• Published 26th Mar 2013
  • 8,237 Views, 107 Comments

The Tale of Princess Celestia and Jake - Sky Hawk

Being a ruler can be very lonely. When Celestia starts to feel that there is no one for her, one event changes her whole view. Can there really be somepony out there for her?

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Friendship from an Unexpected Place

Celestia sat at the dinner table staring down her plate. Lately she hadn't been herself. She felt depressed and lonely. Despite being loved by all, and her sister by her side, something was missing from her life. This feeling had come before, but had always gone away. This time, she couldn't shake it. The longer she thought about it, the reality that she had no real friends of her own occurred to the princess. She did have her faithful student Twilight, but that was more of a teacher-student relationship. As for everypony else, they were her subjects. There was her sister, who she was glad to have back after a thousand years of banishment. Her evil taint removed, Luna was busy with her duties as princess of the night. Yet even she managed to make a friend in Twilight, when she went to Ponyville on the last Nightmare Night, to change her frightful image to a more loving one. It also didn't help that Shining Armor had started dating their niece Princess Cadence. As Celestia sat, Luna came in after raising the moon, to spend time with her sister before starting her watch of the night. “Good evening, dear sister. How was your day?” she asked.

Celestia didn't even look up. “It was fine, how did you sleep?”

“I slept well,” she said as she took a seat next to her sister, noting her gloomy mood.

“So…” she started with a smirk on her face, “Are you going to eat or just study the food on your plate?”

The gloomy sister, not seeing the humor, simply responded, “I’m not hungry.”

“What’s wrong? I thought you said your day went well,” Luna asked.

“It’s nothing. I just don’t feeling like eating that’s all.”

Luna started to look concerned. “ You've been in this funk now for two whole months. What is wrong? And don’t brush me off this time. I want the truth.”

“Nothing is wrong,” Celestia persisted weakly, hoping her sister would drop it.

“I don’t believe you,” the dark mare pushed on. “I’m not the only one who has taken note of your mood. Every pony else has too. The entire castle has noted that you've been a bit… off.”

Celestia finally raised her head looking at her sister for the first time since she came in. “Have you gone back to Ponyville since Nightmare Night, to visit with your new friends?”

Luna was puzzled by the question but answered, “Of course I have. I am supposed to meet up with Twilight and the girls later at the doughnut shop in Canterlot. Why do you ask?”

“And how does it feel to have friends, that call you by your first name and treat you as an equal?” the older sister asked.

It started to dawn Luna exactly what was bothering her sister. “Is this why you have been so down lately? You should come with me then. Your company would be most welcome.”

“No,” she said looking down as her ears started to droop. “It isn't the same. I’m Twilight’s teacher, and as soon as I walk in the atmosphere would change. I have been the ruler for over a 1,000 years and it has always been this way."

“So what am I supposed to be then?” Luna asked a little irritated. “Am I not the Princess of the Night? Am I not worthy of their love and affection as well?”

“You are very much deserving of their love and affection, but when Twilight came to you, she just spoke to you as she would any other pony. There is a difference between a subject and a friend. You are going to see your friends. They will not bow because you are one of them, an equal. True, you are royalty, but you allowed them to become your friends. They had not seen you since the Nightmare Moon incident,” Celestia said, soothing her sister. “I have no pony other than you to speak plainly with. Do you understand?” Celestia asked, hoping to get her point across.

Luna wasn't sure what to say to her sister. Then she said “No pony is an island. You must allow yourself to have friends. Some pony out there can be that if you would only let them.”

Celestia understood what her sister was saying. It sounded so easy. Hadn't she been the pillar of advice for every pony? “I just want some pony to know me as plain Celestia and not as the Princess of the Dawn. Is that too much to ask?” she pleaded.

Luna felt her sister’s pain, but what she was asking for was impossible. Every pony knew who the sisters of day and night where. “You are who you are,” Luna said. “I have to go now. I’m going to be late for my meeting. Please try and cheer up and know you are always welcome.” With that, Luna left her sister to her thoughts.

Luna’s words rang true with Celestia but it still didn't matter. No one had ruled as long as she had. The mantle of being the princess was getting heavy after 1,000 years. She got up from the table and went to her room. As she went, she could hear the servants speaking in hushed tones that she might be taking ill. When she arrived at her room, Dusty, her chamber maid, met her at the door. “Your bed is turned down for the night, my lady. Is there anything else I can get for you?”

“No, thank you,” Celestia replied. “I would just like to be alone for awhile.”

Dusty smiled and nodded. “I will inform the guards of your wish your highness, goodnight.” With a curtsy, she left.

Celestia went over to her bed. No letter from Twilight. Twilight was always punctual with her letters. However, Celestia told her to write only when she had learned something new. This meant all was well with her student. She then thought about them gathering at the doughnut shop this evening, and it only added to her gloom. What she wouldn't give to have a friend that didn't see her as a princess. She felt the warm tears well up in her eyes. She laid her head on her pillow, hoping this grief would pass. As she lay there softly weeping, a faint glow started to emanate from the mirror in her room.

. . .
A little boy with a flowing red cape and a helmet on his head stands triumphantly on his bed, looking out over his room as if he were watching for danger. A faint glow starts to come from his mirror. He jumps from his bed eager to investigate. As he approaches, he hears a woman crying and feels sadness coming from the mirror. The image of his bedroom changes to a room he has never laid eyes on before. “Hello, is somebody there?” He sees a beautiful white unicorn with a rainbow mane and wings walk towards the mirror.

“Who’s there?” the creature asks.

With no hesitation he replies, “I’m Jake, protector of the innocent, and guardian of harmony, at your service!”

“What are you?”

Jake tilted his head to one side and gave her a curious look, “I’m a boy and who might you be?”

“My name is Celestia and I am an alicorn. Where are you from, Jake?”

“Where in the country or from which planet am I from?” Jake asks, still a little puzzled.

“Planet, I guess is a good starting point,” she says.

“Earth, how about you?” he asked, expecting the same answer.

“Equestria is the name of my homeland,” Celestia answered her tears gone as the questions continued.

“Equestria never heard of it. So next question…what is an alicorn?”

“An alicorn is a cross between a unicorn, pegasus and an earth pony. In other words, I have a horn, wings and am bigger and stronger than other ponies.”

“Could I have a look at your wings?” He had seen them when she had initially approached the mirror, but he wanted a better look. She took a few steps back and turned sideways and let her wings flutter a little.

As she does this Jake pointed to the mirror and announced, “You have a sun tattooed on your butt!”

Celestia stops fluttering her wings and giggles. “THAT, Jake, is my cutie mark. It is the mark of my special talent.”

“Your talent is the sun?!” Jake has a stunned look on his face.

“No, I raise and lower the sun in my world. How does the sun come up in yours?”

“It just does all by itself.”

Celestia faces the mirror again, “How old are you?”

“I’m 7 years old.”

“You’re not interested to know how old I am?”

“Grandma says it’s not nice to ask a lady her age.”

The alicorn smiled and then asked, “So you live with your grandmother?”

Jake looked down. “Yea, I came here after my mother died.”

“Where is your father?”

“He died before I was born. Grandma tells me he died in the war. My mom died in a car accident about a year ago.”

“I’m very sorry for your loss, Jake. I didn't mean to bring up bad memories.” She said, a look of pain crossing her face.

“It’s alright. I miss them but they are always in my heart. I have grandma and grandpa, so I’m not that lonely. When I first saw you in the mirror I thought maybe you might have been an angel. You are so white and beautiful with wings, I was hoping you could have let me speak with my parents. My grandma says angels can sometimes check up on us through mirrors. She put this one in my room, so that my folks could always look in on me.”

Celestia found tears welling up in her eyes again. “I’m sorry but I can’t help you with that. I wish I could.”

“Please don’t cry. They are in a better place now.” Seeing that she is upset reminds him of the pain he had heard earlier.
“You were crying before. Why?”

“I was sad. You see, I was lonely because I don’t have anypony who I can call my friend, somepony I can talk too. There is my sister but no pony else.”

Hearing this, Jake stands tall and says “Have no fear, Jake is here! I will be your friend. I don’t know why anyone else will not be your friend, but as of now you have one in me.” Jake notices that her jaw hangs down a little with surprise on her face. Confident that he has dispelled her grief, he continues with getting to know his NEW friend.
“Why won’t anyone be your friend? You seem nice enough to me.”

“It’s...complicated,” she said.

He could tell she was dodging the question. “It’s ok. You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to. I will listen when you’re ready to talk.”

She seemed to relax at this. Then she asks, “Jake do you know how to do magic?”

Jake raised one eyebrow, “No. We have people that do what grandpa calls sleight of hand but no real magic. At least not like what you’re doing.”

“But I’m not doing any magic,” Celestia protested.

“Then how is this happening with the mirror?”

“I really have no idea.”

“Jake, time for bed!” Jake’s grandmother calls from downstairs.

“Well that’s my grandma I have to go. Will I get to see you again?” he asked.

“I don’t know, but I hope so. It was really nice to meet you, Jake the Great,” Celestia said with a warm smile on her face.

“You can call me just Jake. All my FRIENDS do. Goodnight, Celestia.” Then he added with a grin, “Angel of Equestria.”

“You can call me Tia if you like?” she said blushing.

“Sure thing Tia,” Jake replied, still grinning. “And remember you don’t need to cry anymore because you have a friend now and forever, goodnight.”

“Goodnight Jake,” and as Celestia said those words, the image faded and the mirror went back to being normal once again.

. . .
After Jake was gone, she stood for a few moments in front of the mirror trying to make sense of everything that just happened. She hadn't performed any spell and no pony else could have done such a spell either. She had to admit that she didn't know everything there was to know about magic. Sometimes it worked in mysterious ways. But despite not being able to come up with an answer, for the first time in months her grief was gone! She had a friend at last! This person treated her like a normal pony and not royalty. A slight feeling of guilt did pass through her mind. She had not told him everything. If she had done that he might have treated her differently. Still, that could wait till later. Celestia just wanted her new friend to see her and not a princess. She was practically glowing and she hoped with all her heart that this would not be the last time she would speak with him. She retired to her bed and dreamed of the new friend she had made.

Author's Note:

This story is dedicated to my kids who asked, "Daddy tell us a story." This is my first time writing. I hope you all enjoy. Please feel free to make comments.