• Published 23rd Mar 2013
  • 8,967 Views, 142 Comments

The Guardian - The Walker

Regigigas awakens in Equestria. Unsure of why he has awakened, he merely waits until he meets the ponies.

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Regigigas's story

The ponies stared at Regigigas after his transformation. He was bigger than Big Macintosh, around the size of Luna. Upon his flank sat the 6 jewels that were embedded in his original body. He was white except for his mane which was blond. His legs were covered by moss up to the knees. His eyes were a slate grey color as he looked at them.

“So, how do I look?” His voice while deep no longer shook the air. Pinkie Pie was the first one to speak.

“Wow. You’re big.” Twilight Sparkle shook her head as she walked past Pinkie and circled Regigigas. She examined his body.

“Why is there moss still covering your legs? Shouldn’t it have fallen off in your transformation?” Regigigas looked at her. He then looked down at his legs as he lifted one to examine it himself.

“The moss appears to have grown under my skin during my slumber.” The group made a face at this statement before Rarity spoke up.

“The moss is growing under your skin?” Her face was twisted into a look of disgust. Regigigas hummed as bit before speaking.

“From what I can currently tell, the roots of the moss have grown into what passes for my muscular structure.” He looked up and noted their faces had morphed into looks of confusion. “Despite what I look like, I am not a pony. What my body is not the same as yours. My skin, muscles and bone are made different than ponies or any other mortal being.” Twilight spoke up, her voice confused at his statement.

“What do you mean, you’re made differently than us?” Regigigas hummed as he tilted his head.

“I was not born. I was created by a being known as Arceus. He created me to move the very continents themselves. To survive and succeed in this task, he made me out of a different stuff than others. It has no proper name, but works well enough for its task.” Regigigas closed his eyes. “I am part machine, part organic. My bones are as strong diamonds, my muscles are much denser than yours. My skin is resistant to the very elements.” His eyes opened as he looked at them. “I was created to survive and shape a world born in fire. When I finished moving the continents, I just went to sleep. I had been sleeping a very long time before being awakened. I had been awakened by what are known as humans.” Pinkie Pie spoke up at that statement.

“I’ve heard of them. Lyra is always talking about them.” Regigigas looked at her.

“That is interesting Miss Pie, but if I may continue.” Pinkie nodded at him. “The humans had awakened me from my slumber by accident. They had been testing explosives in the area and one of them had gone off at my feet. It hadn’t harmed me, but it did wake. They were in awe of me and asked me to assist them. They told me they needed assistance in surviving in a harsh new land. I listened to them and helped them by crafting my children out of the elements. They were of ice, rock and steel. My children helped them and I went back to sleep. When I was awakened next, a hundred years had passed. I went looking for my children. I discovered something horrible.” Rainbow Dash spoke out, her voice quiet.

“What’d you discover?” Regigigas’s eyes hardened.

“They had lied to me. They hadn’t used my children to help them survive. They had used them in battle. They had used my children, the very beings I had created and breathed life into to slaughter innocent people.” Regigigas’s voice become deeper as old anger was stirred. “They had used my children as weapons of war. My rage was terrifying to behold.” Regigigas’s voice softened to a whisper. “I did things then that I have never done since. I used my powers to destroy them. I marched to the human’s capital and demanded they release my children. They laughed at me, told me I was an old relic and should obey them as my children did. They made a mistake. They thought I was weak and did not have the power to harm them. They were wrong.” The ponies listening were silent as they listened spell bound. Fluttershy was the one to speak.

“What happened?” Regigigas’s voice took on an air of old sorrow.

“I called for my children and they awoke from the slumber the humans kept them in when they weren’t using them for war. I told them to destroy the place they were kept in. As they did so, the humans trying to stop them and failing miserably. They pleaded with me to stop them. I told them that they had brought them on themselves. They told me I would regret this trespass against them.” He looked at the group of ponies. His eyes had emptied of anger leaving only sorrow. “I told them that they had no power over me and that if they would not respect the continent mover than they had no right to be on that continent. I called my immense strength and destroyed. Their capital fell then, but I did not stop. I crossed the continent with my children destroying everything I crossed paths with before I reached the center of the continent. There I unleashed my most powerful ability.” His eyes closed as he remembered the events of the past. “It has no name, but if one must be given, I suppose I would call it the earth mover’s fury. It allows me to focus my immense physical strength and unleash it with every hit. I used it to destroy not just that continent, but the very skin of the planet. I shattered the continent opening cracks that led to the planet’s molten core. Everything on that continent died except for me and my children. We were carried into the molten cored. I and my children were fine. I slept until Arceus came.” The ponies were dead silent as they listened to his story. They were horrified by what he had done to the beings of that place, but were also slightly sympathetic at the fact they had used his children to wage war. Applejack spoke up then.

“What happened when this Arceus fellow came?”

“I do not know. I have a gap in my memory leading up to my awakening in a cave.” He looked at them. “I apologize for rambling on after your question purple one. I merely meant to explain why I was different and not give you my life story.” Cadence spoke up.

“I cannot tell you that I believe what you did to those humans was right,” Her voice took on a sad tone. “But I can imagine how you must have felt when you discovered your children were used for war. I am also sorry that you do not know what happened to them.”

“They are somewhere on this planet actually.” The ponies looked at Regigigas after his statement. “My children and I are connected. They draw their life energy from the gems embedded in my normal body and this allows me to know if they are alive or dead and to communicate with them.” He closed his eyes and hummed a bit. “They appear to be too far away for me to communicate with them, but I can assure you miss Cadence. They are here somewhere.”

Author's Note:

Lots of backstory in this chapter mostly about Regigigas's past in this story. He is old and is difficult to anger,but when you do, watch out.