• Published 26th Sep 2011
  • 7,274 Views, 95 Comments

Sadness + Kindness - Brazilian Brony

Luna wants to find a pony that actually likes her beautiful night

  • ...

Chapter 5

“You met Princess Luna?” Rarity asked in disbelief as she melted into the spa tub. ”How did she? Her friend is friends with a royal pony, the Co-ruler of Equestria? I shouldn’t be jealous… the last time I’ve been jealous was not good.” Rarity thought to herself, she still couldn’t believe it, although she was happy for Fluttershy, she made a new friend after all, she could have another pony to open herself, it’s not like she didn’t like when her friend talked with her about problems and etc, but she couldn’t help it all times, she wanted to help, but sometimes it was off limits.

“Yes, she was so nice to me.” Fluttershy said, smiling as she entered the tub. It was time to re-encounter Rarity, every week they’d go to the spa have a good, hot bath.

“What are you waiting for? Tell me what happened, darling!” Rarity demanded with a smile on her face. She wanted to know it was her last night, how’d she met the Princess, and most importantly, how? The Princesses are almost always busy with business back at Canterlot, maybe she just took a day off, who knows.

“Oh, I saw her flying close to my cottage, and she stopped to say hi to me, she was quite nice to me.” Fluttershy replied. “Why I am lying?" She WAS spying in my window, but I don’t want to have to talk about anything too personal…” Fluttershy smiled. But still, she felt guilt for lying to her best friend, if Applejack knew that she was lying…

“Oh, and what happened next?” Rarity asked, she couldn’t wait hear more from her friend, she looked happy, and that warmed her heart, she was looking sad these last few days, if she could see her friend smile it was good enough to her, she was happy, she could sense it, she knew her for a long time, and they always shared their thoughts, the talking and their friendship with themselves.

“I invited her into my cottage so we could talk, it was cold last night, so I invited her in, she looked happy when I invited her, she said she enjoyed talking with me” Fluttershy gave a sheepishly smile. The last night was magical to her, she enjoyed it so much, she wanted it to last forever.

“I see… By the way, what were you doing up at that time of night?” Rarity asked, curious, she could get a cold or something, what if she was not wearing her scarf?

She sighed and smiled, a content, dreamy look on her face. “I was just enjoying the night.” She paused and began to think. ”That night seemed sadder than the other ones… but it was enjoyable, it was the best night ever… I met a new friend.” she thought to herself, she was feeling so alive.

“But Fluttershy, winter is coming up. You could get sick staying out in that cold weather, darling.” Rarity replied a little concerned, if she got sick she couldn’t go with her to the new show that was in the city, DJ-Pon3 was coming from Phillydelphia, she wanted to bring her friends to enjoy the night, Pinkie Pie always wanted her to go to the night parties, she could go in this one, she was feeling happy, so why not?

“Oh, it’s quite alright. I still have that scarf you gave me last year.” Fluttershy replied, smiling, she had the scarf, but that didn’t mean she was wearing it, she was feeling guilty again for not using it.

“THAT old thing? Come on, I told you to just ask whenever you need a new dress, or…” Rarity explained before she got interrupted.

“Oh, I’m sorry… I didn’t want to be any trouble. Since that day you made us all dresses for the Gala, I just didn’t feel right asking you for anything else.” Fluttershy hid herself behind her mane, a sad look on her face. That day was horrible, Rarity was really upset that day, she denied the dress that Rarity gave to her, it was beautiful, she made it with her heart, but she denied, she felt so sad that day, but everything was alright in the end.

“Oh, Fluttershy. It’s okay. It makes me happy to make you new things every now and then. I am your best friend, remember?” Rarity grinned at the yellow pegasus. She loved to make new dresses to her friends, also, it was a natural talent, she loved it, but she didn’t like to be pushed to make them.

“Yes.” Fluttershy said sheepishly and gave Rarity a smile. Was Rarity angry or upset with her, she hated to upset other ponies, she sighed. “So, yesterday you told me there’d be a show in Ponyville tomorrow, what is going to happen?” she asked softly with her usual voice.

“So, DJ-Pon3 is going to play at city hall tomorrow. The girls and I are going to see her perform her new hit. Would you like to come?” Rarity asked happily, she would love to see Fluttershy there with her.

“Oh… sorry, but… I kind of have an…” Fluttershy sighed “…appointment. It is important to me… so… um… sorry.” Fluttershy replied in a sad tone.

“Oh…” Rarity was a little upset. She wanted to be there with her best friend, but considering that they saw each other every day, it was okay. She didn’t want to intrude in her personal life. “Well, it’s okay.” She grinned

“Really?” Fluttershy replied, a little happier, she was glad that her friend understood.

“Of course, darling. You have your obligations, just as I have mine. When we have another opportunity we can go.” Rarity smiled warmly at Fluttershy, she was so happy that she didn’t want to spoil it. It was rare to see her that happy.

“Oh, thank you, Rarity.” she exclaimed and hugged Rarity a little tight, carefully so she didn’t hurt her.

“So what do you have planned for tomorrow, if you don’t mind me asking?” Rarity grinned, she wanted to know what was going to be so great, she would certainly be her, she loved to hear what Fluttershy said.

“I promised the Princess she could visit me again.” Fluttershy sighed. “Sorry…” she spoke, looking down.

“Fluttershy, it’s okay. I’m not jealous.” Rarity said smiling warmly at her friend. “To be honest, I’m happy for you. Really, it’s great that you’ve made a new friend. You deserve the best, and since Luna seems to make you so happy, my guess is that you’ve already found the best.” Rarity grinned.

Fluttershy blushed. “Thank you, Rarity. Oh, I almost forgot. Did you know she liked my favorite socks?” she said sheepishly

“Really? The yellow ones with the butterflies on them?” Rarity asked.

“Yes. I thought she looked cute in them.” Fluttershy chuckled. And she was cute with them, she looked so graceful with them.


“I still think we should take pictures.” Celestia said, grinning, she was enjoying seeing her little sister happy, why can’t she be happy too? She was so happy to a smile on her face, it was the cutest thing ever, and the socks just make her look even more cute.

“Say that again and you’ll see stars.” Luna replied, annoyed. “Besides, I’m not a little filly. Why do you always say things like that when you know it only irritates me?” she grunted. Celly was passing by her limits, all day she’d been saying those things. She sighed. “It annoys me, you know?” she finished.

“Sorry, Luna, but it’s hard to resist.” Celestia replied, still grinning to Luna’s continued annoyance. “So, tell me, how did it go there?” she asked, it would be lovely to hear what happened, she loved to read Twilight Sparkle’s adventures, now she was excited that her little sister got herself into one, it was just too perfect to be true.

“There, where?” Luna replied.

“With Fluttershy, silly.” Celestia laughed, she was so off since yesterday, it was like the happiness was taking control of her, and she couldn’t care less.

Luna only blushed. “Well… it was… nice.” Luna sighed and smiled happily. “I didn’t know the magic of friendship was so strong and wonderful. I’m glad I got to experience it.” Luna sighed once more. “But the wait is so boring.” Luna finished, a little sad. ”I can’t wait to see her again, she was so gentle with me, she knows my feelings so well…” she thought.

“Of course it will be if you stand in front of that window all day long. Why don’t you do something else?” Celestia asked, her sister could stay In front of that window for hours, she just wanted the best for her.

“Like what?” Luna replied with a confused face.

Celestia thought for a moment. “I know!” Celestia exclaimed happily, she knew just the thing.

“What? Tell me.” Luna demanded. “Tell me. Tell me.” She said again with a filly’s voice.

“Pictures!” said Celestia as she began to trot off laughing, it was so fun to her.

Luna began to run after her sister “HEY! COME BACK HERE, YOU…” Luna sighed and stopped running. “Why is she picking on me so much lately? I didn’t do anything.” Luna said to herself, annoyed.

Luna walked back to the window and sat on the floor. “I miss you already…” Luna thought to herself. But after a moment, became concerned. “Oh no, I’m acting too anxious.” Luna frowned. “I don’t know if this is good or bad…” she said to herself. It has been only a day and she was crazy to see her friend again, the miss was just too much, but she smiled. “I can wait… friend.”


“Oh Angel, tomorrow is gonna be so great! I haven’t felt so happy in years.” Fluttershy exclaimed as she walked through the door with the groceries, she was ready to make the dinner for tomorrow, it was going to be a special day, for her and Luna.

Angel only crossed his arms and continuously tapped his foot on the floor, he wanted something, and when he wanted something, he got angry.

“Oh, tell me you are not angry with me because I made a new friend.” Fluttershy looked to the floor, a little concerned about this prospect, she couldn’t live with someone hating her.

Angel shook his head and pulled out a clock, showing it to his owner.

“Oh my, I’m sorry Angel. I've never forgotten your breakfast before.” she apologized, she was just too distracted with her new thoughts that her mind was trailing off, it happened like magic. She smiled again. ”I miss you…” she said looking to the orange sky.

Angel tapped his little legs on Fluttershy’s hooves.

“Oh I’m sorry, I’m trailing off.” She blushed heavily and placed the grocery bags in the kitchen, next to the chair. Her little bunny just wanted to eat something. “Here you go, Angel.” Fluttershy sighed. “Sorry, again…” Fluttershy gave him his carrot, and smiled at the sight of him eating it, he was the cutest thing ever. She looked to the groceries and sighed. “I should have asked the Princess what she liked…” she smiled. “But I guess we’ll talk more than eat. I have so much to talk with her about!” she exclaimed happily. It was going to be one of the best nights.

Angel bounced to his little house. He hadn’t seen his owner this happy in his entire life. He was confused. Well, at least he got his carrot. But he looked back and saw his owner looking to the window again, he rolled his eyes and smiled weakly, that blue mare was making her feel so happy, that even he was getting happy.

“Salad or lasagna?” Fluttershy asked herself. “What if she doesn’t like the food?” she thought a little worried. “Well…” she sighed, but then smiled. “Both.” She said as she picked up a cookbook. “Well… since I love Applejack’s apple juice, I guess I’ll try to make some…” she thought to herself again. “What if she doesn’t like the juice?” she sighed. “I guess I’ll make some grape juice too…”

It was almost night. The food was ready to be cooked. She just had to wait until tomorrow. She knew she wasn’t the best chef in the world, but she could at least try to make a nice meal for her new friend, she began to trot to her room. “Phew, I guess the dinner is ready… I just have to cook tomorrow, easy… I hope…” Fluttershy picked up her scarf and wrapped it around her neck. “It’s so cold…” She looked upon the sky and smiled. “Just how I like it.” she could see the sun forming in the orange sky, she smiled again, the night will be here soon.

“Well… I guess I should do something to apologize for being an ‘intruder’ in her cottage…” Luna said to herself. A million thoughts began to race through her mind, she didn’t knew what to do for her new friend.

Luna began to think. “What should... I know! I’ll buy something nice for her… but what?” Luna thought to herself. ”No… buy something for her would be disrespectful, I guess I should m-“ she stopped her mind. And grinned heavily. “I KNOW!” she exclaimed out loud almost jumping from her hooves, but then noticed the nearby royal guards giving her strange looks. She blushed. “Can’t I think out loud anymore?” She said, frustrated and smiled. She was feeling so happy, it was going to open Fluttershy’s mouth forever.

Luna went back to her room to raise the moon. She began to fly upwards, spreading her wings out further, and her horn began to glow with magic. She raised the moon successfully, but she wanted to make it a little bit more special tonight, since she knew somepony enjoyed her beautiful night. Luna began to light her horn with magic again. She focused on the stars this time. This night would be magical. She finished retouching the stars and she was happy, because she knew her new friend was near her cottage enjoying this night, she smiled proudly, she’d never did this in her life, it was her special night, it was Fluttershy’s special night. This night was intended specially for her friend. It was the…

“…the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen in my entire life…” Fluttershy said softly, tears streaming down her face. It was just too beautiful, it was the best gift she could receive from Princess Luna, she founded herself crying, tears were falling down from her eyes, but it was not sad tears, the tears that she was crying, it was… happy tears.

It felt like the night sky was speaking to her, and indeed it was… the dark sky was filled with dark purple, The stars were forming the most beautiful phrase that she never expected to see. They were saying:

“Thank you, my very best friend.

From your newest friend