• Published 3rd Apr 2013
  • 1,692 Views, 106 Comments

Guardians - Pen Brush

In the end, each of you will die and only Celestia will be left alive." Nightmare

  • ...

Little cutie

Cadence did indeed scream in fright when she saw Discord the next day before hiding behind Celestia's legs.

“I told you.” Discord groaned as he looked at Cadence while Sombra snickered behind Celestia.

“She just doesn't know what you are.” Celestia said waving a hoof dismissively.

“Celestia at points, I don’t even know what I am.” Discord said.

“Wh-what is that thingy?!” Cadence squeaked out as she peeked from around Celestia's legs.

“That is my brother, he isn't going to hurt you, he is harmless.” Celestia said soothingly as she looked down at Cadence.

“Y-you sure? I mean, he does have pointy teeth.” Cadence said still afraid to leave the safety that was behind Celestia’s legs.

“I’m sure, the pointy teeth aren’t for anything, he is a little bit silly as well.” Celestia said.

“Tooth actually...” Discord said tapping his fang.

“I have fangs too and you aren’t scared of me.” Sombra said smiling showing the set of canines. “It’s just for show, not really anything else.”

Cadence’s brow furrowed as she looked at Sombra. She gestured for him to come closer and he leaned down before she tapped on the teeth before somewhat smacking them making Sombra wince.

“Ow....” Sombra said as he leaned his head back up and put a hoof over his mouth.

“Okay, I guess it’s okay then.” Cadence said snickering.

“Do you like candy, Cadence?” Luna asked as she looked at Discord. .

“I love candy!” Cadence said smiling happily.

“Yeah yeah, I know.” Discord said rolling his eyes and snapping his talons making a large bowl of cotton candy appear and floated it over to Luna. “There you go.”

“Not for me Discord, for Cadence.” Luna said, using her magic to bring the cotton candy over to Cadence. The little filly’s eyes widened before she practically dug her face into the bowl and began to munch and devour the cotton candy with vigor.

“Luna, I believe you have met your match.” Discord said blinking.

“And now she will trust you.” Luna said smiling.

“Maybe?” Discord said unsure and shrugged. “To be honest as long as she doesn’t flinch when she sees me that will be enough.”

“I’m just happy she isn't sad anymore.” Luna whispered.

“That too.” Discord said nodding his head in agreement. Cadence had finished the cotton candy and was currently sporting a rather nice looking cotton candy mustache and goatee. She looked up at Discord and smiled happily.

“Thank you Mister Discord!” She said happily as she got out from under Celestia. Discord just chuckled and shook his head.

“You are quite welcome my dear.” He said patting her on the head before wiping away her sweet mustache and then teleporting away.

“Did you have a good night’s sleep?” Celestia asked.

“Yup! Those pillows were really soft!” Cadence said as she looked around the big castle.

“I know right! They are really nice.” Luna said smiling.

“Well I have to get back to training the new guys.” Sombra said sighing before he began to walk down the hallway. “I will see you all at dinner.”

“I have to talk to you for a second first.” Luna said walking over to him.

“Ehm... Okay. What’s up?” Sombra asked looking at her as he walked.

“Do you think we should ask what it was like in her city before everything happened?” Luna whispered.

“Not right now. It may be a sore spot for her right now and I don’t want to rub salt into the wound.” Sombra whispered back.

“Alright.” Luna said, walking back to Celestia and Cadence.

“What would you like to do today Cadence?” Celestia asked.

“Would it be okay to look around for a little bit?” Cadence asked as she walked over to a window and looked outside. “It’s really pretty today.”

“Ok, but don't get lost, it's a big castle.” Celestia said.

“I won’t I will ask a guard pony for help if I do.” Cadence said as she happily began to bound down the hallway smiling as she looked at all the paintings and other things. She didn’t notice when she bumped into somepony and she looked up into the angry face of Blue Hoof.

“Who would have the gall to smash into my leg?!” Blue Hoof said in his usual snobbish appeal.

“S-sorry mister, I wasn’t looking where I was going.” Cadence said as she drew small circles in the floor with her hoof.

“Oh you weren’t looking where you were going huh? Oh I am sorry, for yelling, but if I may suggest.” Blue hoof said leaning down. “WATCH WHERE YOU ARE GOING!”

Cadence whimpered slightly before Blue Hoof was pulled up by something tugging at the scruff of his neck. He was roughly pulled back up and pushed away as a Grey Unicron with stark white hair, along with a small beard forming on his chin, stepped over and stood in front of Cadence.

“Really Blue Hoof? You stoop so low to bully innocent foals now?” The unicorn chuckled. Cadence noticed that his cutie mark was a black swirling star.

“What’s it to you, you insane unicorn!” Blue Hoof shouted.

“Oooh, being racist now. That is not very nice. Oh guards!” The unicorn announced as several guards walked over and took hold of Blue Hoof.

“Yes Mister Star Swirl?” One guard asked.

“Please escort this gentleman out of the castle.” Starswirl stated as the guards nodded, almost giving wide smile, as they dragged the complaining pony out of sight. Star Swirl nodded with a smile on his face before he looked down at the little filly. “Are you alright little one?”

“Y-yes... Thank you mister.” Cadence said.

“Ah, call me Star Swirl the bearded!” He announced happily as he laughed.

“Okay Mister Star Swirl. Who was that mean pony?” Cadence asked.

“Oh that old soulpuss was Blue Hoof... Yeck, even saying his name leaves a bad taste in my mouth.” Star Swirl said wiping his tongue with a hoof before laughing. Cadence giggled at the crazy pony before looking up at him.

“You are weird mister Star Swirl.” She said giggling.

“That is the prevailing opinion!” He said as he looked around before looking back at Cadence. “Do you perchance know where Princess Celestia and Luna are? I must show them the progress I have made!”

“On what mister Star Swirl?” Cadence asked.

“Why my beard of course!” Star Swirl said happily. Cadence just burst into laughter while pointing down the hallway. Star Swirl thanked her before heading on his way and letting Cadence get up and begin walking around. She continued on her small epic adventure as she looked out the castle windows to see the gardens. She walked a bit more to see Sombra training the recruits and laughing as a few of them fell in mud pits of the obstacle course.

This was pretty much her day of wandering as she would find interesting things along her way. She finally decided she wanted some fresh air. So with a new fire rekindled in her heart she ran for the nearest exit before a guard stopped her.

“Whoa there little one, where are you going? The Princesses don’t want you leaving castle grounds.” The guard said chuckling. Cadence looked up at the guard with the most adorable, and somewhat painfully cute, set of puppy dog eyes.

“But I was just going out to see Mister Sombra!” Cadence said in a, Most likely unintentional, pitiful tone. The guard’s eye twitched before he had to put a hoof over his heart to make sure it was still beating before looking at Cadence again and sighing.

“Okay okay, just make sure you stay close to him. I don’t want to have to go on a filly hunt later.” The guard said defeated. Cadence squealed with delight before hugging the guard’s leg and running out the doors. “... I think I found the one thing that can make a guard lose his stoic expression...”

Cadence ran out to see Sombra standing vigilantly as he looked over the recruit who were covered in mud, leaves, grime, and some you couldn’t even see under all the dirt that they were covered in. Sombra just sighed and slumped a little as he rubbed his forehead.

“What am I going to do with this group?” He muttered. Cadence ran over and nudged his hoof with her nose a bit making him look down and smile. “Oh hey Cadence, what are you doing out here?”

“I wanted to see you train the guard ponies! It’s really silly and fun to watch.” Cadence said giggling making a few of the recruits groan. Sombra just laughed and looked at the group of trainees.

“Okay you soldiers heard the little filly! She wants to see you guys train! So hop to it!” Sombra said receiving a collective groan. He glared at the group making them all chuckle nervously before running straight to the obstacle course. Soon the two were simply cackling and laughing as some of the ponies failed while others did moderately good. Soon the group of recruits were exhausted and were told to go back to the barracks to clean up. The duo walked into the building laughing heartily at the events they watched and continued giggling as Star Swirl walked by with a smug smile on his face.

Sombra stopped and looked at him as he walked by before resuming his walk. “Well I’ll be. That crazy stallion actually lived up to his name.” He muttered as they continued on their walk. Sombra walked into the throne room and saw an exhausted looking Celestia and a giggling Luna.

“Lemme guess. He gloated about the beard.” Sombra said chuckling.

“Yes, he did.” Celestia said.

“How long did he talk about it?” Sombra said barely containing his laughter.

“How long do you think he would talk about it?” Celestia asked tiredly.

“An hour? Maybe two?” Sombra said.

“The whole time Cadence was away.” Celestia stated.

“Pffft HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Sombra just collapsed onto the ground laughing while Cadence giggled next to him.

“He mostly talked about the special conditioner he put in it to make it look so ‘soft’!” Luna said laughing.

“Did he make Tia feel his beard!?” Sombra asked with a massive smile on his face. “Please say he did!”

“He tried...” Celestia muttered. Sombra fell over laughing again. When he finally calmed down he was panting heaving from the overuse of his lungs.

“I am sorry....” Sombra chuckled out. “It’s just that crazy guy is bucking hiliarous...”

“I think I will put you into the school and make him be your teacher.” Celestia threatened.

“Don’t you think he is punishing enough ponies as it is?” Sombra laughed as he stood up and walked over to his post before sitting down. Cadence trotted over and sat down between Celestia and Luna while giggling to herself.

“What did you do today Cadence?” Celestia asked.

“I mostly looked around the castle, then I met this really mean earth pony who yelled at me.” Cadence said scrunching up her nose.

“Did he happen to be gray and really rude?” Luna asked.

“Yes! He was just like that!” Cadence said.

“I’m sorry you met Blue Hoof.” Celestia said.

“Oh it’s okay, that weird pony, Mister Star Swirl saved me!” Cadence said happily.

“Thats nice, and you can just say their names if you want, you don't have to say mister or miss.” Celestia said.

“Oh... Okay! Anyway, he was all like ‘You are mean, get outta here’ and then these big guard ponies came and dragged him away! It was really funny.” Cadence said smiling. “Then he said something about his progress on his beard or something, but he left after that.”

“Sounds like you had a productive day.” Luna said happily.

“Yeah! And then I got to watch Sombra train those funny new guards! They were all silly and kept falling in the mud!” Cadence laughed.

“That is funny.” Luna said snickering.

“It isn't nice to laugh at others.” Celestia chided.

“Oh come now Celestia, don’t be a stick in the mud!” Sombra said smiling. “You would have laughed if you were there!”

“No I wouldn’t have.” Celestia said.

“Still so stiff...” Sombra said shaking his head. “You really do need to lighten up...”

“Hay Cadence?” Luna asked.

“Yeah?” Cadence said looking up at Luna.

“Wanna do a little dance?” Luna asked smiling as she got off her throne.

“Oh god...” Sombra said rubbing the bridge of his nose.

“Yeah!” Cadence said hopping in place.

“Good, now do what I do, Sunshine sunshine, ladybugs awake, clap your hooves and do a little shake!” Luna said, doing movements while Cadence mimicked them.

“I have a tumor now...” Sombra said rubbing his head.

“She is teaching Cadence a cute dance, there isn’t anything wrong with that.” Celestia said.

“Of course there isn’t.” Sombra said looking at her. “It’s just that song is stuck in my head now...”

“That is really fun!” Cadence said giggling.

“I’m happy you like it.” Luna said, nuzzling Cadence before straightening up and going back to the throne.

“I am going to make that the punishment for my guards when they mess up...” Sombra said sighing.

“They might like that.” Celestia said smiling.

“While wearing a maid’s outfit in the middle of the city district?” Sombra asked looking at her.

“Thats cruel and unusual punishment.” Celestia said frowning.

“Believe me. It will encourage them not to mess up.” Sombra said chuckling. That was when an orange earth pony wearing a straw hat and overalls walked into the throne room and bowed before standing up again. “Oh bollocks... Wonder what he is complaining about...”

“What is wrong?” Celestia asked the pony.

“That dern mismatched whatchamajigger that hangs round this ‘ere castle turned all my crops to popcorn!” The country pony stated stomping a hoof slightly to emphasize his point.

“I’m sorry, he is just being stupid.” Celestia said.

“Again...” Sombra muttered, chuckling as Cadence was simply watching from her spot next to Tia and Luna.

“Weelll, I figured dat part out... What I’d like tah know is can ya get ‘im to change them back!” The pony asked.

“I will, Discord!” Celestia yelled.

“You rang?” Discord said as he hung from the ceiling eating some popcorn.

“This pony here would like it if you didn’t change his crops.” Celestia said, pointing to the earth pony.

“Oh but I prefer fields of buttery goodness, to fields of golden oats.” Discord said smiling.

“Well it is his field, so he can have what he wants, make your own field of popcorn.” Celestia said.

“Oh fine. I will be back momentarily.” Discord sighed out as he disappeared.

“I hope you are happy now.” Celestia said, smiling at the farmer.

“Thank ya kindly, Princess. I will be on mah way. Thank you for your help.” The pony said turning around and walking out of the throne room.

“So this is what you do everyday?” Cadence asked looking up at Celestia.

“Yes it is.” Celestia said.

“That seems kinda boring.” Cadence said as she began to lift her hind hooves up so she fell backwards onto a pillow.

“Yes, it is.” Celestia sighed.

“Sombra why don't you show Cadence the heart? She might like it.” Luna asked. Sombra just shrugged before walking off to his room.

“What heart?” Cadence asked before she gasped. “He can remove his own heart!? Doesn’t that hurt?”

“No... It isn't his own heart, that would be impossible, but also cool.” Luna said.

“Yeah! Then he would be like a zombie! The only way to stop him would be to remove his brain!” Cadence said before getting a confusing look. “... What’s a zombie anyway?”

Sombra came back with the crystal in his magic as he walked back in and set it next to Cadence. The curious little filly looked at the heart with a furrowed brow before she began to look over it, almost studying every little detail.

“What do you think of it?” Luna asked.

“Well, it’s very pretty!” Cadence said smiling as she looked up at Luna. “But it is full of love too!”

“I bet it is.” Luna said smiling, “But how can you see that?”

“She can't see it.” Celestia said.

“Yea I can!” Cadence huffed. “It’s these funny pink swirls inside the crystal!”

“There isn't any pink swirls Cadence.” Celestia said.

“I will show you there are!” Cadence huffed again only with determination this time.

“Go ahead!” Luna said. Sombra turned and watched as the little pink filly’s horn lit up bright blue as the crystal took the same coloration. There were a few seconds before there was a bright flash and she stopped as the crystal was sitting on the floor again. Normal as can be.

“It didn't work.” Celestia said as Luna used her magic to levitate it over to herself, seeing pink swirls in the heart slowly disappearing.

“There was pink swirls, but they are gone now.” Luna said, putting the heart back onto the floor. Cadence just sighed before there was a small flash of light behind her. She looked behind her and saw a small picture on her flank of the crystal heart with two golden ribbons coming from the bottom.

“Hey, look Tia!” Sombra said pointing. Celestia brought her attention to Cadence, and saw that she had gotten her cutie mark.

“Congratulations Cadence, you got your cutie mark.” Celestia said, smiling.

“I got my Cutie mark!” Cadence exclaimed before she began to bounce around in the throne room. “I got my mark! I got my mark!!”

The group of alicorns and the unicorn all laughed and chuckled at the excitable little alicorn, along with giving her congradulations on her little achievement. From that point, the ponies in that room could say that things were getting better. If only they knew of the troubles that would lay ahead for them.

Author's Note:

Slayer wishes for me to tell you that The next chapter will be an interlude, a Q/A chapter, like outtakes on a DVD! APlease ask us some questions in the comments