• Member Since 9th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Mar 22nd, 2023

General Soarin

Welcome to the crazy house of Soarin'! While I don't necessarily have interest in the ponies anymore, I do still dream of writing decent fics.

Comments ( 173 )

You two are officially awesome. God, I wish I came up with this idea first...

Anyway, great story! Loved it, and Pinkie!173 is going to be terrifying.

Also... Nah.


Will there be other peoples OCs in this story or no (this is just a question)

This is pretty cool. Usually short chapters are annoying and poorly written. This is a refreshing change of pace.

2326625 Thanks, glad you like! This is a change in pace for me, and I'm happy that I'm doing it right. :twilightsmile:

2326504 As of now, no. Maybe in the future I'll open it up.


Just reading about it sends chills down my spine.

are all of the mane 6 going to be a SCP's or no

2346296 According to CommandoPro, yes. However, in this story, no. The reason being that both me and him don't know who Applejack and Rarity will represent. Keep in mind, this is based on My Little Foundation:Containment is Magic, which means that it follows the MLF: CIM storyline, except for the actual in-game story. Follower and Jitterbug are both purely furbished by me and Scootareader (in that order), and are NOT endorsed as an official characters in CIM.

2346316 ah k thats all i needed to know thx

and nice chapter
but what is as green light :trixieshiftright: a safe SCP :duck: i hope so because i want to meet it :pinkiehappy:

2365613 I'm trying to translate you comment, and I think you're asking what the green blur was. That was Jitterbug. You'll see more about that in the next chapter.

2365645 *your
ya that was what i was meaning :twilightsheepish: i get so focused in the story i forget what words are used :twilightblush: *puts on a poker face*

ooh New characters. I love interaction. Keep it up dude you're doing great.

Damn, it's italicizing the entire chapter.....I'm struggling to figure out if it's normal or not.... :P

OOH this is getting good. Cant wait til Jitter meets the others.

WHY DID I DO THAT...why I'm I alive * looks around* I just it's gone *blink AH SHIT IT'S BACK *blinks again* NNNOOO *sees its just hugging him*...

...well this is not that bad SNAP!!! AAAAHHHH MY FACE

...THIS IS AWESOME! Now I wish I was helping...

2401163 Ha ha ha little butterfly. Who ever said you can't help? No, you can't directly write, but your ideas are ALWAYS welcome.... :twilightsmile:

2401175 Oh, good. I've been told by specialists I need more outlets for this insanity of mine. I decided to take them up on it. You know, AFTER I got rid of the bodies

Ooooh, another scp fic yay! Saw you on the update tab, howdy neighbor.

Oh yes definitely, it's just like the mod. :pinkiehappy:

You should give thissun a looksie, it's a PoE story. Scp 2000-1

Whoah! Fluttershy gave me the chills.
*turns on the lights*
Better safe than sorry.

Can't wait for the next chapter!

I wonder how the rest of the main cast will fit into this. Fluttershy is my favorite so far though.

is it me or do you think the internet should be like this
because books are like this
and do you think this was one of the ways celestia banashed luna

2439361 Very good questions. My answer: I HAVE NO BUCKING IDEA.:flutterrage: Actually, I seriously don't have anything to say about that, I'm too bucking tired right now.....:ajsleepy:

2439373 vell that vas a vaste of time

2439394 no no no i vas meaning about me typing about "vhat if" comments

2439450 oh......well buck. That tells me how tired I really am.....:ajsleepy: I should get some sleep......:twilightsheepish:

and the inevitable coming together. Doing pretty good dude. No complaints. Although I am curious about Jitter. She really doesn't strike me as criminal.


Oh, she doesn't? That's interesting. :raritywink:


Well, I won't reveal too much in the comments... but D-class don't necessarily have to be criminals to volunteer at SCP or LTF.

I read the authors comments, and my first thought is....

"You watch Markiplier, don't you?"


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