• Published 4th Mar 2013
  • 958 Views, 21 Comments

Otherworldly - twisparkle95

It was an ordinary day for Twilight Sparkle. She had just gotten a letter from Shining Armor on his honeymoon, Celestia had given her the day off, but a third letter was going to change that.

  • ...

Day 5: Fluttershy

Yup. Eyes and gem still orange. Sapphire checked himself out in the mirror. Maybe I should change my name to Topaz...

Twilight had magically examined his ring and found the sapphire's color hadn’t changed, the sapphire itself did. Or, rather, turned into a topaz. Was it ever going to turn to back to normal? He liked his sapphire, and felt it appropriately captured his essence. He sighed and kept on his way to Fluttershy's cottage.

"Hey! Sapphire! Over here!" Lyra called from a nearby window. Sapphire approached it.

"Hi, Lyra. Do you need something?" Sapphire asked.

"I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions about humans." Lyra smiled.

"Sorry, I'm on my way to Fluttershy's right now. I promise we'll get together soon, though." Sapphire turned and left a disappointed Lyra pouting at the window.

As he neared Fluttershy's cottage on the edge of the Everfree Forest, the buildings began to thin out as they did when one neared Sweet Apple Acres. He crossed the small bridge over the creek and knocked on the front door. Fluttershy slowly opened the door with great care, almost as if she believed the door would be upset with her if she opened it too quickly.

"Oh. Hi, Sapphire. You're here." She spoke, only a few decibels above a whisper.

"Uh huh. I wanted to get to know you better, Twilight said it might be good for me."

"I suppose now's a good time. The animals are eating, so I have a bit of free time." There was an awkward silence between the two, probably the first of many, Sapphire thought.

"May I come in?" Sapphire asked to break the silence.

"Oh right! I’m sorry, I should have invited you in sooner! Yes please, come in!" Fluttershy responded, slightly ashamed. She opened the door and Sapphire slowly stepped inside. Inside, groups of animals were huddled around different bowls of food. Squirrels, ferrets, rabbits, and other small creatures were eating at their designated bowls. Well, all except one bunny, who was all on its own eating from a larger bowl with more food than the others.

"Wow, Fluttershy. I knew you took care of animals, but I didn't realize that you cared for so many." Said Sapphire, slightly taken aback by all of the organized woodland creatures eating so insouciantly.

"I take care of all the animals that live around Ponyville." Fluttershy said with a meek but proud smile. She walked up to the lone bunny. "Angel, say hi to Sapphire Spell. He's the one from the other world and he'll be spending the day with us." The bunny looked at him and glared, sizing him up. Angel hopped around Sapphire, examining him. When he was finished he hopped back to Fluttershy, crossed his arms, gave a small, indignant squeak at Sapphire and then returned to his lunch.

"Don't mind him. Angel's just a little grumpy because I interrupted his lunch," Fluttershy said.

"What are your plans for the day, Fluttershy?" Sapphire asked.

"I was just about to feed the chickens when you came along. After that, I have some shopping I need to do."

"How about I help you?"

Fluttershy shied away a bit. "Well... I would like some, but I don’t want to trouble you, it’s okay if you just want to stay here while I’m away."

By now, Sapphire had already figured out that this mare was not one to ask favors, so he already had a gentle-hearted reply before she was even finished. “It’s fine Fluttershy, really I don’t mind. It would be better if I got to know where a few stores in Ponyville are anyway, plus I can get a little balance practice taking the bags back.”

This seemed to have the desired effect. Fluttershy thanked him for his offer and started dragging the bag of chicken feed across the room to the door leading to the back.

"I'll get it, Fluttershy; you go on ahead," Sapphire said.

"Oh no. I have it. You don't have to bother yourself with this."

"I insist. I wouldn't be much of a guest if I didn't help my host."

"I don't want to impose though."

"It's fine! Trust me, Fluttershy."

"Well, okay, if you really want to."

Sapphire could tell that these wouldn’t be very few and far between with Fluttershy and himself.

Fluttershy let go of the bag and went and held the door open. Sapphire picked the bag up and carried it out quicker than Fluttershy would have. The two of them threw some food into the fenced-off coop, and the chickens inside clucked appreciatively. When they were finished, Sapphire noticed a little pen off to the side filled with baby animals.

"And how long have you had these little cuties?" Sapphire asked.

"Those babies were only born recently. Actually, it was two days before you got here." The pen was filled with week old kittens, bunnies, chicks, and puppies.

"They're so cute," Sapphire cooed.

"Be careful! They're still nervous around strange ponies."

Sapphire backed off. After taking another glance, he turned and picked up the bag of chicken feed. He carried the bag back inside and left it with the other bags of food for the animals, which had all finished eating and were let outside by their soft-spoken caretaker. She then put on a saddlebag and placed a small bag of bits and a shopping list into it.

"Are you ready to go?" Fluttershy asked Sapphire. He nodded quickly, "Sure."

The two left Fluttershy's cottage and headed into town. The market was in the center of town, and was filled with ponies at this time of day, all trying to do their errands. Sapphire followed Fluttershy around as she bought her items. This included various vegetables, bountiful berries, and even some small sacks of animal food. Sapphire's tongue was sufficiently tied when the pair arrived at their next stop, a stand selling cherries.

"Well, if it isn't the pegasus who loves her cherries.. For you, this bag goes for 15 bits," the clerk said.

"15 bits?!" Sapphire and Fluttershy shouted in unison.

"That's outrageous! At most that should cost 5 bits!" Sapphire said to the clerk.

"How do you know that?" Fluttershy asked.

"I've been reading all about Equestria, including economics," Sapphire replied.

"The price is 15 bits, no buts," the clerk said.

"Now you listen to me! 15 bits is extortion! If the price is supposed to be 5 bits, I'm only paying 5 bits!" Fluttershy said and placed 5 bits on the counter giving the clerk a stern look. Sapphire was shocked by this change in Fluttershy. The clerk clearly was as well. He tried to give a response, but gave up. He took the bits and gave Fluttershy the bag of cherries. Sapphire and Fluttershy walked away.

"What was that? I didn't know you had that in you!" Sapphire exclaimed.

"That pony can just be so mean sometimes. It makes me mad," Fluttershy explained. She began eyeing a nearby tent.

"Oh Sapphire, I forgot to buy a potato. Could you go back and buy me one?"

"Sure Fluttershy." Fluttershy gave him 3 bits and pointed him towards the booth selling them. He walked there looking over his shoulder until Fluttershy was inside the tent. He then ran as fast as he could, dropping the bits on the counter and grabbing the potato. He ran back to the tent and peeked through the folds.

Fluttershy was cowering away from a stallion pacing the room.

"Enough is enough, Fluttershy! I can't keep giving you this medicine for free! You're so far behind on payments, the bill would shock Princess Celestia herself!" he said to her.

"I'm sorry. I have to help the animals, but I don't have enough income to pay for this. I promise as soon as winter comes and the animals are hibernating I'll get a job to pay you back," Fluttershy responded.

Sapphire backed away from the tent. Fluttershy was having financial problems? Why hadn't she told anyone? There had to be something he could do! The stallion inside sighed. "You're lucky you're trustworthy, Fluttershy."

Sapphire heard Fluttershy leaving so he ran further back so it would look like he just got the potato. Fluttershy looked dejected when she left, but Sapphire could see the medicine in her bag.

"I have the potato, Fluttershy!" Sapphire said. At this point, a crow suddenly attacked Sapphire, going for the potato. Sapphire flailed around, trying to protect the potato. Eventually, the crow flew off and the potato was fine. Whoa, deja vu, but from what?

Fluttershy had a shy smile on her face. Sapphire walked up to her looking frazzled and put the potato in her bag. "Anything else?"

"No, that's everything. We can go back to my cottage," Fluttershy answered. On their way back, Sapphire asked a question he had been thinking about.

"So Fluttershy, why do you believe me when I say I'm a human from another world? Everyone so far has had their reason for either believing or not believing me."

"I believe you because I saw you come from the portal with my own eyes. It was really bright, but I definitely saw what looked like a human on the other side of the portal. When I told Twilight this yesterday, she told me I was seeing things. There was no way I could have seen anything in that portal. It was way too bright. But I definitely saw you! I saw your human form step through! And even if I hadn't seen you, I still would have believed you. You were so scared and clueless, like a newborn. With innocence like that, how could you lie?"

Sapphire was touched by Fluttershy's speech. When they arrived at the cottage, Sapphire put the groceries while Fluttershy checked on the animals. He didn't get very far when a loud screech interrupted him. He ran outside to see Fluttershy's yard mangled. Most of the animals were gone, including all of the baby animals.

"What happened here?" Sapphire shouted in disbelief. Angel came hopping from a bush and onto Fluttershy's head. He whispered in her ear.

"Oh no! That's terrible!" Fluttershy cried. She ran off into the Everfree Forest.

"Fluttershy! Wait!" Sapphire shouted after her. He ran into the Everfree Forest after her. He quickly lost track of her though. While he was looking around, a buzzing noise went by. He turned and looked. There was nothing there. He slowly backed away, scared of what may be out here. He heard a roar and immediately ran towards it. In a clearing, he saw Fluttershy standing before a manticore. That must be what took Fluttershy's animals! Now it's going to hurt her! He sped towards it.

"Get away from her!" Sapphire shouted.

"STOP!" Fluttershy turned and shouted. Sapphire tried to stop immediately and fell over, rolling several feet before ending up on his face. Fluttershy walked towards him.

"This manticore didn't steal the animals. He's trying to help me find them," Fluttershy explained. Sapphire picked himself up and followed Fluttershy back to the manticore. She was trembling from head to toe, though. She was trying to be brave, but she must have been terrified. The manticore sniffed at Fluttershy picking up her scent. Then he smelled the air, trying to find a similar smell. When he detected the smell, he was off running. Fluttershy and Sapphire followed him. They came to a cliff face about 15 feet off the ground overlooking a dangerous scene.

"What are those things?!" Sapphire cried in horror.

"Those are wyverns! They're dragons that can't fly and instead of breathing fire, their bite is poisonous!" Fluttershy said.

Fluttershy's animals were crowded together beneath the cliff, cowering away from the encroaching wyverns. The spines on their back and tail sharpening as their predatory instincts took over. The lone defender of the animals was a snake with a chicken's head. It went up to the closest wyvern, and when it widened its eyes, the wyvern turned to stone.

"What was that?"

"A cockatrice. Their stare petrifies anything that looks at it."

The next wyvern slashed at the cockatrice, knocking it away. It landed before the animals which were now crying, sensing the impending danger. A third wyvern pounced, heading directly for the animals.

"NO!" Fluttershy screamed and collapsed to the ground crying into her arms.

Why isn't working? Why aren't my powers coming back? This situation is life or death! If my magic doesn't activate, all of Fluttershy's animals are going to die, and then Fluttershy and I are next!

The cockatrice picked itself up and in the last second before the wyvern could catch its prey, petrified all of Fluttershy's animals. When the wyvern noticed its prey had been taken from it, it roared in rage and turned to the cocaktrice. The manticore jumped down and swiped the wyvern away. The cockatrice petrified another wyvern and the manticore clawed at another. The wyverns outnumbered them though and both were bitten and thrown away. The wyverns approached the weakening creatures which were now quickly dying from the poison.

"Fluttershy! You have to do something! They need your help! You're the only one who can do it! If you don't, the cockatrice and manticore are going to die! Then your animals will never turn back from stone and the wyverns will come after us next!" Sapphire said trying to get Fluttershy to move.

"But I..."

"Please! Fluttershy!" Fluttershy stared down the cliff face at the stone animals and dying manticore and cockatrice. She took a deep breath and flew down the cliff.

"What do you think you're doing!" she screamed at the wyverns. "How dare you attack my animals in my house! And now you're hurting my friends! You better get out of here right now!" Sapphire could feel an overwhelming force from his vantage point. Fluttershy's anger was extremely powerful. The wyverns felt it too and began to cower away.

"I want to never see you again! Am I clear? If I ever see you hurt any animals or creatures again, I will make you pay!" The wyverns were trembling now. When Fluttershy took a step and gave the Stare, that was enough to send them running. All but one wyvern left. This one was the leader and didn't even seem scared of Fluttershy. With a snarl, it pounced.

"Fluttershy, no!" Sapphire shouted and jumped off the cliff. He smashed the wyvern away from Fluttershy. The wyvern responded by sinking its fangs into Sapphire's shoulder.

"Gah!" Sapphire cried from the pain. He pushed the wyvern off of him towards one of the wyvern statues. It knocked the statue on top of it. Sapphire fell over, already feeling the effects of the wyvern poison.

"Sapphire, hold on! I'll go get medicine for the poison!" Fluttershy flew off to her cottage. Sapphire's breathing became shallow and heavy. He crawled over to the cockatrice. The heartbeat was faint.

"You have to live. You have to save Fluttershy's animals." Sapphire took the cockatrice in his arms to give it his body heat. He could hear the wyvern gnash its teeth from underneath the statue. It was definitely pinned down. Sapphire let himself fall unconscious.

Sapphire's dream was cold as ice. It was dark. Surrounded from all sides by dark.

"You can't escape me. I will find you. I will kill you. I will destroy everything you hold dear. Then I will destroy everything else," a voice dripping with evil and hatred emanated from the darkness. Sapphire knew that voice. He thought he had escaped it. He felt guilty he had escaped it. He had left it behind with no one to stop it. He felt himself fall deeper and deeper into the darkness and cold. Then he felt a yank. It pulled him out. It was warm. A light grew in the distance. The warmth enveloped him.

Sapphire shot up with a gasp and looked around. He was still in the Everfree Forest. He looked at his shoulder. It was swollen and bandaged, but the poison was definitely gone.

"You're awake," Fluttershy said from behind. He turned and saw her caring for the weakened, but alive, manticore and cockatrice. The snarls had stopped and Sapphire saw that the wyvern leader had been petrified underneath its peon. Fluttershy's animals were still petrified, though.

"The cockatrice is too weak to help my animals right now, but it had enough strength to stop that wyvern," Fluttershy explained. She looked so stoic. Sapphire stood up. His right foreleg felt shaky and weak from the wyvern bite, so he avoided putting pressure on it. He limped over to Fluttershy and gave her a hug.

"Everything's okay. We're all fine," Fluttershy said. After an hour of rest, the cockatrice was able to return Fluttershy's animals to normal. They all left the forest together, the manticore and cockatrice acting as bodyguards. When they reached Fluttershy's cottage, the manticore and cockatrice returned to the Everfree Forest. It was late now and there was no way Sapphire would be able to walk back to the library tonight. Fluttershy allowed him to stay in her cottage for the night. Still weak from the recovery, Sapphire was able to quickly fall asleep.

Author's Note:

I LIVE!!!!!

Sorry guys, this week has been AWFUL. Let me summarize:
Monday- stayed up till 2:00 AM studying for a Physics and Calculus test
Tuesday- slept all afternoon and night after taking said tests
Wednesday- work
Thursday- an event after school that went till 8:00
Friday- exhausted after the week I had

That was my week and why I couldn't get more chapters done. I can't promise a chapter tomorrow, because I have an English essay to write and chapters of 'No Country for Old Men to read'. Plus, my grandma's visiting for St. Paddy's Day.

What else do I have?...

OH RIGHT! So after getting rejected from EQD for grammatical reasons (twice), I decided it was time to get an editor, more so that I screw up so much rather than to get accepted. So welcome aboard The11thWonder as my editor! He hasn't edited this chapter yet, but he's working on the ones I've already done and will be editing the future chapters.