• Published 31st Jan 2012
  • 1,027 Views, 13 Comments

Stealing Harmony - chrisbiby

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The Calm Before The Storm

A bit about me be for we begin 1. This is my first fan fic so be nice 2. I don’t have an editor so refer back to rule 1 and 3. and 3. I have Dysgraphia, no I’m not going to die in three weeks (unless I get hit by a bus), it just means that I am going to have a hard time with the grammar and word choice; also I did not just misspell Dyslexia
Legal stuff: I do not own My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, which belongs to Hasbro Inc

Twilight Sparkle opened the library door as the bright sunlight blinded her. After blinking a few times to adjust to the midday sun Twilight saw Rainbow Dash posting this week’s weather schedule. As soon a Rainbow Dash finished posting the schedule she turned around and almost collided with Twilight.

“GAHH!” Rainbow Dash yelped “gez, Twilight don’t chya know better than to sneak up on ponies?” she said with a hint of irritation.

“Oh, I’m sorry Rainbow it’s just that I wanted to see if this week would have a good day for re-shelving day.” Twilight apologized.

“Well it won’t this week is supposed to be perfect; no clouds, comfortable temperature, with a low humidity.” Rainbow replied with a smile. “it also may continue for a few weeks ‘cause Appleoosa got hit with an unscheduled drought in the middle of their rainy season.” Rainbow then started to hover just above Twilight and said “well I have to dash gotta distribute the rest of the schedules to my team the sign out some humidity scrubbers from Cloudsdale see ya latter Twilight” she called out flying off.

“Ok bye Rainbow.” Twilight yelled back as she made her way to Sweet Apple Acers

When she arrived all the members of the Apple family where hard at work; Big Macintosh was pulling a massive overflowing cart of apples up to the barn, little Apple Bloom was picking up apples that had missed the bushels set out beneath the trees, Granny Smith was busy…napping, and Applejack was bucking up a storm. Feeling slightly mischievous Twilight waited until Applejack bucked the tree and caught the apples before the left the tree limbs. Applejack looked around suspicious then bucked the tree once more. She kept bucking until she looked up. That was when Twilight let all the apples fall on Applejack. A few seconds later, slightly annoyed, Applejack stuck her head out of the pile of apples and glared over to where Twilight was standing.

“Real nice Twi that was sooo helpful” the farm pony drawled sarcastically.

Twilight chuckled and replied “Sorry Applejack I guess I have been spending too much time with Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash, here let me help you.” As she telekinetically lifted all the apples in the row that Applejack was working on.

“Ah… well thanks sugar cube now it looks like I have the rest of the day off” Applejack said as Apple Bloom over heard and wined

“Awww… how come you get tha rest of tha day off but ih have chores?” as soon as Apple Bloom finished saying that Twilights horn started to glow and all the apples that had missed their mark floated into the baskets. Apple Bloom hugged Twilight so hard that she could have sworn that she heard something pop. Twilight then telekinetically helped Big Mack pull the cart into the barn, once it was in the barn a large red hoof waved a silent thanks from the door.

“So Twi what are you up to today?” Applejack asked

“well I am visiting all our friends to tell them about this amazing weather that will last all week, and that we should start planning something special-” twilight was then cut off by a sudden shower of apples
“A PARTY!” shouted Pinkie Pie as she burst from a bushel of apples.

Applejack and Twilight both stood there in a mixture of surprise and confutation as Pinkie said

“Wow girls you should really close your mouths or else you’ll swallow flies, and flies don taste good, they also get stuck in you throat and the you need some punch to dislodge them and speaking of punch could you two go and get Rarity and Fluttershy cause if I leave now and travel at 96o east at 42 miles per hour at an altitude of 1064 feet above sea level I should be able to intercept Rainbow Dash.” Then Pinkie kicked the nearest apple tree and her candy colored peddle copter fell out of the tree. She then hopped on the contraption and flew off. Applejack shook her head violently while Twilight tried to come to term with how Pinkie Pie could break the laws of physics on such a regular basis and gave up. They then compared notes and deduced that Pinkie wanted them to get Rarity and Fluttershy for tonight’s party and that Pinkie was right, flies do not taste good. The two mares then both made their way to Fluttershys cottage.

When the unicorn and earth pony mares arrived at Fluttershys it was not the usual little peaceful cottage that they knew and loved. It was a circus of flapping wings, screeching, hissing, and frantic running. A frazzled Fluttershy was trying to coax a family of bunnies out of there burrow but to her dismay they would not come out, even for all the carrots in equestrian. Twilight and Applejack both did a double take as applejack addressed the panicked Pegasus
“Um sugar cube what in tarnation is go’en on around here, it’s usually like one of them Japonies monk’s rock gardens but this place seems to be a regular rodeo.”
Fluttershy turned to face her guests and said timidly but stressed “oh hi girls things have been getting a little hectic I have tried pleading, persuading, begging, beseeching, bargaining, mediating, negotiating, coercing, and bribing but nothing works. They just keep saying ‘storm’ please twilight could you troy using one of your spells?”
Twilight looked around and racked her brain for a good spell after a few minutes of thought she decided on a spell and preamble “I think I have one I discovered it in Policing Monthly it is used by officers to subdue rioters by making them tired. But because all these critters are smaller than ponies it should put them right to sleep” as her horn was enveloped by a purple aura. Concentrating hard she then released the spell in the form of a bright flash. When the light faded the three mares looked around and breathed a collective sigh of relief. All the animals had fallen asleep where they were.
“Oh thank you Twilight I don’t know what I was going to do it’s so weird I just hope they will have calmed down when the wake up” Fluttershy said barely above a whisper.
“It was no problem” twilight said “I’m just glad that I could help”
“Well now then now that that’s taken care of would you like to come to Pinkies party tonight?” Applejack asked.
“That would be…nice” the shy Pegasus responded. The three mares then set off for Rarities boutique.

When the trio got there Rarity was standing in front of her door, horn aglow and a concentrated look on her face. Fluttershy was the first to approach Rarity and said softly “um…hi rarity… I’m…um…sorry if I’m uh… bothering you… but …” as she was cut off by Rarity

“Oh, hello Fluttershy darling and hello to you too Twilight and Applejack how nice of you all to drop by.”

“Hia Rarity wacha dooin out here you can’t be tryin to find more gems, after all you did have Spike dig up just ‘bout every single one within the town limits.” Applejack said.

“Oh, no” said Rarity “you see recently the local Diamond Dogs have been resorting to breaking into other ponies homes to get their paws on every last gem so while I was in Canterlot I got myself a new lock for my door, and after having it installed I decided to test it out by trying to pick the lock.”

“Well it must be a good lock if you where concentrating that hard” twilight responded.

“Actually I had it open after few minutes, definitely not worth the 300 bits I spent on it, so I am trying to improve it.” Rarity said levitating several small rubies and inserted them into the lock then took several other rubies and replaced some of the teeth on her key with the rubies. The key had one of every gem stone on it.

“Uh Rarity ah know that you like your things all pretty-a-fied and fancy like and ah can see why you would bejewel your key, but why did you put rubies in the lock?” Applejack asked leaning in closer to Rarity.

Rarity closed her eyes and gave a quick huff of frustration before starting “Well you see it’s a process, I first removed the tumblers from the lock and added some gems to each of the pins that would match up with the same gem on the key. The key works like it should by pushing the driver pins up and out of the cylinder but the gems are enchanted to float a little keeping the key pins above the shear line if there aren’t the correct gems with the correct sister spell on the key.” She finished proudly. Looking at her friends she saw that she lost Applejack, Fluttershy, and to her surprise Twilight.

Quickly she summed up “basically it works like a normal lock but it’s enchanted to open with this key and this key only, not even an exact copy will open it.”

“Oh… ok I think I get it now I didn’t know that you where that good of a locksmith.” Twilight said.

“I didn’t even know you where a locksmith.” Fluttershy added quietly.

“Meh” Applejack muttered “it’s all fancy to me.”

“Ughaaa… for the hundredth time Applejack its French not fancy you going to offend somepony someday.” Twilight said in an annoyed tone.

As Applejack and Twilight argued about whether it was fancy of French Rarity addressed Fluttershy “before I was distracted what did you want to ask me?”

“Um well Pinkie Pie is throwing a party to celebrate this nice weather and we were wondering if you wanted to join us?” Fluttershy asked.

“I would be delighted just let me clean up first.” Rarity said.

A few minutes later the debate had “ended” with both sides still in disagreement as the four mares made their way thru town.

Before they even made it to the street Sugar Cube Corner was on they could hear the House music and smell the baked goods. When they rounded the corner they saw that the street was full of ponies recognizing a couple of familiar faces, there was Derpy who was balancing several muffins on her nose. There was also the local lesbian couple Lyra and Bon Bon both dancing to the music that DJ Pon-3 was playing, and sanding in the mouth of an ally was the mysterious brown earth pony stallion that no pony knew but saw every couple days. As a small group of ponies walked past him he disappeared. Twilight then dismissed him and enjoyed the night with her friends at the end of the night Pinkie Pie gathered everypony in the center of town. Then once the clock struck twelve the sky erupted with deafening booms and sharp cracks and lit by showers of gold, silver, ruby, emerald, and sapphire colored sparks. As the grand finale finished everypony cheered and stomped there hooves in approval, Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow dash all congratulated Pinkie Pie on a successful party while Twilight stayed behind until they had all left and quickly asked.

“Where did you get the bits to do that? It must have been very expensive.”

“Actually it wasn’t.” Pinkie answered “especially since I made them myself.”

“PINKIE!” Twilight exclaimed “be careful, if you messed up them it would be a lot worse than the baked bads incident.”

“Oh relax Twilight I have been working with high explosives ever since I was an itty bitty little twinkie pinkie and making fireworks is much easier than using TNT you see first you pack some black powder into the bottom of the rocket to propel it up then in the nose you put a blasting charge surrounded by black powder and tiny beads of metal to give the firework the color you want.” Pinkie said beaming while twilight just stood there slack jawed at the pink ponies brief but still detailed explanation of how fireworks were made.

“Well like I said be careful with those materials I don’t want anything bad happening to you.” Twilight said somberly.

“Okey dokey lokie, have nice night twilight.” Pinkie said.

“You to Pinkie see you tomorrow” Twilight said tired

“WAIT… it is tomorrow” Pinkie said pointing out the clock tower giggling to herself.

Twilight sighed and said to Pinkie Pie “your right then I will see you later today.” As the two mares left the towns square neither of them noticed the clouds mixing with the gun smoke.

A/N part 2
Ok if you don’t have anything nice to say then refer to this at 1:14 that is what I have to say about your negative comment, only half serious, if someone has posted something similer then don't post

Also I do not I repeat DO NOT know how to make fireworks it is very dangerous and it is illegal. so please if you need fireworks go buy them and even then be careful.

Updates will probably be infrequent because of school and life so hope you liked it