• Published 31st Jan 2012
  • 1,028 Views, 13 Comments

Stealing Harmony - chrisbiby

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Chapter 2

Before we begin (ha I spelled before correctly this time) I hope that everyone liked the first chapter and I hope that you will enjoy the rest of the story
Same spiel as before no pre-reader be nice
So then Allons-y
Chapter 2

“Ah this day is going to be wonderful.” Twilight said as she leapt out of her bed.
“Ughh… quite Twilight I’m trying to sleep” Spike groaned as the lilac unicorn whispered a quite apology and tiphooved down the stairs and made herself a quick breakfast. She then reached into her secret gem stash and got spike a nice emerald as both an apology for waking him up and as a reward for helping Pinkie Pie last night. After her breakfast she decided on a quick plan; 1 go help Applejack with her chores, 2 get Fluttershy and Rarity to them meet Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie at Sugar Cube Corner for lunch, 3 break off to go and do some errands and clean the library a little, and finally 4 the perfect end of the perfect day rejoin the group for a spa trip. She walked over to the door and opened it to a torrent of rain, 30mph winds, and freezing cold. She struggled to slam the door and quickly wrote a letter to Princess Celestia that briefly explained her situation of crazy weather and most important HELP. She then yelled up to the lazy dragon.
“Spike wake up something weird is happening and I need you to send a letter to Princess Celestia for me.”
“Ughhh… all right” Spike grumbled as he rolled out of his basket and made his way down stairs. He grabbed the letter and set in ablaze with a short burst of green fire. But instead of the ashes floating away in a magical wind, the ashes just fell to the floor.
“What the,” Twilight said puzzled, “let’s try this again,” as she handed him a new letter, only to get the same result. She then resorted to handing him blank scrolls all becoming ash. She kept this process up until she was out of scrolls.
Then Spike said hoarsely, “Twilight I don’t think its working.”
“Really I didn’t notice” Twilight said stressed out as there was a knock at the library door. “And now I have some crazy pony at my door.” She said getting more and more annoyed “Oh I hope its Rainbow Dash because if it is she is not going to here the end of it.” As she opened the door she was pelted by grape sized hail and battered by gale force winds. After hearing three sets of hooves enter the library she managed to get the door closed. As she turned around she saw who her guests where. There standing before her was Princess Luna and two of her personal guards; they looked like they had been in a fight, the guards armor was dented and scuffed and Princess Luna’s starfield mane was mated, her legs where bruised and there was a massive burn on her left flank.
“Oh my gosh Princess Luna, why are you hurt, are you ok, what’s going on with this weird weather, and how come spike can’t send letters to Celestia?” Twilight said assaulting Luna with questions.
“Twilight Sparkle,” Luna said very officially “I’m glad to see that you are ok, you have every right to be concerned though because as we speak my sister is buying us as much time as she can.” The lilac unicorn just stood there confused Princess Luna had just shown up out of the blue and then ignored all of her questions. Before Twilight could say anything Luna’s horn was lit and in five bright flashes all of Twilights friends appeared. They were all dressed for different weather patterns; Rainbow Dash was wearing her official Wonderbolts flight goggles along with a balaclava and a cyan scarf with multi colored tassels, Rarity was bundled up with just about every article of cold weather clothing that Carousel Boutique had wielding an ice pick, Applejack was wearing a set of galoshes and a rain poncho in addition to her usual Stetson that was soaked through, Pinkie Pie was wearing a desert scarf, sunglasses and a long flowing robe, Fluttershy was not wearing anything but her mane and tail where both wind tossed and had a couple of leaves in them.
“I am sorry to have summoned all of you on such short notice” Princess Luna said stoically “but we do not have the time for such luxuries, for as we speak Celestia is buying as much time as she can.”
“Princess please tell me what is going on with the weather why can’t i send Princes Celestia any letters?” Twilight inquired.
“If you can’t send letters to Celestia then she has been defeated and we are running out of time.” Luna said with growing concern “time for the condensed version, me and my sister both have a younger brother, Prince Cloudburst, he is master of the meteorological. After the rule of Discord and before I was corrupted he tried to stage a coup, he failed and was banished to the Everfree Forest, but you six bare The Elements of Harmony and should be able to banish him. Will you do this for all of Equestria?”
“Of course Princess.” Twilight said bowing.
“For Equestria!” Exclaimed Rainbow Dash as she saluted.
“Oh… it… is… ON!” Rarity yelled to everyponies surprise “what did you seen what I was wearing when I arrived it was a crime against fashion.” She added dramatically.
“Okie dokie lokie” Pinkie Pie said while Fluttershy just nodded her head yes.
“Ok I will teleport you six to the castle when you have a plan.” Said Luna
“let me think” Twilight said thinking out loud “ok here is the plan, Ra-” but was cut off by several quick flashes of lightning and booms of thunder.
“No time you need to go now! Do not stop for anything get The Elements of Harmony at all costs.” Luna said desperately as she teleported Twilight and her friends to Canterlot Castle. As soon as they were gone the wall behind her exploded in another flash of lightning, her guards flared there wings and took defensive positions in front of the princes ready to defend her with their lives. Princess Luna turned to face the hole in the wall and addressed the gray figure that stood there.
“Hello, brother” she spat melodramatically.

Twilight and her friends appeared before the massive wooden doors to the Hall of Elements. After a quick limb check Rainbow Dash was the first to speak “ok first we need to get this door open.” The six mares all pushed the doors, after several seconds Twilight stepped back and said “you do know that I had a plan, right?”

“Yaa, well mines better, and faster.” Rainbow Dash said quickly before yelling “Push!” as the ancient door creaked.

“Um girls…” Twilight said taking a few steps back.

“PUSH!” Rainbow Dash grunted, the doors practically screaming in protest.

“I think that…” Twilight said with growing concern.

“YEEEAAAAGGGAHHHH PUUSHH!” The cyan pegasus screamed as several sharp cracks broke the wood. The cracks increased in frequency, several hollow pops joined the ever increasing cracks. As the sound of twisting steel became the crescendo to the symphony the doors were creating all leading to the thunderous crash of the doors being pushed off the walls to become the finale to the one and only door breaking overture.

“I think we were supposed to pull.” The lilac unicorn said dejected.

“Is everypony ok” Applejack asked

“I think so,” said Rarity “oh no where’s Fluttershy!” She gasped.

The hallway was filled with a chorus of ‘oh no’s’ and ‘Fluttershy’s’ until Pinkie Pie shouted “up there” pointing up to a chandelier with the yellow pegasus passed out, tangled in the crystals.

“Oops” Rainbow half heartedly apologized “I hate to say it but that is the best place for her, she is safe and when she wakes up she will have one of the best lookout spots.” Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Twilight all had to reluctantly agree to that idea.

“Ok time to throw mah two bits into this plan” Applejack suggested “so what ih’m thinkin is Rarity will keep a look out while Fluttershy is out of commission, ih’ll stay by the doors to take care of anypony who thinks that disturbin us is a good idea. Twi and Rainbow, you two will go and open the vault, Twi will do her magic and rainbow will deal with the guards if ih’m over powered. Pinkie Pie will…” she trailed off as she looked over to her fellow earth pony who was preparing her party cannon.

“I will be providing anti air support, cover fire, and light artilary” the pink party pony said way too confidently while the four other conscious mares gave her a bewildered look.

“wha… hugh… you know what, NO… NO, NO, NO! Last time I tried to think about pinkie pies abilities I almost had an aneurism, and ended up in a body cast.” Twilight started to rant but before she could continue a cyan hoof smacked her lightly upside the head. “Thanks Rainbow” Twilight said returning to her senses “let’s get going to the safe” as the lilac unicorn climbed over the remains of the doors when she saw the Hall of Elements. Twilight looked into the hall the stained glass windows that usually depicted scenes from the rule and fall of Discord, the fall of Princess Luna, the cleansing of Nightmare Moon, and the second fall of Discord almost all of these beautiful windows had been shattered except for the one of the fall of Princess Luna. The lilac unicorn slowly made her way through the ruined hall the shards of broken glass made it seem as if the hall was paved with gem stones. Stopping in the middle of the hall she noticed that it was eerily quiet the only sounds that she could hear where the sounds of Rainbows wing flapping gently and the sound of a light breeze drifting through the shattered windows. After a few more seconds of walking she had finally reached the door of the vault that was when she started to notice the sound of horseshoes hitting helmets’. Wasting no time she got started on dispelling Princess Celestias lock spell. As she worked she couldn’t help but notice that the sounds of fighting where getting closer, the party cannon was firing more and more, she also noticed that Rainbow Dash had left her side.

“Ha! Take that you ruffians.” Rarity yelled breaking away from the brawl “Twilight dear would you like some help?” The white unicorn asked her struggling friend. Twilight could only nod her head in response. The fighting was getting more and more intense Applejacks back hooves where starting to bleed, Rainbow Dash was starting to get tired which was making her get sloppy, pinkie pie was doing her best to provide some support but she was starting to run low on party cannon balls, and Fluttershy who had regained consciousness was cowering underneath Rarity and Twilight. As soon as the two unicorns had opened the vault the last whole window was shattered, the wind blew at hurricane force, lightning arced everywhere as the temperature dropped several degrees. The six mares had their backs against the wall and where starting to be surrounded by many different kinds of ponies all wearing light gray robes with silver helmets that had dark gray tassels attached. A figure the size of Princess’s Celestia and Luna flew through the now shattered window. His coat was a light gray, his mane and tail were thunderheads, when he flapped his wings it would generate gale force winds, as lightning occasionally arced from his hooves.

“My lord” a robed stallion said to the new alicorn “we have managed to detain the wielders of the Elements of Harmony just like-” he didn’t get a chance to finish, a grey glow around his neck cut him off.

“I told you to stop them before they got to the Elements of Harmony, you have failed me.” The grey alicorn closed his eyes. A few seconds later there was a sharp crack as the grey glow disappeared and the stallion slumped to the floor. Fluttershy whimpered, hearing that the gray alicorn shifted his focus to the six mares in front of him.

“So you six are the ones that my sisters trusted with the Elements of Harmony.” He said coldly

“Y-yes the Elements of Harmony re-revealed themselves to us when we defeated Ni-Nightmare Moon.” Twilight stuttered. “And we plan to use them on you now.” She said gaining confidence as her horn lit up and the case that held the elements of harmony floated out.

“Hope you liked you vacation Prince Cloudburst because you are going back to the Everfree Forest.” Rainbow Dash said with a cocky tone.

“I do not plan on going back to that horrible copse of trees unless I’m going to raze it.” The alicorn said with growing anger “and I am no longer ‘Prince Cloudburst’ I am Lord Tempest and you will address me as such you ungrateful whelp!”

“Whatever I’ll burst your cloud.” Rainbow Dash said the anger in her voice rising as she took off towards Lord Tempest to be stopped by a wall of gray robed pegasi. Twilight telekinetically grabbed the end of Rainbows tail and yanked her back to the ground. Rainbow Dash quickly spat “we still have the elements of harmony you know”

“Yes I know and I plan to rectify that situation” Lord Tempest said as the case that held the elements was wrenched out of twilights grasp. He gave it to several robed ponies and they left the room with it. Returning his attention to the six in front of him he then addressed the room “you six are now under arrest for treason. I have found that you are all guilty of treason, your sentence is death, and I will execute you one by one tomorrow at noon. Get them out of my sight” he said to the robed figures as the six mares all broke down in tears they were escorted out of the Hall of Elements and to the dungeons.

A/N Lord Tempest… wow um ya I wrote this and I don’t want to ever meet someone like him. And looking back on him now doesn’t he seem like one part Darth Vader, one part Hitler, and one part pompous ass (I mean seriously he was talking down to Twilight and he insulted Rainbow Dash). Also lord tempest was orriginaly going to be lord maelstrom but when I did my double check I discovered that a maelstrom is a whirlpool not some crazy storm so he became Prince Cloudburst/ Lord Tempest well hay until next chapter please comment (i will reply if you do) and rate