• Published 26th Sep 2011
  • 7,274 Views, 95 Comments

Sadness + Kindness - Brazilian Brony

Luna wants to find a pony that actually likes her beautiful night

  • ...

Chapter 12

“So... what do we do now?” Luna asked, bored, she couldn’t find anything to do with Fluttershy, she was used to staying in her room all day long, now that she had company, nothing came up on her mind, what was she supposed to do? ”I should have thought about this… Now what should I do?”

“Are you okay, Luna?” Fluttershy asked timidly. ”I think I should try to stay less timid with Luna with me… what could she think about that? I just want to… what Rainbow Dash told me…”

“Well, I just can’t-“ Luna began before she was interrupted by Fluttershy.

“Be cool!” suddenly Fluttershy put her both hooves on her mouth and blushed intensely.

“THAT’S A GREAT IDEA!” Luna said happily and hugged Fluttershy. She could see Fluttershy was entirely confused. “What? It’s just a great idea… heh…” she blushed and began speaking again. “So, let’s play a game?” Luna asked happily and let out a squeak of joy.

Fluttershy felt her heart melting, it was so cute she couldn’t explain it, she just imagined the word ‘HNNNG’ on her mind. “well… what game?” Fluttershy asked confused, and still recovering from the ‘attack’ Luna gave to her. ”Oh, she’ so cute” Fluttershy sighed in her mind, it was a little frustrating that she was too shy to ask… things to Luna, she just wanted to stay with her forever.

“Guessing game!” Luna exclaimed happily, and cleared her throat and began speaking again. "So, we’ll keep guessing, after every guess the guess-ee answers "hot" or "cold" depending on how close the guess-er is to the answer!.” Luna explained and took a breath. “Sound fun?” she smiled with joy.

Fluttershy could feel her little heart pumping harder and harder, that smile… somehow it made Fluttershy happy inside. ”So that’s why Pinkie is always happy…” “Well…” she began speaking. “Let’s play it.” She smiled warmly to Luna.

“Okay, okay! Um… I know! Um…” Luna blushed a little and continued. “well… it’s the most shining star in all Equestria Luna said. can you guess it?” Luna said in a playful tone.

“Oh, so this is a competition?” Fluttershy asked smiling teasingly at Luna. “I’m ready then!” Fluttershy said smiling.

“yay!” Luna squeaked again. She was so happy, her FIRST slumber-party was going well, nothing would spoil this fun, she hadn’t felt so happy since the last Nightmare Night, it was just perfect, nothing could ruin this night, it was only her and her friend.

“So, I have to guess the most shining star in all Equestria?” Fluttershy asked a little worried.

“Yeppers! But if is too hard, we can change the subject, okay?” Luna said.

“Oh no, I’m certainl that I’ll guess it…” Fluttershy began to think. ”I should go to Twilight’s library more often… this is gonna be a disaster…”


“Apple Bloom, what are you doing?” Applejack entered the barn and saw a filly unicorn and a filly Pegasus.

“Hey Applejack!” Sweetie Belle said happily. “Apple Bloom is up there, she’s using the telescope!”

“What for?” Applejack asked confused. “by the way, isn’t late for y’all little fillies to stay here at Sweet Apple Acres?” Applejack asked. “and Sweetie Belle, Rarity is gun’ be all drama queen if she knows you left her bo-bou… I don’t how’t pronounce that name!”

“Oh it’s okay Applejack! I left a note before coming here!” Sweetie Belle answered.

Applejack looked to Scootaloo who was smiling like a angel. Applejack lifted an eyebrow.

“Rainbow Dash knows you’re here?”

Scootaloo was sweating. “Well… Apple Bloom told me it was important! And we could get our astronomy cutie mark!” she said with guilt.

“Rainbow Dash knows you’re here?” Applejack asked again.

“She was napping.” Scootaloo managed to say.

Applejack facehoofed. “Apple Bloom, why you called yer friends here? It's too late!”

Applejack began to climb up the ladder, she found Apple Bloom looking through her telescope.

“er… what are yer doin’?” she asked.

“I think it’s Fluttershy, sis!” Apple Bloom said.

“Fluttershy? But she’s in Canterlot, it’s impossible.” Applejack said

“I know, I know! But she’s on the sky right now! See for yourself!”

Applejack sighed. “There’s nothing there Apple Bloom” she said as she put her eyes on the telescope. “You’ve must be seeing things…?” Applejack eyes widened. She was staring at Fluttershy’s constellation. “W-wow…”


Twilight was in her library, she was looking through her telescope, she couldn’t find a reason for that peculiar formation of stars. “Why would Luna do something like that? I’ve never seen anything like it…” Twilight began to think out loud. “Maybe… No, no. I need to be sure of it.” She began to look for Spike but he was nowhere to be found. “Spike? SPIIIIIKE” she called the baby dragon.

“I’m here, I’m here, what do you need?” the tired little dragon scratched it eyes. Twilight could see that he just woke up.

“I’m sorry Spike, but I need you to find a book, I need the ’The Princesses Inner Feelings’ “ Twilight said to Spike. ”I should have read that book… I thought the Princesses didn’t… no, Twilight, you NEED to be sure of it first. she thought. “Come on Spike, where is the book?” she said not amused

“Here, give a little break, Twi, I worked all day long… and why you want a romantic book about Luna and Celestia by the way?” Spike asked confused and gave the book to Twilight. “Oh man, this book looks like it was in a basement for an eternity, how old is this book?”

Twilight rapidly opened the book. “It’s one of the first books ever written! This might be important, Spike, I think there’s something going on, and it’s… new or some kind of it.” Twilight said a little worriedly.

“Like what, Twi? I didn’t seen anything strange. Spike said still confused.

Twilight sighed. “Go to the balcony, and look North East above the windmill.” She explained to the tired dragon.

He didn’t say anything more, Spike climbed up the stairs and went to the balcony, and looked North East above the windmill as Twilight said, his eyes widened, it was Fluttershy, but formed with stars. He’d never seen anything like it.

“Okay Okay, Now I know what's the matter.” Spike said as he climbed down the stairs. “But should we get this alarmed, I mean…” Spike sighed. “You aren’t listening to me, are you?”

“Display of Affection… Display of Aff- here it is!” Twilight cleared her throat and began to speak. “A powerful Alicorn like Princess Luna and Princess Celestia can move the sun and moon as everypony knows, but what not everypony knows, is that the Princesses do have feelings for other ponies, they can show it on various ways, such as moving stars or giving gifts, but these events might be rare, the Princesses rarely ever have any relationship, but, it will eventually happen again.”

“Oh.” It was all Twilight managed to say. “Well…”

“So, what is this about?” Spike asked confused. “Why there’s a Fluttershy in the… sky?”

“Well Spike… Princess Luna likes Fluttershy.”

“I know, I like her too, and?” Spike said confused.

Twilight was getting used to making facehoofs, and she did it again. “Spike, I mean, Princess Luna, LIKES Fluttershy, like… she likes a LOT, you know? Like…” Twilight was getting a little lost.

“I still don’t get it, Twilight… what are you trying to say?” Spike asked Twilight again.

“I think Princess Luna is… in love with Fluttershy.” Twilight managed to say.

Spike deadpanned, he hadn’t expected this, a Princess being in love with a normal pony? It was clearly odd. “Well… I guess that explains a lot, eh?” he said.

“I guess it explains, Spike. I’m happy, really, but… I don’t know what to say about this, I mean…”

“I know Twi, even I don’t understand it. But I think I’m happy, I don’t know…” Spike said, but he was certain, he was feeling happy.

“Really? Why?” Twilight asked.

“I’ve never heard about Fluttershy having any coltfriend or… marefriend… have you?” Spike asked

“You’re right, Not even I heard much about Fluttershy’s personal… life. But I guess you’re right, I think I should be happy for her, I don’t think this is wrong, but I think it’s… different.”

“Yes Twi, I mean, I hope Fluttershy is happy too. I mean, with Luna.” He smiled. “What could go wrong?”


Celestia was staring at the window, and she never felt this happy, she was about to sweat because of the jumping in the middle of her room with happiness, her little sister, was in LOVE. “Oh Luna…” Celestia said. “You don’t know how happy I am for you” Celestia breathed slowly. “My little sister… in love!” she said with a girlish voice. “Her little heart is even speaking for her.” Celestia said smiling looking at the picture of Fluttershy in the sky. And made a serious face. “But I think your head is still on the moon.” She said as she looked to ponyville, and Manehattan, all the houses were with lights on.

Comments ( 9 )

New chapter, sorry it took a little bit to write this one
I wasn't feeling right those days and... yeah.

Well, I hope you guys like this Chapter!
(Also, I don't know if I should add a 'Comedy' tag, should I?) :derpyderp1:

Loving the story, regardless of the few minor grammar issues and spelling problems. It's not close to enough to ruin the story however, very well written ship-fic between Luna and Fluttershy. I think I found another shipping pair that I really like. :yay:

good story i like it alot:pinkiehappy: tracking engage!:rainbowkiss:

Grammar isn't as bad as everyone says it is ._.
I work with people from all over the world, so Grammar and English isn't a huge thing for me XD.
Keep it coming. I Wruv It.:yay:

I would like to know if this is dead or not because I have been waiting awhile for chapter 13.

Honestly, this was hard to read at first. There were a lot of grammatical errors and the lack of vocabulary coupled with how hard it was to find out who was talking made it difficult. As I went along though, I found myself wanting to read it more and more. You've come a long way and your writing has definitely gotten better! I really cannot wait for the next chapters.:pinkiehappy:

when next chapter? :pinkiehappy::pinkiegasp::pinkiesmile:

its been six years... since this chapter was written and the same time since the author was on site. ⚰ :fluttercry:

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