• Published 14th Mar 2013
  • 2,360 Views, 26 Comments

Dagon magic: The tale of Spike the Dragon - Slick Dash

Spike descovers he can use magic, but he descovers that there's more to his power than spells in books... its in his blood!

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The aging spell

-2 months later-

"Heya Twilight, how's it going?" Rainbow dash said casually as she trotted in through the open door to the library. The magenta alicorn looked up from her books looking completely demented. Dash paused, unsure of whether to mention the large bags under her friend's eyes, or the manic smile spread across her lips. "Uhhh Twilight? Y-you feeling alright?"
"Alright?" Twilight asked, sounding slightly insane! "Of course I'm alright hehe, it's not like I'm finding this new alicorn magic even slightly difficult!" She returned her hectic eyes to the books studiously. "Like the study of the complexities of solar, lunar and celestial anomalies, or the fabrication and materialisation of antimatter within mass teleportation spells."

Rainbow stared. "Uhhh rigggghhht... I think you should lay off the studying Twilight..." The mare looked up again from the wrinkled pages and stared for a moment, her eye twitched for a moment, still with the manic smile on her face, she turned her head back to the books silently. "Ummm... Spike here?" Rainbow asked, receiving a distracted grunt and a stray wave of a hoof from the studying alicorn. Glad for a reason to escape the craziness of the library, Dash hovered into the air, and shot up to the room she knew Spike would be in. The upstairs study.

The cyan pegasus strode into the room, looking behind her, worried she'd still see that smile just over her shoulder. When she was sure Twilight was still downstairs, she pushed the door closed and turned to the occupied armchair. "She's gone nuts!" Rainbow cried. "Spike, you gotta do something!" The baby dragon looked up from the pages of the book that had fast become his most treasured possession.
"Hey Rainbow, naaahhh, she's fine."
"Fine?! I half expected her to string me up and cut off my wings or something!" She shuddered at the thought. The dragon looked at the mare for a moment, frowning. 'That sounds kind of cool!' he thought. The two stayed silent for a moment then laughed. When it died, the rainbow pony came over to the chair. The dragon addressed her as she approached.
"Seriously though, she's fine. She gets like that when her studies kick up a notch, she'll be fine tomorrow probably. A little tired maybe, but fine."

Rainbow chuckled, then glanced over the dragon's shoulder.
"Any luck with that aging spell yet?"
"Nahhh." Spike muttered, folding the corner of his page and shutting it gently. As he closed it his eyes almost cried out with relief, they stung hard, causing him to rub them gently, when he looked up the stinging sensation had died down a little. "Some of the others are easy, I've got them down, but this aging spell isn't working." He grew dark, when he'd seen it he had been overjoyed. How popular would an adult dragon be in Ponyville? Well one who was friendly anyway, and as far as he had read, the change could be controlled, maybe he could mature to the same age as those dragons he'd met during their migration, prove that not all adolescent dragons were terrible!

Yet with all his hard work he couldn't even begin it, he wasn't sure why though, except... "Well, I think I have an idea of what's wrong but... weeellll..." Rainbow glanced up from the random knickknack she as inspecting, honest interest on her face.
"What? What is it?" Spike blushed profusely. Rainbow came over and snatched the book, bored of waiting for a response from the stuttering dragon.
"HEY!" Spike shouted, bounding out of the chair, he hopped up and snatched the book back fast from the pegasus's hooves. "Be careful with it!" He said lovingly, caressing the cover gently as though it were the most valuable gem. Rainbow rolled her gentle pink eyes.

"Living in a library is getting to you spike! You need to get outta here!" She leant against a nearby table and raised an eyebrow. "So, no messing around anymore! What d'yah think's up with the spell?" Spike sighed and turned back as to not look the mare in the eye. He reached up and placed the book on the cushion of the chair.
"Well..." He gently gripped the arms of the chair, not looking forward to the response he was about to receive. "The book says the dragon casting the spell... well... he has to have 'Experienced a milestone in maturity.'" Rainbow suppressed a snort of laughter.
"Pffft, yeah, good luck with that 'Baby' dragon!" She put emphases on the word 'baby' just like Spike knew she would. Dragon turned back, trying to explain himself fast.

"Look, it's not what you think! I'm sure it doesn't mean what you think!" He froze, blushing again, he reached to his head and ran his hand over his spines bashfully. "I think a kiss would do it!" Rainbow was now the one to blush.
"Uhhh... Look, Spike... no offense, but... I can't..." Spike's face fell, he knew it was a long shot, but Rainbow had been the only pony who'd shown interest. Maybe it had been because of the spell to grow wings that Spike had found, she might want a 'Flying buddy' seeing as Twilight was such a disappointment of one. (As Dash so often mentioned) Spike had been too focused on the aging spell though to try the complicated spell to gain flight. He had a reason for learning the aging spell, and it was far more important than a pair of wings to him!

"I'm sorry." Spike grimaced "I didn't mean to make you feel awkward! It's not as though I like you or anything..." Rainbow outright laughed this time.
"Gee thanks pal!" Spike rushed to correct his slip up.
"No, I meant, I like you! I really do, you're awesome!" Rainbow bristled with pride at the compliment. "I just don't , you know... I like Rarity..." Rainbow pushed off from the table and shrugged.
"Then ask her to do it?" She suggested. If spike had blushed before he nearly burst into flames with how hot his face grew.
"No." He said horrified at asking.
"She's done it before!"She said, then frowned. "Wait... yeah, she has done! So what's the problem with the spell if she's kissed you?" Spike suddenly grew silent.
"Y-you can kiss a filly, but that doesn't make them mature... I think... a... a real kiss is what it needs..." Rainbow's jaw dropped.
"Oh...my gosh!" Her eyes opened wide with wonder. "You should ask her all the more! Your first reel kiss and all that! Don't you want it to be Rarity?!" Rainbow encouraged, a devious smile on her face. Inside she was just dying to see the conversation that would take place with the fashionista and the little dragon.
"No I can't!" Spike screamed, rushing a few hasty steps to the pegasus. "You need to help me get a kiss from somepony else! Rarity can't know!"

Spike had more reason than embarrassment, he needed the next time Rarity saw him to be when he was older, her age, that was what he was aiming for! It was the best chance he had, he'd even skipped their last two monthly gem hunts so that she began to wonder where he was, he'd given this plenty of thought.

Rainbow let out a short whistle. "Well... I've got one way..." She mused. Spike's eyes widened with joy.
"Really? How?!" Rainbow smirked.
"Just leave all the talking to me Spike, then you'll get your kiss." With that, Rainbow took to the air, shooting over Spike, she scooped him up. The dragon just had time as he realised what had happened, to grab the tome sat on the chair just before he sped out of reach. Clasping it close to his chest he asked curiously.
"Where are we going?" Rainbow was still smirking as they broke out onto the stairs.
"To fluttershy's!" She whispered as they streamed out of an open window.

The breeze ruffled the many pages of the books laid out on the tables and floor, the wind ruffled the mane of the unconscious alicorn, fast asleep on top of one of her books. The cold air made her grumble and turn her head over unaware that both her friend and her assistant had now vacated the premises on their way to Fluttershy's cottage.

He'd felt it.

It had come slowly at first.

Now the feeling was growing with each passing day.

A stink of magic.

A dragon had discovered the old art, and learning fast.

He smiled, his two pointed fangs glinting in the dim light of the fire.

He leant back in his chair, admiring the goblet in his hand, pure gold.

Around him lay many jewels and gems, gold and other precious metals, wines and food from across the globe.

He savoured the bouquet of the liquid before tipping it back into his mouth.

A snap of his fingers.

Something moves from out of the shadows of the large hall like room.

A dragon, white with pale blue spines. Thin and meek looking. He nods ready to take his order, fear obvious in his eyes.

"There's a dragon out there..." the dragon nodded furiously. "Learning magic." Another nod. "I want it found." Immediately the dragon bowed and rushed out of the room, back into the shadows.

"Hmmm..." The figure mused, reaching down with a dark red tail picking up a new bottle of wine. "You seem to be quite a fast leaner..." He addressed the dark as no one was truly there. "Why is that? Have you been preparing? Or are you just talented?"

He took a swig from the bottle, an instant later he spewed it out in disgust.

The bottle smashed against the stone wall, thrown out of pure loathing.

"Well..." He applied pressure to the golden goblet.

It crumpled beneath a dark grew glowing hand.

"I guess we'll just have to see..." His amber eyes gleamed in the dark, as he began to chuckle to himself, which soon grew into a loud laugh, eventually it built up to an almighty roar as he relished the fact that another of his kind was beginning to learn the art. Yet another to test himself against!


"I-I-I'm sorry, I mustn't have heard you right Rainbow..." Fluttershy said cautiously, her cheeks a rosy pink of embarrassment as she looked from her smiling cyan friend and the baby dragon trying to look everywhere but at the sunshine yellow mare. She gave a sheepish smile, unsure if this was a joke or not. Backing away a few steps she continued carefully, trying to make sure her words upset the friends due to her being so silly. "I could have sworn you just said that I should..." She blushed deeper, looking down to the ground she hid her face by her falling pink mane. "Kiss Spike!"

"Yeah!" Rainbow said simply, brimming with confidence. "It's not much Fluttershy, after all, he really does like you!" Spike's head snapped around to stare at Rainbow in horror. Fluttershy glanced up from behind her mane, genuine surprise on her face.
"He does? Oh... O-oh my!" She glanced over to the baby dragon and caught his eye. The two both immediately looked away, too ashamed to look each other in the eye.
"Yeeeeaahhh! Of course he does!" Rainbow continued, leaning back as though it was indescribable how much Spike liked the shy pegasus. "PLUS!" Spike's stomach sank at whatever Rainbow was about to say next! "It's his birthday!"

"What?" Fluttershy looked up in both surprise and worry on her face. "Really? Oh no, I had no idea! I would have bought you something Spike if I had known!" Spike murmured something too quietly to be heard, this was horrible. He wanted to be older, but not if it came with all these lies.
"Don't worry about it!" Rainbow smiled simply, throwing Fluttershy's comment away with a wave of her cyan hoof. "All he really wants is a kiss from you that's all!"
"Oh..." Fluttershy's eyes grew wide, realising that she wouldn't want to disappoint the baby dragon twice in one day, no present and then no kiss! "R-really? Is that true Spike?" Spike smiled at her kindly while mentally kicking himself for ever asking for Rainbow's help!

This was the wrong move!

Fluttershy clearly saw this kind gesture as an answer of 'yes' and blushed yet again! "Oh... ok then..." Spike sagged with amazement. How had Rainbow have known that would work? Then when he came to think about it, she hadn't. She'd only pushed the rather submissive mare into it really!

Slowly, very slowly. Fluttershy began to make her way over to the dragon. Rainbow suppressed a laugh as her master plan came to its climax! Spike stood there dumbfounded, unsure what he was supposed to do! He was still clutching the book! The book! He needed it now!

There was no incantation, nothing like that, only thoughts: Strong bones, powerful arms and legs, proud spines... The book wasn't exactly a book to be read as a crowning achievement of literature. Spike though of these now, this was his only chance. He put a hand to his mouth as Fluttershy stopped before him. He needed to light a gentle fire in his stomach, then he was ready! Masking the ignition with a loud (Deliberately sounding) nervous cough, he looked up at the mare who now looked rather sheepish.

"Umm... Happy birthday Spike!" She leant down, closing her eyes as she did. Her lips closed and puckered up slowly as her face came ever closer. She was aiming for his cheek. Now or never!

Spike flicked his head up, puckering his own purple lips. The lips that until he read the spell, he had been saving for the radiant lips of his beloved Rarity!


Fluttershy's eyes flew open in shock as she realised the feeling of not a cheek, but a small pair of lips. Rainbow silently pumped her hoof in victory! 'Yet another job accomplished by this town's most awesome pony!' She thought to herself proudly. She glanced up in time to see it though.

Spike was simply hanging there, suspended in the same pose his body had been in as his lips touched Fluttershy's. The two were still attached by the small contact of flesh between them, Fluttershy was obviously confused. She tried to move, but her hooves wouldn't obey her. Only her eyes shot around, searching for an answer! They eventually rested on Rainbow, who's face had fallen into complete disbelief. The fearful teal eyes stared at her, beseeching her friend some information as to what this was. Was it some kind of joke?

Fire erupted from Spike, for one terrified moment, he thought the fire he had inside him was shooting through his slightly parted lips into the terrified pegasus ahead of him. It was the same sensation, the warm flicking of the flames dying and ebbing down. Yet as he looked Spike saw no smoke emit from between their lips, or a single sign of pain on Fluttershy's face!

Rainbow ad Fluttershy on the other hoof, could see perfectly fine what was happening. The emerald flames streamed out like liquid from beneath Spike's purple and green scales. It flowed in all directions, slowly cocooning the dragon in a constantly seething and shifting mass of flames. They crept up his neck, and that's when Spike saw it out the furthest corner of his eye. This was odd, the fire was completely neutral! It held no heat! This was confirmed when the emerald flames seeped over his snout and brushed Fluttershy's muzzle, the flames merely acted like a breeze, pushing her short fur up slightly. She shivered, unable to help it with the odd sensation combined with her terror at what was happening.

The fire blossomed over Spike's face, covering his spines and head until all that were left were the bright green eyes looking back at Fluttershy, nothing but remorse and regret in them as he silently apologised. Why hadn't he thought of what might happen, the book never mentioned what would happen to whoever kissed him. Heck, the book mentioned a milestone in maturity, it never said the spell needed casting at that exact point! Why had he been so hasty?!

The fire irrupted over those eyes, cutting the baby dragon off from all sight.

Suddenly Fluttershy's legs came back under her control, she had been forcing them to push back with no response, now with no warning, control came back, shoving her back further than she meant to. She looked to Rainbow for answers. "What's going on? What did I do? Did I do something wrong?" Rainbow shook her head, never breaking eye contact with the seething, shifting being of emerald flame. In spite of her fear, Fluttershy turned to it as well. Though terrifying to the two ponies, the magic taking place was mesmerizingly beautiful!

Movement! Rainbow was sure she saw something purple move just underneath the surface of the Flames, a second later and she saw Fluttershy jump slightly just to the side, clearly she had spotted something under there to! The flames were growing brighter, their faint crackling the only sound that came from within the cottage, even the animals had fallen silent as the kiss had taken place, they too were hypnotised by the fire, unable to return to normal until it ended, of it ever did. There seemed to be no end in sight! The fire didn't ebb in intensity or anything like normal fire, it simply continued in the usual two shades of Spike dragon fire!

A grunt.

The fire flickered suddenly.

Something moved beneath the surface again, far more noticeable this time!

Slowly, from the bottom, flowing upwards...

The fire began to die.

The plumes of flame began to flow out, giving the impression of a green rose, shedding its petals as winter comes.

As more of it dispersed, more of what hung in the air beneath was being revealed. A long, strong looking tail uncurled from in front of the dragon's face, straightening until it touched the ground. He still hung in the air, curled in a ball like a tiny infant.

Both mares could see how different he looked already! Rainbow of course knew why, Fluttershy had no idea. But his longer legs, being held by clearly longer, wider and stronger arms, his enormous green spines and plumes jutting out, all of these said one thing.

Spike was taller.

Spike was stronger.

Spike... was older!