• Published 4th Mar 2013
  • 958 Views, 21 Comments

Otherworldly - twisparkle95

It was an ordinary day for Twilight Sparkle. She had just gotten a letter from Shining Armor on his honeymoon, Celestia had given her the day off, but a third letter was going to change that.

  • ...

Day 2: Twilight Sparkle

Sapphire Spell awoke with the sun on his face. The guest room in Twilight's house was plenty large enough and filled with... books? Lots of books! Shelves and shelves of them! How had he noticed them before? From floor to ceiling, books! From left to right, books! He got up and left the room. From room to room, books! Twilight Sparkle came in from the kitchen and saw him spinning in circles.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"There are no words..." was all he responded with.

She smiled. "So I take it you enjoy reading?"

"Of course! Once I discovered magic, all I wanted was to know more! I had spent my life reading fantasy books about it and just loving them. Then I found out I could actually USE magic, and I was off on a marathon. But this is a new world! The books here are the likes of which my world has never seen. I have to record as much knowledge down as I can before I leave!"

"How did you not notice them before?" she asked.

"I was exhausted last night. All I wanted to do was sleep. But now that I'm seeing all this with fresh eyes, it's astounding!"

"That's great! Spike's made breakfast so go ahead and have some. I have some work from yesterday that I need to finish up," she said and walked upstairs. Sapphire entered the kitchen and saw Spike savoring an emerald before gnawing on it. Sapphire made up a plate of pancakes and sat down at the table.

"I take it dragons eat gems?" Sapphire asked. Spike swallowed a bite before he responded.

"Yeah. But I've grown up eating the same food as ponies so I can eat that too,"

"Just don't get any ideas about eating my ring, okay?" Sapphire joked.

"I know. Twilight explained it all to me this morning. So you were REALLY a human in your world?" Spike asked.

"Yeah. Do you believe me?" Sapphire asked slowing his eating.

"Why wouldn't I? You have no reason to lie. Besides, you're from another world! There may not be humans in this world, but that doesn't mean there aren't humans in other worlds," Spike said.

Sapphire smiled. "Thanks, Spike. But... does Twilight believe I'm human?"

Spike shook his head. "She doesn't believe it. I said the same thing to her as I said to you, but it barely did anything to her beliefs. She also doesn't believe that you're from another world. She thinks you cast a spell too powerful for you to handle and it changed your memories to make you think you were a human from another world."

Sapphire sighed. "Oh, well. So one believes me and two don't. I just have the opinions of four others to figure out,"

"I'm sure it'll be okay. I know a pony you should meet though. She's an "expert" on humans. I say "expert" because our knowledge of humans is limited to mythology so we don't know if it's true. When she finds out you were a human? You'll be her next research project!" Spike said.

"What's her name?" Sapphire asked.

"Lyra Heartstrings," Spike responded. Sapphire finished eating.

"Thanks, Spike. I think I'm gonna have a look around the library. I think I'll spend the day reading about Equestria's history."

"Don't be a recluse like Twilight," Spike groaned.

"Don't worry. I just want to spend the day getting used to my new body and learning about this world in general. Tomorrow I want to spend the day getting to know the town and Twilight's other friends," he explained. He and Spike entered the library and Spike immediately picked out all of the general history books for Sapphire. Sapphire sat down and began to read.

In two hours, he finished History of Equestria: Volume 1 which told of the divided pony tribes and their union to become country under the Equestrian flag. Spike had spent the time with the cleaning he was unable to do yesterday. Just as Sapphire was about to start Volume 2, Twilight came down the stairs. She saw the books he was reading.

"How long ago did you start?" she asked.

"About two hours ago," Sapphire said.

Twilight was shocked. "How did you read that entire 2000 page book in two hours!?" she exclaimed. Sapphire shrugged.

"Fast reader I guess," he said and returned to the book. Twilight magically levitated a book into its missing slot and put a sheet of paper with writing into a filing cabinet.

"Are you ready to go Pinkie Pie's party, Twilight?" Spike asked.

"Actually, Spike, Pinkie Pie pushed the party back a day. Celestia's letter interrupted her planning and with Sapphire's arrival, she wanted to change it from a 'Equestria is officially changeling free' party to a 'Welcome to our world' for Sapphire. She wants Sapphire to come, but I told her he probably needed a day to get settled. She was very upset but she was okay with it. Well, Sapphire? Do you want to go? If you don't want to you don't have to," Twilight said.

"Of course I'll go! No reason to let Pinkie's party go to waste! I think It'll be fun!" Sapphire said, brightening his composure. Twilight took another book off the shelf and was about to head upstairs, but decided to stay downstairs with the others. Sapphire finished Volume 2 and set it aside to make room for Volume 3. Volume 2 told the tale of the Alicorn Sisters and their many good deeds as well as Starswirl the Bearded. Volume 3 contained Luna's fall as Nightmare Moon. By lunchtime, he had finished the entire series, all five volumes.

Twilight was shocked. "I can't believe you read the entire History of Equestia series in only a few hours. It usually takes me a whole day to read the whole series."

"But now I don't what to read about. Volume 2 mentioned a unicorn named Starswirl the Bearded. Do you have any books about him?" Sapphire asked.

"Of course I do! Starswirl the Bearded is my favorite! I dressed up as him last Nightmare Night."

"Last Nightmare what? Sapphire asked.

"It's a holiday where everypony gets dressed up in costumes and the foals go house to house asking for candy," Spike explained.

"Oh! We have that in my world, too! We call it Halloween instead, though. Do the kids say 'Trick-or-treat'?" Sapphire got excited.

"No. They say 'Nightmare Night! What a fright! Give us something sweet to bite!'," Spike explained.

"Aww! That's adorable. I wonder what other holidays we have in similarity?" Sapphire wondered. Twilight had remained quiet through this whole conversation and Sapphire had taken note of it.

When lunch was over and Twilight and Sapphire were back at reading, he suddenly stopped after reading something. "Hey Twilight? What's your relationship with the Princess? I mean, you and your friends don't seem like any high ranking government officials, yet you still have this close personal relationship with her," he asked.

"Well, from a young age, I was Princess Celestia's personal student. One day, she sent me here to Ponyville to make friends. When Nightmare Moon returned, my friends and I found and used the Elements of Harmony against her and turned her back into Princess Luna. After that, the six of us had a strong bond with the Princess," Twilight explained. "But why ask so suddenly?"

"I just read that Starswirl was so close with the princesses. It just reminded about you and your friends. I just wanted to know what the story behind it was."

The two ponies continued their light chitchat until dinner. Twilight telling him of her childhood and days until moving to Ponyville. Sapphire telling her of his young life as well. He was bright as a child as well and made into a good private school as well and then continued on into high school. This was as far as they got though before Sapphire decided to go to bed. He awoke in the middle of the night and headed to the bathroom. In the main room, he saw light on upstairs. He checked the clock and it was well past 3:00 AM. What was Twilight doing still awake? He walked up the stairs towards her room. He was about to push her door further open when he heard voices inside.

"-an't keep encouraging him, Spike! He could be lying! What if he's from some far off land that isn't the biggest fan of Equestria? A fake horn and pair of wings passed off as a loss of powers could easily be manipulated." That was Twilight's voice.

"Come on, Twilight! He really needs our help! He couldn't even walk when we met him! He obviously doesn't want to hurt us! He doesn't even know his name, and he can't fly or use magic. What harm could he do?" For a baby dragon, Spike was sure up late.

"Please, there's no record anywhere of portals creating paths between worlds, or of humans turning into ponies! Quite frankly, there's no historical evidence for humans at all!" she said rather loudly.

"Shh! You'll wake him!" Spike said. "You were the one who said friendship wasn't important. Now look! You and your friends have saved Equestria twice! And at Shining Armor's wedding? No one else believed you about Cadance and you were right. You'd think you'd learn to give others the benefit of the doubt after all of that," Spike said. There was no response from Twilight. Spike sighed. Sapphire peeked through a crack and saw Spike get into his bed.

Spike was right. Twilight didn't believe him. What would it take to prove that he was really from another world? He was powerless right now so there was no way he could create another portal. Oh, how he missed magic! Only now did he realize that it did everything for him. He would just levitate everything, never lifting a finger. He would teleport everywhere, never taking a step. With the powerful spells he had, it would be easy to convince her. That's when it hit him. Magic always had a dramatic flair. Why would that stop just because he was in another world? This must be his magic testing him. How well he could survive in a foreign place without it. Well, how to survive in general, without it. He stood before the door with his thoughts until he realized where he was and what time it was. He knew he had to convince Twilight and her friends that he wasn't lying. His thoughts ran about how to do it until he noticed the light again. Well, I've got to start somewhere. He opened the door to Twilight's room.

"Oh, hello. Couldn't sleep?" Twilight asked,

"Yeah, no I couldn't. I saw your light on and how late it was and I wanted to make sure everything is okay," Sapphire explained.

"Everything's fine. I'm just doing a bit of late night studying," she replied.

"A bit? It's almost 4:00 AM. Do you plan on going to bed tonight?"

"Nah. I have to be ready in case Celestia decides to give me a test."

"This is ridiculous though! At least Spike knows it's important to go to sleep at a reasonable time."

"Oh, please. He's only been asleep for a couple of minutes."

"And judging from the fact that he''s sleeping so soundly, I can only assume that this is a regular and he's adjusted to it."


"SO?! This is unhealthy Twilight! It's almost like an obsession. If magic is similar in our two worlds then yours is probably a lot weaker than it would be if you had a healthy sleep cycle. You need to go to sleep!"

"I'm fine. Just go back to bed." Twilight was starting to get irritated.

"No. Not until you do, and I will poke you with my horn until you finally give in."

"You wouldn't dare!"

"You're only so upset because you're so tired. And since it's not like I can use my magic anyway, my horn may as well be good for something!" And with that, Sapphire poked Twilight in the side.

"Hey! Stop it!" she said. He poked her again. She ignored him and tried to get back to studying. After a certain point, Sapphire started pushing her towards her bed.

"I said, enough!" Twilight shouted. She teleported away from him to next to Spike's bed causing Sapphire to fall flat on his face.

"Go to bed!" she said. She levitated him with her magic and he quickly and violently flew down to the guest room. The door closed and locked from the outside. Sapphire picked himself up and sighed. That pony has problems.

He walked over to his bed and got in it. He closed his eyes and soon enough, sleep fell over him.

Author's Note:

Well, it's fairly obvious what character is next. What ISN'T so obvious is whether or not she will believe Sapphire's story. Take your guesses ladies and gentleman!

Also, don't expect the next chapter until the weekend though. The next couple of days are very busy for me.