct in his assumption of where the shooter was, being able to blindside him and take him out. He took a deep breath, leaning a bit closer to the edge where he could get a good push off of the floor.

He dashed for the window, a shot ringing out as a bullet impacted one of the wooden support columns right beside him. Stumbling but keeping his pace, he dove through the glass, shielding his face with his forelegs. He didn’t have time to duck and roll this time, there was too big a risk of being shot. He hit the street running, bolting across the road and throwing himself up against the far right wall of the Town Hall building.

Aronos was panting, holding his chest as he stayed as close to the wall as possible. I almost got hit! he thought; that shot had nearly given him a heart attack. Leaning out a bit, he didn’t see a rifle poking out of any of the windows that he could see. He had definitely been seen by the Human. Had he retreated into the building to try and hide?

Slowly edging his way towards the desired position, he watched the top floor windows intently, hoping to spot the Human’s weapon. A gunshot rang out, causing him to drop to the ground. He could hear a Gryphon begin to scream in pain from down the road before another gunshot silenced it. He had to end this Human’s killing spree now. Springing from the ground onto the window sill, he clawed his way up the side, using his wings to push himself up faster.

It was then that the glint of metal caught his eye; two windows across from him, sitting on the window seal was the muzzle of a gun. He grinned, knowing he would have the drop on the Human this time. He tensed his wings before lunging off the window he was perched on, beating his wings hard and curving into the room that housed the Human.

Aronos crashed into a man, desperately grabbing for the rifle as they tumbled away from the window into a heap. The man wore a gray colored helmet, as well as the dark gray fatigues like that of the shore patrol they had beaten the few days before; apparently one of them had escaped.

“Die, Motherfucker!” The Human shouted, slamming his knee repeatedly into Aronos’ side. Though his armor was taking the worst of the hits, he could still feel the blunt pain it was causing. They rolled over, the Gryphon now on top as they wrestled for the weapon. Aronos knew he had the Human beat now, the Gryphon’s superior strength slowly pushing the weapon downwards towards the Humans throat.

“Just give up, Human, it’s easier this way.” Aronos smirked as he leaned closer, growling lowly as he attempted to choke the man. Suddenly, the Humans head snapped forward as he headbutted the Gryphon, the lip of the helmet cutting into Aronos’ face and dazing him, giving the man upper hand. He threw the Gryphon off of him, sitting up quickly to aim.

Click. “Fuck!” The man shouted, tossing the empty rifle away, digging for something in his fatigues. Clutching his face, Aronos saw the Human stand, brandishing a long bayonet and charge at him. Dodging the mans downstroke just barely, he tackled the man from the side, trying to draw his own dagger.

“Filthy creature!” The Gryphon shouted, clawing at the man wherever he saw flesh. Aronos was punched hard in the beak by the Human, causing him excruciating pain though he continued to struggle, finally finding his dagger and drawing it whilst he slashed at the Human wildly with his other claw, tearing into uniform and flesh. Another punch landed on his eye; he howled in pained and was shoved onto his back.

“Die, you fucking animal!” The Human lunged at him, bringing his bayonet down towards Aronos’ head. Aronos attempted to slash at his throat, the bayonet catching the palm of his claw instead and impaling it, the brute force of the Humans downstroke slamming the blade, as well as the Gryphon’s claw into the floor, pinning it there.

“Ahhh!” Aronos’ bloodcurdling scream echoed off the walls, the pain burning his arm like fire.

The man knew he didn’t have long before other Gryphons would be upon him, he was surprised already that they hadn’t yet come. He was cut deeply and bleeding badly. He needed to leave now. Grabbing his helmet that had fallen off in the struggle, he pressed it on quickly and ran out of the room, leaving Aronos pinned to the floor.

A few moments later, the form of the Captain fluttered through the window, rushing to the Gryphon’s side.

“By the ancestors, Aronos! Could you not kill a single Human alone?!” He shouted, jerking the blade from Aronos’ claw and tossing it away.

“I-I wounded him, Sir...badly.” He sputtered out, his whole face feeling numb. There was a trail of blood that lead out of the room and undoubtedly down the hallway.

“I will go after him once Corus can tend to you. We mustn't let him live. If one can resist than others may resist as well, and if that happens....we could have a real problem on our claws...”


Author's Note:

As stated at the beginning, sorry for the long wait guys, and sorry if this chapter isn't up to par with the others. On the bright side, I have less than fifteen days of school left, the hiatus will soon be lifted! :D (Despite me posting this chapter)