• Published 22nd Apr 2013
  • 1,314 Views, 45 Comments

Furry Contraband - UnweptSchlipps

Everypony's got skeletons in their closet. Fluttershy's just happens to take the form of illegally-gotten furry animals. And she needs help sneaking them out of the country. Needless to say, sounds like a job for Rainbow Dash.

  • ...

A Hero's Tale: The Divine Comedy (Also Called the Epilogue)

In this wild, unknown, untamed territory, a lone figure crept through the night, under the cover of the bushes. His heart pounded as he slowly trekked through the darkness, barely able to see two feet in front of him. The trees loomed overhead like evil phantoms stretching their crooked limbs to pull him into the darkness. A cold wind whirled past, chilling his tough skin. But nonetheless, the brave soul continued on.

Suddenly, a shout pierced through the darkness. It was faint at first, and the figure strained his ears to try to make it out. He started to crawl in that direction, the sound getting louder and louder. For all he knew, it could have been some wicked being luring him towards his doom. But if he was scared, he certainly didn’t show it.

As he made his way closer, he began to make out what the voice was saying. “Stop! Stop!”

A cry for help! the noble hero thought. And what’s more, he recognized the voice. A sweet, familiar voice, a female friend in desperate need for a savior. And lucky for her, there was one already on his way.

The champion kicked it into high gear, making his way through the forest as fast as he could. The voice was slowly getting clearer, and more desperate. “Stop! Stop it!”

Don’t worry, my friend! I’m on my way! he thought, every step of his feeling heavy. He maneuvered past large trunks, almost colliding with them due to the swathing darkness.

Finally, he came upon a large boulder. Behind it, the voice could be heard screaming, “Get off me! Stop!”

The hero rounded the rock, coming upon a small clearing. And to his surprise, he found an unbelievably large, foul beast growling ferociously as it clawed at the small, helpless, pony-like figure underneath it. The two struggled on the ground, the brute showing no signs of letting up. Its maw was filled with razor-sharp teeth, inches from the victim’s face. Terrible, black claws jutted out from its paws, which constantly came down on the small figure. And the tail…it was something that seemed to come straight out of a horror movie! She kept trying to push the beast off, but to no avail. It was only a matter of time before he would sink its teeth into the poor pony and feast on her flesh.

Not if I have anything to say about it!

With lightning-quick reflexes, the hero came out of the shadows, his sights set on the foul creature. He was out for blood

“Stop it Fluff! That tickles!”

The wrestling duo unlatched from each other. Rainbow Dash lay on her back with a huge grin on her face, laughing uncontrollably. Fluffy, who was now a fully grown manticore, started pouncing around the clearing, obviously happy to see his old friend. Then, purring, he latched onto Dash and began to furiously lick her face.

“Aw hey buddy!” Rainbow exclaimed, running her hooves through his mane. “Oh I missed you too, I missed you too!”

The two sat up, and Rainbow looked up and down her feline companion. He was now at least three times as big as her, and yet he still had that playful heart Dash knew so well. “Jeez, you’re so big now! You're like a buckin' giant, holy crud! And I bet twice as much trouble as before, huh?” she said, playfully punching Fluffy’s arm. The manticore scooped her up and took her in a warm embrace, much to her delight. “But you’re still a big, ol’ softie, Fluff! And I wouldn’t want it any other way!”

While she was buried in Fluffy’s fur, Dash noticed a small green reptile crawling out of the foliage out of the corner of her eye. It seemed to be making its way towards the two, albeit painfully slowly. “Hey Tank!” she called, beckoning him to come with her hoof.

“Come and meet your cousin!”

Author's Note:

And if turtles, errr, tortoises could show emotion, I'm sure Tank would be giving the "WTF?" look.

So with that, ladies and gentlemen, the adventures of Fluttershy, Dash, and their furry contraband come to a close. Hope you all enjoyed it! I just came up with the idea during one of those moments where random thoughts pop into your head, and before I knew it, I had a full-fledged story on my hands. It was super fun to write, and a much-needed break from the serious stuff I'm planning to focus on now. So once again, thanks a lot for giving this story a look, don't forget to leave a like if you hadn't already, and hopefully I'll be seeing you guys on my other works...

No seriously, check 'em out if you want. Like...go on...please? I'll be your best friend...