• Published 19th Apr 2013
  • 5,174 Views, 118 Comments

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Magic - Strayan Phoenix

When a team of Explorers go on a bold quest to discover lands and treasure beyond the confines of their island home, they encounter a land of marvels, wonders and challenges like they've never even dreamed of.

  • ...

A New Adventure

[Somewhere in Quicksand Cave]


A significant portion of the cave wall suddenly disintegrated in a deafening explosion, throwing dust and smoke everywhere. Several figures disappeared under several tonnes of rock and sediment, as the others tried to regain their senses. A large bolt of bright yellow electricity suddenly ploughed through the mist with a resounding crack and slammed its target into the wall on the far side.

“Thought you could hide forever, didn’t you?” a menacing voice rumbled. A silhouette appeared amongst the dust flurry, “Crawdaunt! This is where your little crime spree ends!”

The Crawdaunt in question dragged itself off the floor, groaning in agony as sparks criss-crossed its body, “... How the Hell did you get all the way out here?! It’s Ground-Type central out here. I was sure that the locals would put a stop you...”

“You seriously don’t know what you’re dealing with, do you?” the voice chuckled, “Don’t worry, you’re not the first idiot to make that mistake. Besides, I brought a friend with me this time”.

A second, serpentine figure slithered into view. Its red eyes pierced through the dusty mist like lasers.
Crawdaunt chuckled darkly, “I never thought I’d see the day when you of all Pokémon would stoop down and require ‘help’... you always worked solo, didn’t you Zappo?” It spat the name with venom and disgust.

“No, not always,” Zappo replied, “Back when I started out, several years ago, I had a partner to support me when I needed him, and now he’s back in the business!”

Zappo and his friend stepped out of the mist, revealing their faces: a Raichu sporting sunglasses and a dark-blue backpack, along with a Serperior wearing a yellow Wonder Bag tied around his midsection, positioned on top of his spine. Both of them had pitch-black badges with little yellow stars pinned to their straps, indicating they were a Master Rank Three Stars Exploration Team.

“It’s been ages since we did something like this together, eh CJ?” Zappo remarked, stretching his arms about.

“It’s good to be back,” CJ smirked, “Sorry Crawdaunt, but this isn’t really your day!”

With that, CJ’s tail took a bright green glow as he charged forward with Leaf Blade. Crawdaunt gulped as he scuttled to his left to avoid the incoming blow. CJ swung about from the right, bringing his attack directly into the hapless criminal’s face, stopping it dead in its tracks.

Crawdaunt was sent flying again, this time landing in the dirt. It looked around at its frightened minions. “Well, GET THEM!!”
“No way dude,” a Cubone shivered in terror, “That’s Team Valkyrie man! I didn’t join up fo’ that!”

One by one, the minions all dropped on their hands and knees, begging for mercy, those who didn’t have hands or knees just bowed low towards the ground.

Zappo stifled a chuckle as he looked around at the spectacle. CJ sighed, “What do you think? They look like they’re truly sorry for hanging out with this vermin”.

“Some friends you lot are!” Crawdaunt growled furiously, “Betraying me like this!”

“It’s not worth it man!” the Cubone beckoned, “We’d take ‘em if they were anybody else, but we got a short straw this time!”

“Flattery only goes so far, mate,” Zappo growled with a bored look on his face, “You can quit sucking up to us now”.

“Okay,” the Cubone quickly shut its mouth.

“We’ll accept your apology,” said CJ sternly, “if and ONLY if you help us apprehend this criminal and NEVER join another gang AGAIN. Are we clear?”

The minions all nodded their heads profusely.

“This is bullshit!” Crawdaunt could only watch in shock as his own ‘friends’ promptly bound him up tightly with ropes from Zappo’s bag.

“Well, that was easier than expected,” Zappo frowned, “almost boring”.

“Hmm,” CJ nodded, “Ah well. Something easy to return to field work with then, eh?”

“Let’s get this moron to Officer Magnezone and collect our pay,” Zappo started dragging Crawdaunt by the tail.

For several minutes, they walked off in complete silence. Zappo frowned and turned about to the minions, “You guys don’t have to follow us home, you know. We’re not adopting you”.

“We’re gonna help turn this crook in!” a Wooper spoke up, almost a little too eagerly, “We’re reformed now”.

That’s just a little bit suspicious, Zappo thought to himself.

The Wooper slid up to Crawdaunt as they walked.

“Don’t worry boss,” it whispered, “we still have you covered”.

Crawdaunt raised an eyebrow in amusement.

It then walked back up to the Raichu innocently, “So, Mr Zappo, are we going to be in trouble when we get back?”

“I’m not the one to make that decision,” He replied simply.

A Cubone slipped across and snuck its hand into Zappo’s bag.

Wooper continued, “It was all Crawdaunt’s doing! He bullied us into hanging out with him!”

“Is that so?” Zappo stared straight ahead blankly.

“Zappo!” CJ suddenly yelled in concern, “Watch out!”

Zappo turned, “What-”

The Cubone had pulled a Blast Orb from the orb, and was preparing to throw it, “BANZAI MOTHERFUCKER!”

Quicker than they could blink, Zappo snatched it and pulled the Cubone over, causing it to land on top of the glowing orb.
The last thing that escaped the Cubone's mouth was a loud scream of “Ffffuuuu-”

There was a deafening explosion as the minion popped like a landmine, splattering them all in a sickly shade of red gunk.
There was a brief moment of silence, before everyone sprung into action at once.

Zappo reacted first, grabbing the Wooper by the feet and started swinging it around as a living club, knocking several other minions out in one sweep. Next to react was CJ, who lashed out with Leaf Blade, catching several of them unaware as the minions struggled to recollect their senses.

“Son of a BITCH!” Zappo yelled angrily, “Should’ve seen that coming!”

CJ stared in horror at the mess, “We just... killed someone...”

Zappo zipped the bag up with a huff, “Welcome back to Hell, mate. Let’s get this over with already!”

[Wigglytuff’s Guild]

“... And that’s about it! Any questions?” finished Wigglytuff.

Staring back at him were the other members of the Exploration Guild: Chatot, his personal assistant, Sunflora, Loudred, both Diglett and Dugtrio, Chimecho, Croagunk, and Bidoof. Also standing with them were Officer Magnezone and several of his deputies. All of them looked at him in a perplexed manner as they gathered around on the bottom level of the guild.

“I’m sorry? I didn’t understand ANY of that,” Chatot frowned, “You were talking too fast. Can you please slow it down a bit?”

“BZZT... Agreed... BZZT,” said Magnezone.

“Alright,” Wigglytuff sighed, “What I SAID was that I had a brilliant idea! We’ve explored almost every square inch of this continent we call home, no thanks to the abundance of Exploration Teams and Rescue teams that cropped up in the aftermath of Team Valkyrie’s adventures, all inspired by their heroic tale no doubt. So I had the idea, that we organise a team or two that can leave the island altogether and explore overseas!”

Chatot and the other Guild members looked puzzled, “Are you serious?! Nobody’s gone further away from this place than Blizzard Island, and that’s just a desolate wasteland”.

“This will be different though!” Wigglytuff beckoned eagerly, “Think of the possibilities! We could head out straight west and see what’s out there! It’s a big world we live in! There’s so much we haven’t discovered yet! I don’t think we’ve even scratched the surface just with what we’ve uncovered here!”

“While that sounds mighty interesting,” Bidoof stepped forwards, “What about if something goes wrong?”

“I don’t understand,” said Wigglytuff.

“If something happens,” Sunflora spoke up, “whoever we send will have no way of contacting us for help! They’ll be potentially stuck out there... all alone...”

“That’s why I already have in mind who we’re going to send,” Wigglytuff replied, “a group who can stand up to the challenges and overcome all obstacles with utmost proficiency!”

“You mean...” Dugtrio murmured.

The door upstairs suddenly slammed open.

“... and I don’t give a fuck if ‘Mr Seismitoad’ has a problem with that! I’ll kick his arse any day!”

“Zappo, I don’t think Seismitoad would bother to worry too much about this,” CJ said calmly, “What I want to know is how on earth we went from talking about the weather to a group of drug runners...”

Crawdaunt’s limp body suddenly slammed into the ground at the bottom of the ladder with a heavy thud as Zappo shouted from up top, “Present for Officer Magnezone!”

The Guild members reeled back in shock at the sight of it, covered in dust, ash and blood.

“Oh my GOSH!” exclaimed Sunflora, “What happened to him?!”

“His friggin’ dumbass mook happened, that’s what!” Zappo growled as he clambered down the ladder.

He noticed everyone’s horrified and shocked expressions cast in his direction.

“One of ‘em played ‘Stacks-On’ with a Blast Orb. Bastard went up like a fire-cracker,” He explained dismissively, “Now I have to clean his guts outta my fur, which is going to be a pain in the arse...”

“BZZT... I take it the mission was a success? BZZT,” asked Magnezone.

“Went like a charm,” CJ slithered down the ladder, covered in a similar layer of muck as his companion, “Just like old times”.

“BZZT... Very good then. I’ll see to it that your payment is sent directly to your account,” said Magnezone, “We hope you’ll continue assisting us in the future... BZZT”. Magnezone then floated up and out of the Guild, with the criminal and the deputies in tow.

“Now,” Wigglytuff stepped forward, “Team Valkyrie, there is something of great importance I wish to discuss with you”.

“We’re listening,” said Zappo, absentmindedly flicking bits of flesh from his paws.

“I’ve had an epiphany,” the Guildmaster said enthusiastically, getting straight to the point, “I had the idea that we should, for the first time in history, send an Exploration team overseas. Would you and your team be willing to step up and out into the world around us?”

CJ blinked in surprise, “Guildmaster, that’s...”

“Hmm?” Wigglytuff watched eagerly.

“That’s...” CJ struggled for words.


“... that’s AWESOME!” CJ exclaimed, “Of course! Zappo, just imagine what we could find! The challenges we could overcome!”

“I know, right?!” Wigglytuff became ecstatic, “We could extend our reach out beyond the confines of our own continent and possibly meet new civilisations! The possibilities are endless!”

Zappo shrugged nonchalantly, “I’m not fussed. As long as there’s something new for us to do”.

“We accept the offer!” CJ grinned.

Wigglytuff beamed, “Well, imagining only goes so far. We have a lot of work to do. Let’s get into ACTION!”

“Valkyrie shall have our full support,” Chatot nodded, “I’m confident that they will accomplish great things during their travels!”

As they all began to file out, Corphish scuttled up to CJ, “Hey-hey! So CJ, how do you plan to travel across the ocean? It’s pretty big, and I don’t think you’ll be able to swim all that way!”

“Maybe not,” CJ mused, “But I think I know who can”.

[The Beach]

Zappo, CJ and Wigglytuff strolled out onto the sandy shores, looking around. They spotted who they were after at the near end of the beach.

"Lapras!” Wigglytuff called out.

“Hmm?” Lapras turned its head, “Oh, Wigglytuff! And Team Valkyrie, too! What do you want, my friends?”

“We have a favour to ask of you,” stated Wigglytuff, “What do you know of any islands or lands far out west of here?”

“Hmm,” Lapras frowned, “That’s a good question. I probably cannot answer that question, but I have relatives who would. One of them in particular often recalls sighting land in that direction, but that’s about it. Why do you ask?”

“Because if there’s something out there, we want to go and find it!” Wigglytuff exclaimed, “We want to send Team Valkyrie to explore new and yet uncharted lands, and even possibly bring back treasure and stories of their adventures!”

Lapras’ eyes widened, “You’re serious?! Nobody has ever left this continent further than when Team Valkyrie went to the Hidden Land, and even that’s a bit more than a hop, skip and a jump!”

“There’s always a first time for everything!” Wigglytuff said determinedly.

“And... you agree with this?” Lapras turned to Zappo and CJ.

“Of course!” CJ’s eyes sparkled, “We’ll make history with something like this!”

“But... You’ve already etched yourself into the history books, considering you’ve saved it twice over and all”.

“Why should we stop there?” CJ persisted.

“Fair enough...” Lapras sighed, “Alright, I’ll do it. I’ll have to recruit some of my relatives to assist in this though. They know the area much better than I do, so they’ll be our guides”.

Wigglytuff jumped for joy, “Thank you very much! We’ll be ready to go by tomorrow!”

“So soon?” Lapras raised an eyebrow, “Very curious indeed... Alright, if you insist. But remember, you owe me one for this now!”

“That’s not a problem,” Wigglytuff shrugged.

“We better get ready then, Zappo!” CJ turned to his friend... who wasn’t there.

“Zappo?” CJ frowned to see the Mouse Pokémon walking back up the beach.

“Where are you going?”

He turned with a grin, “To prepare for the trip, of course! Our stuff isn’t going to pack itself, you know”.

[Treasure Town]

As the hub of all Exploration and Rescue Teams for the region, Treaure Town was always bustling with activity as Pokemon went to and fro about their lives. The town itself was built in a clearing in the middle of a small woodland area, on either side of a small but steady brook, which guaranteed a permanent water supply, with a sturdy stone bridge connecting them.

The left side of the brook was dominated by the Kecleon Brothers' Market Stall, where teams, travellers and locals alike could purchase almost anything they need, whether it be food, berries, mystical Orbs or even TMs. The constant influx of customers and their tales ensured that the Kecleons were often the go-to Pokemon for the latest gossip and news, and their friendly, talkative natures made them exellant conversationalists.

Next door to the Market was Kangaskhan's Storage, where, as the name implied, teams could stash any excess items they didn't want to take with them on their adventures, free of charge. Many considered Ms Kangaskhan herself as an open and kind-hearted Pokemon, who was always there when you needed a shoulder to lean on.

Directly south from the Kangaskhan Storage was a quaint little stall run by Xatu. While many considered the mysterious and reclusive Psychic/Flying Type with suspicion and unease, his innate talent for cracking open locked treasure boxes (for a small fee) made him a handy addition to have around.

The right side of the brook was mostly taken up by the de-facto town square, where offical announcements and gatherings often took place.

Nestled in the north-east corner of the square, right next to the bridge, was Electivire's Link Shop, where Pokemon would go if they ever wanted to forget or remember moves. The loud, abrasive Electric Type claimed he developed a technique that could 'link' a Pokemon's moves together, so that they could be used in sequence in a blisteringly short amount of time.

Across from him was the Duskull Bank, run by its slightly creepy, but otherwise honest and trustworthy namesake. Here, Pokemon could store away and manage their finances for safe-keeping, so that in the event of some thug mugging them, they could always still have something left to their name. Throughout the entire time the bank has been open, there has only been one aggressive hold-up. The criminals not only couldn't find where the money was kept, but the entire town was alerted to the situation within the space of five seconds, prompting a rather violent and very painful ejection from town. Treaure Town after that was established as a safe haven from the dangers of the wilderness, a beacon of light and protection in an otherwise rough and unforgiving land.

South from the bank was the Marowak Dojo, where Explorers and Rescue Teams could spend their off-time sparring and training for their expeditions, although the facility was open for pretty much anyone and everyone to use at their own discretion. The only rules where that you couldn't bring anything with you into the training grounds, be it money or items, and violation of this rule resulted in said money and items being permanently confiscated.

To the west of the dojo, and south of the link shop was Chansey's Day Care, where teams with eggs to look after could place them whenever they went away on missions, free of charge. While the stall's bubbly but slightly dim-witted namesake didn't really have much of a broad skill-set to speak of, her uncanny knack for hatching and looking after eggs was undisputed, and many a group of first-time parents could always count on her expertise for help.

On the eastern outskirts of Treasure Town was a cross-road, splitting off in four directions. Going north led to Wigglytuff's Guild; going south led to the beach; and going east led to the broad expanse of the island Pokemon called 'home'. At this cross-road was Spinda's Cafe, where teams could relax with a delicious drink served up by the tavern's eccentric namesake and have a yarn about their adventures. Unsurprisingly, the cafe was the second-best place in town to turn to for gossip and news, and one could find many patrons who were more than willing to have a cheerful conversation about how they discovered treasure in Crystal Cave or something irrelevant like that.

Zappo held a list in his paws for CJ to see as they stood in front of Kecleon Market, "Let's see, we'll need plenty of apples, berries, Revive Seeds, Elixirs and potentially a variety of Orbs”.

“It’s a good thing we conveniently let stuff like that pile up over time,” CJ remarked, “Poor Ms. Kangaskhan is finding it hard to keep track of all the stuff we leave in her care”.

“I think she’ll appreciate the sudden void in the storage room then, eh?” Zappo smiled as they walked up the facility in question. “Isn’t that right?” He handed Kangaskhan the list.

“Goodness,” she blinked, “Is something big going on?”

“ZAPPO AND CJ ARE GOING OVERSEAS!!” A voice belonging to a Vigoroth suddenly shouted at the top of its lungs.

“Pretty much, yeah,” Zappo deadpanned, resting his elbow on the counter.

Everyone suddenly crowded around them, rapid-firing their questions.

Zappo blocked his ears against the sudden cacophony of voices, “Goodness, one at a bloody time, PLEASE! I’m right next to you, for Arceus’ sake!”

“Sorry,” Green Kecleon apologised, “But where will you going? How long do you expect to be gone?”

“We don’t know where we’re going,” CJ grinned sheepishly, “or how long... That’s the point of this journey: to see what’s out there”.

“We’re going that way,” Zappo pointed vaguely to the west.

“Ooh, sounds like an adventure, indeed!” Vigoroth exclaimed.

“I certainly hope it will turn out that way,” Zappo nodded.

“Here you go!” Kangaskhan placed several crates on the counter.

“That’s a lot of supplies!” Purple Kecleon murmured in surprise.

“For a potentially long journey!” CJ grinned, “Now, what’s next on the to-get list?”

Zappo fumbled through the slip of paper, “I dunno, I think that’s it”.

“Is there anyone else going with you?” asked Kangaskhan.

“This will be limited to Valkyrie members only,” Zappo replied, “So don’t bother asking for tickets, sorry”.

“Should we bring anyone else with us?” asked CJ.

“We’ll see. We have to stop by the Guild anyway, so we’ll find out there”.

After a brief dash back to the guild, they held in their hands a long list, courtesy of Chimecho.

“What have we got here then...” Zappo examined the list of Pokémon they had recruited over the years. Most of them spent all their time in their own little sub-teams, training and waiting for that day when they were called up to the ‘big league’.

“Remember, whoever we pick will probably spend the next several months with, so pick wisely”.

“Here we go, what about this one?” asked CJ.

Zappo examined the profile card, “Hmm... not bad. Not bad at all...”

[Spinda’s Cafe]

Zappo and CJ quickly scanned the room and quickly spotted the Pokémon they were after.

“Archie!” Zappo called out.

A Charizard standing at the bar turned his head in surprise, “Oh, it’s you! What’s up Zappo?”

“Good news buddy! How would you like to come with us on an adventure?” asked CJ as they walked over.

“For REAL?!” the Charizard’s eyes lit up, “Sure! Where are we going?”

“That way,” Zappo pointed in the general direction of west.

“What’s out ‘that way’?” asked Archie.

“Dunno,” Zappo shrugged, “That’s what we’re going to find out!”

Archie grinned, “Sounds like fun! When are we leaving?”

“Tomorrow morning,” replied CJ.

“Well, congratulations!” cheered Spinda from behind the counter, “We all wish you good luck for your travels!”

“Bring back lots of treasure, won’t you?” a Pachirisu piped up.

The Cafe patrons all waved good-bye as they walked back out the door.

“So... what made you pick me?” Archie asked.

“You have wings,” Zappo answered simply; “We picked you because you can fly. In order to establish what sort of territory we’ll be entering, you’ll be vital in performing reconnaissance, obtaining information from above. Your abilities will be able to give us some perspective of the terrain and if possible, the locals”.

Archie let this sink in, nodding affirmatively, “You can count on me!”

“Well that, and you can breathe fire, which can serve as a potential heat source if need be,” Zappo continued.

“Not to worry,” Archie nodded again, “I’m thankful and honoured to be a part of this!”

“So rest up, and inform your friends and family,” said CJ, “We’ll be gone for several months, at least”.

Archie grinned and took flight, disappearing in the distance.

“... Why did we nickname him ‘Archie’ again?” asked CJ.

“Buggered if I know,” shrugged Zappo, “Spur of the moment thing, I guess”.

“Well, if that’s everything ready, we should probably finish up for the day,” CJ murmured.

“Agreed,” Zappo nodded, “But first, I need to clean these stains out of my fur...”

[The Next Morning, at the Beach]

The entire town had gathered on the shores as several Lapras swam into the sheltered bay.

“Guys, this is Team Valkyrie,” Lapras introduced them, “Valkyrie, these are my cousins”.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” one of them bowed its head, “Lapras here has told us all about you!”

“Likewise,” CJ smiled.

“Lapras-cubed,” Wigglytuff stepped forward, “We leave them in your capable hands from here on out!”

“Don’t worry about a thing,” Lapras reassured them, “They’ll be fine with us”.

Zappo and CJ carefully placed several medium-sized, wooden supply crates onto the first Lapras’ back, and then sat themselves down on the second one lined up. Archie took to the sky and meandered about lazily overhead. Everybody waved and chanted their final goodbye as the group headed off and out of the bay on their voyage.

“This is going to be great!” CJ shivered with excitement, “I can’t WAIT to see what we’ll come across!”

“So basically,” a Lapras spoke up, “We’ll be heading directly west, am I right?”

“Basically,” confirmed Zappo, “We’re bound to run into something eventually”.

“I do remember seeing landmass a long way out there,” the Lapras said, “but I never really took the opportunity to get close”.

“Well, this time we will!” CJ said excitedly, “How far away is it?”

“It should be at least several days and nights, if we’re quick enough,” replied the Lapras.

“I suggest, since there’s three of you, we apply nicknames to each of you,” said Zappo, “From now on, the one with our stuff is now ‘Garfield’, the one we are sitting on is now ‘Marco’, and the guide is now called ‘Steve’. How’s that?”

“Excuse me, I’m a girl, thank you very much,” ‘Garfield’ huffed.

Zappo blinked and frowned, “Oh. Erm, alright then, what about ‘Gemma’?”

“Much better,” ‘Gemma’ nodded.

“With that little revelation, let’s change the topic...” said CJ.