• Published 14th Mar 2013
  • 2,360 Views, 26 Comments

Dagon magic: The tale of Spike the Dragon - Slick Dash

Spike descovers he can use magic, but he descovers that there's more to his power than spells in books... its in his blood!

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Fixing the chair

"S-Spike?!" Rarity stared in utter astonishment at the now mature dragon standing in her doorway. Hidden around the corner of the boutique, Rainbow Dash suppressed a laugh at the platinum unicorn's reaction. 'Exactly as I guessed!' she thought.
"B-but... w-what..." Rarity couldn't even string a sentence together, she was too amazed by the now towering figure blocking the sunlight behind him, engulfing the fashionista in his shadow. Spike smirked and opened his mouth to speak, but was cut short by a high pitched squeal from Sweetie Belle.

"You're huge!" She said simply rushing over to the dragon and circling him fast like a wild cat, taking in every possible detail. Spike laughed and lunged for the filly who screamed with laughter as he swooped her up. The dragon proceeded to tickle the filly's stomach lightly with his new longer fingers. Rarity couldn't help but laugh lightly at the sight. "Lemme go! Lemme go!!!!" Sweetie Belle squealed in false protests as she giggled wildly at the torture. Finally the dragon obliged her, setting her on the floor.

"I've got to go tell Apple Bloom and Scootaloo!" Sweetie squealed with excitement, rushing out of the open door without another moment's hesitation. Her departure left the room in utter silence. Spike glanced nervously at Rarity who stood stationary, still not looking away from the completely different Spike from what she had seen only two days ago.
"Ummm... Spike blushed profusely, he ruffled his large spines nervously. "C-can I come in?" Rarity shook herself out of whatever thoughts she was lost in, and her face grew astonished as she realised how rude she had been.
"Oh! Of course Spike, I'm so sorry darling! Do come in." The dragon did so and entered the boutique, stooping under the door frame as he did so.

Rainbow smiled from her concealed spot behind a bush. She stood and stretched her wings. Admittedly she was happy for Spike, maybe he had a chance now, Celestia knows he deserved at least that much after the work he'd put into getting to where he was now! Yet she still looked forward more to hopefully having a challenge when flying. Now he was getting what he wanted, maybe he'd use that wing spell finally! Her feathers twitched in the wind that rolled over her gently. Well, time to get some practise in before she had to prove herself to the dragon! With a single swoop of her wings, she rocketed into the air and was soon well into the distance of the summer sky.

Inside the building Rarity rushed out of sight for a moment, probably to get a drink or something similar for her guest. So Spike patiently waltzed into the living room, now radically different from what he remembered. It all looked so darn small! He spotted his favourite armchair in the house, and made a B-line for it longing for the comfort of the familiar cushions. He stooped low and sat down, closing his eyes in anticipation of the comfort.


Spike's eyes flew open as he bolted back to his feet. Turning around he saw that the chair had simply crumbled beneath his newfound weight. Consumed in panic, his head snapped around checking if Rarity was coming back! Darn it! She was just emerging from the small kitchen.

Rarity held a small tray in her mystical blue magic, a glass of soda and a few of her lesser gemstones. Spike's favourite! She looked up at the living room, and froze. There Spike stood, very awkwardly as he held a cushion from the now demolished chair in his claws, obviously trying to see the true extent of the damage. He blushed again, the scales over his cheeks turning almost scarlet.
"Ummm, I can fix that!" He said nervously, not breaking eye contact with the platinum pony. For a moment she stared, then as the detail sunk in and she realised what must have happened, she began to chuckle at the sight of such a large and slightly intimidating creature looking like a filly caught with a hoof in the cookie jar. Spike joined her, unable to help it as he realised he wasn't in trouble. Their laughs continued to build until they were shaking as the screams of laughter exploded from them.

Distracted by the comedy, Rarity's horn began to flicker like a candle being blown out. The magical cloud around the tray began to sputter out of existence, still unnoticed by its caster. Spike noticed the little details as his laugh died, and as he noticed, the magic dissipated completely, cutting Rarity's laugh off instantly as she gasped as the tray dropped. "WOAH!" Spike shouted, flinging a hand out at the falling confectionaries. His hand exploded with a cloud of its own magical hew, a dark flowing green speckled with flecks of bright blue. Almost in slow motion, the tray slowed as it was caught by the magic and finally stopped a mere few inches from the floor.

Rarity stared incredulously at the fast reflexes of the dragon, who still stood there stooping low, his arm stretched out towards the tray. He straightened, his eyes wide in surprise as he lifted his hand and the tray levitated higher at his slight movement. Rarity silently took the tray back with her own magic, letting Spike release it. The two waited in silence for a moment, finally Rarity spoke up. "That was ummm... quite... impressive Spike. I had no idea your magic had come along so quickly."
"You and me both." Spike grimaced as Rarity came over and placed the tray on the living room table. Not wishing to risk the destruction of another chair by sitting on it, Spike remained standing. It was true, levitation -though a basic spell for ponies- had not even been mentioned in Spike's book. So how had that just happened? Was it instinct? No, magic was spells and incantations, not natural reactions... or was it?

He glanced over to the ruined chair, unsure if he should try, then again if it worked, he'd look pretty darn impressive! Maybe it would even break the silence that kept coming between them! Was that just because of his changed appearance? If so, then what was with the tension in the air? In one fell swoop he decided to do it! He was old enough for her now, time to turn on the charm, if he could at all!

What was that?! The white dragon fumbled through the sky, his wings grew heavy beneath the strength of the magical pressure that had just exploded into being around the target, almost sending him plummeting to the raging sea below! He was closer to the source, but the range wasn't the problem. It was the ability itself. That was no spell! He'd only felt that feeling around two dragons before. One was his master! It was the pressure of magic it its natural state! A power able to blend with its caster, and cater to their every whim. His master may have been right.

This one could be a challenge to his master! Maybe the end of his master too if given enough time! With newfound haste, the creature flapped his wings and in one thunderous swish, was propelled through the layer of magical energy and out into the clear sea air once again, looming ever closer to his target!

With a glint in his eye, he saw land not far ahead. Equestria.

"No... NO...No, no, no, nooooo!" Celestia soared through the air of the library around the many shelves of books, scouring them for a single sign of the book she knew was long gone.
"Sister!" An astonished Luna mouthed from the ground, staring up at her sibling zipping around like a disgruntled hummingbird. "W-what's wrong with Twilight having a book? Especially seeing as she's a princess now, surely she should know everything she can, to prepare for her rule if it ever comes!"
"YOU DONT UNDERSTAND!" Celestia's face was suddenly up against Luna in blind panic. Her eye twitched horrifically as she gazed into Luna's dark azure irises.

"That book..." she muttered floating away to the next row of shelves. "THAT BOOK!" She screamed in an anguished shriek. She flung her hoof out suddenly and struck the defiant shelf that defied her wishes, sending it toppling into the one behind it. Soon it would create a cataclysmic chain of events if not for Luna's quick thinking.
"CELESTIA!" She screamed, halting the solar alicorn's mid-air rant. When the veil of rage passed, Celestia looked down to her sister to see her holding the toppled shelves in her dark hew of magic. The books were suspended in the air, mid-fall, and the shelves leant at their impossible angles for a moment, before time seemed to reverse, as Luna righted the wrong of her big sister.

As the final book slotted back into its place, the radiant Celestia touched down on the ground looking quite lost after losing herself in the world of rage. Luna let her magic dissipate and began to walk over to her fellow ruler.
"T-thank you..." Celestia said shakily.
"It's ok big sister." Luna smiled, heading over and offering her wing for her shaky sister to lean on, Celestia took it gratefully. They approached a table with two chairs waiting for them, as they moved across the now eerily quiet library Luna asked. "Sister... am I missing something? What's so terrible about this book?" Celestia didn't answer immediately, only when she was sat down, shaking slightly, could she bring her lips to move.
"I... I knew about it... I couldn't bring myself to destroy it! It... it was the pinnacle... the pinnacle of a species' evolution, recorded for anyone to discover..." Celestia didn't seem to be addressing her sister, her lips just moved with no registration with her mind.

Luna listened with rapt attention, determined to understand the true extent of her blunder. Celestia shuddered, still addressing the open, empty room. "I had to... keep it... to preserve the last..." She paused, "The last..." she whispered wistfully. Suddenly her eyes grew focused, they snapped to Luna's face. "Do you remember... Zmaj?" Luna was astonished, she hadn't heard a word of Celestia's old dragon assistant, the dear friend of both the royal alicorns.
"Y-yes... of course I do. He was who I actually thought of when explaining the magic to Twilight..." She paused, unsure if she should ask. "...Why?"

Celestia's head grew heavy, as it always did whenever she thought of the time her sister lost her way to darkness.
"I do not know if you remember dear sister... but... when you became Nightmare Moon, Zmaj was the friend who helped me find the elements of harmony. To... to stop you..." Luna looked surprised!
"L-little Zmaj?" Celestia smiled sadly.
"Not so little Zmaj, he was practising magic more than ever when you turned..." She bit her lip before pushing through the difficult statement. "In an attempt to become strong enough to save you." Luna's eyes twinkled with a glint of sadness.
"He did always... like me..." Celestia nodded.
"He was travelling with me, trying to find the elements , and... we found another dragon. A natural one, not brought up among ponies. Her name was Andriel, she joined us, and the two... grew close... as we found the first few elements..." Luna smiled through the tears, happy to hear her little admirer had eventually gotten over her.

"One day," Celestia continued, "They kissed, and little Zmaj transformed. From that little helper I once knew, to a large strong specimen of a teenage dragon." Celestia sighed and stood. "You remember, how before you turned, dragon magic was a longstanding tradition?" Luna nodded. "Do you recall how the ones who practised the art, were creatures that remained the average height of me or you, standing on their hind legs and using their forelegs as arms with hands?" Another nod from the lunar princess. "Well that was what Zmaj became, and after we defeated Nightmare Moon, that is what he remained. He and Andriel became two of the strongest magic casting dragons in the wrold..."
"Zmaj?!" Luna asked, amazed that such a clumsy and whimsical creature as the little assistant had been, could become such an astonishing spectacle. Celestia nodded, unable to stop a small smile spread across her thin lips. She understood Luna's surprise, she should have told her little sister all of this long ago...

"Then..." the solar Alicorn's voice dropped low, dropping all pretence of joy and replacing it with an air of complete foreboding. "A new dragon came..." Celestia closed her eyes, remembering that night in the rain. "He was a master of magic. The strongest ever by the reports of our scouts. However, he had no interest in ponies... only dragons... FIGHTING dragons with strong and powerful magic!" Luna's eyes widened, unable to believe that such creatures existed, ones consumed only with the want to fight others. "He killed many... the number of victims still isn't sure... but it lies well within the hundreds..."

Luna finally spoke again with mourning in her voice. "He went after Zmaj, didn't he?" Celestia held a hoof up, requesting quiet. She had never told this story, and now she had begun, she could not bring herself to stop, even for a moment.
"He began to hunt Zmaj and Andriel. Still killing any dragon who could find with magic as he followed them. He was singlehandedly the driving force to a genocide of the dragon mages." Celestia almost heard the thunder of that night in the distance. The echoing knocks on the castle gates. "Soon, Zmaj and Andriel were all that was left... so... they came here." Luna leant in. "They weren't alone." Luna's jaw dropped in horror.
"The murderer?"
"No." Celestia shook her head, obvious horror etched across every inch of her face. "Worse... Andriel had with her... an egg." Luna gasped. "The child of two of the strongest mages in the entire dragon species... it became obvious from the second I saw that egg. Why the two were being hunted... The murderer, no, the MONSTER! He wanted a challenge, that much was clear! But he didn't wish to be killed. That egg held to much promise, so he set out to crush it along with its parents."

"What did you do?" Luna asked in a whisper. Celestia sighed and looked to her hooves.
"I accepted the egg, against my better judgement, and only under the condition that it never be allowed to learn magic...and... and... that Zmaj and Andriel left Equestria, and led the monster well away from my subjects..." She began to shake gently as her eyes closed. A single tear ran down her cheek, the sight was far worse than if she had been wailing and sobbing. It was the look of a creature resigned to defeat. "My...my oldest friend... and I begrudgingly accepted his only child, if he left to never see it born." Luna stood now, and came over to her sister, embracing her tightly.

"Is... is that why you didn't want the book leaving the library? So another monster wasn't born? Spike would never become something like that!" She smiled, trying to cheer her sister up. But the angelic alicorn simply shook her head. "Tia?" Luna asked, "Then what is it?" Through breathes that were beginning to shake, Celestia spoke.
"Zmaj... he..." She took a deep calming breathe, and continued. "In an attempt to stop the killer from becoming stronger, he destroyed every book on dragon magic he found. He was sure he had destroyed them all, but I knew he hadn't." The two sisters locked gazes as Celestia explained. "He forgot the journal he kept, where he wrote every spell he discovered by his own ability. He mustn't have registered it as a source of learning, as he had learnt from other books and simply recorded what he had done in that one." With a sigh of misery, Celestia finished her explanation. "I couldn't bring myself to destroy it. Knowing that it was the only piece of my old friend left once he had gone. I-I... I couldn't do it!" Luna gulped.

"Tia, I'm so sorry, I didn't know it meant so much to you. I can contact Twilight, she can bring it back. If you keep it out of the library this time, it'll never leave your possession again!" Another smile went unregistered by Celestia as she shook her head yet again. Looking up with red bloodshot eyes.
"Luna... don't you realise? That book, was Zmaj's journal. But that's not why I didn't want Twilight to have it. I knew what she would do with it!"
"Give it Spike?"
"Yes. Spike. Luna, how did you think I got Spike's egg to give to Twilight in the first place?"

Luna gasped!

"Yes, and if its anything like pony magic, someone looking out for it, can detect the magic he possesses, and mistake it for his father's or mothers..." Celestia looked grimly at her fellow ruler as the younger princess came to the same conclusion in her head. "Spike is in danger, so, twilight and all her friends are also in mortal peril!"

"Now Spike, this is completely unnecessary." Rarity protested as Spike held a hand out to the splintered remains of the chair.
"It's fine." Spike smiled to the mare, who blushed at the warm look and glanced away.
"I simply meant, you don't have to feel obliged, a lucky break with magic doesn't make you a master." She looked back to him, concern in her eyes. "I don't want something to go wrong and for you to get hurt!" Spike chuckled.
"Hey, I'll be fine, you gotta stop treating me like a little kid." Rarity looked in shock.
"You were until today!" Spike winked, showing it was a joke. Rarity stared for a moment in confusion, then the corner of her lips curled with amusement when it dawned on her what he meant.

"Now..." Spike turned back to the obliterated piece of furniture and clapped his hands together. Rubbing them slowly, sparks of blue energy began to spark across his digits as the magic began to crackle into existence. "Let's make some magic!"



The white dragon looked over the landscape scanning the green of the meadows and fields that had now replaced the swirling blue of the sea. He had passed a few country cottages, none of them had been strong in the sense of magic he was looking for. Now another surge of energy was roaring into existence, he was so close he could almost taste it! Looking further ahead of him, closer to the horizon, he spotted a blotch against the descending sun. A settlement of small thatched houses centred around a single town hall.

That was his destination!

He could almost see the magic in the air, swirling and rippling like a heat haze. By the feel of the energy, the slim dragon could tell the potential of the power was unimaginable, but it was simply being repressed. Was it casting a simple spell? If so, that power must be without equal, to have this much feedback from a quick casting...

Enough guessing! Time to see this prodigy of magic with his own eyes!

Without hesitation, the dragon rushed to the small town, honing in on the source of the distortions! A small building on the borders of the town, ornately decorated, which looked almost like a fairground carrousel.

Rarity watched as Spike's outstretched palm began to glow green. The light throbbed at the pace of a heartbeat, each time the glow pushed outward a small underlining of blue light throbbed outwards along with the green. The sight was utterly dazzling to a pony so focused on beauty and aesthetic, and this glow of magic was simply... 'fabulous.'

Spike glanced back quickly his eyes wide with amazement at his own ability, able to funnel the magic into his being without so much as a single incantation! He saw her mouth wide in admiration at the glow. Spike's head snapped back to hide his smirk, this 'impress Rarity' idea seemed to really be working! He could be in with a chance if he succeeded! Here goes nothing!

Spike crooked his elbow pulling the palm back slightly, then suddenly with all his thoughts on how he NEEDED to succeed, he surged the palm forward hopefully to force the magic from his palm into the splintered wood of the chair. The magic vanished. Spike blinked for a moment, confused.
"Uhhh..." Rarity began, unsure if she should move, she glanced around for that beautiful hew but saw no sign of it! "Spik-"

The chair rocketed up into the air! Surrounded in the same glowing dark green. Bolts readjusted themselves into the wooden frame, the splintered back bent back into shape, the split splinters fusing together once again. The torn material of the cushions sewed itself together once more. Ultimately, the chain of magical adjustments left a perfectly intact armchair floating in the air. Spike stared incredulously. He hadn't even done anything except think of the chair being fixed, all of the movements had happened almost automatically. Spike glanced down and saw his fingers twitching and bending subconsciously. As soon as it was brought to his attention his fingers stopped moving, and the chair dropped from its large height in the air. Spike quickly tried to catch it by lunging for it, his scaly fingers just managed to wrap around the short stumpy leg of the chair, and using his newfound strength he lowered it with one hand to the ground.

He turned around, his face bright with enthusiasm. Rarity was staring in awe at the spectacle.
"Spike... that was... was... amazing!" Rarity gasped her eyes not leaving the now pristine chair. Spike smiled and spread his arms to his sides, unable to hide his pride in his acoplishment.
"Tada!" He laughed.

Rarity smiled and came over to him, as she came over she picked up a gem in her magic as she passed the table and slotted it into the dragons mouth as a reward. Spike crunched it in one chew, a smile wide across his face as he gulped it down gratefully. After swallowing he opened his mouth to speak, ready to keep his winning streak going. Time to ask her if he could have another reward, a date! Or was that moving too quickly, he didn't care though! He had waited from the moment he had seen her angelic face, and now she was finally seeing him in an entirely new light! Or at least that was what the dragon was guessing from the completely different smile she was giving him! She was hiding something behind the curled lips!

The breathe he took was slightly shaky, so he coughed in an attempt to mask it and calm himself. The second one was a lot stronger, more confident! "Uhh... Rarity?" said unicorn looked up from the chair, which she was now inspecting with glee.
"Hmm?" She raised an eyebrow, which caused another blush almost push its way to the nervous dragon's cheeks. He pushed it back, shaking of the nervous jitters before opening his mouth to speak.

"I was wondering-"




Rarity jumped at the loud knocking at the front door of the boutique, Spike being the closest to the door turned and frowned. That sounded... odd... it wasn't the almost hollow noise of a hoof on wood, it sounded like the noise his own knuckles made on doors when he knocked. Except this was far louder, and violent sounding.

The spines on Spike's head and back quivered, as did the frills on the side of his head. The sensation felt horrible, it sent a cold shiver down his spine. But even though he hadn't felt it before, Spike's instincts told him that this feeling was more than just a simple case of creeps. There was something sinister behind the silence that screamed all around him. He couldn't even hear his own breathing.

Suddenly, Rarity was beside Spike. Finding comfort in her newly changed protector. Spike felt elated that he was the one she came to, but the feeling was dwarfed completely by the sense of foreboding that was growing fast in the pit of his stomach.
"Who is it?" Rarity asked loudly from the safety of Spike's company. She had clearly felt that something was wrong also.

A span of silence...




The unicorn let out a short squeak as she jumped yet again at the thunderous noise. Spike glared at the door, not only because it had caused his idol's fear, but also because the horrible quiet was beginning to unsettle him greatly.
"WHO'S THERE?!" The purple dragon shouted, far stronger than Rarity's timid question.


No more banging came.

Only silence.

Spike took a cautious step forward towards the door, he felt something smooth on his arm, he looked back to see a terrified Rarity staring up into his dark green eyes.
"Spike... I'm scared, who is that?!" Spike stooped and laid a finger against the panicking pony's lips, puckering his lips in a silent 'shush' before straightening and turning back to the door.

His clawed feet echoed as he walked across the hallway towards the entrance. The sense of terror only increased as no more noise escaped the other side of the door. "Hello?" Spike asked... no reply. finally a few feet from the door, Spike halted. Glancing back to Rarity he smiled. "See, whoever it was, they must have go-" An explosion burst from the door as something came ramming through and barrelled straight into Spike. Rarity let out a shriek of horror as the thing bore down on the defenceless dragon.

Spike only had a moment of clarity before the thing swung it's open jaw down towards his exposed throat. He saw white scales, blue frills, and sharp, deadly, black teeth.