• Published 28th Mar 2013
  • 795 Views, 22 Comments

Sweetest Taste of Fate - Draconian Soul

You'll be surprised who can rise to greatness.

  • ...

Consequences for Actions

“So all we have to do is squeeze the juice out of these apples, put some nocturnal plant seeds in and wammo!! Knocked out for hours!” exclaimed Two Bit picking out some of the apples in the bucket.

“You’re getting way too excited about this,” replied Pumpkin Cake, munching on one of the apples. “Though I will admit it’s a pretty cool idea. Probably our best prank yet.”

“You do mean my best prank ever right!?” Two Bit corrected smugly. It was rewarded with an apple core in the face.

“No Two Twit! Our idea!” Pumpkin quipped sticking her tongue out at him.

“Was it really necessary to throw something probably ridden with your germs at my face? Also, what’s with you calling me Two Twit all the time?”

“You’re not going to die from it so quit complaining. And the name suits you so well; I have to call you that!”

Two Bit rolled his eyes at her comment. “Whatever. Anyways, let’s take a few of these and leave. We only need….hey is that your brother?”

“Huh?” Pumpkin looked at the direction Two Bit was pointing and saw Pound running towards her. Her expression turned sour. “Oh great, he’s here.”

Pound stopped running when he was at a good range and began walking towards them, trying to catch his breath. He inched his way closer to his ever so disapproving sister.

“What do you want Pound?” Pumpkin asked venomously
“I want to know what you’re doing here?” answered Pound, who unlike her sister didn't show too much animosity.

“What do you mean what am I doing here? I’m enjoying the sunshine and playing with my friend like normal ponies do. Is that a problem?!”

“You know what I’m talking about Pumpkin!”

Two Bit looked confusingly at the two trying to understand what was going on. “Uhh, am I missing something important?”

“No Two Bit. It’s just my brother being a nosy little twat!”

“Call me what you will, but you’re betraying Mom’s trust as well as Dad’s by sneaking off like this!”

“Well maybe if Mom didn't give unjust punishments, I wouldn't have to sneak off to do what I want!”

“Wait, so you snuck out here to hang out with me?” Two Bit said impressed, but was ignored by the bickering siblings.

“Unjust? You beat up a schoolmate even when she pleaded for you to stop. Don’t you think that was a little excessive?!”

“Well at least I attempt to defend myself and don’t let others mistreat me! At least I don’t let ponies spit on me or throw rocks at me like a weakling!”

The situation quickly took a personal turn and it was obvious Pound was hurt by Pumpkin’s backlash at him. Two Bit was just standing trying to decide if he should wait the storm out, or just walk away and leave them be.

“You’re impossible!!” Pound shouted, his words more heated then before. “All I’m trying to do is help you and you’re here being as big of an airhead as possible!”

“Well if you really want to help me, how about leaving me alone and go bug one of your other friends! If you even have any that is.”

“Fine then! Stay out here and get caught, see if I care!” Pound turned away and stormed off with a mixture of anger and hurt. Pumpkin watched as her he ran away, her angered face turning into a frown.

“Stupid brother.”


“Stupid sister,” Pound mumbled to himself as he trotted away from Pumpkin. He was still angry about the conversation; however, his feelings were damaged the most. Small amounts of tears tried to escape his eyes.

“I was just trying to help her and all she did was mock and discourage me. I don’t know why I even bother. She’s impossible to deal with. Sometimes I just wish…”

“Who are you talking to Pound?”

The voice sounded so familiar to Pound. So soft and concerning. So…angelic. Pound looked up and saw who it was. That light golden mare with crimson flowing curls smiling directly at him. He felt as if his whole world has stopped every time he looked at her. Here he was, standing right in front of his precious Jubilee.

“Oh…um..I was talkin to…uh…hi Jubilee,” Pound responded clumsily and dreamily at the same time, his face completely burning.

“Yes, well hello to you too Pound,” Jubilee answered, politely ignoring how stammered he was. “But I would really like to know what you were rambling about. It sounded like you were frustrated by something and from the dried tears in your eyes I can tell you were upset by something, although that worry is clearly gone now!”

Jubilee winked towards Pound, causing his face to redden even more.

Come on Pound. Why do you always crack around her! Sure she’s the most beautiful girl you’ve ever seen, but she’s still a girl all the same. Just talk to her, produce words and for crying out loud stops babbling like an idiot.

Those inner thoughts were running through his mind and repeating themselves over and over. Taking a deep breath, Pound opened his mouth and began to speak.

“Pumpkin…..uh….she’s um…” What are you doing!? “Well she did….welll I…” Say something! Anything! “I….um…” “She…she…” Why do I always do this!?

“Yo Champ! Why’d you run off little buddy?!”

Storm Chaser flew towards the two ponies. Pound let out a sigh of relief, a little louder than he planned on.

“Why’d you run off like that!? You acted like some pony was gonna kill your sister or something!”

“Oh it was nothing,” Pound rubbed off, relieved that there was some pony he was comfortable talking to around. “If she gets in trouble it will be her own fault.”

Storm Chaser looked puzzled. “What, did she do something bad? Did she steal something? Push an old lady off the steps? Murder a pony!?”

“I highly doubt a little filly would commit murder?” Jubilee stated inserting herself in the conversation. “And hello to you too Storm Chaser!”

“Really? I gotta say hi to you every ten minutes I see your flank walking by?! We see each other like two or three times a day usually,”

“Still, it’s common courtesy. Though I doubt you know anything about that seeing how shrewd you can be at times. What’s worse is that your influences might be rubbing off on poor little Pound here. He didn't even greet me properly!”

Pound looked down at the ground shamefully, feeling terrible that he can’t even talk to some pony who’s supposed to be his friend. “I’m sorry,” was all he could manage to squeak out.

Jubilee saw Pound dwindle into another reclusive state and went towards him to pat his head. “Oh come on Pound, I was only teasin’. I know you were distraught by something so don’t worry about it. So come on, show me that golden smile I like seeing.”

Pound looked up and stared into her gaze, causing a dopey little smile to shine upon his face. Jubilee returned a warm smile as well.

“So, where’s my warm greeting of affection?” whimpered Storm Chaser teasingly. “You let him off the hook and give him the royal smile treatment and yet I get the short end of the stick?”

Jubilee started trotting towards the onyx colt, with a devious smile on her face. “Oh, you want some attention huh? Okay, here…”

She put her hooves on his cheeks.


Her face homed in on Storm Chaser’s face, causing the confused colt’s eyes to widen and causing Pound’s face to show signs of sadness and jealousy.

Is she…going to…

“GO!!” And with that, Jubilee shoved Storm Chaser down the hill, giving him little time to react to it. He rolled down for a few seconds before completely stopping with his back arched in the air and his legs over his head.

“I asked for more affection, not a trip to the hospital.”

“Oh trust me Storm, if I wanted to send you to the hospital I would have bucked your skull in with my back hooves.”

“Oh wow you’re a jerk, and an evil one at that!”

“I learned from the best.” The group laughed as Jubilee trotted towards Storm Chaser and reached out a hoof, helping him gets back on all fours. “Anyways, if you two are not doing anything this afternoon, we should hang out for a bit. I’m working for Apple Bloom at the farm while her sis is gone so…”

“Apple Bloom. That’s right!” Pound suddenly remembered what he came to Sweet Apple Acres to do. “I forgot to ask her about joining the CMC!”

“Oh that’s fine, Pound. I’ll tell her you asked about it,” suggested Jubilee.

“Really? You’d do that for me?”

“Sure,” she responded lifting the basket of apples and balancing it on her back. “I have to go back anyways so it’s not that big deal. So, how about it? Wanna hang out with me this afternoon Pound?”

“Uhh…” Again, Pound’s voice gave out on him and he stood stiffly staring at her, his face reddening once more.

“Sure, we’ll hang out with you!” Storm Chaser inserted himself back into the conversation, much to Pound’s appreciation. He always gained a little bit of confidence when Storm Chaser was around. “So while you handle your business, me and Champ over here are gonna go grab a bite to eat!”

“But I just ate not too long ago,” stated Pound

“Well that’s fine. You can just watch me eat then! Come on!”

Storm Chaser grabbed the young colt and began to flap his wings, floating slightly above ground with Pound in his hands. “See ya Jubi!”

“Meet you two later,” Jubilee waved as she saw Storm Chaser carry off Pound. “And if I hear that you dropped him on account of one of your ‘flight training’ tactics, the hospital will be the last place you’ll have to worry about!”


“So you are going to head back before you get caught I assume?” questioned Two Bit, carrying the haul of apples that he and Pumpkin decided to pick out for their little concoction.

“Yeah, might as well. Don’t want to get in too much trouble before Nightmare Night. I want to get all the candy I can that night!”

“Oh, so you’re actually listening to your brother for once.”

“No!” Pumpkin exclaimed in an outburst denying any credit to Pound for her wanting to head home. “That whining baby had nothing to do with me wanting to leave!”

“Yeah, cause you have the sense to quit while you’re ahead. If you didn't come up with this brilliant resolution because of your brother, then what made you suddenly want to go home?”

Pumpkin looked Two Bit in the face and let out a smug grin. “Well Two Twit, it’s because the thought of looking at your ugly face any longer than I have to is making me sick. If I’m in my room blowing chunks for no good reason, they’ll know it’s because I snuck out with you.”

“You’re evil you know that? And for Celestia-sake stop calling me that!”

“What are you gonna do about it Two Twit,”

“You better watch it! I might put something in your food that gives you the bad case of hay fever.”

“Oh, so you’re gonna make me sneeze to death?! Hardly a threat!”

“Hay fever with the Cutie Pox thrown in!”

“You wouldn't.”

“I would.”

The two young children glared at each other briefly before Two Bit broke the glare and gave her a subtle smile.

“Well anyways, I’m going to go and make the stuff for Nightmare Night. Try not to get into too much trouble delinquent!”

“Don’t worry, I’ll just put the blame on you and say you influenced me to do it!”

There was no need for formal goodbyes between the two. Their jokes and quips towards each other handled what they were trying to accomplish. As her minty friend faded from the fields, she sighed to herself a little.

Guess I have to go back now.

She casually walked home biting down on another ripe apple she had found on the ground. As she was getting ready to leave, she was greeted by the little sister of Applejack who was walking directly towards the barn.

“Howdy Pumpkin,” Apple Bloom greeted, “How ya doing today.”

“I’m alright AB. Two Bit and I are done…playing for the day so I’m just heading back home.”

“Ahh. How’s your brother doing? Any luck with those cutie marks?”

“He’s his same wimpy self and no,” Pumpkin responded. “Sometimes I kind of wish I could disown him as a brother.”

“Whoa there missy! Don’t ya think that’s a tad bit harsh to say?”

“But he’s so gutless. I have to fight all of his fights for him and I’m always the one getting in trouble! He’s more damage than he’s worth, a liability of a brother.” She sat on the soft grass and folded her front hooves. “And he’s the one who gets all the better treatment. Flight school, parents who never scold him, and he’s never in trouble.”

Apple Bloom had Pumpkin’s problem pinned from hearing this. “Sounds like a certain some pony might be jealous of her brother.”

“No I’m not”, a pouting Pumpkin responded poking her lips out.

“Ah, ain’t that adorable. You envy your brother!”

“Stop it! No I don’t!”

Apple Bloom sat next to Pumpkin, who still had her hooves folded and looked away. “Not fair,”

“Don’t be so down. You’re not the only one who has the envy fever. I've talked to Pound before, and turns out he’s a little jealous of you too.”

“What, really?”

“Eyup! Something ‘bout you being braver then him and for not being a ‘worthless weakling’ as he put it. He takes it to heart when you call him that ya know.”

Pumpkin’s expression turned to that of remorse. She would never admit it, but deep down, she cared deeply about her brother’s feelings and began to feel guilty for the nasty things she said to him earlier. However, her stubbornness would not let her sincerity show.

“Well, if that is true, then why does he still act like a wimp instead of toughening up!?”

“Not really easy to change your personality on the fly now is it? If so, you wouldn't be the little deviant ya are now.”

Pumpkin, as much as she wanted to, could not argue with Apple Bloom’s logic.

“Now, about the cutie mark situation, Ah be happy to accept you anytime you want to join. There’s bound ta be a group you can fit into and working in a group might help ya find your talent faster.”

“As much as I appreciate the offer, I don’t really play well with others.”

“Ah suppose not,” Apple Bloom stood up on her hooves and stretched out a bit. “But tha offer still stands if you change your mind. Ah really hope you do.”

“Ok, I’ll think about it,” responded Pumpkin as she got up and began to make her way home. “But I’m curious, why do you care so much about me joining?”

Apple Bloom looked at the young filly with a big grin on her face. “Cus you remind me of one of my friends when we were in the Cutie Mark Crusaders.”


The sun was setting in Ponyville’s square and every pony who worked on the booths started wrapping up their final preparations. Nightmare Night was just around the corner and the excitement was pouring out of the citizens. Not too far outside the square were Storm Chaser and Pound, who was splayed out on the tree, groaning a bit.

“Wow, Champ you didn’t react to well back there!” the onyx colt laughed, eating a bag of hay-fries he bought on the way to town.

“Maybe because you dropped me towards the lake on our way towards here expecting me to fly,” moaned a sickly looking Pound.

“I caught you didn't I? I told you that nothing bad would happen.”

“Try telling that to my stomach,” Pound’s cheeks slightly began to bulge. Fortunately, his stomach was stable enough to prevent it. “I need to lay down for a bit.”

Pound stayed motionless for a while Storm Chaser continued munching away at his hay-fries. Eventually, a familiar pony trotted towards their little meeting place.

“Hello guys,” Jubilee smiled, until she saw Pound lying over the tree with a sickly expression on his face. A look of concern showed upon her face. “Pound, what’s wrong with you?”

“Nothing…” Pound couldn't get a very convincing word out, giving Jubilee an idea of what the problem was.

“Let me guess. The idiot Pegasus beside you decided to give you a little ‘flight training’ huh?”

“No…Jubilee, it’s quite alri….” Pound tried to finish his statement before he was interrupted by Storm Chaser and an upset stomach.

“Yeah, and?”

Jubilee slowly began climbing up the tree with stern look on her face. “Remember when I told you not to do that to poor Pound here?”

“Sure, and you made an idol threat to boot with it.”

She scooted over towards Storm Chaser, put her hoof on his chest, and pushed him off the tree, causing him to fall headfirst on the ground.

“Oh, for the love of Celestia, stop trying to kill me!”

“Not if you keep trying to kill Pound here!” Jubilee snapped rubbing pounds mane to comfort him. He hid his face the best he could to avoid her seeing him blush, but could not help but to let out a purring sound, causing Jubilee to giggle a bit.

“And besides, you've fallen from thousands of feet at top speeds and claimed you were alright. Falling off a tree should not hurt you too much.”

Storm Chaser stuck his tongue out at her before realizing something. It was something that was far more serious than him falling off a tree.

As he readjusted himself, Storm Chaser began floating back upon the tree and began to utter a message to Jubilee, “You owe me a batch of hay-fries.”

The trio remained perched on the tree talking for several hours. Pounds stomach decided to relax a bit and he was able to sit back up again, enjoying the conversation with his older friends. Storm Chaser was still food-less and complained about it briefly, but eventually stopped talking about it, thanks mainly to him being ignored by his golden friend sitting beside him. It was getting late in the afternoon and as the sun began to sleep the beauty of the sunset began to shroud Ponyville in its beauty.

“There’s something about the sunset that just feels so nice and warm,” Jubilee replied admiring the work of Celestia. “Wouldn’t you agree Pound?”

“Yeah,” Pound dreamily replied. He was able to react better with Storm around to help boost his confidence but even with the added boost, he still reduced himself to a lovesick puppy admiring the mare sitting next to him.

Storm Chaser yawned. “Meh, it’s alright. Nothing too remarkable about it. The sun just rises and set.

“Well I wouldn't expect a simple minded barbarian like you to understand,” Jubilee jokingly mocked, returning to talking to Pound. “What do you think it is? Is it the inviting feeling it gives off, or maybe the final illumination it gives before the moon shines its glow?"

“Yeah,” Pound responded once more, but with enough sense to realize it wasn't a simple yes or no question, he quickly snapped himself out of his dreamy state and gave a more reasonable, albeit clumsy answer.

“Um...I mean, probably the inviting feeling. Yeah, that one!” He was worried that Jubilee would find his response awkward, but she simply smiled back and petted his head.

“Yeah, I think so too.”

Storm Chaser gagged a bit. “Uh, come on what’s with this mushy garbage talk? It’s almost sickening! If you want to talk about the sunset so much, just go on a date.”

This teasing from Storm Chaser made Pounds face heat up at the thought of dating his crush, with Jubilee’s slightly annoyed face.

“I don’t whine about your carelessness when it comes to flying, so I would appreciate if you did the same thing.”

“You just complained now though,” Storm Chaser replied back, receiving an eye roll from Jubilee.

“Can’t help that I’m born to love the thrill of flying, even in dangerous situations. Speaking of…” Storm Chaser stares towards Pound, who too him was a tad too giddy around Jubilee, “stopped worrying about flight camp yet?!”

And with that, the giddy, childish expressions Pound was giving off turned into a more uninterested look. “No, not really. Still not really interested in potentially plummeting to the ground.”

“Come on Champ! You gotta get over this irrational fear of falling to your doom!”

“Yeah, and dropping him from the skies is going to help him get over it faster!” defended Jubilee, turning back to Pound. “But as much as I hate to admit it, he has a point. You’re going to need to learn how to fly sometime or another, and it’s easier to learn it while you’re young.”

“I guess.”

“Come on Pound. I for one kind of envy you two. I’m just an earth pony so I’m not capable of the abilities you have. Wings are freedom for those who have them.”

“They might represent freedom for those who can use them,” Pound began, “but for some pony like me, they are a curse; a reminder of what you should be but are not.”

“Wow you’re depressing Champ!” Storm Chaser grinned. “I might have to find a new rookie to hang out with if you keep bumming me out like that!”

Pound looked towards the ground apologetically, “Sorry.”

“Don’t be, I was just messing with you. There ain't another pony I’d rather have as my little rookie than you Champ. Just remember, need some flying lessons or help during the camp, you can always count on good old Storm Chaser.”

“Thanks! I’ll hold you to that.”

There was something to be admired by Storm Chaser’s confidence, and the more Pound hung around him, the more he wanted to be like him.

“I’m not sure I trust you giving Pound anymore flying lessons, especially not on top of Cloudsdale,” Jubilee said worriedly.

“You seem to believe I’ll drop him from a thousand feet in the air.”

“I wouldn’t put it behind you.”

I’m not crazy Jubilee! I won’t do anything that will cripple or kill the kid. I do know restraint and you know that!”

There was some offense taken in Storm Chaser’s voice, who didn't take lightly that Jubilee thought he would purposely hurt Pound in a reckless way. The crimson maned mare, even though she would never say it outright, did trust Pound with Storm Chaser regardless of how reckless he acted at times. Because if there’s one thing he never would do is put a child’s life in danger, especially not Pound.

“Yeah, I do,” Jubilee finally responded, causing Storm Chaser to calm down a bit. “But still, try not to do anything too careless with him okay?

“Will do,” Storm Chaser answered swiftly, and the trio sat in silence watching the remaining sun set. After a few moments of silence, Pound let out a yawn, showing signs of drowsiness.

“Sounds like some pony is getting a little sleepy,” Jubilee hummed.

“Mmm hmm.” Pound mumbled.

“Hah, even our little Champ can’t stay up too long without sleep catching up to him!” Storm Chaser laughed. “Well, it has been a long day for him, plus tomorrow is Nightmare Night, so he probably wants to be well rested before the event. Want me to get you home Champ.”

“No, I’ll be fine,” Pound kindly refused. “I’m awake enough to get home.” He stumbled a bit trying to stand up.

“That may be so, but I sure don’t trust you getting off this tree in your state.” Storm Chaser picked up Pound and lowered him towards the ground. “Alright buddy, off you go.”

“Thank you. And see you later. Bye Jubilee!”

“See you tomorrow Pound.” Jubilee waved back still perched on the tree.

As Pound began to walk back home, he began to wonder if Pumpkin decided to heed his warning and go home before she caused too much trouble. He highly doubts she did, but he wanted to at least have some faith that she wouldn't be so stubborn. However, his concern faded when he realized something.

Was I able to comfortably talk to Jubilee back there?


Pumpkin had been home for a few hours, making sure that there was no trace of her leaving in sight. The windows were closed, her hoofsteps on the powdery kitchen floor were wiped clean, and she carefully made her way back to her room.

“Ah, conflict adverted!” she said proudly to herself. “And now all I have to do is wait until tomorrow for Pinkie to get back!”

She lied back on her bed and let out a satisfied smile on her face anticipating the pink mares return. “She’s so awesome. She’s one of the funniest ponies I’ve ever known. So random and…well…Pinkie-ish! Kinda wish I could replace my brother with her.”

As she dwelled on the awesomeness of Pinkie, she began to feel the sleep she lost earlier plus the added new weight of tiredness get to her and her vision blurred into restful sleep.


A similar voice invaded her sleep, and kept calling out even when she tried to ignore it.

“Pumpkin….down here now!”

Uh, what now? Pumpkin rubbed her eyes and casually trotted downstairs and to the source of the voices, which happened to be Cup and Carrot.

“Oh, hi Mommy and Daddy,” she said sleepily and innocently. She was pretty calm, until she saw the look on her mother’s. Even her father had the look, which was uncommon for him. It was a look of…anger and disappointment.

“Um, what’s wrong?” Pumpkin asked, now a little nervous that her parents were giving her a negative look.

“Why don’t you tell us?” Cup Cake started sternly. “You should know better than us what’s wrong.”

“What, I don’t under…”

“I hope those apples were worth sneaking out of the house Pumpkin.”

Pumpkin froze and a look of terror was shown on her now pale face. “How…how did you…”

To give Pumpkin an explanation, or to torture her with the long wait for a definitive punishment, Cup began to explain how they came to find out about Pumpkin’s little jailbreak.

Earlier that day, the Cakes were making their way home after a day of restocking on supplies. The load was pretty light on Cup, and the polar opposite on Carrot.

“Um, sweetie, mind taking off a few bags please?” Carrot pleaded. His speed was significantly weighed down since he was carrying most of the flour, sugar, and other ingredients. Cup was carrying the food coloring and decorations, much lighter than her husband’s load.

“But I have a lot of bags too dear.”

“Yeah, but none are nearly as heavy as mine. Come on honey bun, cut me some slack!”

“Aww, is my strong, hunky husband losing some of his steam.” Carrot grunted a little, as the bags seemed to get heavier as he kept going.

“I guess I need to give you some motivation huh?” Cup walked towards her straining husband and gave him a light peck on the lips, teasing him. “That motivation enough?”

“Sort of,” Carrot answered slightly blushing. “But maybe if you take off at least one of these bags…”

“Okay, I’ll carry at least one more.” She used her mouth to pick up an extra bag and set it on her back. “Anything extra you want?”

“Well, unless you want to take the rest of the bags…”

“And I don’t.”

“…then how about baking something nice tonight before we have to go tomorrow morning.”

“Why not. I guess you deserve something special before we go. What about apple fritters with cinnamon? You and Pumpkin seem to love those.”

Carrot licked his lips at the thought of eating them. “Yep, with a large dollop of whip cream over it! Pleasure to the mouth and stomach!”

“Well then it’s settled. We’ll head towards Sweet Apple Acres, buy some fresh apples, and fix you two some fritters.”

“Like the sound of that!” Carrot grinned giddily. “And it’s also nice to see you lighten up a bit.”

“Yeah well I guess even the witch of the household has a soft spot.” The couple laughed and headed towards Sweet Apple Acres.

Once they arrived, the quickly sought out Apple Bloom, who was watching over the farm while her sister was away.

“Excuse me Apple Bloom, but would you sell us some of your best apples here?” Cup asked the young mare bucking away at the trees.

“No problem!” Apple Bloom answered. “How many do you want?”

“Two baskets full. Oh, and would you mind delivering them to our store?”

“Enope. Ah’ll have Big Bro on that asap.” Apple Bloom went to find Big Mac and gave him a set of instructions. He loaded up the apples as well as some of the extra baggage Carrot was carrying (to his delight) and began to carry them to Sugercube Corner.

“So, what’s the occasion? Filling in another order?”

“Oh no, we’re just making something nice for the kids and husband before we go to Canterlot tomorrow.”

“Ah, the Cake twins.” Apple Bloom chimed. “Those two are delightful children, even the rambunctious one. Ah actually saw them earlier today.”

“Yeah, they certainly are…wait did you say they?” Cup’s pleasant voice droned into a suspicious tone. “You mean just Pound and his friend right?”

“No, Ah’m sure I saw Pumpkin too. She was playin’ with some minty colored colt and eating a few apples before Pound came and talked ta her. Not sure what they was talking ‘bout, but from tha looks of it, it wasn't pretty; Pound walked off with sort of an angry look on his face.”


“Eyup. Wonder what they were talkin’ ‘bout. Guess Ah’ll never know. Anyways, the price of the apples and delivery is gonna run you at 25 bits.”

“Yeah, thanks.” Cup put the bits on one of the barrels towards the farm, and looked at her husband, who shared the same look of disappointment she did. “Carrot?”

“Yeah, I know. I just can’t believe she would do that.”

“We’ll fix that mighty quick though. Come on!”

After her mother explained, Pumpkin found herself sweating profusely, fearing the worst.

“Well…at least I got home before you guys did right?” Pumpkin nervously laughed hoping that maybe a small bit of humor would help her get out of the situation. The expressions on her parent’s faces said otherwise.

“Pumpkin I am not in the mood for jokes! And furthermore, I am highly upset that you would disobey us like that!” Cup lectured angrily. “It would appear you don’t take our punishments seriously enough, so I guess we’ll have to introduce some harsher consequences! Your two month punishment is now extended to a year.”

“What!” Pumpkin didn't like the sound of that at all. “But I…”

“And on top of that, you can forget about going to Nightmare Night tomorrow, because you lost all your holiday privileges!”

This was the breaking point for Pumpkin. For the first time in a long time, a punishment actually began to make her tear up.

“No, no, no not that!” Pumpkin began pleading helplessly. She hadn't felt this vulnerable in a while. “Pinkie was supposed to spend that entire day with me! She was going to take me to that haunted house, trick or treating, and all sorts of things!”

“Well I guess you’ll have to explain to her why you can’t go then,” Cup retorted sternly.

“But…but that’s not fair. Dad!” This was her last hope; her dad’s favoritism.

“Don’t Dad me!” Carrot responded. It wasn't as angry in tone as his wife’s but it was just as stern. “Calling me isn't going to help you. In fact, I actually suggested the punishment!”

And with that, Pumpkin’s last hope was crushed, and so was her spirit. “What? But why?”

“You seem to lack respect for your mother, and by that definition you lack respect for me! Not only that but you've betrayed her both of our trust by deliberately disobeying us. You need harsher consequences since the ones you have don’t seem to be affecting you much, so that’s why you’re spending a year grounded and I stand by my decision!”

Tears were flowing down Pumpkin’s face. She was torn, broken, and in a slight sense, angry.

“Fine! I thought there was at least one reasonable pony in this Celestia forsaken place, but it turns out you’re worse than mother! I hate you! I..hate…!” She choked on her words and couldn't finish. With the realization of her confinement, she stormed upstairs with her face still filled with salty tears. Carrot’s face went from the stern angry look into a sad and remorseful one.

“That felt terrible,” he sighed sadly. “I did not enjoy that one bit.”

“Neither did I honey,” Cup tried to comfort her husband. “But like you said, she needs to learn the consequences for her actions. Plus I’m sure she didn't mean what she said; she’s just a child lashing out due to being upset.”

“I really hope so Cup. I also hope I don’t actually need to keep her locked up for a year.”

Cup kissed Carrot and softly smiled at him. “You can call it off whenever you feel it is necessary honey.”

The door opened and Pound walked into the house, rubbing sleep from his eyes but also greeting his parents with enthusiasm.

“Hey Mom and Da…” he was cut off by a loud slam of a door coming from upstairs, and what he was sure to be a picture frame falling from the wall. “Let me guess, she got caught.”

His parents simply nodded, so he didn't bother to go further into detail. He simply headed up to the room he and his sister shared, slowly opening the door, and looked at the back of Pumpkin since her face was hidden towards the wall.

“Umm, Pumpkin…”

“Leave me alone Pound! I’m not in the mood for one of your ‘I told you so’ speeches.”

“But I wasn't going to…”

“I said leave me alone!” Pumpkin threw a pillow at Pound, which he avoided by lowering his head.

He decided it was best not to press the matter and returned the pillow to her bed, careful not to get to close in fear of her bucking him in the face. He then walked back towards his bed and cuddled under the covers trying to get some sleep which was hard to do with the constant crying coming from his sister.

Author's Note:

Yeah, as some of you might have noticed, the personalities of Pound and Pumpkin were inspired by Egophiliac (great artist btw), and I probably should have mentioned that. The reason I didn't though is because the story is going to shift pretty quickly.

How quickly....find out next time ;)