• Published 28th Mar 2013
  • 793 Views, 22 Comments

Sweetest Taste of Fate - Draconian Soul

You'll be surprised who can rise to greatness.

  • ...

I Really Am Pathetic

Cup led the way into the living room with Carrot trailing not too far behind. As he stepped inside the room, he noticed powdered white hoof prints painting the hardwood floor. Carrot made a mental note to sweep it up afterwards.

“So, I’m assuming this is concerning Pumpkin, correct?” he guessed, sitting next to Cup on the couch. She simply nodded her head.

“Apple Bottom said her next violation would involve expulsion.”

“Well, that’s not good.”

“No, it’s not. And honestly I wish you would help me more than you have recently,” Cup Cake said accusingly, causing Carrot’s eyebrows to rise in confusion.

“I saw you giggling over there. You’re encouraging her behavior!”

Carrot started rubbing his head, showing signs of guilt and a little shame due to her accusation. “Um, well you see…”

“I don’t want to hear any excuses!” Cup Cake interrupted lifting herself slightly from the couch. “This is serious! Our daughter is getting more and more disruptive and I don’t see you doing much to help me. If anything, you’re approving her behavior by being so soft with her!”

Carrot’s face let on a more serious face than he normally did. “I’m not trying to encourage her behavior; I’m trying to be on friendly terms with her so she will listen to me. And for the most part, it works. Does she not come discuss what troubles her when she’s not getting fussed at all the time?”

“Maybe 40 percent of the time!” Cup continued arguing. “Most of the time she will still cause problems even when we’re nice to her. She seems to listen better when there are consequences involved!”

“Yeah but by how much?”

“Well…slightly better,” Cup began thinking on it, “but honestly not by much.”

Carrot scooted closer to his wife and pulled her closer to him. “I know that she can be a thorn in the backside often…most of the time…practically all the time, but she’s still that little precious filly from a few years back on the inside. We just have to learn how to bring it back out of her. I don’t want you to feel like you’re going at this alone, so I’ll do better with letting her off the hook, but would you please not get too frustrated and lighten up a bit. Don’t want my little petite to be mad at me while we are delivering orders in Fillydelphia.”

Carrot leaned into Cup and widened his eyes, forcing a sad puppy dog expression upon his face. Cup tried her best to keep her irritated frown, but for every second she tired, Carrots emerald eyes became wider and became glossier. She hated when he did that; made her feel as if she put down an actual puppy.

“Okay okay, I’ll lighten up a bit,” she submitted, causing Carrot to smile victoriously. “Jeez, sometimes I feel as if I have to raise three children around the house.”

“Well I guess this big boy gets better affection from mommy.” Carrot cooed kissing his wife’s soft cheeks. Cup could not help but giggle a little, her cheeks heating up slightly from the flirting.

“You’re a really corny fellow aren't you? And when are you going to shave those bristles from your face?”

“Oh these?” Carrot pointed at the hairs that were beginning to grow once again on his chin. “Haven’t you heard? Ladies dig a colt with facial hair.” Carrot them brushed his chin along Cup Cake’s face, eliciting giggles from his wife.

“And from the looks of it, I was right.” He continued tickling her with the bristles that were trying to form a beard until Cup stopped him and pressed her lips against his.

“You know,” Cup Cake started completely flushed, “we’ll have a little down time during our trip if we get the deliveries and catering done correctly. Maybe we should spend that time, relaxing.”

“Oh, and what did you want to do while we were relaxing?” asked Carrot confidently having some idea of what she wanted to do, and was completely sure when he heard a sultry giggle escape her lips.

Cup Cake began playing with her husband’s striped tie and answered in the most sensual way she could.

“Oh, I have some ideas. You’ll just have to wait and find out big boy.”


The sun was shining, the sky was clear, and practically every pony was out frolicking and enjoying the cool autumn breeze that was hanging in the air. The town was livelier than ever because of the upcoming Nightmare Night event that was coming in a few days. This would generally be an exciting time for all the kids in the town, but one was too worried about upcoming events to enjoy the day fully.

What if I fail? Pound thought to himself, walking past the booths and stands being made for Nightmare Night.
What happens if I fall? Cloudsdale is so high up. If no one catches me…oh it would be all over. He shivered at the thought of hitting the cold hard ground. His stomach even began to twist with the gruesome details his mind was forcing him to think up.

I know dad says this kind of thing builds character and confidence, but if I were to fail, it would only make me even more embarrassing. Doesn't help that I don’t even have my cutie mark yet.

He thought back to a week ago where he was being bullied by a group of older colts who harassed him all day, calling him derogatory terms for blank flank and throwing pencils at him during class, and worse, rocks outside. He came home with a few bumps on his back, which caused concern from his parents. Pound simply dismissed it as an accident and received an unconvinced stare from his sister.

He didn't want to think of what would happen if he also was flightless and a blank flank and at his age too. Though, out of everything he’s heard one thing hurt him more. Not only because his sister said it to him, but because he also believed it to be true.

Man you’re pathetic!

“Oi! It’s the Cake’s son. How are you this fine evening?”

Pound’s thoughts were interrupted by the voice directed towards him. He turned to the source of the voice, belonging to the pinto horse wearing a red scarf standing next to a lavender mare whose face was beaming with joy.

“Oh, hello Pipsqueak,” Pound replied. “Hi Dinky.”

“Oi!” Dinky mocked Pipsqueak mimicking his cockney accent, sticking her tongue out at the victim.

“Oh, and to answer your question, I've been better,” Pound answered honestly.

“Really? What’s up little guy?” Pipsqueak asked.

“Well, honestly I’m a little frustrated, about not having a cutie mark yet. I just want to know, what did you have to do to get yours.”

Pipsqueak could hear the discouragement in the young colt’s voice, so he leaned towards his and began to answer.

“Well you see…”

“You see,” Dinky interrupted Pipsqueak planting her fore hooves on the top of his mane. “Pippy here was a little adventurer ever since I knew him. When he was first interested, he was way too young to go anywhere, but as he grew older he started exploring farther and farther away from home!” Pipsqueak nodded agreeing with her statement knowing that he would not get to explain it for himself.

“He started by exploring the plains of Ponyville, then eventually traveled into the Everfree Forest all by himself! Amazingly enough, he explored surrounding islands all by himself, with only a compass. What was even more impressive is what he found: a rare Dragon Toothed Topaz. He came back and displayed it for every pony to see and admire instead of keeping it for himself. And that’s how my Pippy got this little golden compass on his cutie patooty!”

Pipsqueak felt a little embarrassed from the explanation, hoping that Pound wasn't suppressing a laugh or worse, outright laughing. Fortunately for him, Pound was looking at them nonchalantly taking mental notes of everything he was hearing.

“Oh, and he even helped me get my cutie mark by taking me out on one of his adventures see!” She showed him her cutie mark, which was a pair of stars. “When we went stargazing under the moonlight, he helped me learn that I was naturally gifted in astronomy. I could name most of the constellations without even needing to look them up, which eventually led to my cutie mark.”

“So talent and drive is what helps you get your cutie marks then?” Pound asked after taking in everything he heard.
“That’s right!” Pipsqueak responded finally having something to say, though it was little.

Pounds head slumped a bit. “Oh well that’s great. Looks like I won’t be getting my cutie mark in my lifetime. Other than making a few pastries, which would have been my cutie mark if it was my real talent, I’m practically talentless and gutless.”

A surge of depressing words sent Pound into a reserved state of mind and he sunk into his own self-loathing. Both Pipsqueak and Dinky were feeling sympathy for the young colt.

“Hey kid, don’t be so down,” Pipsqueak said trying to comfort the sorrowful Cake. “You know if you really want to find your cutie mark that badly, you should do it with a group of young fillies and colts just like you. You might even find a group similar to you. You might want to join the Cutie Mark Crusaders.”

Pound regained his composure and contemplated on the idea. He hadn't considered the Cutie Mark Crusaders before. “Hmm, that might just work.”

“Of course it will work!” an eccentric Dinky exclaimed pouncing on Pipsqueak once more. “Why not talk to Apple Bloom about it. She’s like the CEO of the whole thing now. You can find a branch just about anywhere!”

“What she said,” Pipsqueak grunted still under Dinky’s hooves.

Hope shined on Pound’s face once more and a new destination was set.

“You know, that’s a really good idea! I’ll head off there now. Thanks you two!”

“No problem kiddo. Now Dinky, if you don’t mind, I’d rather you not crush my skull with your hooves.”

“Oops! Sorry Pippy Wippy!” Dinky giggled realizing she was still on top of him and got off. “See ya Pound!”

The grey colt waved back at them and began to walk off with a new found determination.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders he thought it over too himself. Maybe that’s what I need in order to learn what I’m good at. And best of all, its ground level, so I won’t have to worry about falling! That settles it. Sweet Apple Acres here I come!


Pound put his hoof on his belly and rubbed it, causing another grumble to force its way out.

Right after I get me something to eat.


Pumpkin tapped the edge of her window, staring outside at others who were enjoying their freedom. Every pony was playing, talking, and simply enjoying themselves while she was stuck in her prison cell. Her parents were out getting some last minute supplies and her brother was doing whatever he normally does, as if she cared. The only thing she wanted was her freedom back.

“Man this sucks!” Pumpkin whined to herself. “I picked a good few months to be grounded. Pinkie won’t be here for more than a few days, so even after Nightmare Night, my enjoyment will be short lived.”

Pumpkin glared back to make sure no pony was around. Partly because she didn't want her family to think she was going insane and partly because she didn't want to get in trouble for mocking them.

“’Pumpkin, you’re lucky I’m a good mother, otherwise I would make you scrub the floor with a toothbrush’” she began mocking her mother in a haughty way. She then continued to mock her brother. “’So, you didn't get suspended for the umpteenth time huh?’ Stupid brother; thinks he’s so much better than me.”

She returned to staring outside the window, a frown settling on her face. “It’s not my fault every pony at our school are jerks. They deserve it! Maybe if Pound would stop letting those idiot bullies ‘Pound’ at him all day, he might not get picked on all the time.”

Pumpkin seemed to have surprised herself by her sudden concern of her brother’s well being. She blamed her concern on her lack of sleep, which wasn't too far off. She continued to stare outside the window as she began to drift off.
“I miss Pinkie,” she muttered in a sleepy daze. “At least she knew how to have fun.” Pumpkin slightly rubbed her eyes trying to fight the sleep, but her eyes did not agree with her and she let her head rest on the window, submitting to her tired body.

Clank. Clank.

The noise was so close to Pumpkin’s face, but she chose to ignore it in favor of more sleep.

Clank. Clank.

It wouldn't stop. She had a feeling that some pony was trying to get her attention from the window, and she had a feeling she knew who it was.

“Alright alright!” she groaned. “Give me a sec, jeez!”

Clank. Clank.

With that she quickly lifted her window open and looked out. “If you don’t quit throwing rocks at my window I’ll…”
Pumpkin was interrupted by a small rock smacking her in the face. Her annoyance was raised any further when she heard the culprit on the ground laughing.

“Hah hah Two Bit!” she snarled at the young mint colt still tearing up by her reaction. “I suggest you knock that laughing off if you don’t want to get pummeled!”

“Haha…alright miss Pumpkin Pie!” mocked Two Bit, sitting up on his flank and wiping some of the dirt from his mane. “I’ll behave!”

“Whatever. Anyway what do you want?”

“Remember when we went around dropping stink bombs on every pony?”

“Boy do I ever!” A mischievous grin came across Pumpkin’s face. It brought a delight to her face to see the stuck up ponies panic when they realized that they suddenly smelled unpleasant. “What about it?”

It was Two Bit’s turn to grin mischievously. “Well, I believe I found something even more foul than what I we used before.

Come on, let’s go try it out!”

“Alright lets…” Pumpkin paused for a moment. She nearly forgot that she was grounded and forbidden to leave the house. Although, her mother and father were not around at the moment because they went to do last minute shopping, which generally meant they were gone for two hours. She began calculating how long she needed to be gone and how to retrace her steps. Sure she was risking getting in major trouble, but at least she gets to play around with a new weapon to the nasal senses.

“Yo Pumpkin, are you coming or not! I don’t have all day!” Two Bit tapped impatiently.

“Hold on Two Twit!” Pumpkin insulted. “I’m getting my bow, so shut up and be patient!” She grabbed a yellow bow and
wrapped it around her mane, closed the windows, and made sure there was no visible evidence of her leaving the house.

The reward is worth the risk!

About thirty minutes later, both Pumpkin and Two Bit were perched onto a tree.

“Okay, hold the balloon open and I’ll pour this stuff in,” demanded the mint colt. “Oh, and don’t get curious and try to smell it. You’ll regret it.”

“Umm, okay,” Pumpkin responded holding the balloon open and Two Bit began to pour some of the concoction into it. “So what is this stuff anyway?”

“It’s a special mixture I found!” Two Bit smiled proudly. “It’s filled with carrot juice, rotten egg yolk, and the nectar from a skunk-lily. I found them in a field not too far from here.”
“So this is supposed to be potent?”

“Do you doubt me Pumpkin? I know what plants do what and what mixtures are needed to make it potent! With the right plant, mixture, and technique you can turn a simple plant into a nasal bomb!”

“Wow, you’re a huge nerd you know that?” Pumpkin teased.

“At least I’m not a stupid little blank flank, and at the age of 11 too!” Two Bit retaliated. “My parents said that ponies like that are deemed special!”

“I’d rather be a blank flank then have bunches of weeds on my rear!”

“For your information, these are hay grass. And I got them because I was good with utilizing plants for stuff like this. Maybe if you didn't get suspended so much from schoolyard fights you might find what you’re good at!”

“Or maybe if I didn't waste my time with your lame tail!” Pumpkin replied playfully punching Two Bit in the arm.

“Hey, it’s your choice not mine.” He responded rubbing his shoulder feigning pain. “Now if you’re done abusing me, I’d like to drop this on some pony before we are seen up here.”

Down below, a group of ponies were walking together, one whose face was red in embarrassment and the other one giggling.

“Look, all I’m saying is that you tend to embarrass me in public quite a bit.” Pipsqueak said walking alongside Dinky.

“You think I’m an embarrassment?” Dinky began to whine.

“Wha..no! I never said that!”

“Oh, so you don’t want any pony to know we’re together then?!”

“I never said that either! Blimey I’m not explaining myself well. I just don’t, you know, want to get pounced on every other minute we’re walking together is all.”

“But I like pouncing on you Pippy! You’re so adorable when you are caught off guard.”

“Well, it is nice every now and then I suppose but doing every time ponies come around isn’t really…”


Pipsqueak’s mane and coat was covered in a red, sticky substance that not only turned his coat and mane a dark crimson color, but also left a putrid stench on him.

“Oh no Pippy!” Dinky cried out coming closer to the drenched colt. When she was in reach, she found the smell so unbearable she had to cover her nose with one of her hooves, muffling her voice.

“You smell…awful now! What happened? Did someone drop a package filled with smelly things? Come on, we need to get you washed off.”

“Oh bloody Tartarus.” Pipsqueak frowned slightly annoyed by the recent events. “Looks like the start of an eventful day.”
The two culprits had already made haste as soon as they dropped the bomb, bursting with laughter as they ran out of the shopping district. After about five minutes of running, they hid behind a small ally and caught their breaths.

“That…was…awesome!” Two Bit huffed, tired from the running and laughing. “Did you see the look on that guys face?!”

“Of course I did!” Pumpkin gleefully replied. “It was the greatest thing I’ve seen all week! However, I almost feel bad for the poor guy.”

“Aww, is Pumpkin showing sympathy for her target? Getting soft on my now?”

“I did emphasize almost right?” She looked into the sky and sighed happily. Totally worth the risk. “So now what?”

“I don’t know,” shrugged Two Bit. “Wanna go get some apples or something. We could make a fake cider and trick the citizens into drinking it on Nightmare Night?”

“Sounds like a plan to me!” Pumpkin and Two Bit got off of the ground and began trotting towards Sweet Apple Acres.


Sweet Apple Acres was a common picnic sight for the residence. It was shady, spacious, and since it was away from the market, often quite. It was a nice place for Pound to relax under the shady tree munching away at his wheat sandwich with tomatoes, cucumbers, dandelions, and blue cheese. He felt a warm smile form across his face every time he bit into the fluffy bread.

“So all I have to do is talk to Apple Bloom and she’ll help me find the right CMC group,” Pound said to himself still chewing on his sandwich. “But still, I don’t even know what I’m good at. I can’t fly nor do I have any talents of my own.”

The sad realization that he had nothing to contribute to the group made him frown a bit, hoping that biting into his sandwich once more would make his gleeful smile return. Sadly, it didn't.

“I really am pathetic.”

As Pound was about to take another bite into his sandwich, he was interrupted by a strong impact on the ground beside him. A look of shock and near horror fell upon his face as he turned towards the impact seeing uprooted dirt inching along the otherwise smooth ground. What appeared to be a crater impact was really an onyx Pegasus who was rubbing his skull trying to shake off the pain.

“Uhh, I’m gonna feel that for a few days,” he groaned to himself spitting some of the dirt out of his mouth. “Was sure I could do it this time!”

Pound was relieved that the Pegasus was okay, especially since it was a familiar Pegasus he knew. “Hey Storm Chaser, what are you doing?”
“Huh?” responded a confused Storm Chaser rubbing his eyes, clearing up his vision. “Aw, it’s Champ!”

Storm Chaser used his wings to boost himself up and propelled himself towards Pound, putting his arms around Pound’s shoulders.

“So how has things been going! Improving your flying!?” smiled the older colt.

“Um not really,” Pound quickly replied still looking at the crater that Storm Chaser had caused. “Exactly what were you doing that caused that such an impact?”

To Pound’s surprise, Storm Chaser let out a hearty laugh. “Well kiddo that was a result of me trying to break the sound barrier!”

“You’re trying to break the sound barrier?” Pound questioned.

“Yep! Failed nearly 25 times already! Almost put myself into a comma 5 times already. The nurses all say I should avoid doing extraneous flying for about a month after I crash, but I only take about a day or two off before I hit the skies again! And the best part is I don’t feel a thing, with the exception of wing cramps every now and again, but hey, they weren't a big deal!”

Being thrown into the ground over and over isn't a big deal? Pound thought to himself not wanting to say it out loud to avoid being rude. “Well why do you keep doing it? Isn't it painful to constantly be thrown into something?”

“Of course not!” Storm Chaser’s head began to pound. “Okay, maybe a little, but it’s still all worth it in the end.”
Pound was failing to see how nearly knocking ones senses out was worth anything. What he didn't fail to see however was Storm Chaser’s look of determination, something Pound wish he had.

“They say only a few Pegasus can actually fly fast enough to get to that momentum. The ones who can are able to push through that barrier, leaving a lofty trail of their success for all too see! That’s gonna be me! I’m gonna leave my mark in the sky and deem myself worthy of a Wonderbolt!”

A spark of admiration showed in Pound. He always looked up to Storm Chaser; he exhibited that stroke of confidence that he didn't seem to have.

“And when I finally reach my goal…”

“Yeah?” Pound urged him on, eager to hear what he will do.

“I’m going to name the fruit of my success…”

“Yeah!? Yeah!?” Pound’s anticipation was rising.


And like that the anticipation was gone. “Uh, you do realize that’s still similar to Rainbow Dash’s Rainboom right?”

“Hey, can’t blame a guy for trying!” Storm Chaser defended flapping his wings to now recline in the air. “Besides, creativity isn't really my thing you know. I’m more of a thrill seeking, chasing the wind type of guy! You’re the one with the creativity; making those cakes and stuff with your dad so maybe you should help me come up with a name!”

“Being able to make pastries and coming up with a unique name isn't even the same thing,” Pound corrected.

“But they both require someone with a creative mind and lots of time on their hands, so they’re all the same to me!”
Pound mentally face palmed. Storm Chaser wasn’t necessarily dumb; in fact, he showed himself to be a pretty intelligent colt sometimes. However, his logic the majority of the time never really added up or made sense. Still, with this known fact, Pound still found himself admiring him, and hoping to be like him.

But you know you can’t do that. You’re too weak.

“Well the name can wait,” Storm Chaser dismissed. “What’s really important is that I’m in good shape for the summer flight camp.”

“Wait you’re doing it too?” an astonished Pound asked.

“What do you mean I’m doing it…” Storm Chaser paused as he reached the obvious realization. “Oh yeah!! Champ is gonna be joining me during camp this summer!” The colt picked up an unsuspecting Pound levitating him off the ground and proceeded in swiftly rubbing his knuckles on Pound’s mane, ruffing up his hair.

“Why are you going? I thought the camp was for those who needed to learn to fly. You can fly perfectly well! Not only that but you’re older than most of the ponies at the camp”

“Yeah yeah I know,” Storm Chaser sighed in disdain. “But as it turns out, in order to even be considered for a Wonderbolt now, you have to do the stupid little and turn in an assessment for it. And because I was born a few months before they passed this new rule, I wasn't exempt from it!”

After explaining why he was going, Storm Chaser simply shrugged all the negativity off. “Well at least I get to show off, and if I’m good enough, they might let me out early, with all the attention to boot. Of course, that is of course, if you don’t beat me to the punch first, Champ!”

“Well you don’t have to worry about me stealing your thunder. I’m not a good flyer at all.” Pound began downing himself, which has grown into a habit for him. “ Didn't even want to go in the first place. I’ll only be a waste of space.”
“Hey kid, don’t say such crap!” Storm Chaser yelled seemingly offended by Pounds statement. Pound leaped back suddenly startled by Storm Chaser’s sudden mood swing.

“I will not tolerate that kind of thinking coming from you! Champs don’t quit before the game even started! Champs don’t down themselves like that! Why do you think I gave you that name?”

“Because it’s a pet name that older colts give to younger ones?”

Storm Chaser smacked Pound on the top of his head, hard enough so he could feel it, yet soft enough to where it wouldn't hurt.

“Wrong! I named you that because you are one. And the sooner you get out of that self-loathing phase and get with the program the sooner you can start making yourself believe that.

“How can I be a champ if I can’t even fly? Not only that, I let ponies walk all over me, I have to have other’s fight my fights, and when no pony is there to help me I just run away. No wonder she thinks so poorly of me?”

“Who, Jubilee?”

“No, not her!” exclaimed Pound, turning away to hide the blush forming on his face. “Though I hope she doesn't think that poorly of me as well. I was actually referring to my sister.”

“Oh her!” Storm Chaser said trotting closer to Pound before patting his head. “Look Champ, you’re still a kid, so it’s only natural to be scared. So don’t beat yourself up about it, especially when you got this awesome Pegasus hanging out with you! Just remember, if you want any of this to rub off on you, I’ll give you lessons free of charge, ‘kay!”

Pound simply smiled and nodded and Storm Chaser returned a very toothy smile back. At times, Pound almost wished he could be his sibling.

“As for your sister, I’m sure she doesn't hate you, just your personality.”

“Oh thanks, that really helps boost my moral,” Pound sarcastically replied.

“What I mean is, although she might not like how you differ, she still loves you as a brother, and at the very least will help you if needed.”

“And how do you know that Storm Chaser?”

“I don’t. I was just trying to cheer you up honestly. I mean if you want to know if it’s true or not, you could go ask her since she’s down by the fields over there.”

“Yeah, maybe you’re…wait what!”

Storm Chaser pointed to where Pound’s sister was. Her and her mint colored friend were piling up some apples they took from the orchard. Now something wasn't adding up.

Wasn't Pumpkin supposed to be grounded? Why is she outside playing? Oh sweet Luna if Mom finds this out…

He found himself caring more about Pumpkin’s well being then he wished to. If there’s one thing that scared him more than the bullies at school, it was an enraged mother.

“Yo Champ, something wrong!?”

Pound found himself wondering if he should care. On one hand, Pumpkin does tease him all the time and ruin some of his stuff, so it would be nice to see some retribution. On another, Nightmare Night was coming up, and he knew Mom wouldn’t let her go if she knew she was out and about with her friend. After thinking on it briefly, he sighed to himself and trotted towards the fields.

Why did I have to be the nice one?