• Published 22nd Apr 2013
  • 1,314 Views, 45 Comments

Furry Contraband - UnweptSchlipps

Everypony's got skeletons in their closet. Fluttershy's just happens to take the form of illegally-gotten furry animals. And she needs help sneaking them out of the country. Needless to say, sounds like a job for Rainbow Dash.

  • ...

Counting Stars

With the infinite drop of doom safely behind them, the duo and their shipment of animals continued on. Fluttershy cast a weary look back, seeing a few tiny specks on the horizon. It must be just a flock of birds, she thought, paying no other heed to them.

While Fluttershy remained comfortable on the ground, Rainbow Dash had decided to take flight, carrying Fluffy with her. And now, the phoenixes were flying on either side of her, forming a trio of looming shadows on the ground. Small embers flew out of the phoenixes’ wings, and Dash couldn’t help but be mesmerized by the glittery specks floating to the ground. “Hey, sorry for losing you guys back at that fire,” the pegasus said, not really expecting a response.

However, to her surprise, the birds suddenly began to veer dangerously towards her. They had turned so quickly and violently, and Dash’s eyes widened at the thought of a fiery collision. As they got closer and closer, Dash stammered, “Whoa, whoa, what are you guys doi-?”

But just when it seemed the phoenixes would slam into her, they stopped, and out of Mama Phoenix’s plumage hopped little Chibi. The baby bird had been helped onto Dash’s back by her mother. At first, Rainbow was afraid the tiny chick would burn straight through her fur. However, Chibi only gave off soft warmth that simply radiated into her flesh. The chick began to rub its head into the crest of Dash’s neck, giving off a soft coo. And, when she realized the parents were making the same sound, Rainbow smiled and said, “Aw, thanks guys.”

“How’re doing up there?” Fluttershy called.

“Just chillin’,” Dash replied, rolling the chick up and down her back playfully. “What about you?”

Pointing to the otters sleeping in her pack, Fluttershy responded, “I’m okay. Especially with these rascals all tuckered out from the bridge fiasco.”

“So what’s up ahead?”

“Well, if I remember correctly, from here it’s a few hours of marching until Craglane Rock. From there, it’s a short walk until the border. Then we’ll be home free.”

Dash raised her brows, repeating quietly, “Home free?”

“Yes! Can you believe it? We’re almost there. Our little journey is almost over!” When she got no response, Fluttershy glanced up and asked, “Aren’t you happy we’re almost there?”

Rainbow silently looked at the adult phoenixes at her side, then to the baby chick burrowing into her back like she was his mother. And finally, she cast a solemn glance down at the scorpion tail hanging out of the cage dangling from her hooves. Frowning, the pegasus simply looked off into the distance and muttered, “Yeah…I’m totally happy.”

So the hours progressed, and the team moved across the plains with the sun beating down on them. Now, a few random trees were scattered across the way, providing welcoming shade for the tired duo. Dry tufts of pale green grass popped out of the gravel, showing signs of life in the otherwise barren plain. For two or three hours, it was nonstop marching, and they were forced to bear through the heat of the day. Even the breeze was warm, whistling through the blades of grass like an eerie ghost. Sweat began to form on the pegasus’s brows. Every now and then, they would stop to take out some water from their bags and drink. Then, with a relieved sigh, they’d continue their cycle.

Finally, just as Fluttershy had predicted, an odd shape began to form in the distance. Cragslane Rock was actually not just one rock, but a group of rocks arranged in a crooked oval, jutting out of the earth like bent fingers. From the tallest, there was a long outcropping sticking out of its side, forming a sideways T. For some reason, the area around the rock seemed to thrive with vegetation, looking much greener and healthier than the dry grass from earlier. Clusters of trees could be found nearby, as well as a small muddy pond complete with reeds and cattails.

“Shall we stop here for now? Maybe rest for the night?” Fluttershy suggested softly, realizing the sun was already starting to set.

Landing next to her, Rainbow Dash answered, “Yeah, why not? I’m pretty pooped out, anyway.”

They decided to set up camp underneath the large outcropping so they could be shielded from the sun. Dash lay on her back with her posse of phoenixes perched beside her and Fluffy’s cage sitting a little further away. Fluttershy left the otter triplets to play—and toss the mice’s box around—while she got to work making a small fire.

The stench of smoke began to fill the air, and at first, Dash thought there was yet another fire burning nearby. However, seeing that the orange flames were safely contained by Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash returned to her spot on her back, observing the cragged rock face above her. With her head cushioned by her legs, she began to hum to herself. For once, she actually felt relaxed. For once, she could actually lay around and do absolutely nothing.

Gotta make this escape… leave no notice, just take… off to any ol’ place, long as it’s far away from where ya are today,” she began to sing under her breath. “Gotta make this escap—huh?”

The sound of a faint but audible metallic scratching caused her to pause. Lifting her head, she turned towards Fluffy’s cage to find the cat pawing at the cage lock, giving a sad purr. “Hey ‘Shy,” Dash called without hesitation. “Can I let Fluffy out of his cage for a little bit?”

“Okay…but make sure he doesn’t get out of contr—ack!” Fluttershy replied before sucking in a cloud of ashes from her slowly rising fire.

While her friend hacked away, Rainbow flipped the cage’s lock and quickly opened the door. The moment that door was open, Fluffy came rushing out with his scorpion tail wagging like a dog’s. He began to pounce around the shaded area, even running into the otters’ game of catch. His big tail swept through and managed to trip up a few of them, while Rainbow Dash couldn’t help but laugh heartily. Then, the little manticore leaped right into the cyan pegasus, knocking her over. He began to purr and rub his mane tenderly on Dash’s face. Still giggling, she said. “Now there ya go, little guy. You don’t like sitting in that cramped ol’ box do ya? You’re like me. I can’t stay cooped up either. I gotta roam free, stretch my hooves, flap my wings, all that awesome stuff.”

Sitting up, she asked, “Say, why don’t we play a lil’ game of tag?” Dash began to trot off with her faithful pet at her side, calling out to the other animals, “Hey, you guys can come too if ya want.” After casting reluctant looks at each other, Anton the otter gave a shrug and scurried off, and his siblings followed right behind. Even the phoenixes wanted to join, following the little parade.

Picking up the box of mice, which had been thrown into a bush, Fluttershy called, “Oh, be careful! Watch out for each other!”

“Yeah, yeah, okay mother,” the brash pegasus replied sarcastically. She took her band out to a grassy knoll, with a single tree standing in the middle. “Alright then felines, birds, and aquatic mammals…the game is tag. It’s like hunting, only you don’t eat others, you just tag them. This here tree’s safe, but you can only stay here for ten seconds. And to make thing’s fair for you guys, I’m not even gonna use my wings.”

Arching her back like a lion ready to pounce, Rainbow stamped her hooves on the ground shouting, “I’ll be ‘it’ first. On your mark…get set…”

On ‘set’, the animals began to scatter about the verdant field. A mish-mash of roars and squeals filled the air, as well as the sound of stamping paws and flapping wings. Witnessing the glorious chaos before her, Dash let out a small smile before yelling, “GO!” And with that, the wild game of tag had begun.

Rainbow threw herself towards the crowd of animals with reckless abandon, yelling a battle cry at the top of her lungs. Dust and dirt flew everywhere as the rag-tag band chased each other around the field. The phoenixes usually were able to stay out of reach, their fiercely burning plumage lighting up the dimming sky. The otters somehow managed to slip away from their hunters a few times, somehow appearing all the way across the field when they had been in one spot just moments before. Even Fang, who had somehow slithered into the battlefield, joined in on the fun. But the most intense chase came between Rainbow Dash and Fluffy. One always leaped after the other, pouncing about in a flurry of laughter and roars. And whenever one tagged the other, they always ended up wrestling each other to the ground, sometimes running over other critters in the process.

And so, this tumultuous game to tag continued for another hour or so, until the sun had long since gone. And even then, they continued chasing each other around that big tree, almost like a chaotic dance lit only by the pale moonlight. The whole time, Dash wore a tremendous grin on her face. For a while, the pegasus forgot she was on a dangerous smuggling mission, running around with her so-called contraband. Instead, she was simply enjoying the beautiful night surrounded by a couple of furry friends.

Finally, the group collapsed into a tired heap together, each creature gasping for air. At the bottom was Rainbow Dash, whose continuous giggles were punctuated by bouts of coughing. Fluffy was right above her, breathing his foul-smelling breath directly into her face. “Oh gross, Fluff! Get off!” Rainbow shouted, playfully shoving the manticore away.

Suddenly, a voice from the campsite called, “Everyone! I made some supper!”

Those words sent a giddy quiver down Dash’s spine, and it was then that she realized that her stomach was practically howling for food. Apparently the other animals shared her sentiment, as they had swiftly clambered off Dash and made their way toward the campfire.

When she found her way back, the animals were already in their cages, munching down on their meals. And sitting by the campfire was a large steaming bowl of soup, cooked and prepared by none other than her timid friend. The smell of freshly boiled broth wafted into the air, and Rainbow couldn’t help but let out a sigh of pure happiness. “Wow, ‘Shy! How’d you make this?”

“I found some leeks and onions growing by a small pond a little ways down,” Fluttershy answered, sipping meekly out of her own bowl.

“Looks delicious!” Licking her lips, Dash took a hasty sip of the broth. Then, after seriously burning her tongue and spitting the soup back into her bowl with a yelp, she blew on it a few times before taking another one. This time, the tasty concoction delighted her taste buds instead of burning them, warming her insides and relaxing her stomach. Closing her eyes, she added, “Oh my gosh, this is so great. Considering all I’ve had to eat was those Sweet Bars O’ Celestia, this is like heaven in my mouth.”

“I’m glad you like it,” Fluttershy responded, with a slightly smug smile.

After dinner had been finished and all the animals had been put away safely in their places, the duo of pegasi sat atop the rocky outcropping, the perfect balcony to look up at the stars. “As much as I enjoyed watching rocks and stuff, I think the stars are a bit more cooler,” Dash joked.

“Wow, look at them. Don’t think I’ve even seen them like this before,” a wide-eyed Fluttershy whispered, her mouth hanging open in awe.

Rolling onto her back, the cyan pegasus remarked, “See, that’s one of the good things about the weather patrol. Sometimes, you get to fly to places where it looks like this every single night!”

“I wish I could do that…”

Fluttershy soon found herself lying down as well. The duo lay there in the tranquility of the wilderness, where all was quiet except for the gentle crackling of the fire below. The moon cast a beautiful glow upon the shadowy figures, and the stars’ reflections caused their eyes to shimmer. The air was fresh and cool against their faces, and yet the warmth from each other’s bodies kept them from getting too cold.

After a few minutes of star-gazing, Rainbow Dash whispered, “Hey Fluttershy. You mind if I tell you something?”

“What is it, Rainbow?”

“Well, I just wanted to…apologize for being… kind of a mule yesterday. Umm…” Dash paused, her eyes darting around the sky as she searched for the words to say. “It’s no secret that I didn’t want to do this, ‘Shy. But I gotta admit, sitting here, looking up at the stars, playing with these little guys…I think I’m actually having some fun. Y’know, once I look past getting poisoned, covered in muck, and almost dying on a consistent basis. Oh, but still…I’m sorry.”

Fluttershy began to blush, hiding it underneath her long mane and the dim light. She replied shyly, “Oh it’s okay, Dashie. I’m just glad to have a friend with me, that’s all.”

“But you know what else surprised me above all?” Rainbow asked with a chortle. “You!”

“Me? W-what do you mean?”

“Not in a million years would I have thought you—of all ponies—would do something as crazy as this. It’s risky, illegal, dangerous, and a buncha other stuff that basically describes the opposite of you. And yet…you’ve been taking this whole thing head-on, probably sometimes better than I have. You’ve been showing some thick skin lately, Flutters. And to make that even better, you’re fighting for your morals, and I totally get that. Much respect,” the brash pegasus said, ending with a friendly punch on Fluttershy’s leg.

Rubbing her leg to ease the slight pain creeping into that spot, Fluttershy whispered, “I’m surprised you were surprised, truthfully.”

“Okay, now it’s my turn to say ‘What?’”

Speaking slowly and quietly, the timid pegasus said, “Well…you were the one who taught me those things. To have thick skin and fight for what I think is right. You were always the one who was never afraid and strived for greatness, even saved lives! I guess…I guess this is like my chance to do something like that.”

Rainbow Dash turned her head toward her friend, her eyebrows raised in surprise. Fluttershy’s head was still facing the sky, and her long flowing mane obscured the side of her face nearest to Dash. And it was exactly what Fluttershy wanted, because she didn’t want Dash to see that her eyes were glistening with tears. Finally, after a long pause, Fluttershy stated shakily, “So…I want to thank you, Dash. N-not only for coming with me, but for giving me the courage to do this in the first place, even when you didn’t realize it.”

“Hey.” Fluttershy slightly tilted her head, so she could see her friend out of the corner of her eye. She found Dash still staring back with her big maroon orbs, a mixture of shock, pride, and warmth. And secretly, although she’d probably complain about how sappy it was, Rainbow was glad Fluttershy had seen it. “You’re welcome,” the rainbow-maned flier whispered sincerely. “And even though I complain a lot, I’m really glad that I’m here.”

With that, Dash slowly got up, stretched out her back, and slowly crept off the outcropping. Fluttershy remained up top, never taking her eyes off the stars and the luminous orb that was the moon. And this time, when she gazed upon that pale white face, she couldn’t help but smile.

From below, she could hear a faint purr, followed by Dash whispering, “Whaddaya think, Fluffy? If I didn’t do this, I never woulda met you!” After another round of purrs and a short giggle, she added, “Under those razor sharp claws and pointy teeth, you’re just a big softie.”

Closing her eyes, Fluttershy replied for the final time, “Like you?”

“Softie? Me? Yeah right. I ain’t…I ain’t no…”

But when morning came along, Fluttershy never recalled Rainbow finishing that sentence.


"I know you are out here, thieves. You will surrender to my guards, or we will take back those animals by force!"

"I’d like to see you try and stop us…"

That was all Fluttershy could remember from her dreams when she woke up. She was surprised to see the sun high in the sky, and the heat bearing down on them once more. It appeared to be almost noon, which meant they had overslept. Scrambling to her hooves (and feeling a little burnt from being out in the sun), Fluttershy smoothed out her mane and hovered down to the campsite. To her bemusement, she found Rainbow’s head resting on Fluffy’s torso, both of whom were sound asleep. Dash’s snores seemed to reverberate around the small camp; it was a wonder the manticore was still sleeping. Drool crept out of the pegasus’s mouth and onto her pet’s side, bearing a striking resemblance to the slobber coming out of Fluffy’s maw.

Holding up a hoof to stifle a giggle, Fluttershy said. “Okay, time to wake up.” When she received no answer, she kicked the pot hanging over the fire pit with a resounding clang. Fluffy quickly shot out from his position underneath Dash, giving an instinctive growl. With nothing else supporting it, Rainbow’s head smacked against the dirt. Her eyes shot open, and she muttered something along the lines of, “But I always dress in style…”

Rubbing her temple, the cyan pegasus uttered, “Oh…hey Flutters. You didn’t, uh, hear that did you?”

Grinning, Fluttershy picked up her pack and said, “Glad you’re awake, Rainbow. We slept a bit too much, but that’s fine. The border should be only an hour or so away. We’ll be there before sundown.”

“Wait, no breakfast?”

“You can eat an apple if you want.”

Rainbow caught the apple tossed toward her, and with a scoff, she muttered, “Can ya believe this, Fluffy? First I hit my face on the floor, and then there's no breakfast!” She took a bite, holding out the fruit in her limp hoof. Before she knew it, the apple was gone, disappeared into the vicious mouth of her feline friend. Giving a spiteful glare, the mare ruffled Fluffy’s mane and uttered, “Not cool.”

“Good morning,” Fluttershy greeted as she picked up the otter triplets. “Did you all get a good sleep?” The three sleepily nodded their furry heads in reply. With the rest of the animals in tow, Fluttershy and Rainbow departed from their meager campsite, leaving Cragslane Rock at their backs.

After an hour of walking, lush trees and vegetation started to spring out of the terrain, no doubt a sign that Veneighzuela was in sight. “Almost there,” Fluttershy called, her eyes wide with excitement.

Dash, on the other hand, lagged behind. Surrounded by Fluffy and the phoenixes, Dash replied meekly, “That’s…great.”

Glancing behind, Fluttershy remarked, “Soon, it’s just a simple hop over the border and into Veneighzuela. Then we’ll be safe.” But Rainbow didn’t seem to be paying any attention to her yellow friend, staring far off into the distance. “Are you okay?” Fluttershy asked, puzzled.

Raising a shaky hoof, the rainbow-maned pegasus uttered, “Shy...I don’t think it’s gonna be that easy.”

When Fluttershy turned around, she dropped onto her haunches, her eyes and mouth wide in shock. For unbeknownst to them, while they had been sleeping, Princess Luna had played her ace in the hole.

Author's Note:

I don't think I've got a cheesy pun for this one. Something about rocks or stars or something...oh whatever.

Anyway, climax coming up! Dun-dun-dun!