• Published 4th Apr 2013
  • 950 Views, 3 Comments

The Supernumeraries - KenSES64

A Mad Scientist, an Alicorn Princess, and Two Royal Guards are only some of the ponies in these stories.

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Lunch with the Brother

Lunch with the Brother

------------------------------------------------------*Light Arrow*-----------------------------------------------------

Well, I had a few days off from guard duty and now I’m on a train to Ponyville about to go met up with Screwball. We’ve been seeing each other for a about a month and a half now, and she’s asked me to come down to Ponyville to meet her brother.

So I’m getting to meet her family. It should be fine, I mean what’s the worst that could happen...

Eventually, the train arrived at the station and I hopped off. For some reason it didn’t take nearly as long as I remember it. Oh well. When I stepped off the train my first instinct was to go look around for Screwball, but she was already there, smiling at me.

“Hey there,” She said as she practically glomped me. Not that I minded.

“Hi,” I said grinning back.

“Its good to see you,” she said as she got off of me.

“Its good to see you too,” I said back to her. “Never thought I’d be back in Ponyville anytime soon, but here I am.”

“You’ve been here before?” she asked, giggling.

“Yeah, once or twice,” I replied as she led me out of the station to her house.


The following day around noon Screwball led me through town towards the restaurant where we were supposed to meet her brother and his wife. I recognized a little bit of Ponyville from when I was here last, back when my friend Seth got married. That was almost a year ago now.

Eventually we made it to the restaurant. When we got there, we walked right past the mare at the front and headed towards one of the outdoor tables where to my surprise I saw a very familiar midnight black unicorn stallion and rainbow maned pegasus mare.

The unicorn’s jaw drops practically dropped when he saw me.

“Light Arrow?!” he exclaimed.

“Oh… hey Seth… what are you doing here?” I asked him, scratching the back of my head.

“Well, I was waiting for my sister so she could introduce me to her new coltfriend that she’s been talking about.” Now it was my turn for my jaw to drop. “I’d ask you what you’re doing here too, but since you’re here with Screwball right now, I think I can put two and two together.”

“You’ve got to be bu-” Before I could finish that sentence, Screwball cut me off.

“Wait? You two know each other?” Screwball said as she looked back and forth between us.

“Yeah, he was at our wedding,” Seth replied, wrapping one of his forelegs around Rainbow Dash. It was at that point that I noticed the bandages around his forehooves.

“Oh…” Screwball said in realization. “Well I was… a bit tipsy then, so-”

“Waitwaitwaitwaitwait…” I interjected while frantically waving my hooves. “You’re telling me that there was a drunk supermodel at your wedding and I didn’t notice?”

“You were probably busy hitting on Pinkie Pie something,” Seth just said while rolling his eyes.

There was an awkward silence between us for a few seconds. Eventually, Screwball spoke up and said, “Well umm… let’s all sit down, okay?”

With that, the two of us sat down with Seth and Rainbow Dash. Almost as soon as we did, a waitress quickly came to take our orders.

“So umm..., how did you two meet?” Rainbow Dash finally asked. Thank Celestia she was the one who asked that and not Seth… Not sure why that made me feel a little bit better.

“Well,” Scewball began, I figured it’d be best to let her take this one. Better her than me. “My friend Fleur de lis set me up on a date with Prince Blueblood. Long story short, he was a douche and… umm… left. Light was there as his guard, and I ended up having dinner with him instead. He was so much nicer and well… here we are.”

“What about you guys?” I quickly asked as soon as she was done. “I mean, I don’t recall hearing how you two met.” The two of them just stared at me for a few seconds, but then Seth opened his mouth to speak.

“Well…” Seth began, but Rainbow quickly covered his mouth with her hoof before he could get another word out.

“Let me explain,” she said to him. “Last time you did you almost gave my dad an aneurysm.”

“What?” I asked

“He didn’t word it the best way.”

“Ah, okay.”

“Anyways,” Rainbow Dash began. “I was asked by our friend Applejack to help her take down her old barn. I agreed, mostly because it gave me a chance to test out a trick I was working on. Anyway, on the way we ran in Seth, who was sleeping in the middle of Sweet Apple Acres. That’s pretty much all there is to how we met. How we got together is an even longer story.”

“Which I can take that from there,” Seth said with a smile before snuggling Rainbow a bit.

“You’re just going to sweet talk as much about me as you can aren’t you?” she asked in a playful manner.

“Possibly,” he replied.

“Fine, but don’t be too embarrassing,” Rainbow just said with a sigh.

“Oh please, if I embarrassed you I’m sure you wouldn’t of married me.”

‘Geeze won’t these two get on with it?’ I couldn’t help but think to myself. I mean, yeah I’d never seen Seth with his wife, but I never imagined he could be so… lovey dovey…

“Anyways,” Seth continued. “From there the two of us spent some time hanging out together. Pulling pranks on Nightmare Night, helping each other out with problems, watching her tricks, or just whatever. Then one day I realized that I had feelings for her, though I didn’t say anything about it. Then came Hearts Warming Day… and that was the day I came clean about being created by Discord.”

Being created by Discord… That didn’t shock me or anything, I always knew that about him. Tatarus, Discord was at his wedding, not easy to forget a thing like that, but the larger implication hit me like a freight train… Screwball was Seth’s sister…. Celestia help me I’m dating the daughter of Discord.

Not sure if I should be terrified or not.

Seth continued, seemingly oblivious to my internal panicking, “She didn’t take it too well at first, not that I blame her, but we eventually talked about it and I confessed my love for her.” At that Seth turned to Rainbow. “I was so happy to hear that she felt the same.” Then at that he nuzzled her again. “There that wasn’t too embarrassing, was it?”

“No, but knowing you, I was expecting way worse,” Rainbow said. Celestia these two really are lovey dovey.

After that nopony spoke for a few moments. Eventually I decided to break it.

“If you don’t mind me asking, What happened to your hooves, Seth?” I asked.

“Eh, long story,” Seth replied. “I sort of... got into a bit of a disagreement with a universe destroying goddess, and my hooves got a little burned from trying to rip off her horn.” He said that like that was a completely normal thing to say. What was even more surprising was that neither Rainbow, or Screwball had any reaction to it.

Eventually, we got our food and talked a bit more while we ate. Thankfully Rainbow did most of the talking, Seth just mostly followed her lead.

After we finished our food, Rainbow and Screwball went off to the “little filly’s room,” leaving me alone with Seth. Part of me wanted to stop them, but I thought better of it. I mean, what’s the worst that could happen? It’s Seth, we’ve been friends for a long time, the worst he could do is- And just before I could finish that thought I looked back at him to see him glaring death at me.

“Okay, we need to talk,” Seth said to me. If looks could kill, Seth probably already would have killed me by now.

“Now Seth,” I tried to say. “I just want you to know that I-”

“Listen, you’re my friend, nothing about that has changed in the past hour.” Okay, maybe this would be as bad as I tho- “But remember back at my bachelor party, you said something along the lines of, what was it again? Oh yeah, ‘I just don’t see the point in tying yourself down to one mare.’” CRAP! He did remember that. “Now theres something you should know. For the longest time, Screwball was the only family I had, so I care a lot about her. Now, I don’t know if you still feel the same way as you did back at my party, but if you do, then I’m just gonna say this now. I’ve fought an extradimsional gargoyle, Chrysalis, a half dragon half gargoyle hybrid, a copy of myself, and a universe destroying goddess, you don’t scare me at all. If you break my sister’s heart in any way, if she comes crying to me… Then I swear this planet won’t be a big enough place for you to hide. Are we clear?”

I couldn’t speak. I just stared into his eyes that despite being a warm red they seemed ice cold. Though I didn’t need to look into them to know that he meant every word he was saying. Especially the “planet won’t be a big enough place for you to hide” part.

I didn’t get a chance to respond to his question though. Before I could Screwball and Rainbow Dash returned, and the second he was within eye shot of her, he regained his former, lovey dovey composure, smiling at them like nothing happened.

I made a mental note not to screw this up… at all…… Do I even know how to let a girl down gently? Buck me...


After that we said our goodbyes and left. Screwball and I spent the rest of the day together until I had to go back to the train station. Screwball went with me of course.

“So, that seemed to go well,” Screwball said.

“Yeah, I guess,” I replied. Seth’s words still haunted me, though I still wasn’t entirely sure just how scared I should be. Could the princesses take down Seth? They probably could….

And now I’m starting to wonder if this mare is worth it or not.

Then my train arrived, my thought process screeching to a halt along with it. Just before I was about step onto it, the next thing I knew I was suddenly pulled and Screwball pressed her lips against mine. We stood there for what seemed like forever, neither of us really wanted to let go. Though eventually, we did. We both knew we had to.

“Bye,” Screwball said with a slight giggle before walking off.

I just stood there and watched her walk away, her hips swaying with every step. There was only one thing I could think to say.

“Yup, she’s totally worth it.”

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