• Published 18th Mar 2013
  • 9,098 Views, 135 Comments

Hand in Hoof - AdamThePony

A human infant ends up in Equestria, raised by the royal family for his own protection.

  • ...

Chapter 8: Hello, Goodbye

Chapter 8: Hello, Goodbye

“This was a stupid idea.”

I had a sinking feeling everything was most definitely not going to be fine.

At this point, I found myself standing behind a stage curtain. In the time between my invitation to host this altercation and the actual altercation itself, I had been fitted for some new traveling attire. It was an affair of blues, navies, and purples that blended military function with everyday fashion. A good mix of form and function for the conditions I was to be facing in the future.

For some reason, even with all this clothing and armor, I felt incredibly naked. And before you start, there's a difference between being in the nude and being naked; the former refers to literally being without clothes, while the latter can mean any kind of discomfort, regardless of one's state of dress. Considering that most ponies are nude by default, the analogy of imagining the audience naked wasn't exactly helping assuage my stage fright. I suppose imagining them completely shaved would have helped, but it was too late for that.

So, as I stood behind the curtain, I began to reminisce on the circumstances that brought me to this stage to begin with.


Getting fitted for this outfit was somewhat awkward. I was tailored by a unicorn named Rarity. Evidently, she's some friend of my aunt that does a lot of charity work, and upon hearing that she was going to be doing some work for royalty, her eyes must have lit up like stars in the sky. Naturally, I had to be mostly nude for the occasion so that I could be measured properly. It was nothing new for me to have to undress, but it never was too comfortable. Even this unicorn's ginger touch didn't help me get comfortable, nor the mirrors at each side of me. There was always that moment of discomfort when the tape passed below the waist, but at the very least, this seamstress knew her manners well.

I suppose as a way of easing the tension, she decided to make small talk. At least, small talk of the same type that a dentist might give you while she's drilling into your teeth; Most of what she says is rhetorical, but she talks about it anyway. “You know, I love going off model every now and again, Lance,” she said, in a casual, but refined tone. “Sure, it takes a little extra work to get the measurements right, but in the end, it's so much more rewarding.” She mused for a moment as she examined the manikin nearby. “If you'd be willing, you could stay a while longer and make a manikin for future reference.”

I was unsure of how to reply, so I simply nodded, my hands to my sides.

“I can't help but notice that you're quite a lean fellow for somepony who's a member of the Royal Guard,” she noted, pouting as she wrapped a length of tape about my leg. “How do you get such a slender figure, dear? Is it something in your diet?”

I chuckled. “Well, my dentist tells me I've a good set of teeth,” I said with a tentative smile. “My pediatrician thinks I'm perhaps meant to eat meat, but given the typical Equestrian meal is mostly grasses and roots, that kind of thing is a little out of the question.”

Rarity chuckled nervously as she measured out my chest. “Though I can't speak from experience, I do hear the Griffon Kingdoms have exquisite meat. Should you ever visit there, do tell me how it tastes.”

“I'll try and write home whenever I can,” I replied earnestly. “After all, I'll be having a certain assistant tailing me on my travels.”

Another chuckle came, this time more amused. “I do suppose that's something of a gift. Spikey-wikey is nothing if not a dutiful assistant. I can't even begin to tell you how much he's done for me. He practically saved my life on more than one occasion!”

I returned her chuckle. “You talk about him as if you have some kind of love for him.”

“Well, the dear has a crush on me,” Rarity replied, extending my arm. “And I honestly think it's something quite adorable.”

My eyes drifted to an easel nearby. It had an image of my outfit to be. I couldn't identify what it aimed to be, but it was certainly a far cry from typical Royal Guardsman armor. It seemed to be a simple linen outfit at its base, with tiled armor atop it. The pants were noticeably roomy looking, and the plating seemed to be made with comfort, protection, and aesthetic pulled into a single ensemble. I didn't expect the seamstress to have also been an armorer, but then I remembered that this work was ostensibly a collaborative one.

“I can't help but notice the outfit that you're making me isn't the typical uniform the Guard wears,” I noted as the unicorn measured my chin and neck.

"Oh, I'm quite aware, darling," Rarity replied curtly. "While I can appreciate the aesthetic and protective value of a stallion in proper uniform, the old designs are just that—old. There's not as good a balance between form and function in the traditional attire. To that end, I've decided to go for a more blended aesthetic and design. While I assure you, I'm no armorer by trade, I can certainly tell you that the designs such armors as those worn by Saddle Arabian knights, along with other military forces in the Orient, have a much more balanced mix of style and safety." The purple-maned mare flushed red for a moment, biting her lip. "That isn't to say that I'm obsessed with the look or anything."

I and the armorer shared a brief chuckle.

"I must say that the trousers look especially comfortable." Rarity looked down to the lower half of her design sketch and smiled. "It it is such a shame that you should feel the need to wear such things, though. To cover up such a well-kept figure is such a waste."

I cocked my head a moment.

"Were I in your position, I'd stay as I was born," Rarity mused as she hid another pair of flaming cheeks. "Then again, if everyone followed that line of thought, it would leave yours truly out of a line of work."

For some reason, with the encouragement that this marshmallow-hued mare gave me, it made me feel somewhat more at ease in my undress. She seemed to understand my body, in spite its alien curves and shape. The way she measured was ginger and soft. It was almost motherly, in a strange sense. In spite being a near-complete stranger to me, she seemed just as much like family as the princesses were.

The one detail that her design seemed to leave out was the idea of headgear.

"Miss Rarity," I queried with a tad bit of worry. "what about my head? Should there not be some way of protecting it?"

"Never despair, my dear." Rarity presented a beret and scarf to me. "This should give you some lovely protection for that darling little face of yours."

The beret was simple enough. A navy piece of head wear that, for some reason, had a phoenix plume nestled in its drooping frame. Along with it was a scarf that seemed to made to hide my face. Just dark enough to presumably hide my face.

"A beret and scarf?" I asked, curious as to what the meaning of it was. "What good would these do?"

Rarity smiled as she gingerly caressed my face. "It's not just for keeping your head safe, my dear. Out there, if anyone were to get a good look at your face, they would be able to spot you in a crowd easily. With this hat and this scarf, your true face will be hidden—and by extension, so will you." She gave me another glance. "Your identity is a sacred thing, Lance. Even such simple attire such as this is a good way of keeping it so."

"I'm not sure if a mask would hide me any better," I pointed out, grimacing. "It's not that hard to spot a bipedal creature just a few apples shorter than a minotaur. Not to mention much more slender."

"Well, if nothing else, it will keep your face hidden," Rarity giggled. "That's the key to this lovely hat. While on your head, you will be able to see as clear as day, while to others, you'll appear as little than a shadow."

I looked to the hat again with curiosity before setting it down. "Thank you, Rarity. I think it's indeed quite a lovely hat."

Rarity sighed happily. "You're most welcome, my dear; Fashion is my passion, and my passion burns like a glorious flame!" She set the measuring tape down and smiled proudly. "In any case, I think I have most of your measurements squared away. Now, I simply need to find the fabrics to design it properly, and soon enough, you'll have an outfit that will bewilder and dazzle many a passerby!"

I smiled back as I stepped down from the platform she had provided for me, putting on the clothes I'd worn on my way to the boutique.

"So, now that that's taken care of, what's left to do?" I asked, stretching out.

"Well, for one, we simply must get you to a spa," Rarity pointedly proclaimed. "Though your complexion is quite remarkable, you both look and feel tense. When I was measuring you, I felt like I was running my hooves across some kind of bronze statue!"

"Are you implying I'm some kind of work of art?" I joked back.

"No, I'm implying you're as hard as stone."

For some reason, I couldn't help but look down and blush.

"Well, you're quite a pretty mare, and I was a little shy..."

Rarity rolled her eyes and smiled. "I've already got one boy swooning over me, Lance. While I do love the attention, I'd rather not double it."

The two of us shared a good fit of laughter as she guided me outside and lead the way to the next stop in her itinerary.


What soon graced my eyes was perhaps the most verdant of sanctuaries I'd ever beheld. This one particular part of Ponyville was provided plenty of flora and fauna to the town, and animals happily skittered and scampered across as Rarity and I made our way to the cottage in the center. Something about this place seemed to comfort me. The animals, though shy, looked upon the two of us with curiosity as Rarity rapped at the door.

A hush fell upon the wooden cot, the only sounds to be heard being the din of the critters surrounding us. The chattering of the squirrels, the squealing of the bunnies, the songs of the birds, and the buzzing of the bees formed a natural symphony. The staccato of four hooves clopping to the door blended in strangely well with the song that nature seemed to sing. Soon, the door inched open, and a butter-yellow pegasus peeked out from it. Even looking into those sweet cyan eyes of hers evoked a strange form of pathos from me.

"Oh, hello Rarity," the pegasus squeaked meekly. "Is it that day of the week again?"

"It is, indeed." Rarity replied earnestly. "I've even brought a special someone who'll be enjoying it with us."

For an instant, our eyes met again, and the pupils within those of the pegasus widened gradually. She began to inch forward to me and took one of my arms curiously, feeling up the individual fingers of my hand. She didn't look directly at me, instead vying for the option of scrutinizing me with the wonder of a zoologist. She seemed rather transfixed in the action, murmuring to herself as she did so. Then, when we finally did make official eye contact, she blushed and backed away.

"Oh, my… Am I making you uncomfortable?" She pleadingly asked. "I don't mean to; It's just that I've never seen something like you before."

I chuckled nervously and smiled. "It's okay, miss; I'm quite used to it these days." I offered my hand again, which she took a bit more eagerly.

"Well, seeing as you two are getting acquainted quite quickly, I feel we should keep this introduction brief," Rarity said with a careful smile. "Fluttershy, this is Lance. He's come from Canterlot to prepare for his forthcoming adventure across Equestria. He's under the banner of the royal family, and he was sent to me for some tailoring. We just recently squared away the measurements for new outfit, and I couldn't help but notice that he felt unbelievably stiff. So, I decided, since today just so happened to be our usual spa day, I'd bring him with me for a little rest and relaxation."

Fluttershy's cheeks burned slightly more red.

"My goodness," she mumbled timidly, taking hold of my hand. "I'm sorry for being so rude. I'm Fluttershy."

"It's nothing, really," I reassured her, brushing a pink bang from her face. "If anything, you and Rarity are perhaps the first of very few ponies to actually take some interest into what I am, rather than just avoiding me. It actually makes me feel a bit more at home."

"Well, of course, dear," Rarity snickered. "A rarity such as yourself should be examined and treated carefully. From what the Princess has told me, you're something that's quite one of a kind to Equestria. Therefore, the more we can get to know about you, the better we'll be able to understand each other as a whole. After all, we're no strangers to queer and wonderful happenings in this town. Zebras, minotaurs, dragons, and all sorts of things tend to rear their heads here. We're something of a magnet for oddities that way."

I smiled as Fluttershy released me. "Hopefully, I'll be able to find many amazing things on my adventure. When I have the time, I'll try and document my findings to all of you."

"I should hope so, dear," Rarity humbly hummed. "Be sure to inform me of the fashion trends of whatever cultures you happen to run into along the way." The unicorn pointed to the pegasus then. "As for my dear friend Fluttershy, her passion happens to lie in zoology. I'm sure she'd love to hear about the different flora and fauna you happen to find."

Gee, I wonder where I got that impression from…

"I suppose that's enough dawdling for now then, darlings," Rarity declared. "It's time for us to hit the spa and enjoy some nice relaxation!"

Fluttershy squeaked out a meager "Yay" as we proceeded along the path.

As we walked, Fluttershy became gradually less intimidated by my stature, smiling more and more as she prodded me with question after question. The usual list of where I come from, what I eat, what my particular talent happens to be, and several other topics whizzed by as Rarity giggled along. It was becoming increasingly blatant that the pegasus was a consummate zoologist. Even with someone such as me, a being that, from my own understanding, was absolutely alien to this world, she seemed to understand me much better than a lot of pony folk did. Eventually, once she had exhausted the lion's share of her questionnaire, Rarity spoke up again.

"So, Lance, Princess Celestia told me you were previously acquainted with Twilight Sparkle," She began. "Tell me, have you met any more of her friends?"

"Aside from the two of you and Spike?" I quipped back. "Nopony, really. I do remember back when I came here a few years ago for a camping trip, though. I remember having to run away from some pink earth pony that was stalking me."

Suddenly, a roar of laughter interrupted the three of us. A terrifying tittering made us stop in our tracks and look around. I was particularly perturbed as my impulse kicked in, preparing me to protect this pair of ponies. My eyes and ears searched around, trying to pinpoint the location of the laughter, only to be confounded with paranoia. Then, from the brush, popped out a protrusive pink earth pony that pounced upon me like a puma.

"Speak of the Pinkie, and the Pinkie shall appear!" proclaimed the earth pony in a particularly proud fashion.

"Pinkie Pie! Where are your manners?!" Rarity gasped incredulously. "You scared us half to death! Especially Fluttershy!"

As the two of us looked to examine, Fluttershy had keeled over, frozen in place like some kind of taxidermy.

The pink mare burned red a moment and promptly pronked off from my prone form.

"Sorry about that," Pinkie replied, rubbing her hooves together. "I just heard somepony talking about me, and my ears started burning. So I rushed over and now I'm here!"

For a moment, yet another pair of blue eyes bore into me.

"Say…you're a lot taller than I remember," she remarked, giving me the once over. "Oh, that reminds me! I forgot to give you my "Welcome to Ponyville" song!"

Rarity rolled her eyes. "Here we go again..."

Before I could even question the forthcoming greeting, a large cart stood before me. Much like the owner, it was an entirely pink affair. With a push of a button, the cart exploded to life, an oven with confectionery treats presenting itself with a salute of trumpets and flags. A merry tune began to kick up, and suddenly, the pink pony was clad in a slew of instruments.

"Welcome, welcome, welcome,

A fine welcome to you!

Welcome, welcome, welcome,

I say, how do you do?

Welcome, welcome, welcome,

I say hip, hip, hooray!

Welcome, welcome, welcome,

To Ponyville today~!"

The perky pony slid forward on her rear legs, shaking her hooves feverishly as she beamed brightly at me.

"Wait for it..."

Once again, I was interrupted before I could speak again. Before even a single word came from my mouth, I found that it had stuffed full of a copious amount of chocolate cake, knocking me on my bottom as frosting spattered against my shirt. I could barely see out my eyes, but Rarity looked very much aghast.

"Pinkie Pie, how could you?!" she cried incredulously. "You've gone and sullied a perfectly good set of clothes!"

Pinkie Pie frowned, her mane appearing to deflate and droop slightly. "I was only trying to be nice and give him a warm welcome..."

"And that couldn't have waited until the party?"

And then, just like that, the fun-loving pony inflated again with a gleeful gasp.

"A party?!" she parroted, shaking with anticipation.

"Yes, Pinkie, a party," Rarity sighed. She began to examine my soiled ensemble and tutted away in disapproval. "Though it seems like Lance will need to spend some time in his birthday suit beforehand."

I sighed along with her as I disrobed once again. It was at this point that I considered the possibility of some celestial conspiracy to keep me unclothed as often as possible. To end up in total undress twice in one day was almost too much of a coincidence. At the very least, my socks and shoes were spared, giving me at least some minor comfort as I stood up, blushing. Fluttershy simply squeaked and blushed along with me, Rarity giggled with a hoof to her muzzle, and Pinkie Pie simply cocked her head in confusion.

"That's a birthday suit?" Pinkie pondered. "I thought it'd look fancier than that."

I couldn't help but blush.

"There's no need to be shy, dear," Rarity giggled as she approached me, nuzzling my chest. "Nothing I haven't already seen before."

I shrunk for a moment. "But I'm naked."

"So?" Pinkie Pie quipped back, pointing to me and her friends. "You're naked, I'm naked, and both of them are naked! What's all the fuss about?"

"I've never been like this in front of three mares before," I groaned. "Not to mention, I'm going to have to walk out in public like this."

"You were going to have to disrobe when we got to the spa, anyway," Rarity reminded me. "If I were you, I'd embrace the opportunity. It's a lovely day out, and a little extra tanning wouldn't hurt."

I frowned, but as the pegasus and unicorn flanked me, my discomfort slowly began to wane.

Rarity collected my discarded clothing and placed it onto Pinkie Pie's back, smiling tenderly.

"Pinkie, if you would be so kind, would you take these clothes to the laundromat?" she asked. "After that, I believe the Princess may have want of your party planning capabilities."

Pinkie Pie saluted and beamed. "Can do!"

With that, Pinkie darted away, leaving only a pink puff of smoke in her wake. As soon as she was out of eyesight, Rarity jabbed my hip with her ankle.

"Quickly now," she urged. "The spa awaits."

I nodded quickly and rushed off with the two of them, my hands at their necks as we went along our merry way. Thankfully, they were both incredibly courteous, and though I garnered a few odd looks—notably, one mint-green mare who was particularly keen on observing me—I was safe for the duration of our walk.

The spa itself stood out as one of the more unique buildings in the hamlet of Ponyville. A building with upturned, apparently cloth roofing, a small amount of topiary, and a sign of a pleased looking pony with a frame similar to the princesses hanging just above the door. Just adjacent the spa was a joke shop that had sign a pony wearing a prop of an arrow going through her head. The shop itself resembled a jester's hat. Yet another strange juxtaposition in my lifetime.

As we entered, two earth ponies sharing the colors of blue and pink greeted us. They appeared to be an ideal pair, acting as two halves of an equal whole, even down to their coloration. The blue one greeted us with a smile as her eyes turned up from her clipboard.

"Ah, Miss Rarity," she cooed as she approached us. "I see you've brought a new guest."

"I have indeed, Lotus," Rarity declared. "This young stallion is Lance, and he's in sore need of a good old fashioned spa treatment. My treat, of course."

"Right away, Miss Rarity," The spa mare chuckled as took me along with a smile. "And the usual for the two of you, as well?"

"Please," Rarity curtly concurred. "You'll treat him well, won't you?"

"You don't have to worry about a thing," Lotus assured as she took me to the other pony. "Aloe and I are professionals. It's our job to help soothe what ails our clients and mold them into works of art."

"You don't have to tell me twice," Rarity sighed as she waved to me. "Have fun, dear!"

"Oh, he will!" Aloe replied as she took me by the shoulder. "Come along now, big boy. Let's get you into a nice, hot bath."

My senses seemed to dull at this point as I was escorted into a room of billowing steam.


You would think that a pair of hard hooves would do very little good to someone with such a tense set of muscles as mine. You would think that they wouldn't be able to ease out all the tension with how strong a pony's ankles typically are. You wouldn't think that such hard appendages would be able to knead such an alien form like a ball of clay. I thought the exact same thing when I was laid into a tub of steaming hot water, having soap and shampoo slathered across my scalp and skin.

That first contact between the beautician's hoofs and my back quickly dispersed those falsehoods. As if they were the hooves of an ancient master, I felt their touch release so much pressure from my back, sending a wave of bliss down my shoulders as my whole body seemed to slink back. My mind suddenly goes blank as I focus only on the sensation of my blood and some other energy flowing ever more free in my body. Much like the bath I was in, my mind became little more than a haze that eclipsed all but my internal cries of ecstasy. In this instant of time prolonged, I felt at ease.

As I stared vacantly into the ether of the bath, I could swear that a pair of lights were watching me. As I blinked, they seemed to blink with me, and soon enough, they faded away. Something about them made me visibly shiver, startling the spa mares.

"Is something wrong?" Lotus asked, worried as she looked down. "I didn't press too hard, did I?"

"No, you didn't," I shuddered. "I just thought I saw something in here. It was probably my imagination."

The two looked around for a brief moment. Once they were assured that we were alone, the massage continued.

For whatever reason, those eyes seemed familiar. Like I'd seen them some time before in some distant memory. Something about them bore into my heart and took hold of my soul. And yet, with such a piercing gaze, it also seemed very tender. Those two shapes, barren of almost all detail, seemed to convey more emotion than a complete pair of eyes ever could. The mystery of their existence teased the periphery of my thought to no end.

As the heat of the bath lapped against my skin more and more, I could feel the tingle of lethargy taking me. My body seemed to recline into the tub as the haze continued to build, lulling me into a slumber. I was unable to resist as my head leaned back to the edge. Soon enough, I felt myself drift away, and the expanse of the sleeping world awaited me...


A sun-drenched mountain face greeted me as my conscience found its footing at the foot of a vast spire of stone. Much like how I was when I entered the spa, I was devoid of clothing. The sun felt particularly hot, and the path that coiled around the mountain looked particularly long. As I looked around, there was little but a vast expanse of desert to greet me. Thus, with no other option, I began to climb this mountain of many steps.

There was no railing around the structure, forcing me to hug the wall during my ascent. Like a snail, I slunk upward, my heart sinking with even the most minor of losses of footing. Something about this tower both terrified me and excited me. It was a spire of blue crystal, the stairs snaked around it like a piece of string upon one's finger. The height of the structure made me question my progress. The structure itself seemed eerily familiar as the sunlight gleamed through it, showering me with prismatic light.

As time wore on, I ended up reduced to crawling. Then, eventually, I was left to drag my weary form the rest of the way up. My body screamed for me to capitulate, but I had endured much worse. I would make it to the top come Tartarus or flood alike. If there was something to be found, I would not let myself be stopped trying to find it. Not until I saw what was up there.

Eventually, I was granted reprieve at the peak. What was left for me was an oddity; a figure clad in a white mantle stood in the center of an empty observatory, staring vacantly into the expanse. As I got onto my feet, gasping for breath, I could see her turning to face me. Its hands reached toward its hood, and it slowly removed the white cloak. But, just as our eyes were to meet, a blinding light eclipsed it. I couldn't see a single part of its figure, only feeling its embrace as my hands tried in vain to block out the searing light.

Then, suddenly, the light was gone. The light, the tower, and practically all else around me became a featureless void, that same pair of piercing eyes looking toward me. They seemed concerned as I felt something clutch me against something else.

"Do not be frightened," cooed a definitively feminine voice. "Do not falter nor fear. In searing light and blinding shadow, you must not let your resolve crumble. Be wary, however, that the light that has sheltered you is fading fast. Soon, the shadow will come again to swallow whole the fires of love and harmony."

The feminine spirit clutched me what was apparently her breast.

"My time in this plane is short, and the story is extensive," she whispered. "But, you are not alone. At least, you will not be for long. Cherish all the bonds that you make, for they will keep you strong."

I tried to speak, but I felt something seize my lips.

"Please," urged the voice. "Be safe."

Then, as quickly as she appeared, she was gone. No soft whispers in my ear, no embrace to calm me down, and no crystal tower. The unending expanse of the void was all that remained. I was left nude and prostrating, with only my own inner thoughts as comfort.

And then, a light began to peek out beneath me. Then, another joined it. The blackness was pierced with a light much more comforting, abolishing the shadow from beneath my feet. In its wake, I knelt before a stained glass flooring of a heart laid inside a snowflake. Both symbols seemed eerily familiar, but I couldn't quite find the correlation.

Then, to further compound the oddity of this illusory world, the filtered light began to change. The tiny flecks of dust soon became solid petals, which fluttered across the expanse and began to whirl around me. Like a miniature tornado, they engulfed me, carrying my body from the glass floor and pushing me upward. I was too tired to resist the power of these pastel petals, and soon surrendered to their whim. A light began to appear before me, engulfing me in its warming rays.


The next things to greet me were a blinding light, a flagrantly fuchsia towel, and a string of ponies looking over me.

"Y'all right, sugar cube?" asked an orange pony clad in a rather wide-brimmed hat. "I tell you what, I haven't seen a stallion that out of it since the time Big Macintosh had that run in with—"

"Returning to the matter at hoof," Rarity interjected, her voice raised slightly. "It's good to see you come to, darling. You could've pruned badly."

A groan escaped my throat as I shifted myself upward. I held a hand to my forehead and asked,

"How long have I been out?"

"About two days," cackled a cyan pegasus nearby, who promptly received a jab to her chest from Twilight.

"It's actually been two hours," Twilight told me in a more honest voice. "You seemed kind of spaced out, and we didn't want to wake you."

Fluttershy nodded in response. "You looked so precious... almost like a baby."

I held my tongue and stood up, working my neck slightly and stretching.

"So," I asked, holding the towel against my midsection. "Is there any particular reason why about eight mares are all huddled around a mostly-nude young adult?"

"We just wanted to make sure you were okey-dokey!" Pinkie Pie proudly proclaimed, "After all, it's hardly much of a party if the guest of honor's not around to enjoy it!"

Her friends concurred as they cuddled around me, which had the combined effect of soothing my fears and making me feel ever more naked simultaneously. I can only thank their chastity for the fact of me not being part of a horse harem. A hoof soon holds my hand, and Rarity pulls me from the string.

"While you were resting, I had the time to work on your outfit," Rarity said, taking me into a changing room."

"In two hours, you were able to stick together a full outfit through magic?" I replied dryly.

Rarity clicked her tongue . "I wouldn't go doubting a veteran vestimancer like myself, darling."

"Okay, you just made that word up," balked I.

"Perhaps I did, but at least it fits me," Rarity curtly chuckled. "After all, it wasn't just stitching it all together. Twilight and I had a few clever additions to this outfit that I think you'll find to be of good use for an adventurer in the making such as yourself."

Within a few moments, I was guided behind a changing curtain, and was presented with my ensemble from earlier that day, now looking much more than just a mere conceptual drawing on an easel. It hung from a series of hangers, and seemed to emanate a slight tinge of magic. I looked around to assure no one could see me before proceeding. Then, sure in my solitude, I suited up.

First to slip on were the undergarments, a simple pair of black socks and boxers. Second were the pants, which had larger, more roomy legs that narrowed down at the knees. Then came the undershirt and white gloves, the former feeling like it was made of rubber more than some form of linen. Up next was the coat, a double-breasted piece of top wear with a high collar, pointed sleeves, ten buttons, and a built-in belt. After that, the epaulets were fastened into place, along with a small mantle over my left shoulder. That done, I curled my scarf around my neck, sitting my beret gingerly on my head. Finally, I slipped into a pair of sturdy boots that appeared to have a steel toe in them.

When I turned to face the mirror, I was awed at the professionally casual look and began making a few slight adjustments for comfort's sake. As I did so, I noticed that some parts of the outfit—notably, the sleeves, boots, and the bottom parts of my coat, had a rhinestone pattern of gray patches. I also noticed that parts of the outfit, such as the mantle, had slight cyan lacing to them. Truly, the level of minute detail here was rather staggering for unicorn work.

My personal inspection done, I took a deep breath and walked out boldly , striking my best modeling pose.

"How do I look?" I asked, a hand to my hip.

"Like a young Bray Guevara," Rarity replied, blushing as she seemed to realize who she was referring to. "But only in appearance."

"I'd have to agree," Twilight said with a nod. "You look like someone ripped straight out of a Daring Do novel."

I chuckled for a moment and joked, "Perhaps I'll end up raiding tombs very soon."

The whole room erupted into a laughter for a good few moments before they all relaxed. As I looked around, I quickly realized someone was missing from this altercation.

"Where's Spike?" I asked, curiously.

"He's back at the library," Twilight told me. "I'm having him pack for the trip. Food, maps, shelter. The typical inventory for some intrepid travelers."

Rarity nodded as she paced around me. She then asked, "If I might ask one thing of you, darling?"

"What might that be?" I asked back.

"Well, Spike is such a precious little thing. Though I'm more a fan of fashion, if anyone so much as scratches one scale on his cute little head—"

The piercing stare of two blue eyes struck me dumb.

"Destroy them."

I was not alone when we all joined in a collective gulp.

"Now then, seeing as your ensemble has been sorted out, shall we head to town hall and prepare the big event?"

We all chuckled nervously and followed the seamstress to the center of town, my footsteps having perhaps the largest amount of noise.


And so we come full circle to the major event of this particular evening. There I stood, shaking in my boots in full uniform, unable to compose myself. A good few years of military training all squandered in a single moment of public speaking. I was almost inclined to turn tail and run off before things got started, but I found myself reconsidering even that. I turned to face Princess Celestia and made my thoughts clear to her.

"I'm not sure if I can go through with this," I bluntly stated, looking to the curtain. "I'm fine and dandy around a few ponies watching me, but talking in front of an entire crowd?" I paused for breath. "I just don't know if I can stand the attention."

"Oh, Lance," Celestia sighed, bringing me close to her chest. "What you're feeling is perfectly normal. You're just having a bit of stage fright." She called Luna over for a moment and directed me to her. "I'm sure Luna might be able to help you."

"Indeed," Luna replied, coming near to me. "I will offer a terse tutorial on the elements of public speaking."

She approached me and looked me in the eyes, straightening my back.

"First, stand up straight," she began, glaring deep into my eyes. "Look directly at your audience and keep a calm countenance. Speak loudly and clearly, and do not show hesitation."

"Could you possibly show me an example?" I asked, a bit unnerved by her gaze.

Luna smiled and nodded.


She took a deep breath. What came afterward was a surprisingly subdued, but confident voice.

"Greetings, Citizens of Ponyville. My name is Lance, and I am a young stallion under the care of the Royal Family. Starting today, I shall be embarking on a personal journey of self-discovery, and I would very much appreciate your support."

"Something to that effect, yes," Celestia chuckled. "You don't have to be quite so formal. Just stay calm and be yourself. These ponies won't hurt you. The incident with Zecora aside, they tend to be quite accepting types."

I held my tongue and stretched out reflexively.

"I'll make the opening introduction for you," Mother said with a smile. "When I call for you, be ready to put on a nice smile."

With an exchange of bows, mother was off to address the public. In the interest of being on cue, I kept my ears open to listen to her speech.

"My faithful subjects, today is a day of revelations," she began, her voice calm and uniform. "For several years, I and the rest of the royal family have harbored a secret from the general public. It is not a shameful secret, or a harrowing secret, nor is it the most well-kept of secrets. In fact, you may have already seen this secret before you arrived here. Today, I will formally disclose this secret to you all, in the hopes that you will understand and accept it. I would like to introduce mine in love, though not in blood, Lance Alexis Petal."

With a deep sigh, I composed myself as I stepped through the curtains.

Before me came a wave of applause. Several ponies of varying creeds, agendas, and appearances greeted me, marveling my figure as I tugged away the scarf from my face. The cheers respectfully died down as I approached the lectern, clearing my throat as a microphone jutted out in front of me. I tried it a few times to confirm it was working and gave a brief pause before continuing.

"I give my sincerest of gratitude, Mother," I happily started, waving to my matriarch. "I would first like to give my thanks to all of you for being here for this occasion. It honestly makes me feel a lot more comfortable to be up here. Today is a very important day for me. Though it isn't my birthday—and I am honestly still unsure of when that day precisely is—it is still a day that will mark the beginning of something I doubt I will easily forget.

"Today, I make leave of Ponyville to go on a journey of self-discovery and exploration. I have lived my entire life here in Equestria, as I'm sure many of you may be aware, so I don't know what I'll find. I will make my start at the border of the Crystal Empire, and may likely make my trip one across this entire world! Along the way, I will try and inform you all of my progress and tell you of all the things I've learned across the way.

"But before I officially begin this undertaking, today, I invite you to eat, drink, and be merry with me! Today, we're going to have a good old-fashioned 'Best of Luck' celebration to truly see me off. I have met a number of very nice ponies here in this town already, and I'd like to get to know many more before I give my fondest farewell."

For a moment, I paused, throwing my scarf over my shoulder.

"So, what do you say we get this party started?!"

Judging by the surprisingly warm reception, I didn't think I needed to tell them twice.


After perhaps one of the most enjoyable fiestas of my life and an even better siesta, Spike and I found ourselves standing at the Ponyville Station Platform, awaiting the next train to the Crystal Empire. Most of the attendants of the party had returned to their normal routines, leaving only the six mares formally known as the Elements of Harmony to see us off.

"I'm honestly really surprised, Pinkie Pie," I said with a smile. "I thought I was going to be booed off the stage, but that had to have been one of the best parties I've ever had!"

"That's super!" Pinkie cheered with glee. "Another satisfied customer!"

"You really shouldn't be so worried," Twilight said with a tender smile. "This town sees a lot of crazy things on a weekly basis! A mad god, a rogue cerberus, an Ursa Minor, a swarm of Parasprites..."

Twilight kept going for quite a while up until Rainbow Dash nudged her.

"I think he gets it, Twi," Rainbow groaned.

"The point is, this town's seen just about everything you could throw at it," Applejack surmised.

"At this point, a feller like you ain't even close to being called a monster. You're just a little weird, is all."

"I think I'd prefer to call him 'exotic', personally," Rarity replied.

Fluttershy simply nodded.

"You know, you kinda look like something I saw in a dream once," Pinkie Pie remarked. "Only not as colorful."

"Really? Do you know what it was?" I asked, curious.


Twilight looked a bit curious as she smiled.

"You know, I think I know what Pinkie Pie's talking about, but I don't know what they were actually called," she said. "If you'd like, maybe I can tell you about it sometime."

I gave the idea some thought, but respectfully declined.

"Maybe later," I said with a smile. "I want to find out a little more about myself before I ask anyone else."

"Fair enough," my aunt noted. "It's a pretty good story."

Soon enough, the familiar hiss of a train screeching to a halt greeted our ears, and the conductor soon poked out from it with a stopwatch.

"All aboard for the Crystal Empire!"

I took a final sigh and smiled.

"Well, it looks like it's time to begin this journey at last," I said, opening my arm. "Group hug for good luck?"

Though I did not dislike the hug, I immediately found myself regretting having made the offer as all six of them piled on top of me for a tender embrace.

"Hugs!" Pinkie Pie gleefully exclaimed. "Hugs are always good!"

With the tender moment complete, I began to wave goodbye as Spike and I boarded the train.

"Wish me luck, girls," I said with a chuckle. "Something tells me I'm going to need it."

Twilight put a hoof to my shoulder. Once I turned around, she brought me into a more private embrace.

"Good luck, Lance." She said, giving me a tight squeeze. "I hope you learn a lot during all this."

I held Twilight's hoof in my hands and squeezed back.

"I will, Twilight," I assured her with a smile. "And I'll keep Spike safe at any cost."

With a final farewell, the two of us boarded the train with a fire in our eyes and a song in our hearts.

Now, the adventure truly begins.

Author's Note:

My goodness, this beast took a while. Two months of procrastination, writer's block, and video games finally allowed me to complete this chapter.

With this chapter, the first arc of Hand in Hoof draws to a close.

What adventures shall our human and drake embark on? Stay tuned.

In addition, feel free to choose your own intro song. Personally, one song I kept going back to was "-Into Free- Dangan" by B'z, better known as the Menu Theme from the US release of Dragon's Dogma.