• Published 26th Mar 2013
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The Tale of Princess Celestia and Jake - Sky Hawk

Being a ruler can be very lonely. When Celestia starts to feel that there is no one for her, one event changes her whole view. Can there really be somepony out there for her?

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The Journey

According the last pages the portal was not as difficult as she had imagined. The stars just had to be in the proper alignment. She walked to her balcony and looked into her sister’s night sky. If she understood this right the universe would be all lined up in about 6 more days. When it happened she would only have one day Earth time. The good news was that no pony would even know she was gone, since the time was so different she would be away for only a few minutes her time. Thank you Dusty. If it hadn’t been for maid’s snooping she would have missed the deadline.
As for the mirror, it only worked with two likeminded hearts. Well since she knew that letters could be sent through the mirror, all she had to do was send one and wait. However, before she did that she sat down and read all of Jake’s letters. He seemed to be writing her one letter a month. He told her of the holidays they had on Earth. It seemed those days were surprisingly like those on Equestria. Their Nightmare Night was called Halloween, Hearth’s Warming Day was called Christmas, and Hearts and Hooves Day was called Valentine’s Day. He told her of his birthday and how he was going to be done with something called high school next year.

She wrote a note and sent it through the mirror, then stood in front and waited for Jake, hoping that the vague instructions would work. Suddenly there was Jake. “Hey there angel, so you figured it out. Well it took you a day. And here I thought it was going to take longer.”
“It may not have happened at all if it weren’t for my maid? She had the answer the whole time.” Celestia told him of Dusty’s family secret, how the mirror was supposed to work, and how six more years she could come for one day all his time.

“So six years to kill, I think I can do that. So did you get a chance to read all my letters?”

“Every last one before I tried the mirror. Our worlds sound a lot alike.”

“What would you like to do on your visit? I know its six years away but less than a week for you soooo any thoughts?”

“I wouldn’t know where to begin. How about you decide because I’m going to be seeing you, so it really doesn’t matter,” Celestia said. She didn’t want to sound indecisive but the ideas were endless, and she really only wanted to see him.

They didn’t talk long this time because Celestia couldn’t stifle a yawn. “I’m sorry. Please, don’t think you’re boring me.”

“Not at all, I always keep my audience riveted,” as Jake began to laugh. “I think we need to call it a night though. Now that we understand how the mirror works it’s ok. I will see you again.”

She smiles at this and then bid Jake a goodnight. She then collected Jake’s letters and placed them on a table and went to bed. For the next six days she wrote and spoke with Jake.

A couple of days passed and it was time for their daily talk. She stood before the mirror and an older Jake appeared. This time he had a look of concern on his face. “What’s wrong?” Celestia asked.

“We need to talk. I’m fine but something I would have never dreamed of has happened.”

The princess didn’t like the sound of that. “Go ahead.”

“Remember when I told you, we have something here called television. We watch shows for entertainment.”

“Yes.” She remembered hearing of this from a past discussion of theirs.

“Well a new show has come on. It’s called My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. The show is about all of Equestia. You’re in it, so is your sister, and Twilight and her friends. They wield the Elements of Harmony. I don’t know how this has happened. The show is a huge success. Fans, called Bronies, are all over my world.” Celestia didn’t know what to say. She looked away knowing what was coming next.

“Why didn’t you tell me you were a princess? We have been friends all this time and you never said anything to me. Why?” Jake’s gaze never left her. She could feel his eyes.

“I was afraid if you knew what I was then you would have treated me differently. I never meant to lie to you.” She could feel shame running through her and a hint of panic.

Jake’s face suddenly broke into a grin. “Tia, I like you. What you do for a job or your title, makes little difference to me. I will say that it is like watching a movie of all our talks. The Grand Galloping Gala kept me laughing forever. As for lying, I don’t recall you ever lying to me. You just left out a few details.

Celestia looked back surprised. “So you’re not angry with me?”

“Oh course not. I just want you to be honest with me. Ok?”

Relief washed over her. “Ok. No more secrets I promise. So, what else did you see in the show?”

“The show really follows Twilight and her friends more than it does you. Each episode they write you letters about what lessons have been learned about friendship. I love the episode where your sister learns how to make friends on Nightmare Night.”

“So I guess you got to see my world after all. What do you think of Equestria?” Celestia asked.

“It’s beautiful. The funny part is that the show was meant for little girls, but many are in love with it. Even adults are into the show. The fans write stories, music, and art all inspired by the show. However when you come, it should be in disguise as we talked about. I don’t think my world is ready for Princess Celestia to go from fantasy to reality,” Jake said.

“Sounds like a wise idea to me.”

With each passing day he looked older and older. It was a little unnerving to watch his life in fast forward. She was there through all the good and the bad. She remembered when he graduated high school and when his grandparents died. First his grandfather, then his grandmother a year later. By the time the sixth day had rolled around it was as if they had been lifelong friends. Celestia had told Luna about Dusty days earlier. She left her younger sister specific instructions: should anything go wrong, Luna would rule. The princess of the night insisted on being in the room when she went. She wouldn’t have a very long wait. This was mostly to see Celestia off and make sure she came back. Before she left she had to change her appearance. So she focused her magic and in a flash of light she was a beautiful woman with long golden hair and lavender eyes. She wore white sandals, with a light blue summer dress. It took Luna a minute to get use to her sister’s new look. She had never seen a human before. “How do you feel?”

“GREAT! It worked. I hope I fit in there. Do you think he’ll like it? He hasn’t seen me like this yet.”

“You have always been beautiful but I do not know what passes for a human. Let him be the judge. After all if he does not like it you can always change,” Luna said.

“Well then I’m off,” and with that Celestia concentrated once more and swirling purple clouds appeared before the mirror. They grew in size till it was tall enough to walk through. She stepped through the doorway and portal closed behind her.

Celestia looked around a familiar room. This was Jake’s room. There was a bed, dresser and a night stand. There were posters of what she assumed were airplanes, (Jake was supposed to know how to fly those) and of her. There standing in the doorway to the room was a tall, well built man with blond hair. He wore pants and a blue, short sleeve shirt with a collar. She just gazed into his blue eyes and for a few moments no words passed between them. She walked over and reached her hand out to touch him. “Jake. It’s really you.”

Jake reached out and lightly touched her hand. It seemed like he was in a dream state. “Tia? Is it really you?”

Celestia moved to him and they embraced. “It is you. I can’t tell you how long I’ve waited for this moment.” Jake said. He took a step back to have a better look at her. “Wow! When you said you were coming in disguise, I never thought.”

Celestia looked worried. “Do you like it? I wasn’t sure what passed for a human girl. I can change it if you don’t—“

“Don’t you dare.” Jake said cutting her off trying to find words. “You’re…uh…you look, wow.”

All she could do was blush. Then she took his hands once again. “Sooo, what do we want to do today?”

Jake seemed to find his bearing again. “Well, why don’t I take you flying this morning?”

“That would be wonderful!”

So the two set off for the airfield, where Jake rented a plane. They flew over the country side and Celestia took it all in. Earth was beautiful. They saw rivers, the ocean, and farm fields. It was summer and the weather was warm. The sky was clear with a light wind blowing. After a couple of hours, they landed back at the field. “That was incredible! Usually all that flying would make one tired but these planes are great,” she said.

Jake smiled. “Glad to hear you’re having fun, ready for more?”

“What’s next?” She could barely contain her excitement.

“I’m going to take you to what we call a theme park. They have rides and shows and food. You’re gonna love it!”

Soon they were at the park. Jake introduced her to a roller coaster. She laughed and screamed as they twisted, turned and flipped. Then they took in a show. The dancing and the singing were wonderful. Afterward he took her to lunch. They ate pizza and soda. Such delights were not found on her world. The day was going great. After lunch more rides, from something called bumper cars, to a merry go round. They even went to a petting zoo. There the two of them had a surprise. Celestia remembered the wizard’s notes that horses of Earth were no more than animals. However, when they entered and the animals caught sight of her they crowded in. The animals were all kinds, horses, goats, cows and more. They came in and without a word bowed to Celestia. The two stood there stunned and then Jake turned to her, “What’s going on?”

“I don’t know.” She whispered. People were starting to stare. Children were pointing at the animals and at Celestia.

“I think we had better leave, Tia. We are drawing a crowd and I’m not referring to the animals.” Jake said, looking around.

“Ok.” She looked at the animals and smiled. “Rise, thank you all for your welcome, but I must be going now.” The animals got to their feet and made way for the two of them. Celestia took Jake’s arm and they walked to the exit, the animals escorting them all the way.
They passed a child who said “Wow, it’s like you’re some kind of princess.”

She turned to the child, “No, no, I’m just good with animals.” They made their escape as quickly as the crowd would let them, the whole time trying not to answer any more questions about Celestia’s way with animals.

Once they were far enough out of ear shot Jake turned to her. “Seriously, I’ve never seen animals behave that way before. It’s as if they knew who you were.”

“I don’t have any answers for you. The wizard’s journal said that the horses of Earth were no more than animals. Nothing was said about that.”

Jake chuckled. “It could be they can see through your disguise. That was amazing though.”

She hadn’t let go of his arm and she just squeezed it. “Yes it was. But I would rather that not happen again. I don’t want to be bowed to. Today I’m just Tia. Today it’s just us.”

“Don’t worry, I doubt that will happen again. Besides I have one more place to take you.”

“More? Where are we going this time? I don’t know how this can get any better,” she said.

“It’s a surprise.” He winked at her and they left the park.

They went to a store where Jake bought cheese, an assortment of fruit and something to drink. From the store he took her to a nature park. They parked the car and from the trunk Jake produced a blanket, and a basket, which he put the food in. It was a short hike to a grassy knoll with a tree in the center. On the way there they passed by a mother sitting on a bench with her toddler in her baby carriage. Celestia went to admire the child as the two of them passed by. “Oh Jake isn’t she just the cutest?”

“She’s a cutie alright.” Jake said. The mother looked over at the two, “Thank you.”

Then the child pointed at Celestia, “Horsie.”

The mother looked at her daughter. “Not dear, that is a woman or lady, not a horse.”

The child reached to touch Celestia. “Pretty, white horsie.”
Celestia just smiled warmly at the child as Jake was face palming. The mother quickly apologized to Celestia for her daughter’s comment. “It’s quite alright. I guess if I had to be something other than me I would be a horse,” she said.

Jake took Celestia’s arm. “Come on honey, we better get going before she calls you something else.”

They bid the mother and her daughter farewell and as they left they could hear the little girl saying, “Bye bye horsie.”

“Ok, first animals and now small children, are you sure no one else can see your true form?” Jake said teasingly.

“I don’t understand, the spell should fool everyone. Jake are you sure no human can do magic?”

“Positive, but here is another theory for you. What if small children can see your true form due to their innocencs? People say a child sees the world differently than an adult. Then again I’m just guessing here. Let’s just hope we don’t run into anymore animals or small children.”

They finally reached the knoll at the top of the hill, overlooking the valley. Jake spread the blanket under the tree and set out the food for a picnic. Jake sat with his back against the tree as Celestia picked up a grape and fed it to him. She turned her attention to look at the view. The sun was starting to set, casting the valley in a lovely shade of orange. “Beautiful.” She sighed.

“Yea, beautiful,” Jake repeated.

She turned towards him and noticed he was looking at her and not the valley. Her heart started to race. She had set out to find a friend but this feeling was different. Then Dusty’s words ran through her mind. You deserve to be able to go out and find happiness for yourself. What came out of her mouth next surprised even her. “Jake, come back with me. You have no family left here. This doesn’t have to be our only day together, if--“

He put a finger to her lips. “Shh. It’s alright. I’ve given this a lot of thought. Our worlds were not meant to mix. How would I live in your world?” He cracked a smirk. “You guys don’t even eat meat. I would starve.”

She pushed his finger aside. “Would you be serious about this? You wouldn’t starve, and besides, am I not worth it?”

Jake’s face took on a more serious tone. He cupped her face in his hands. “You worth that and so much more, but we have right now. Let’s not waste it”

Celestia’s heart would not stop pounding. She pleaded with him. “Please, come wit—“

Jake pulled her close and silenced her with a kiss. The world spun around Celestia. She couldn’t remember ever being this torn in two. On one side happiness like she had never known, on the other side despair for she knew it would not last. Jake continued to hold her under the tree as the sun set. Finally it was down. He brushed a strand of hair from her face and said. “Looks like our time is up. I hope you had a great day.”

A great day was an understatement. “It wasn’t great; it was the BEST day ever.” She started to tear up.

Jake brushed a tear from her eye. “Angels shouldn’t cry. We were given a gift that is unheard of. I had better get you back before it’s too late. They need you in Equestria.”

“You are lucky because you are mortal. Jake, I’m immortal. You will die and I will live on without you. It’s not fair.”

“Life rarely is fair. That is why when you get joy like this, you don’t waste a moment of it.” Jake said as they walked back to the car.

The ride back to Jake’s place was a quiet one. Jake pulled into a gas station for some gas. When he was finished filling up the two went inside to pay. While standing in line a masked man barged into the store holding a gun. He demanded money from the clerk and everyone else in the store. When he came to Celestia she had no money. “What do you mean you don’t have any money?! Pretty girls like you always have money! Now give it up or else!” The man shouted.

“Calm down, she doesn’t have any; you can have all of mine. I paid for her today. This doesn’t have to get ugly.” Jake said trying to calm the man.

A siren sounded in the distance. At this sound the robber lunged at Celestia. Jake tackled him before he can reach her. Unable to do anything Celestia looked on in fear. The two men are in a mass of limbs on the ground. They are kicking one another and struggling for the gun. They rise to their knees as the fight continued then without warning a shot rang out. The robber stumbled backwards. Jake slowly sank back to the floor as the robber realized what he has done and fled. Celestia screamed and went to Jake. “Jake! Are you alright?”

“Ugh, I’ve been better.” His attempt to smile is quickly replaced by a grimace of pain as his shirt is turned red. “You have to leave me now. You have to get home, *cough* before it’s too late.”

“No! I won’t leave you! I have to save you!” She starts to panic. She can feel his life leaving his body and there isn’t much time left. She held his hand as he started to feel colder.

“Don’t think saving me is in the cards. We..we had today, *COUGH* and that is more then I cou..could have hoped for.” Jake could barely keep his eyes open. She leans down to hold him as tears stream down her face. He whispered, “I love you Tia. Goodbye.” Then Jake went limp.

“Jake? JAKE?! No, no, no, no! Don’t die! Please don’t die, I love you, please!” She realized Jake is gone and let out a terrifying scream. A brilliant white light and a sound of thunder filled the room and the two are instantly transported back to Jake’s place. Celestia discarded her human form as the portal is ripped open. She levitated Jake’s body and they both plunged through.

On the other side Luna has waited to greet her sister and find out how her trip went. When Celestia came through the portal with Jake’s body questions arise rapidly. “What happened? Is this who I think it is? Are you alright?” Luna was a flurry of questions.

“NO TIME FOR QUESTIONS, HELP ME!” Celestia, said in the royal Canterlot voice.

Luna leaned forward to inspect Jake’s lifeless body. “I am sorry. He is dead dear sister.”


Luna’s eye widen as she realized what her sister has proposed. “You cannot do this. Do you even have his consent? This has never been done before, it may not work.”

When Luna heard this all talking ceased. “Then let us not waste anymore time.”

The sisters’ horns began to glow and the castle chambers faded away till they are surrounded by stars. Then the universe seemed to envelope Jake’s body as he is levitated above the sister’s heads. There is a burst of light and Jake is gone.