• Published 4th Apr 2013
  • 949 Views, 3 Comments

The Supernumeraries - KenSES64

A Mad Scientist, an Alicorn Princess, and Two Royal Guards are only some of the ponies in these stories.

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Technology vs. Magic

Technology vs. Magic


I turned off my blowtorch and stepped back to admire my work. On the table was a fully made suit of armor. At the sight of it, I smiled to myself.

“It’s done. It’s finally done!” I said to nopony in particular. I looked at it and thought, ‘Hmm... I think now all I need to do is take it for a test run.’

A few hours later, after taking a much needed nap, I trotted over to Golden Oaks Library to ask a favor of one of the workers there. I instantly saw him the moment I stepped inside. He was a black unicorn stallion with a purple mane, my (slightly younger) brother Seth.

“Sup bro?” I asked. He turned his head to face me, showing his red eyes.

“Oh hi sis, what’s up?”

“I just finished my battle suit.”

“Oh that’s cool.” He responds.

“And I was wondering, if it wasn’t any trouble, if you could help me test it out.”

“You want me to pilot it?” He asked, slightly confused.

“Oh no,” I replied, waving my hoof around. “You’re too big to fit in it.” He raised an eyebrow at that.

“Are you calling me fat?” He asked.

“No,” I deadpanned. “I’m saying that you don’t really have the body of a mare.”

“Oh, I see. So exactly what do you want me to do then?”

“I want you to fight me,” Seth’s jaw slightly dropped before he could respond.

“Umm... What?”

“You heard me. You vs. Me. Brother vs. Sister. Stallion vs. Mare. Spawn vs. Spawn. Magic vs. technology!”

“Ummm... okay,” he responded after a few moments. “But when? I mean it’s Wednesday so I really can’t right now because I have to work, and I’m busy Saturday ‘cause I promised to take Rainbow to see that new Johnneigh Cage movie. So... Sunday go for you?” I tapped my chin with me hoof.

“That will give me some time to give it a paint job. Sure.”


That Sunday, I pulled out a cart carrying my armor, which was heavier than it looked, out to an open field on the outskirts of the Everfree forest, where Seth and I agreed to meet. Following me where my friends Berry Punch, and Colgate.

“So, you’re really going to fight your own brother?” Berry asked me.

“Yep. From what I heard, he’s saved Equestria twice, so it’ll be a good test. Besides, it’s just a sparring match, so we won’t be trying to hurt each other too badly.”

Eventually after some more talking we arrived. We got there not too long before Seth did. His fiancee Rainbow Dash and his friend/employer Princess Twilight Sparkle were also there.

“Hey sis, Rainbow and Twi are here to watch,” he said.

“That’s cool, I brought some of my friends too.” I said, pointing my hoof at Berry and Colgate.

After Berry and Colgate said ‘hi’ to them I began to put on my armor while Seth kept talking with them. I had gotten everything but the helmet on when somepony else I was expecting arrived.

She was a white unicorn with an unkempt mane that was a mixture of both dark blue and a shade of lighter blue in color, a musical note for a cutie mark, and wore a pair of purple sunglasses that covered her magenta eyes underneath. She was of course, Vinyl Scratch. A.K.A DJ Pon-3.

She walked up to Seth and said something that I didn’t really pay attention to. Something to do with her marefriend Octavia, I don’t know, but there was something she said that did grab my attention.

“So what are you here for?” Seth asked her.

“Well, your sis here asked me to play some epic battle music while you two duke it out, and in exchange I’m getting a 50% discount on a little order I made.” Vinyl replied. I quickly turned around the second those words hit my ears.

“What in tartarus are you smoking?” I asked her.

“What do you mean?”

“I said 15%, not 50%.”

“How about 30%?”




“20%?” I tapped my hoof on my chin.


“Awwwww yeeeeeah! Bass Cannon you will soon be mine!”

After that was over I finally put my helmet on, and I don’t mean to toot my own horn, not in a literal sense, seeing that I’m an earth pony, but I thought that I did a good job on the paint. I mostly painted it a metallic, dark purple, but I left the face area of the helmet and the areas up to the hooves and unpainted silver.

With my armor on and ready to go, I turned to face Seth, who looked ready enough. Colgate, Berry, Rainbow and the Princess sat at a safe distance away with Vinyl and her equipment. Vinyl looked at us both as she levitated the needle on record

“Let’s get this beatdown started!!!” She practically screamed as the music started playing.

Right as the first beat of the music hit, I used the energy from the spirit stones at the bottom of my hooves to fly up into the air. I kept my eye on Seth, who suddenly vanished into thin air.

‘Hmm... So he’s teleporting. Now where did he go?’ I thought as I looked around for a black unicorn and started charging a pulse blast for the magically sprite stones at the bottom of the hooves. A function that was a pain in the flank to figure out, but I got it down after much testing.

Out of nowhere, I saw a flash in the corner of my vision and shot a pulse blast towards it. A light blue ball of energy flew at Seth and hit him. The resulting impact caused an explosion that knocked some dust into the air.

As the cloud of dust cleared, I saw that he was gone. I turned my head only to come face to face with a hammer about to strike me right in the head. I didn’t have any time to react to it, and I got sent back a few feet back and fell to the ground. I didn’t feel anything thanks to the armor, but my vision went staticy for a few seconds. When it returned, I saw Seth standing about 5 yards away with a hammer floating next to him.

“Come on sis,” he said with a cocky grin on his face, “Even with that fancy armor, you’re no match for magic?”

“Well technically my suit is powered by magic,” I respond.

“Well I’m magicier!” He shouted as electricity began flowing through his horn, which he then shot right at me. I rolled out of the way just before it hit me. Once I was clear of the lightning blast I quickly jumped back to my hooves, flew forward and punched my brother right in the face.

He stumbled back a bit, but didn’t fall over. I then saw his horn start to glow with a red aura. I flew up several feet into the air to get away from him, but then a rock just barely missed my head. I looked down to see Seth with about half a dozen rocks floating around him.

He threw three at me, but I evaded them. That didn’t stop him though, as he just threw some more. After he missed four shots in a row, he teleported. I looked around for a bit again trying to find him, but then I suddenly got hit by a rock from above.

I spun out a little, but quickly managed to recover. I then looked up to see a single grey cloud overhead.

I flew upwards and made my way towards it as two more rocks were thrown in my direction. The first one missed, while the second one just merely scraped one of the legs, barely scratching the paint job.

As I flew towards the cloud I began to charge up my front hooves for a double pulse blast.

The second I flew through the cloud I shot them both just as Seth shot a magical blast of his own.

The moment to two blasts hit they caused a large explosion.

My vision went dark for several moments after that. I suddenly found myself unable to move in the suit and I soon fell until I hit the ground.

After a few short seconds, my suit turned back on and I was able to get back onto my hooves again. I was still unable to see though, so I took off the helmet to see Seth getting up as well, brushing dirt off of his coat. Rainbow Dash hovered few feet in the air above him, checking up on him.

I trotted over to those two and picked up on their conversation.

“You know I love you to death, but sometimes you can be dumber than a bag of hammers.” Rainbow said to him. Crossing her forelegs.

“Oh come on beautiful, I’ve been through way worse and you know it.” It was then that he noticed I was there. “Good match sis. So, I guess we’ll call it a draw.”

“Yeah, a draw,” I said with a smile.

With the armor back in the cart, I pulled back towards the shop, while Berry Punch and Colgate followed suit.

“So, how do you think I did?” I asked them.

“Well, I honestly didn’t know what to expect,” Colgate said. “But the two of you seemed pretty evenly matched. I don’t know what else to say.”

“Yeah, to think that in this armor, I can stand up to somepony who’s not only skilled in magic, but got training from the captain of the royal guard, and saved Equestria twice. Imagine what I could do if it modified it a little.”

“You’re going to make my bass cannon first, right?” Vinyl asked, not too far behind us.

“Of course V. I’ll get to it as soon I can.”


Author's Note:

Seth's POV
Character Profiles #1
Name: Screwball
Race: Earth Pony
Occupation: Model (only doing this until she can start her own company)
Coat Color: Pink
Mane Color: Purple & White
Eye Color: Purple
Special Talent: Being a mad scientist
Theme Song: You're Gonna Go Far Kid by: The Offspring