• Published 19th Apr 2013
  • 5,183 Views, 118 Comments

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Magic - Strayan Phoenix

When a team of Explorers go on a bold quest to discover lands and treasure beyond the confines of their island home, they encounter a land of marvels, wonders and challenges like they've never even dreamed of.

  • ...

Boast Hunters


[Ponyville Library]

“So... what are we doing again?” Zappo asked hesitantly. He was standing in the middle of the Ponyville Library with electrical cords taped to his cheeks, hooked up to a machine. Twilight, Spike and the rest of Team Valkyrie stood around the edges of the room, watching with interest.

“We’re simply taking a reading of how much electricity you can generate,” explained Twilight, who was fiddling with the machine, “This device will tell us the precise amount of voltage you can generate at a given time. Right now, without even doing anything, you are creating about 15 volts of energy per second, which is incredible in its own way, but I want to see what happens when you’re at full power”.

“Where did you get this device anyway?” asked CJ.

“Princess Celestia sent it to me at my request,” Twilight replied, “Now, let’s see what you can do Zappo. Could you please give us another lightning bolt?”

“As you wish,” Zappo grinned and launched a powerful Thunderbolt up the cords. The machine was overloaded in an instant and exploded spectacularly, sending parts in all directions and everyone else diving for cover.

“Oops” He smirked and removed the cords from his face.

Twilight made an agitated sigh and started collecting up the wreckage, “Well that’s just great. Let’s see if we can find what’s left of the data recorder. The Princess won’t be very happy that we’ve destroyed her voltmeter...”

“You asked for a full-powered Thunderbolt,” Zappo shrugged, “It’s not my fault your toy was of poor build-quality”.

“It wasn’t a toy!” Twilight grumbled, “That was an expensive piece of scientific equipment!”

Spike spotted a small dial lying on the floor, “I think I’ve found part of the data recorder”. He held it up in the air.

“What does it say?” Twilight leaned in for a closer look. The charred needle was jammed at one thousand volts.

“That’s all that the machine was able to read before it failed,” Twilight murmured, “and I’m thinking that the lightning bolt was a lot more than a thousand volts. I’ve never seen anything that can create so much power!”

“Come on Twilight! You’re the most powerful magician in Ponyville, or maybe even Equestria! You’d be able to do something like that, couldn’t you?” asked Spike.

“Well, I probably could if I could find and learn the appropriate spell,” Twilight shrugged, “But, considering you don’t have any magic and all, that just makes your electrical powers even more amazing, simply because it’s all completely real!”

“Nonsense,” CJ shook his head, “We’re limited to only four moves each, while you could probably have dozens of spells up your sleeve, maybe even hundreds. You have far more freedom in your options for variety. And if you’re as good as they say you are...”

“I guess so,” Twilight shrugged, “Well, I think we might as well get this mess cleaned up before lunch, so let’s get to it!”

[Sometime Later]

“Don’t you think it was a bit mean ditching Zappo like that? I mean, there were still many pieces to clean up...” Spike murmured in concern.

“He had the indecency to break the machine in the first place,” Twilight replied, “So it’s only fair that he cleans up the rest of it. Maybe next time, he’ll be a bit more careful with other ponies’ belongings”.

After lunch, Twilight, Spike, Archie and CJ had left Zappo to continue cleaning up what was left of the voltmeter, and were now walking through town.

“So, what sort of tricks can you do, Twilight?” asked CJ, “Other than telekinesis?”

“Oh, lots of things,” Twilight shrugged, “I could probably create a lightning bolt of comparable size to what Zappo can if I really tried, but wielding electricity isn’t really in my expertise. The last time I tried something like that, the bigger it became, the harder it was to control”.

“At the last count, Twilight can perform twenty five different tricks!” Spike said enthusiastically, “And she’s still learning more all the time! I’ve never known of any other pony with such a broad range! I don’t think there even is!”

The approaching sound of rapid footsteps drew their attention to two small ponies charging in their direction. “Gangway! Coming through!” one of them shouted. The runaway colts simply ran straight through the group, collecting up a surprised Spike on the way.

Reacting almost instantly, CJ lashed out with Vine Whip, wrapping a vine around Spike’s arm and dragging the colt to a stop.
“Snips, Snails!” Spike exclaimed, “What’s going on?”

“Haven’t you heard?” the lanky yellow colt named Snails asked excitedly, “There’s a new unicorn in town!”

“Yeah! They say she’s got more magical powers than any other unicorn ever!” the short, stocky blue colt named Snips added, bouncing up and down energetically.

“Really?” Twilight asked concernedly.

“Aw, no way!” Spike shook his head, “That honour goes to Twilight here!”

“Where is this ‘new unicorn’?” asked CJ.

“Oh, she’s in the town square! Come on!” Snails jumped over Spike and ran off, with Snips following close behind.
“It couldn’t hurt to have a look at what they’re on about,” Archie shrugged, “Zappo might be interested in seeing this”.

By the time they reached the square, a sizable crowd had gathered around a cart near the town hall. Twilight and Spike joined Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy at the front of the mob, and were watching the cart with interest, while Team Valkyrie stood at the back, watching from a distance.

“Come one, come all!” a voice emanated, “Come witness the amazing magic of the Great and Powerful Trixie!”
The cart opened up, revealing a small, ornately designed stage with a purple curtain.

There was a puff of smoke, and a blue pony dressed up in a wizard’s hat and cape appeared on the stage, drawing a chorus of “ooh” and “ahh” from the crowd.

“Watch in awe as the Great and Powerful Trixie performs the most spectacular feats of magic ever witnessed by ponies’ eyes!” Trixie bellowed, triggering a small, but spectacular fireworks display and trumpet fanfare behind her.

“My my, what boasting,” Rarity raised an eyebrow, unimpressed.

“There’s nothing wrong with being talented, is there?” Twilight asked.

“Nothing it all,” Applejack replied, “Except when someone goes ‘round showin’ it off like a school filly with fancy new ribbons!”
On the stage, Trixie concentrated her magic to create a bouquet of flowers out of mid-air.

“Just because one has the ability to perform lots of magic, it does not make one better than the rest of us!” Rarity stated.

“Especially when you’ve got me around being better than the rest of us!” Rainbow Dash grinned, earning her a glare from Applejack, “Eh-heh, um, yeah! Magic shmagic! Boo!”

Trixie glanced down in annoyance, “Well, well, well! It looks like we have some neighsayers in the audience! Who is so ignorant as to challenge the magical ability of the Great and Powerful Trixie? Do they not know that they are in the presence of the most powerful unicorn in Equestria?!”

Rarity shook her head, “Just who does she think she is?”

“Yeah!” Spike spoke up, “Since we all know that Twilight here is-”

“Spike! Shhh!” Twilight hushed him, pushing him aside.

“What? What’s the matter?” Spike asked in confusion.

“Didn’t you see the way they reacted to Trixie?” Twilight whispered loudly, “I don’t want anyone thinking I’m a show-off!”
More fireworks and trumpets went off around Trixie, as if to prove Twilight’s point.

“So, ‘Great and Powerful’ Trixie,” Rainbow Dash flew up and into the unicorn’s face, “What makes you think you’re so awesome anyway?”

“Heh,” Trixie smirked, “Why, only the Great and Powerful Trixie has magic strong enough to vanquish the dreaded Ursa Major!”

More trumpets and fireworks went off as if on cue, and one firework exploded into the shape of a large bear.

“Hey, that looks a bit like an Ursaring,” Archie pointed out.
A firework exploded into a shape resembling Trixie, which, under the influence of magic, approached the bear.

“When all hope was lost,” Trixie rambled on, narrating the story unfolding above, “The ponies of Hoofington had no-one to turn to, but the Great and Powerful Trixie stepped in, and with her awesome magic, vanquished the Ursa Major and sent it back to its cave deep within Everfree Forest!”

“Everfree Forest?” CJ murmured, “Isn’t that where we were staying?”

“Sweet!” Snips and Snails both exclaimed. “That settles it!”

“Trixie is truly the most talented, the most magical, and the most awesome pony in Ponyville!” Snails gawked. Trixie held her head high, soaking in the praise and attention.

“No, in all of Equestria!” Snips added.

“How do you know?” Spike wouldn’t have any of it, “You didn’t see it! And besides, Twi-hmpf!”

A zipper appeared on Spike’s mouth courtesy of Twilight, shutting him up.

“Heh heh heh, it’s true my enthusiastic little admirers!” Trixie chuckled, “Trixie is most certainly the best in Ponyville!”

Everyone present stared at her in silence. Most of them had expressions ranging from annoyance to disgust at this display of audacity.

“Don’t believe the Great and Powerful Trixie?” Trixie raised an eyebrow, “Well then! I hereby challenge you, Ponyvillians, anything you can do, I can do better!”

“Oh, this is going to be interesting!” CJ smirked.

“Any takers?” Trixie looked about, “Anyone? Hmm? Or is Trixie destined to be the most powerful equine who has ever lived?” Cue another fireworks display in the background.

Spike tore the zipper from his mouth in exasperation, “Please Twilight! She’s unbearable! You’ve gotta show her! You just gotta!”

“There’s no way I’m using my magic now, Spike!” Twilight hissed, “Especially since-”

“Hmm?” Trixie turned and pointed at Twilight, “How about you? Is there anything you can do that the Great and Powerful Trixie can’t?!”

“I-I...” Twilight stammered.

“Well, little hayseed?!” Trixie then turned to Applejack.

“That’s it!” Applejack huffed in frustration and stepped forward, “I can’t stand for no more of this!”

“You show her, AJ!” Spike exclaimed encouragingly.

“Can your magical powers do this?!” Applejack started twirling a lasso about with her tail, performing an array of spectacular stunts, such as jumping through the loop, and snatching an apple off a nearby tree, landing it in her mouth with a satisfied gulp. Numerous ponies cheered the display of skill.

“Top that, missy!” Applejack smirked confidently.

“Oh ye of little talent!” Trixie smirked and levitated her hat into the air, “Watch and be amazed at the magic of Trixie!”

Using telekinesis, she grabbed and manipulated the rope, while enchanting music played in the background. The rope moved about like a snake as Applejack watched, seemingly in a trance-like state. Meanwhile, Trixie used the other end of the rope to grab another apple of the tree. Using precise co-ordination, Trixie wrapped the rope around AJ’s legs, hauling her into the air, and shoved the apple in her mouth, letting her drop to the floor. The display drew more cheers from the crowd.

“Once again, the Great and Powerful Trixie prevails!” Trixie smirked as Applejack bounced off the stage in humiliation.

“That’s not very impressive,” CJ muttered, “She was using simple telekinesis to do that. That’s not outstandingly special”.

“There’s no need to go strutting around and showing off like that!” Rainbow Dash called out.

“Oh?” Trixie shifted her attention to the Pegasus.

“That’s my job!” She grinned and took off skyward and hurtled towards a windmill, blitzing around the propeller several times, then launched herself skywards, punching holes through several clouds. Turning about, she rocketed straight back down through the holes she created, triggering a small shower of water to follow her. She looped through the windmill once more and came to a grinding halt on the stage. The small rain shower splashed across her back and formed a rainbow above her head, drawing applause from the cloud.

“They don’t call me ‘Rainbow’ and ‘Dash’ for nothing!” she smiled.

Trixie looked unimpressed, “When Trixie is through, the only thing they’ll call you is ‘loser’!”

Concentrating her magic once again, she wrapped the rainbow around RD and gave her a spin, launching her off into the air like a twister, and landing with a hard thud several metres away.

“Seems like any pony with a dash of good sense would think twice before tussling with the Great Trixie!” She conjured a small thundercloud above Rainbow Dash, striking her with it and startling her, causing a few ponies to giggle.

“Now that was just cheap!” Archie frowned in disgust, “In what universe was that better than Rainbow Dash?!”

“What we need is another unicorn to challenge her!” Spike said determinedly, nudging Twilight, “Someone with magic of her own!”

“Yeah! A unicorn to show this unicorn who’s boss!” Dash grinned.

“A real unicorn-to-unicorn tussle!” Applejack nodded.

“Uh...” Twilight looked about sheepishly.

“Enough, enough, all of you,” Rarity stepped up to the plate, “I take your hint, but Rarity is above such nonsense. Rainbow Dash and Applejack might behave like ruffians, but Rarity conducts herself with beauty and grace!”

“Ooh, what’s the matter?” Trixie jeered, “Afraid you’ll get a hair out of place in that rat’s nest you call a mane?”
Rarity made a fierce glare, “Oh, it is on!” She started pacing in a circle around Trixie, “You may think you’re tough with all your so-called powers, but there’s more to magic than your brutish ways!” She telekinetically tore the stage curtain clean off. “A unicorn needs to be more than just muscle. A unicorn needs to have style!” In the blink of an eye, Rarity transformed the curtain into a fancy dress, with her mane done up to match, causing the crowd to gasp in awe.

Trixie simply smirked and got to work.

“Rarity won’t let Trixie get the best of her!” Spike said encouragingly, “She’s strong, she’s beautiful, she’s--” A bright flash interrupted him, indicating Trixie was finished.

Everyone stared in horror at what Trixie had done.

Rarity suddenly panicked, “Quick! I need a mirror! Get me a mirror!! What has she done to my hair?! I know she’s done something terrible to my hair!!”

“Nothing,” Twilight grinned sheepishly.

“It’s fine,” Rainbow Dash waved it off.

“It’s gorgeous,” Applejack nodded.

“It’s green,” Spike said flatly. Everyone glared at him. “...What?”

Her hair was indeed green, and also mouldy with worms wriggling about to boot.

“Ugh, no! Green hair?!” Rarity screeched, horror-stricken, “Not green hair!” She bolted off, “Such an awful, awful colour!”

A pony who actually happened to have green hair frowned in annoyance, “Well, I never!”

Spike turned dejectedly to Twilight, “Well, I guess it’s up to you”.

Twilight was about to object, when a voice from the back spoke up, “Hang on a minute!”

“Ah yes, the over-sized serpent and the under-sized dragon from up the back!” Trixie smirked towards her addressors, “The Great and Powerful Trixie is most curious as to why you two are in Ponyville of all places at this time of year. Such creatures obviously must be rejects from their respective societies in order to be affiliating themselves with ponies, of all things. So tell us, why would you even hang around here, much less rudely interrupt the Great and Powerful Trixie’s performance?”

“Actually, we’re not from Equestria at all, but that’s another story,” CJ replied matter-of-factly, “No, we have a few misgivings about your little display there”.

“Oh?” Trixie raised an eyebrow.

“None of your little gimmicks are impressive, for a start. Any unicorn could perform them if they tried,” Archie crossed his arms.

“Is that so?” Trixie tilted her head, “Is there anyone who can support this claim? Hmm? Anyone think they can do as Trixie can?”

Silence answered her question.

“As I thought,” She remarked arrogantly, “You should think a little bit before you go proclaiming such a ridiculous hypothesis”.

“The first two tricks used against Applejack and Rainbow Dash didn’t involve anything more than simple telekinesis,” CJ argued, “It’s not that hard if you know what you’re doing”.

“Well, if it’s only telekinesis,” Trixie challenged, “Let’s see you do it then”.

“We don’t posses any magical capabilities,” CJ admitted, “But it looks easy to do nevertheless. All it’d take is a bit of multitasking, that’s all”.

“Well, if you aren’t even magical, then you have no say in the matter to begin with! You have no idea of how to wield magic; therefore your argument is invalid,” Trixie huffed.

“It’s a simple observation,” said CJ, “It doesn’t take a genius to come to the conclusion that you’re cheap!”

“Cheap? You want cheap? I’ll show you cheap!” Trixie snarled, her magic flaring. CJ was surrounded in a blue aura and levitated into the air. “So you have the nerve to call the Great and Powerful Trixie a cheap hoax, do you?!”

CJ remained silent, staring the magician straight in the eye.

“If you dare insult me in such a manner again, I’ll make you regret it!”

“Well, it’s true,” CJ kept his cool, “After all, you found it too difficult to rise to the challenge, so you cheated by using magic, which isn’t quite the same, because we all know that you’re using magic to do it, if you catch my drift-”

Trixie’s horn glowed brightly, and a blinding flash illuminated the area, briefly stunning everyone present. Several powerful explosions were suddenly triggered, causing ponies to panic and scream, causing general chaos amongst the crowd.
As the flash effect wore off, many ponies were cowering on the ground, spaced themselves out or had fled the scene altogether. CJ grunted as he picked himself off the floor, covered in a rather nasty burn along his left side from the attack.

“Oh, that does it,” he whispered lowly.

Archie looked about to see that Trixie was standing in the middle of the town square, looking quite agitated. “I warned you!” she yelled, “If you have the gall to continually insult the integrity of the Great and Powerful Trixie, you can consider your existence forfeit!”

“Yeah! She vanquished an Ursa Major after all!” Snips and Snails shouted from the sidelines, “You have no hope!”

“Shut up, you two!” Spike bristled, “You don’t know if she actually did that or not! You weren’t there!”

The two colts only glared in return.

Archie stretched his neck about, “Oh, we’ll see about that. CJ, are you alright?”

CJ shifted uncomfortably, but otherwise made a confidant nod.

“She must’ve used that bright flash to give her time to attack us with those explosions, whatever they were. If she tries that again, we’ll be ready for it,” Archie mused, staring down their opponent. He lowered his voice to an almost inaudible whisper,

“Pity she doesn’t know that we’re not ordinary opponents...”

“Well, this escalated quickly,” Spike sighed, shaking her head, “If someone doesn’t do something, the damage this fight will cause could potentially wipe Ponyville off the map!”

“Whatever happens, this can’t end well,” Applejack agreed. “Hey!” she shouted, grabbing the would-be combatanants’ attention, “You’re in the middle of a town! Don’t pick your fight here! Ponies might get hurt in the crossfire!”

Trixie considered this, then grinned, “So it seems the hayseed has a point. We’ll take our tussle to a different location”. She turned to Team Valkyrie, “So your inevitable defeat has been postponed. We shall take this to the Ponyville outskirts, across that bridge to the west of town, away from the potential collateral damage”.

Archie and CJ looked at each other briefly, then turned to Trixie and made determined nods of agreement.

“You shall regret ever picking a fight with the Great and Powerful Trixie!” Trixie crowed, “Don’t be late to your own funerals, will you?” She turned and left, walking off in the direction of the bridge.

“What are you two doing?!” Twilight exclaimed, walking over, “She’s a powerful magician, and you’re just going to pick a fight with her like that?!”

“What are you talking about? She started it, not us,” Archie defended, “And as if no-one else was thinking the same thing anyway!”

“We only wanted to up-stage her, not get involved in a potentially dangerous conflict!” Twilight sighed in exasperation, “I sure hope you know what you’re getting yourself involved in here...”

“Twilight, show a little faith, please,” a voice spoke up. Everyone turned about to see Zappo approaching them. “I only caught the last bit of that little display as I was running, but let me tell you that she had already lost this fight the moment she stepped it up. She should’ve walked away and let it go, not push her luck”.

“She’s probably the most powerful magician in Equestria!” Twilight frowned, “Short of Princess Celestia or Princess Luna, anyway”.

“Or you, Twilight,” Spike nudged her.

“I don’t know about that,” she looked away sheepishly.

“Well, there’s your problem. You’re almost as bashful as Fluttershy,” Zappo muttered, “If you think you’re not all that much, you’ll ever achieve anything. But you’re confidant in yourself, you can shoot for the stars and topple the gods if you try hard enough”.

All the ponies looked at him strangely.

“Well, it worked for us, anyway,” he shrugged, “Besides, Trixie might only be all talk. It’ll be disappointing if it turns out that way, though”.

“It’s not that I’m not confidant,” Twilight frowned, “But I just don’t want to look like such a show-off like Trixie”.

“Trixie’s a jerk-off,” Zappo shook his head, “It’d be different coming from you, because we know that you’re not as proud and boastful about it. And it’d probably be a more legitimate claim than hers anyway”.

“Erm... on a side-note,” Twilight frowned, “Did you finish cleaning up your mess?”

“Most of it is gone, but I came running when I heard the explosions,” Zappo replied, “But that’s beside the point. Right now, we have a showboat to bring back down to size”.

“That burn looks quite nasty,” Spike murmured, looking at CJ, “Are you really going to fight on an injury like that?”

“Doesn’t look like I have much choice,” CJ muttered, “Trixie has set the challenge, and we are going to take her down!”

[Ponyville Outskirts]

The opposing combatanants stood several metres apart, on either side of the road. A crowd of spectators had gathered, watching with a mixture of interest and uncertainty from the bridge.

“Who’s this now?” Trixie smirked at Team Valkyrie, “Are you that weak that you require a three-to-one advantage to take on The Great and Powerful Trixie on even grounds?”

“No,” electricity cackled from Zappo’s cheeks, “I’d prefer think of it as you being dumb enough to run head-on into a three-to-one disadvantage”.

“Foolish creatures,” Trixie’s magic flared up, “I shall make this as painful as possible!”

“Archie, take flight and hammer her from above and behind,” Zappo muttered, “CJ, you take the left, and I’ll take the right”.

The respective Pokémon nodded confidently.

“Let’s go Valkyrie!” they all dashed off in different directions.

Trixie glanced at each opponent approaching her at unexpectedly rapid speeds. Before she knew it, they were all suddenly on top of her. Muscle reflex caused her to raise a magical barrier in defence, bracing for impact.
Team Valkyrie were all in position around her, cutting off any hopes of making a quick getaway. Trixie frowned in concern at her sudden predicament.

The ponies on the bridge all watched in concern as Team Valkyrie circled her like vultures, waiting for her to make a move.

“If she’s going to make a move, she’ll have to do it quickly,” Rainbow Dash murmured.

“At any rate, I almost feel bad for her,” Spike shrugged, “She’s trapped now, and the only way out is through them”.

Trixie grunted as her magic flared up again, and several thunderclouds appeared overhead. The weather took a change for the worse as the wind picked up in speed, and rain started falling.

“That doesn’t look good,” Archie murmured, flinching as a drop struck his nose.

Trixie grinned, “Take this!”

A lightning bolt suddenly blasted down and struck Archie, causing him to cringe.

“Archie!” CJ exclaimed. The Charizard flopped to the ground with a thud as the unknowingly super-effective attack kicked in.

Trixie grinned at this revelation, “So, the dragon doesn’t like electricity, does he? You two! Step away, or the dragon suffers!”

Zappo made a fierce glare, “You do that, and I swear on my life that your demise will be a messy one”.

He launched a Thunderbolt at her, however the protective shield harmlessly absorbed every single volt.

“As you wish,” Trixie shrugged, zapping Archie again. As far as she was aware, nothing was getting through her shield.
She triggered a third lightning bolt for good measure, which coursed through Archie just as he was getting back up, knocking him back down and causing him to grimace.

“CJ,” Zappo made a cold glare, “Step it up a notch and hit ‘er with Frenzy Plant!”

CJ nodded as his eyes took a bright green glow. Trixie tilted her head in confusion.

“Frenzy Plant?” she murmured, “What in Celestia’s name is that?”

Her question was answered when the ground suddenly started shaking, causing many ponies to yelp in alarm. “Earthquake!” they started shouting, and fled for their lives.

Trixie gulped in concern as the tremors picked up. “Something’s not right...”

CJ grit his teeth and made a loud yell as a large green vine suddenly burst out of the ground beneath Trixie, slamming her abdomen with gargantuan force, shattering the shield and launching her into the air.

Zappo grinned darkly as she screamed and flailed about in mid-air. The thunderclouds above started cackling with electricity.

“You’ve given me another advantage by supplying me with plenty of electricity to use!” Zappo crowed, “You really are dumb! Now let’s light this bitch!”

He launched a Thunderbolt skywards, sending Trixie even further into air. The thunderclouds above her all seemed to move as one, spurred on by the electrical excitement down below, and struck the hapless unicorn down with one almighty blast of lightning, slamming her into the ground with an earth-shattering crash, kicking up a small dust storm.

All the witnesses were speechless at the display of raw power before them.

Numerous Pegasi quickly got to work dispersing the thunderclouds above as the weather calmed down again.

Sensing that the battle was over, several spectators hesitantly approached the smouldering crater.
As Trixie lay limply at the bottom, unmoving, they immediately feared the worst.

“Trixie!!” Snips and Snails exclaimed, dashing towards their fallen idol.

“Stand back!” Spike warned as electricity criss-crossed the downed unicorn for several seconds.

A faint breathing sound made them sigh in relief. “She’s still alive,” they grinned.

“Was that really necessary?!” Twilight exclaimed in exasperation, “You could’ve killed her!”

“Could have,” Zappo shrugged, “But didn’t”.

“What were you thinking?! This isn’t the way ponies solve our problems! It’s not the right way to do things around here!” Twilight glared at him.

“If we were ponies like you, we probably would’ve at least tried to talk her down beforehand. Unfortunately for her, we are not ponies,” Zappo countered.

“And to think that’s what’s sleeping in my barn at night,” Applejack shuddered, “I’m sure hoping that this will be a one-off thing”.

“We didn’t come here to get embroiled in petty problems like this, but if anyone else is stupid enough to make threats against either me or any of my friends, they might as well kiss their life goodbye,” Zappo said aloud, ensuring everyone could hear him as he walked towards Archie, “Trixie made that mistake and has paid for it. In future, she’ll think twice before ignorantly picking any more fights, especially with us”.

He pulled a small blue berry from his backpack and offered it to Archie, before producing another berry, a slightly lighter shade of blue with small green leaves where the stem was connected, and handing it to CJ, “Here, eat these”.

“What are they?” Twilight asked as the Charizard and the Serperior accepted the berries, wolfing them down.

“The blue one is an Oran Berry,” replied Zappo, “It possesses special healing properties that will help him recover from any injuries. Unfortunately, we don’t have very many left. The other one is a Rawst Berry, and that'll help heal that burn on his side".

After just a few minutes, Archie seemed to be as fresh as he was before the battle started.

“Incredible,” Twilight mused, mostly to herself, “They have the power to not only cause great destruction, but they can potentially fix it back to its original status as well... This is definitely going to require further examination”.

Dear Princess Celestia,
I know that I should be writing a report on friendship, but a pressing new situation has arisen which requires attention since I last wrote.
The new arrivals in Ponyville known as ‘Pokémon’ have surprised me greatly over the past few weeks. There is much we have to learn about these fascinating creatures, if we are to potentially co-exist with them. While none of them possess magical powers as we know it, they do possess unique and somewhat dangerous abilities, such as casting potentially lethal lightning bolts, or summoning enormous vines from underground, all without the use of magic. They seem to show expert control over their abilities, and it is obvious that they all share a close bond as a team.
One thing that does concern me though, is their reckless habit (and seeming enjoyment) of picking fights with others, which today’s events revealed it to be something at which they excel at. They say that their homeland has experienced great turmoil throughout its history, which would explain why they are so aggressive and turn to violence as a first resort to their problems.
Fortunately, you need not worry, as they are otherwise quite friendly and sociable when they’re not fighting, and they even seem surprisingly docile at times. Currently, their complex personalities are difficult to gauge on short notice, and over the next few weeks, I will watch them closely and try to piece together psychological profiles for each of them. I have insufficient data to properly make an assessment, so I don’t wish to make a false judgement at this time.
Your faithful student,
Twilight Sparkle.


Dear Twilight Sparkle,
Your report about the Pokémon is exceptionally interesting. Perhaps, at some point, I would like to meet these creatures for myself.
Do not worry yourself about the friendship reports. Just complete them whenever you find the time.
Princess Celestia.

[Sometime later, Ponyville Medical Ward]

“...ugh,” a soft grunt arose from the dishevelled figure lying in a stretcher.

“She’s coming around,” a Nurse spoke up. Several attendants stood nearby, monitoring the situation, “Trixie, how do you feel?”

“W-What happened...? I-I don’t feel too good...” Trixie groaned, “Where am I?”

“Settle down,” Nurse Redheart’s voice echoed in her ears, “You’re lucky to be alive, considering the beating you took...”

“W-What?” Trixie squinted, noticing that she was hooked up to a drip machine, “I don’t even...”

“You’ve been out cold for several days, now,” explained the Nurse, “Do you remember what happened?”

“...No,” Trixie flinched in pain, “It hurts too much when I think...”

“This looks bad,” the nurses murmured to each other, “The blow had concussive side-effects, and has possibly induced memory-loss”.

“Could someone please care to enlighten me?” Trixie asked with a frown, “I can’t seem to recollect the events of the last twenty four hours...”

“You’ve been unconscious for the last twenty four hours,” said the Nurse, “That’s why”.

“Then, what happened before that?” asked Trixie, “I remember arriving in Ponyville to do a show... and then that’s it. It goes blank from there”.

“They must’ve really done a number on her...”

“Who did what?” Trixie sat up, “Do you know who did this to me?”

“Erm... unfortunately, it seems you picked a fight with some creatures called ‘Pokémon’,” explained the Nurse, “Does that name ring any bells?”

“Pokémon? Don’t be preposterous, that’s not even a word,” Trixie snapped, “Tell me honestly”.

“That is the honest truth,” the Nurse shrugged sheepishly, “You got involved in a fight, and frankly they beat you to a pulp”.

“Impossible... But I’m the Great and Powerful Trixie! Trixie is outdone by no-one!” she refused to believe this.

“Well then, I have no other explanation as to why you are in a hospital bed with concussion and short-term memory loss,” the Nurse shrugged, “The pixies must’ve done it”.

“Now you’re just mocking me,” Trixie pouted, then cringed as a wave of pain seemed to shake her head to its core.

“More morphine?” the Nurse asked politely. Trixie nodded eagerly, watching as the transparent liquid drain from a plastic bottle into her left foreleg via a thin hose. Then everything went hazy after that.