• Published 23rd Mar 2013
  • 8,970 Views, 142 Comments

The Guardian - The Walker

Regigigas awakens in Equestria. Unsure of why he has awakened, he merely waits until he meets the ponies.

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Regigigas arrives

Deep in the far north, there was a cave. The cave was empty except for what appeared to be a statue. This statue was a curious site in the land of Equestria because it was of no species seen on the planet. It looked nothing like a pony or a zebra or even a griffon. Standing at a little less than four meters, the statue appeared to be of a bipedal creature. Across its legs grew moss which went up to where knees would be on a normal pony’s legs.

It had arms that reached down to hang by its knees and was white except where it had yellow protrusions from its body. Embedded in its body appeared to be six jewels. The jewels were three pairs of different jewels. Across the center of its body there were strange dots that seemed to be shaped into a cross like shape. Suddenly there was a shift in the air.
The jewels on its body flared with light as the dots lit up.

Regigigas.” The statue lifted one of its feet from the floor with a cracking sound. The floor had grown around the great behemoth’s feet during its slumber. With a thunderous step and another crack as it lifted its other foot from the floor, it started to leave the cave. Its movements seemed sluggish as it walked out of the cave and into the blizzard outside. It ignored the blizzard as it headed south, intent on reaching its unknown destination.

“It was nice of Cadence to invite us up to the crystal empire.” Twilight Sparkle and her friends were looking around in awe of the crystal buildings that made up most of the city. Even after they had saved the city from Sombra, they hadn’t really stuck around to take in the sights of the city. The entire city was a miracle of magical engineering and architect.

The crystals that made up most of the city had been grown with magic and then carved with. It had been extremely difficult or so Twilight had read. She had studied the crystal empire more after they had stopped Sombra.

“Yes, the fashion they have up here is simply fabulous.” Rarity was enjoying herself as she darted window to window comparing her style of clothes to the empires. She was fascinated by the way they made their dresses.

“This boring, when are going to do something fun.” Rainbow Dash had been complaining ever since they had left the train about how there was nothing exciting to do. She was currently floating behind them whining about it.

“Sugar cube, would you stop complaining already. I’m sure Princess Cadence will find something for you to do that won’t bore you.” Applejack was getting tired of Rainbow’s complaining. She was a bit bored too, but you don’t hear her complaining.

“We should totally throw a party here guys. I mean, think of the possibilities.” Pinkie Pie was bouncing around the group talking about hosting a party for the crystal ponies. Fluttershy was trailing after the group and not saying anything.
As the group came to the center of the city, they saw a curious sight. Princess Cadence was talking at what appeared to be a statue. They walked behind Princess Cadence.

“Cadence, why are you talking to a statue?” Cadence turned to face them.

“It’s not a statue or if it is, then an animated one.” The girls had a look of confusion on their faces and so Cadence turned back to the statue. “What is your name?”

Regigigas.” The elements of harmony stared at the statue before Pinkie Pie bounced up to it.

“Hi, I’m Pinkie Pie. How do you talk without a mouth?” Regigigas leaned forward a bit as Pinkie Pie stood in front of him. Cadence and the others held their breath and waited to see what Regigigas would do.

“I vibrate the molecules in the air to create what sound I wish Miss Pie.” Regigigas straightened as he resumed standing there doing nothing.

“Why are you just standing there?”

“I am waiting.”

“For what?” Regigigas looked down at Pinkie Pie.

“I am not sure what I am waiting for exactly Miss Pie. I merely know that I must wait for it.”

“I have more questions though. Can you do magic? Can you fly? How strong are you because you look strong? Can you Shape shift?” The others looked at Pinkie as she stared at Regigigas. Regigigas made a humming noise.

“To answer your questions in order Miss Pie, No I cannot use magic. I cannot fly. I am extremely strong. Strong enough to move continents when I wish to.” Regigigas’s voice stopped for a moment as he seemed to complement her last question. “I am not sure of your last question Miss Pie. There are many abilities of mine that I have never used or wished to use.” Twilight spoke up at this.

“What do you mean? How can you have abilities that you’ve never used?” Regigigas made a humming noise again which Twilight realized was his way of thinking.

“I am very old. When I was created by Arceus, he instilled in me, many abilities that I have never had to use before. I was originally created to move the very continents. I do not know why Arceus instilled the capabilities he did, but I will not question him.” Regigigas fell silent as the others looked at him. Than Pinkie Pie spoke up.

“So can you shape shift?” Regigigas started to hum as the jewels set into his body started to flicker with light and the dots on his face started to blink on and off. Than he spoke his voice was different. More choppy and not as smooth.

“Ability designation: Shape Changing. Capability of Regigigas: Sufficient if proper genetic material is made available.” Regigigas’s voice fell silent as his jewels lights returned to normal and his dots stopped blinking. When he spoke his voice had returned to how it was before. “That was interesting. I wasn’t aware I could do that.” The ponies stared at him before Pinkie again spoke up.

“What’s proper genetic material mean?” Regigigas remained silent, but Twilight spoke up answering her.

“Genetic material would be a copy of our DNA Pinkie. I don’t see how he could use it to shape shift though.” The group continued to stare at Regigigas who was silent before hearing a familiar voice behind them.

“Twilight, it’s good to see you.” The group turned around to see Shining Armor, Twilight’s brother. “So you found the statue thing I see. Cadence has been trying to get it to move, but it won’t.” Before any of the ponies could answer him, Regigigas’s voice sounded again.

“Genetic material collector activated. Commencing collection of Material.” They all turned to Regigigas at that statement and the jewels flared. Light shot from them and passed over the group of ponies including Cadence and Shining Armor. “Collection complete. Initiating shift.” Regigigas’s body seemed to flare white and the ponies looked away or covered their eyes. When the light died down they looked back and their jaws dropped. Standing before them was now an earth pony. He had the coloring of Regigigas. Moss still grew on his legs though it had spread to four instead of two and his mane was blond and not yellow. When he opened his eyes they saw they were a slate grey color and he spoke.

“Shift complete.” His voice was deep though it no longer seemed to shake their bones. He looked at them and down to his body. “So how do I look?”

Author's Note:

Rewrite of my other story. First chapter is a bit short though. I wanted to get it started.