• Published 2nd Mar 2013
  • 7,750 Views, 374 Comments

The Great War - RandomPerson

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Cancellation Notice

Hey guys. Sorry to do this, but...the story's not getting finished. Not really a surprise at this point tho, huh? I should have just owned up to it sooner but I never really planned this out from the get go and was just sort of winging it, hoping to come to a satisfying conclusion. Turns out, not planning a story that people may like with no idea what you'll do next isn't a great strategy and kinda stressful, who'd have thought right? I stopped watching the show for a while and even though I'm back into it now, whatever inspiration I had for this is no more.

I want to thank all of you who enjoyed it, the comments and discussion really helped me get through a rut at the time, especially those of you who've been here since the first chapter, as well as my two editors and several people who came forward to try and help me press forward. It really means a lot. If any of you want to try and finish it for yourselves, be my guest, you'll probably do better than I. Make sure to link me to any of them!

Comments ( 17 )

I has a sad now... :raritydespair:

While I'm sad to hear that, in the end it's your choice. :pinkiesad2:

Damn... well, it's your choice, as sad as I am that this isn't continuing, I'm happy it's not being abandoned to incomplete status.

Keep on being awesome author person :heart:


Well shit.
Oh well, it was great while it lasted!

Sorry, man. :ajsleepy:

May God go with you, and may you meet success.

Another One Bites the dust

Knew this was coming but still hard to see another story go.



In the words of General Anthony McAuliffe. "Nuts"


nien! you cannot allow such a great story to die, please do not condemn it to rot like so many before it! even if you must do a re write, I think you should retry this one, after all, you just need to think ahead before you write this time, I'm doing what you did, with one exception, I have a basic idea of how I want MY story to go, for example how lorenzo killed the storm king and found zetan tech I'm referencing my own story called A New Empire War And Peace, point bein, ya can wing it! but you NEED to have a BASIC idea of how you want the plot to go, the rest you just wing it, and try to make sense, it's worked for me so far, so I do think you should try it again

Now that I've re-read this thing so many times, I'm thinking of (a/some) rather interesting origin (story/stories). So, Humanity and Gryphons, they were allies when they first meet, and not trying to paint the Ponies as evil, but they(maybe discord too) had a big hand in the seemingly eternal hatred that Humans and Gryphons have had, for hundreds or thousands of years, for each other.

So, whether or not they had pleasantries/unpleasantries, when they first meet, they would eventually have a duo-beneficiary relationship.

Humans: The most greatest feats they have is a great stamina not easily or evenly matched by any other, (because of how the human body is constructed, down to the finger and toe)bodily healing(obviously, not on the level of limb regeneration, but better than many other species, even gryphons, without the need of medical practices), they can grow to have a rather "heavy" body type(look up Eric Scott Esch, aka Butter Bean, as well on how he uses his weight to his advantage, and not just his muscles), some can have a slim, swift, and fast body type(in terms of dashing/fighting), they can survive almost perfectly in any climate on almost any diet, they are durable to some extent, they can, if done right, work well with each other, and can tame other creatures mostly better than other species.

Gryphons: The most greatest feats they have is flying, claws, sharp beaks, great speed(mainly with flying), slightly stronger than humans and most other species, some have thick pelts(perfect for cold climates, or a fight), (despite being rather physically powerful, they have, relatively speaking)light bodies,(necessary for flying), can eat almost anything(to what level? Only speculation is available), and good vision for far away sights, and night vision.

Humans, with their tools, techniques, methods, and a want to make life more enjoyable and easier, would have better farming techniques, something the Gryphons would like, combined with Gryphons way of life, new methods, ect. would be made. Weapons, armor, and medical practices, would make fighting, hunting, and living more easier and safer, even though Gryphons have bodily weapons and thick pelts, weapons and armor adapted specifically for Gryphon bodies would make survival more probable. They worked with Humans and since they have easy access to new and continuous knowledge of fighting, hunting, working, health, living, and specifically, newer "Farming" methods that would continuously adapt, they would not need much trade with the Ponies, they would still be trading, just not as much at that current time before meeting humans, the only moments I can see would be during the winter season to stock up, and that would most likely be the only time the Gryphons would trade a lot like they used too, before humanity came into the pitcher. Meaning the Equines would not be getting or not get much of what they want from the Gryphons.

Now onto much more war-like and "barbaric" ways of living, that comes with Humanity. All species can be brutal, cruel, barbaric, and monstrous even, but Humans can be a special case on that.Tactics and ways of war, physically speaking, can be extremely similar or extremely different between different species and cultures, but on the subject of psychological warfare, there are two things that Humans can do that, most likely at that, few or no other species thinks or ever thought of doing.

1. Extreme/unusual ways of torture.

2. Powerful, awful, terrifying, and (sometimes alomst)artful displays and shows of brutality, cruelty, and examples of a ensured sufferable death.

The torturing aspect could be used by the Equines to persuade the Gryphons that it's unnecessary and awful, then tell them to abandon Humanity(and basically betray them) as a long standing ally. Then the thing about shows of force let's say, they do what Vlad the impaler did to thousands of his P.O.W.s, and impale their enemies on pikes/spears, or do whatever horrendous things we have done here in history. The Equines would also use that and give the Gryphons ultimatums and such to sweeten the deal of swaying them to betray Humanity. Even going so far as to stage Gryphon deaths as being done by Humans, and vice versa. Telling the Gryphons that they are nothing more than a wardog, warpig, warwhatever for the Humans, that as long as the bald monkeys have them on a leash, they'll never be trully powerful, never truly be free, never truly be a Gryphon...... Infact, even offering to help them. They the great, prideful, honorable, powerful, and graceful beings of sky and land, getting assistance by their first traders, to overthrow the evil, power hungry, and devilishly scheming Humans, who had managed to take full control of the keys to the souls and hearts of all Gryphons.

The Equines and (possibly) other nations, beings, powers, ect. can see that the Humans and the Gryphons are the equivalent of two nations/species being a power couple(I don't know much, but in a sense, kinda like Cleopatra and Julius Caesar), both are powerful and terrifying on their own, and together, they almost completely cover each others weaknesses, and even make each other stronger in some sense. The knowledge and power they gave each other, would make all others envious and fearful of how great and strong they both had become.

So war. War at some point or another would happen between Humans and Gryphons, and whatever allies that they had on their side, and it would be a great one. Maybe not on the level of the one, of this story, but for their time and age. One that would build an almost blinding hatred between the two species for decades and centuries and millennia, and set a barrier, that few or none would ever want to cross.

After the war ends, Humanity is enslaved. All the fighters, all the elders, leaders, the men and most of the women, are killed, leaving just children, many underaged children, many(if not all) of which don't really know the previous history of the great age of when Humans and Gryphons were great friends, and were both very powerful, together. Never again would humanity properly remember the days before slavery, the time before the war that split an ancient superpower.

However things change, the Equines at some point or another either by collective remorse or by the will of a new Alicorn or both, decide to tell/force the Gryphons to get rid of their slaves, and with the hatred that the Gryphons had for humans, that was given to them by the Ponies, exile them to the land that we see them live in today or another land before they were exiled out of that one, till eventually we see them in the one we see now. The Equines do their best to erase this part of history so to make the world see them in a more positive light, they tell the Gryphons to do the same....... However, not all Ponies or Gryphons would listen to that, and would even hide that information, for their own or collective reasons. Infact, some leaders would think it better if this part of history was available to only them and their descendants.

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