• Published 18th Mar 2013
  • 9,098 Views, 135 Comments

Hand in Hoof - AdamThePony

A human infant ends up in Equestria, raised by the royal family for his own protection.

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Chapter 3: A Child beneath the Canopy

Chapter 3: A Child beneath the Canopy

The Crystal Empire looks so far away from here. I’m riding on a train called the Friendship Express, Equestria’s premier railway system. I’m on my way to my first camping trip for the Colt Scouts. Uncle Shiny made sure I packed my bags properly for not just the train, but the entire trip. Since the Empire isn’t near any natural forests, I have to make a trip to Ponyville and make a beeline for the campsite in Whitetail Wood. Even by train, it looks pretty far away from the map I’m reading. I’ve never been on such a long trip, and already I’m feeling homesick. Come to think of it, it’s also gotten warmer since I boarded the train this morning. I guess I should have expected it to be warmer, since it’s not surrounded by ice.

Actually, come to think of it, it’s kind of beautiful out here. Hills of green, animals running around freely as the clouds roll by. I can see something kinda like a rainbow somewhere off in the distance, but it’s too far to get a good look. It’s all quite pretty, but while I do enjoy it, I can’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of boredom as my ears are greeted by a song of animal cries and train tracks.

I decide to check my rucksack and see what Uncle packed for me. As I should have guessed, he seems to have put plenty of food and clothes in here. But, as I dig further in, I find a small rod with a sort of grip on it. It’s covered by some scroll that’s been wrapped around it. I try and remove it, and my twisting causes the rod to extend so quickly, it actually manages to startle me and the ponies around me. I think one end got a poor unicorn right in the face.

“Sorry, sorry! I didn’t know it would do that!” I beg, trying to comfort the pony I just poked with my pole.

“It’s fine, kid. Just don’t let it happen again.”

Boy, do I have egg on my face now. Thankfully, the pole shortens back if I twist it the opposite way, so that’s good. Now, as for that scroll…


Dear Lance,

If you happen to be reading this, then Happy Birthday. I wanted to make sure your gift was a surprise, so I hid it in your rucksack for you to find later. It’s a collapsible pole! I figured that it might come in handy while you’re out in the woods. It’s about ten feet long, so you should find more than a few uses for it aside from whacking things. As to what those are, I’ll leave you to figure it out. Just remember to keep your wits about you while you’re out there. White Tail Wood might be one of the more peaceful forests in Equestria, but that doesn’t mean it’s completely safe. Remember, the most important tool in a soldier’s arsenal isn’t his weapon; It’s his mind.

Your Uncle,

Shining Armor


Well, that’s a rather strange way of giving somepony a birthday present. In hindsight, I probably should have waited until I got off the train to open it. Nevertheless, I stuff the steel shaft back in my pack and look outside.

Directly to my right, I see a large range of rolling hills and mountains, capped with snowy peaks. As I crane my neck to get a better look, I see a city in the clouds with rainbows spilling outward. Some ponies are flying around it. I think they’re called Pegasi. They pass by the train a few times, and I wave at one of them, to which I get a wave back. They seem to be interested, but another one interrupts them, and they leave, allowing me to see the city clearer. If what I’ve read in books is right, than it has to be Cloudsdale. I suppose that means Ponyville isn’t far away from here. I tug at my collar in the hopes of settling the heat that’s been pooling in my shirt.

I’ve been in this train since perhaps four in the morning. Most of the cold I’d felt from boarding the train in the cold of the Crystal Empire’s gone away now. I can only hope my brief trek through Ponyville won’t attract any attention, but at this point, that seems very unlikely to pass.

Nevertheless, I heave on my backpack, part my bangs, and put on a brave smile as I take hold of the iron bar in front of me, standing up as I lean my tired form against it.

This whole trip, I’ve heard not a peep from the other passengers. Then again, I’ve been rather quiet myself. Maybe if I just stay low profile, I should be able to get by with little problems. Oh, who am I kidding? I’m talking monkey. Or would I be an ape? I’m not entirely sure which makes more sense.

As I leave the train, I take a moment to inhale the spring air, a hand at my brow to filter away the sunlight. It’s a fair ways into the morning, but the chill is much less profound than it was when I got on some time ago. I start to walk around, stretching as I do so, I can’t help but notice the odd looks I’m starting to attract. Granted, I was met with these looks back in the Empire, but these pony folk look really creeped out by my being here. I try to be polite and introduce myself, but most of them seem rather… flighty about me.

I’m not particularly surprised that they’d be cautious around me, but this is just odd. Nevertheless, I press on, hoping that I don’t get stopped and asked questions.

“Excuse me, but is your name Lance?”

Faust have mercy, why did I even open my mouth?

I turn, and my eyes meet a lavender alicorn with a mane and tail of a darker shade, accented by a stripe of dark pink. Her cutie mark is, from what I can tell, a bunch of stars.

I recognize this pony. It’s Twilight Sparkle, Uncle Shiny’s baby sister.

“Um…” I begin, placing a hand behind my head as I scratch nervously. “Yes?”

As soon as I say this, the mare’s eyes shimmer like a night sky as I find myself being nestled in her wings.

“I’m Twilight Sparkle,” she starts with a smile. “My brother told me you’d be coming.”

“Did he?” I ask, continuing to scratch my head before offering my free hand. “I’m Lance. Lance Petal. I guess that makes me your nephew, huh?”

Twilight chuckles as she lets me go.

“I guess it does,” she snickers, gesturing for me to follow. “You must be exhausted from the train ride. Would you like to come in for some tea?”

I really shouldn’t dawdle… But, I don’t want to be rude, either.

“That sounds lovely,” I reply, taking a big stretch as I enter what looks to be a rather large house built into an even larger tree.

The whole place is rather interestingly designed. It’s a library that seems to have been made almost entirely out of the tree. How the tree itself can still blossom, in spite it being hollowed away, is beyond my understanding. As I take a look around, scanning the shelves for books, my eye catches another lavender creature. It’s a dragon, to be more precise. Although, what I’m seeing doesn’t look quite like I’ve seen in books. It lacks wings, and seems to be more the kind to dig holes. I almost don’t want to bring him up, but curiosity gets the better of me.

“Who’s the dragon?” I ask, finding a book on wildlife and plants.

The dragon takes interest, and smiles as he steps down from a ladder.

“I’m Spike,” he says, offering a claw to shake with mine.

I nervously extend my hand to shake his. His scales feel cold and slick, but warm up rather quickly.

“Lance,” I reply, returning his smile before sitting down, laying the book down nearby.

As I sit down, I note the smell of boiling tea as a pair of cups is placed on the table near me. A kettle is lifted by magic as the drink is poured into the cup, steam rising from the liquid.

“Let it settle a bit before you drink it, Lance,” Twilight tells me, smiling as she pours her own cup. “I just took it off the burner.”

I nod, taking a moment to enjoy the smell as I flip through the book. I suppose if I’m going to be spending some quality time in the woods, I may as well get familiar with the wildlife and plants. It’s good to be prepared, at least.

“I take it you like to read?” Twilight asks, chuckling.

“I just like to know what to expect before I go anywhere.”

“I see,” Twilight hums, carefully taking a sip from her cup, waving away the steam. “Well, it’s good to know you like to be prepared.”

We share a few minutes of quiet as I share the tea Twilight made for me, taking in the ticks and tocks of the clock, and the shuffling of books across shelves.

“So, did my brother ever teach you any magic?”

Part of me freezes up at the mention of that word. I personally don’t trust magic. I don’t know quite why, but it seemed that it affected me differently that it did ponies. Like when Aunt Cadence used her magic to heal a nasty scratch I got when I was little. I don’t know exactly why, but it seemed to work better. That was all well and good, but when somepony threw a magic snowball at me, it felt like it had a rock in it.

“I guess that’s a no, huh?”

I shake my head as I finish my cup, standing up as I get my things together.

“Leaving so soon? You haven’t even had a scone!” Twilight calls as I near the door.

“I know, and I’d love to,” I reply, waving as I make a hasty escape, realizing I still had an appointment to catch. “But I have to get to Whitetail Wood as soon as I can. I have a camping trip to get to.”

I can vaguely hear her calling for me be to be safe, but it’s too faint for me to hear. By this point, I’m making a dash to the campsite. As I run as fast as my little legs can carry me, I notice ponies looking me over. Well, all except for one mint-colored unicorn, who seemed largely uninterested as she resumed drinking something.

I know I should have probably seen it coming, but running through a crowded town is starting to scare up some attention, and definitely not in a good way. I’d better try and make for the forest before I get mobbed for being the odd one out. I swear that I just saw a blur of pink rush by, but I don’t have time to play!

I look around to try and find the colors of scout uniforms, but the huge rainbow of ponies makes it more than a little difficult to do so. My eyes try to pick out even the tiniest little speck of green or tan. If I can find even that little bit of the signature vest, I’ll find the camp site.

As if something has heard my thoughts, a pegasus has found me, calling to me as I end up being scooped up in his forearms.

“We’ve been looking all over for you. Where have you been, Lance?”

I looked up to the pegasus who picked off my feet, then down at the ground. I don’t know exactly how high we are, but it is definitely making me a little airsick. The ground seems further from my feet.

“Hello? Terra to Lance?”

“I was – having tea with my aunt.” I state, shuddering as I feel myself sinking. “She saw me coming into town and had me for a few minutes. I didn’t see it coming.”

“Is that all?” The pegasus asks, before laughing. “It’s all right, Lance; Just remember to send a message out if you’re going to be late again.”

I only nod as we begin to lower to the ground with the rest of the scouts, taking a few deep breaths.

“Sorry for keeping you waiting, everypony. I just had to rustle up one last straggler.”

The ponies here don’t look nearly as nervous as the ones I knew back home. They were much different. There were all kinds of ponies here! They looked a bit annoyed I took so long, but I don’t blame them. I really should have told Twilight I didn’t have time for tea.

“Um… Hi, everypony.” I hum nervously, waving as I adjust my backpack.

Most of the other ponies just wave back, except for a red-colored pegasus colt, who puts a hoof out to me, smiling.

“How’s it going, new kid? I’m Robin.”

A part of me doesn’t know how to respond to him, but I start to figure out how, and I ball my hand into a fist to meet his hoof.

“I’m Lance. Lance Petal.” I reply in a cheerful tone.

“It’s good to meet you, Lance.” Robin chirps before falling in line again. “Let’s be sure to do our best, okay?”

I smirk back and nod. “Sure! I won’t let you down, Robin.”

“I should hope so,” the pegasus from before says, before taking his place at the front of the herd, clearing his throat.

“Hello, everypony, and welcome to the Colt Scouts field trip. For this trip, we’ll be spending a weekend in Whitetail Wood. I’m Eagle Eye, and I’ll be your scoutmaster. We’re going to be learning about a good number of plants and wildlife, so be sure to take note of whatever you find. I’ll lead us to the camp and tell you about the plants we find along the way. Are we clear?”

The other colts salute their scoutmaster, as do I, and we reply cleanly, “Yes, Scoutmaster Eagle Eye!”

On that note, the troop marches onward as I watch the sun move across the sky. The scoutmaster muses on about the various flowers and animals that are all around, like the daisies and the squirrels and the many birds that were flying around. I’ve never seen something so beautiful. Back in the Crystal Empire, there weren’t a lot of trees in bloom. At least, not a lot that weren’t crystal. All kinds of greens and browns and reds… I’d never seen such beautiful foliage before. Everything was more solid. The colors were more vibrant, and I could see much more detail in the leaves and flowers! It’s all so breathtaking. My heart’s all aflutter! I can’t help but be amazed at all this! I get so caught up in sightseeing that I start to fall behind the group. I manage to get my mind back on the right track just in time to get back in line, though.

My new friend Robin comes to join me.

“Have you ever seen trees this green, Lance?” He asks, his wings stiff from excitement.

“To be honest, no,” I say in response, a hand behind my head. “Where I come from, there’s not much but crystals and snow. I don’t mind, though; It’s just cold.”

Robin nods to me. “I know how that feels. There’s not much plantlife up in Cloudsdale, either.”

The two of us share a long conversation while the Scoutmaster drones on, before eventually, we find our way to the campsite. There’s a fire pit surrounded by tan tents that have already been set up for us. Somepony must have done this ahead of time. I guess it would be a real pain to try and pitch a tent with your hooves and teeth under pressure. Then again, given what I’ve seen of crystal ponies, I doubt it would be that difficult of a task.

“Well, we’re here, everypony. Feel free to have a walk around, if you feel willing. Don’t wander off too far, though; this may be one of the more peaceful forests in Equestria, but there are still a good number of wild animals around, and I don’t think they’d like a bunch of colts messing with them.”

“I understand, Scoutmaster. I’ll make sure not to wander too far.” I respond, saluting.

“Good. Now, who wants to roast marshmallows?”

“Oooh, me, me!” shouted an enthusiastic colt.


Night falls quickly as I and the other scouts play and enjoy marshmallows and s’mores. I haven’t seen a night with the stars so clear or with the moon so bright. Robin and I take time to find the constellations. I can see Virgo, Capricorn, and Cancer. I can even see some of the ponies that live in the stars. I've always heard stories about how brave and noble ponies would earn their place in the sky as a star all his own. I've heard that's where Star Swirl went.

To join the stars... That's what I want to do some day.

The the light warming us and the fellow scouts isn't as bright as it was earlier. I decide to pick myself up and dust myself off.

“The fire looks like it's about to go out.” I say as I take a deep stretch. “I'm going to go and get some kindling.”

“At this time of night?” Robin asks, concerned.

“Would you rather sleep in the dark?” I ask back, putting a creepy tone to my voice.

You should see the look on Robin's face. It's just priceless!

“N – No...”

I give my best smile and turn about-face.

“Good. I'll be back in a few minutes. You can come with me, if you want. You can be my lookout.”

Robin thinks on it for a moment. He seems uneasy about it, but nods and takes to the sky.

“I'm not a strong flier, but I can keep a good eye above the treeline. Is that okay?”

I nod in reply, giving him my thumb up.

“That's just fine.”


With our minds made, we make for the forest, searching for kindles down below while my new pegasus friend keeps a sharp eye out above. Strangely, there's a lot of fallen twigs and branches for spring. The wood's also fairly recent.

Is that natural?

I don't really put too much thought into this as I stuff kindles carefully into my backpack, the moon barely lighting my way. I try and be careful not to catch my shorts on any fallen branches, but in the process, some twigs end up snapping under my feet. Eventually, I come across a really big branch.

I'm sure I can keep the fire going with this piece of wood!

But, just as I go to reach out for the branch, I hear an even louder snap. I'm not sure if it's from my foot, or from that of another, but it startles me, and sends a big chill up my spine as I start to back away.

As my luck would have it, I come across none other than a bear. An big, angry one, at that. It's a brown bear, with some red, furious eyes.

Oh... pony feathers…

For a moment, I was frozen, unable to get my body to move an inch. However, as my heart began to race, and I started making a mad dash away from the bear. Heavy footsteps chase my path, and I hear the piercing growl against my back.

And just like that, I go from Lance Petal, Colt Scout to Lance Petal, Derby Runner. There's no way I can make him go away by myself! I have to get as far away as I can, and fast! Unless...

My pole!

I keep running as I desperately fish through my backpack for the pole Uncle Shiny gave me, twisting the handle as I spin it into my hand and come to a dead stop, facing the big bear.

Now, how do I chase off a bear...?

Before I can think, the bear tries to bear his weight on me, and my body naturally brings my new pole up to those claws of his, the soles of my feet and shoes digging into the dirt.

Remember, the most important tool in a soldier’s arsenal isn’t his weapon... It's his mind!

A new idea comes up as I manage to misdirect the bear's attack, causing him to trip, giving me a perfect chance to escape.

My legs are going as fast as they can, but even with my counterattack, I'm still not able to make a good distance between me and it. Rocks, pebbles, branches and twigs click, crack, and snap at my feet. I can hear the dirt's puff as I put as much strength into my legs as they can take. I look to the sky, praying one of the warriors of the stars might hear me, but all I can only see a shooting star and a slightly brighter moon. As I look down, there's a trail of white guiding me, and soon enough, I see a large river near the horizon.

It's too far for me to jump! I have to find some other way to get across, or I'm toast!

My eyes catch a small hole in the forest floor and in a fit of inspiration, I wedge the pole inside, vaulting as best I can over the river.

At this moment, time seems to slow down. I can only hear the rushing water and the splashes of fish shooting above the surface, one of them just barely missing my face as I bring the pole out from its hole and in front of me. I start to tuck myself into a ball as I hope to myself that I don't mess up and break something in me. Things begin to speed up again as I manage to roll onto the other side, barely skimming the water. The pole almost twists out of my hands, but I’m able to pull on it and pop free of the hole.

For a moment,I think I’m safe, but then my short moment of relief is ended by the bear still giving chase, wading through the water after me.

That run took a lot of out of me! I can't keep this up much longer...

I've exhausted most of my options now. I don't have a choice but to try and hold the bear off. I brace myself into the dirt, my legs spreading apart as my heels dig in. I spin the pole my uncle gave me in my hand, getting ready to tussle with that big hulk of muscle.

If I can't run, I'll have to stand and fight!

Just before I can charge the bear like the brave knight I picture myself to be, a bolt of holy light shoots down between us. The flash blinds both the bear and me, and I end up falling onto my butt from the confusion. As the light that blinded me goes away, I see a big blue pony in front of me. A darker splotch of blue covers her flanks, a crescent moon on them both. Her wings are unfurled proudly as her horn lights with a magic flame. The wind around me begins to kick up as I use the pole to anchor myself, trying to shield myself from what may come.


Ow! My ears. Are they – Yes, they are in fact ringing.

I can't believe what I'm seeing. Aunt Luna, in all her dark glory, is right in front of me, telling off a bear with her famous Royal Canterlot Voice. I'm so close that I can both hear every word she's saying and not hear a word of it from being deafened by its loudness.

The bear was equally shocked, turning and running away before Luna faces me. I'm too frightened to move. My loss of hearing causes me to fall again, only to be cradled in Luna's magic and stood upright. Afterward, she wraps a wing around me, rubbing her face against my neck, to which I do the same. Not long after, she stands, looking both concerned and angry.

“Are you hurt?” she asks, looking over my body. “Anything cut? Anything bruised or broken?”

“N – No, ma'am...” I stutter, blushing nervously.

“What were you doing out here, Lance? Do you not know the time? Colts like you should be taking shelter beneath the blanket of stars, not cavorting off into the forest.”

I have to be honest. I wouldn't want to make her cross.

“The fire at the campsite was starting to go out, so me and Robin were out here getting kindling and firewood. Robin was taking a bird's-eye view to make sure I was safe. Then I found a really big piece of wood, and I ended up crossing paths with that bear...”

“Aye, and you were smart to avoid a direct confrontation and flee. A foal your size cannot hope to defeat a creature of such magnitude.”

“I know... I was about to face it myself from how tired I was getting. Then you showed up and saved my skin.”

I half await Luna to punish me, curling into a ball as I look up at her, only to find her look wasn't angry, but of concern. She sits down beside me, hugging me again.

“Do not despair. You are not going to be punished. Your brief encounter with death should be punishment enough.”

Oh thanks. That makes me feel so much better.

She takes a breath as she directs my eyes to the stars, pointing to a particularly bright one.

“Lance, you are possibly the only one of your kind. As my fellows would say, 'Live your best life, for you walk the earth but once.'”

I have to speak my mind now. That same question returns to my mind, and I feel Luna may be one of the few ponies I could talk to about it.

“Auntie Luna, what am I?”

Luna sighs yet again, her eyes still fixed on that star.

“Lance, as much as I would love to answer that question, neither I, nor Celestia, nor even Twilight Sparkle quite know the answer yet. Ever since we first found you, we've been doing our best to try and find that answer. We have yet to find it, but I can promise you this. But, for today, you are little more than yourself, and until you truly discover yourself, let not a single pony nor griffon nor dragon tell you what you are. You are Lance Petal, and you are a child of Equestria, destined to become a brave and noble stallion.”

Part of me can't help but fall silent at Luna's explanation. While it's not all that better from the original, I can find a strange sense of comfort in knowing that I might figure out who, and maybe what I am. As I think about what she says, she smiles, and picks me up, lowering me onto her back.

“Come. You look haggard. I will return you to the campsite so that you may enjoy the rest of your excursion. Perhaps when it's over, you might want to see Celestia and I for a trip to the Royal Guard Academy? Shining Armor has told me often how you are making great strides in your training.”

Part of me can't help but smile. I've almost never been to Canterlot, except when I was a baby. To get to go there again and see the place Uncle Shiny had told me I'd be going is a dream come true.

“I'd love to, Auntie.”

On these words alone, Luna makes a mighty flap with her wings, flying into the moonlight as the forest seems to fade away like a long-gone memory.