• Published 3rd Apr 2013
  • 1,692 Views, 106 Comments

Guardians - Pen Brush

In the end, each of you will die and only Celestia will be left alive." Nightmare

  • ...

Nightmare 1/2

It has been five years since the last time we last saw the guardians. Since we have seen them, the guardians were preparing to leave since the kids were finally old enough to be left alone without.

“Okay Celestia you are in charge while we are off.” The first said as he pulled a backpack over his shoulders and looked down at Celestia.

“Ok.” Celestia said, sad to see her parents go.

“Don’t worry Tia. We already told you we will be fine.” The first said smiling.

“We will also be back someday.” The second added.

“Yeah that too...” The first said sighing.

“But to do that we need to give each of you a special gift that we have.” The second added, looking pointedly at the first.

“Or right...” The first cleared his throat and said. “Since we are going to be gone awhile, we have thought that you guys might want to wait for us. Hopefully not to come looking for us, but still! So as a gift, we made a small serum that will allow you all to live as long as me or your mother.”

“Really?!” Luna said from beside Celestia, “Thats cool!”

“Awesome!” Discord said with a grin

“WOOHOO! ETERNAL PILLOW NINJA!” Sombra shouted smiling.

“We are not immortal Sombra, just long lived, we can be hurt and killed, but unless something bad does happen, we will live.” The second reminded him.

“Still though.” Sombra said smiling.

“I can use magic to be immortal like a boss.” Discord said as he did a poor impression of the old video he had seen.

“Magic doesn't work that way.” Celestia said.

“Sadly she is right Discord. You can alter reality, but not your or anyone’s life.” The first said.

“But what if? Life is reality?” Discord said in a philosophical voice

“Well think of it like this. You can make an apple an orange, but you can’t make it last forever.” The first said.

“Its worked so far.” Discord said taking out an apple. “Had this one for a decade now.”

“Chrysalis!” The second yelled, looking for the changeling.

“Yeah mom?” Chrysalis said walking out. “I was busy doing something. Sorry.”

“Its ok, we just need to give you an injection.” The second said, smiling as the First pulled out a syringe.

“With a lawn dart?” Discord said as he saw the massive needle.

“AH! I don’t like needles!” Sombra said backpedaling.

“That needle...what are you doing with that size needle?” The second asked the first.

“Well.... I was looking for needles and this is the only one I found.” The first said.

“How about we give it to them in a cup?” The second suggested.

“It would be like drinking vomit then...” The first said wincing a bit.

“Look at Sombra, he is terrified.” The second said, pointing at the cowering unicorn.

“Fine... Go get a pitcher of flavored drink for them. This is going to taste pretty bad and they will want something to wash it down with.” The first said.

“I can get it.” celestia said, using her magic to levitate a pitcher of lemonade over.

“Or I could do this.” Discord said snapping his fingers, the needle shrank a bit but still remained massive. “Or not.”

“Eh... I will just empty the liquid into the cups. Keep the syringe as a weapon. Just in case.” The first said winking.

“Don’t want to be attacked and almost eaten by venus fly traps again.” The second said frowning.

“Okay that time it was your fault.” The first said.

“Never said it wasn’t.” The second said back.

“Aaaanyway... Here you guys go.” The frist said as he emptied the syringe’s fluid into five cups and gave each to the ponies, changeling, and mismatched creature. “You might want to chug this.”

“Bottoms up I guess.” Sombra said reluctantly and swallowed the cup’s contents. He then proceeded to gag.

“GAH! BUCK THATS NASTY!” Discord said as he downed the cup of liquid and then urned a greenish color.

“It tastes life feet.” Luna said after she had trunken it and was looking a bit green in the face.

“Doesn’t taste too bad to me.” Chrysalis said shrugging as she drank her cup.

“Why does it taste like cake for me...” Celestia wondered, looking at the others.

“Tia everything bad tastes like cake too you.” Sombra said as he rubbed his tongue with his hoof.

“No, the pickle juice tasted like mud.” Celestia said.

“Well that’s your own fault for drinking it.” Sombra said as he grabbed the lemonade and poured himself a cup and chugged it. “Oh god that is better.”

“Drinking it still better than putting a needle in you at least.” The second shrugged, putting a backpack on as well, “And I can’t bring Sparky with us, so you take care of him.”

“Yeah looking back maybe I could have found a smaller needle.” The first said as he motioned for the second to start walking. “Come on let’s go sis.”

“Ok.” The second said, walking out.

“Bye.” Luna and Celestia said together.

“I’m not one for goodbyes so.....To quote Spock: Live long and Prosper.” Discord said, a hint of true sadness in his voice

“I don’t say goodbye. That implies they may not come back.” Sombra said glumly getting up and walking back into the home.

“Bye mom! Bye dad!” Chrysalis said waving happily. “See you guys soon!”

“Oh and Celestia!” The first shouted quickly from a distance.

“Ya?!” Celestia called back.

“Lighten up before I get home!” He shouted back before a hearty laugh was heard as his voice faded..

“BAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!” Discord fell over laughing

“Grrr...” Celestia growled. Luna started retching and puked on the floor.

“That...would have been...better in the...needle.” Luna coughed.

“Oh it wasn’t that bad.” Chrysalis said shrugging.

”You don’t have a sense of taste since all you eat is the emotion of love.” Luna replied back.

“And that tastes sweet!... Mmmm. Tasty.” Chrysalis said smiling.

“Hey Celly can we watch a movie? Like old times?” Discord was suddenly serious, a feat that had never happened in the history of the world

“Why so serious now Discord?” Celestia asked, smiling at have taken his line.

“He’s sad.” Chrysalis said plainly and walked into the house.

“Well yeah I am, dad was always like my brother/father figure. I miss him already.” Discord said in a still serious tone.

“Stop being serious, you’re no fun that way.” Luna pleaded.

“Told you not to say goodbye!” Sombra said from inside the house.

“Sure Discord, we can watch a movie.” Celestia said, hugging Discord.

“Lets watch marley and me, Ma always liked that one.” Discord smiled a bit.

“Hey, guys. Guess what?” Sombra asked from inside the house.

“You found another crystal under your bed?” Luna guessed, smiling.

“Nope... More like..” He then pounced out of the house and tackled Luna to the ground while being all poofy. “PILLOW NINJA!”

“AHHH!” Luna yelled as she fell to the ground. “So you didn't find the new rare black crystal I hid under your bed for you?” She asked.

“No I did! It’s right here!” Sombra said as he pulled out a large black crystal from his fur.

“I’ll start the movie then?” Discord asked

“Sure, start the movie.” Celestia said, letting him go. He walked into the house and began searching for the ‘Marley and Me’ disk

“Are you happy with your present?” Luna asked Sombra.

“Very.” He said smiling.

“Thats good.” Luna smiled. Celestia and Luna walked into the house, with Sombra on top of Luna.

“I have said it once and I will say it again. I love being a pillow.” Sombra said smiling.

“Come on Chrissy, get inside.” Luna called outside.

“Hmm? Oh alright!” Chrysalis said as she ran inside.

“I thought you said you didn't like crying Discord.” Luna said as she sat down with Sombra still on her back.

“Well I miss mom, so I think its fitting to watch her favorite film.” Discord said leaning on the couch with a bucket of popcorn

“Well just don’t use me as a tissue again. Took an hour to get it all out of my fur.” Sombra said.

“Nah you're too soft, I need coarser fur. Chrysalis?” Discord said, his spirit returning a bit.

“Think of all the fun we will have with the gift they gave us!” Luna said happily, hugging Sombra.

“Yeah, all the chaos I can cause.” Discord said with a grin

“I don’t have fur. I have flexible chitin.” Chrysalis said.

“Don’t you start with the chaos again Discord, you know that too much chaos isn't good.” Celestia warned

“Oh you need to loosen up a bit Celly, you’re too serious all the time.” Discord complained

“Yeah, like dad said! He doesn’t want to come home to a grumpy Tia.” Sombra said reaching over and poking her side.

“If he comes home to half of us dead because of Discord, we won't be happy either.” Celestia countered.

“Like I’d kill off half of you....” Discord said

“Yeah, and I will become trapped in ice for a thousand years and return as a massive shadow.” Sombra said rolling his eyes.

“Oh you just don’t get the fun of chaos yet dear Celestia.” Discord said thinking to the sweet feeling he got from causing mass chaos

“You’re going to jinx yourself Sombra.” Luna joked, laughing as she hugged him harder.

“Oh pfft. And you will be trapped on the moon if I get trapped in ice.” Sombra said chuckling.

“My moon? I would love to visit my moon.” Luna said happily.

“For a thousand years?” Sombra asked.

“Not really.” Luna admitted, “For a few hours yes, but not a thousand years.”

“That’s what I thought.” Sombra said tapping her nose with a hoof. “Boop.”

“Shhh its starting.” Discord interrupted

“Oh wow. He is actually being quite.” Sombra said amazed.

“Ick... Sadness is bitter.” Chrysalis said as she layed down next to Discord.

“Then don't taste it or reach out for our emotions.” Luna said, letting Sombra go.

“Eh, I am full anyway.” Chrysalis said shrugging. “Now let’s watch.”

“Yes, lets so that Discord can reminisce about mom.” Celestia said, sitting on her chair. With that they watched the movie along with many tears shed and Discord crying several times. It soon ended with Sombra and Chrysalis falling asleep, Discord reduced to a small pile of sniveling mess while Celestia and Luna became slightly depressed.

“Why did you want to watch this again?” Celestia asked.

“I guess just to remind myself that they are going to come back.” Discord said before quickly adding. “Hopefully....”

“They will come back, that I promise you.” Celestia said.

“You had to pick a movie where an animal died...” Luna muttered.

“Hey it’s better than the other movie I had in mind.” Discord said shrugging.

“What was the movie?” Luna asked, trying to move Sombra a little without waking him.

“Eh.. You don’t want to know.” Discord said getting up and going to the kitchen, now tall enough to look inside without any trouble. Luna looked at Sombra, whose fluffy spell had gone away when he fell asleep, and saw a black crystal on his flank, thinking it was his gift she gave him, she tried taking it off, pulling on it.

“Ow... Ow... Why are you pulling on my leg?” Sombra asked drowsily.

“Trying to get the crystal off.” Luna replied.

“That’s not-Ow-a crystal. That’s-ow ow-my skin.” Sombra said as he was fully awake now. Luna hesitated and looked back at the crystal, realizing that it was in fact his skin.

“You got your cutie mark...” She said wonderingly.

“I got what now?” Sombra said as he looked at his flank and saw the mark. He smiled happily before saying. “Whoo hoo! I am going to celebrate!”

With that he passed out on top of Luna. “Yes...this is celebrating...” Luna said sarcastically, using her magic to levitate him into the kitchen.

“Looks like his special talent is...crystals?” Celestia wondered, they had figured out a few years ago that the cutie marks represented a special talent they had, and they appeared when you found it.

“I guess?” Luna said uncertainly as she and Celestia walked into the kitchen, leaving Chrysalis in the living room to sleep.

“No mister potato man! I don’t want to share my crystals.” Sombra said kicking in his sleep.

“He still acts the way he did when he was ten.” Celestia muttered, looking in the cupboards for something to eat.

“He always will, same with discord.” Luna said, and Discord turned to look at her.

“Hey! I am chaotic! He is just silly.” Discord said.

“Chaotic is the same, only chaotic is more childish.” Luna muttered, opening the fridge.

“Oh hush up Lunar butt.” Discord said rolling his eyes.

“You're just angry you don't have one.” Luna said, shaking her flank mockingly.

“Oh ha ha. Like I care. Chrysalis can’t get one either and she doesn’t mind.” Discord said.

“I know, but she doesn't complain, you do.” Luna said, using her magic to take milk out of the fridge.

“Yeah yeah whatever. At least I know my talent would be Chaos.” Discord said plainly.

“Yep.” Luna said.

“Lets not fight over this, where is the dog food?” Celestia asked as Sparky ran into the kitchen, wagging his tail happily.

“Top cabinet.” Discord said.

“Thanks.” Celestia said, opening the top cabinet and pouring a bowl with dog food in it before putting it on the floor.

“Make sure he has water too.” Discord said as he took out some salad and went back to the living room.

“I will.” Celestia said, putting water into another bowl and setting it down as well, while Luna made cotton candy and flew into the living room with it.

“Nom nom nom.” Luna said happily, chewing the candy.

“So what next?” Discord asked.

“We just...live and not get hurt I guess.” Luna said.

“Yes, lets do that-” Celestia was interrupted by a knock at the door. Luna and Celestia looked at the door before looking at Discord, neither going to open it.

“I got it.” Discord said groaning. He got up and went to the door before stopping. “Wait a minute.... We have neighbors?”

“No, maybe its mom and dad!” Luna said excitedly.

“Back after two hours?” Discord asked.

“Yes...” Luna said uncertain.

“Riiiiiiight.” Discord said before he walked over to the door and made a small fireball in his hand before he opened the door to see a solid black Unicorn with cat eyes. “Oh... Hello?”

“Hello.” She said coldly.

“Eeeeeh.... I am getting a bad feeling!” Discord said looking at you.

“Who is it?” Celestia asked.

“Um... Imagine Sombra as a girl and there you go. And sounds more mean.” Discord said looking away and back to the black mare.

“That tells me nothing.” Celestia said, while Sparky barked at the unicorn. The unicorn hissed like a cat at Sparky, making his yip and run away.

“Oh just get over here!” Discord hissed as his head turned like a owl’s to see Celestia. Then he turned back to the Black unicorn and grinned. “Just one moment please.”

“Alright, don’t break your neck.” Celestia muttered, walking over to see.

“Hello, I have come to live here.” The cat unicorn said.

“See what I mean. Sombra but mean.” Discord said shrugging then he turned to the black unicorn.

“Maybe she is scared?” Celestia suggested, letting the unicorn walk inside.

“Scared is stuttering. Meanness is that.” Discord said pointing at the unicorn.

“Being scared can make them mean sometimes.” Luna said, walking into the kitchen.

“Yeah, but what are we going to do about her? We just let some random mare into our home!” Discord protested. “I am crazy but you Tia! WOW you take the cake!”

“She needs somewhere to live, what's your name?” Celestia asked sweetly.

“Nightmare Moon.” The unicorn said coldly.

“As you were saying?” Discord said to Celestia.

“Its just a name.” Celestia shrugged.

“She looks a little like me...” Luna muttered, jumping around.

“You had too much cotton candy.” Nightmare said haughtily.

“Hooooow did you know that?” Discord asked.

“Cotton candy is on her muzzle.” Nightmare said, looking at discord with her cat eyes, while Luna didn't actually have any cotton candy on her muzzle, no one noticed.

“Ah... Well have you met our resident crystal eater?” Discord asked as he snapped his fingers and let Sombra fall to the ground in front of him.

“Ow...” Sombra said as he shakily got up. “I am... Hurting.”

“I do not care about him.” Nightmare said, hissing.

“Ouch... Who’s the mean lady?” Sombra whispered.

“She is a mean one, that is who she is.” Discord grumbled.

“I am not mean, I was just raised by timberwolves.” Nightmare said hissing at Sombra.

“Ah, so add no social skills to that mix!” Discord said walking off and out of the kitchen.

“Where is Chrysalis?” Luna asked.

“Ah, what do you want?” Chrysalis asked yawning as she walking into the kitchen.

“A changeling? Why aren't you with the rest of you dirty lot?!” Nightmare yelled.

“Hey take it easy! I just woke up you know.” Chrysalis said yawning and walking to the coffee machine.

“Changelings don't sleep.” Nightmare said coldly. “they eat and kill by sucking the emotions out of every living creature.”

“... You have been watching too many movies lady.” Chrysalis said as she walked past the coffee machine and splashed water over her face and shook a bit. “Aaaa... That’s better.”

“What's a movie?” Nightmare asked.

“Pre Recorded entertainment made before you or me.” Chrysalis answered turning to face Nightmare. “Name is Chrysalis by the way.”

“Don't care, the world is in medieval times and the stupid unicorn tribe kicked me out.” Nightmare muttered angrily.

“Woah woah woah, what tribes?” Sombra asked.

“Unicorn tribe, pegasi tribe and earth pony tribe, the lowest of the low.” Nightmare said disdainfully. “Nothing but mud ponies they are.”

“You sound so bitter all the time. Not to mention whatever you are feeling tastes awful.” Chrysalis said as she was now changed into Nightmare and picking at her fangs with a toothpick.

“Stupid changelings, taking emotions that don't belong to you, STOP DRAINING ME OF MY LIFE!” Nightmare screamed

“I wasn’t... I literally ate like... A drop.” Chrysalis said shrugging.

“Don't even touch any of my emotions you soul sucking monster! You changelings are all monster, but you're bigger than the others.” Nightmare noted.

“Okay that is enough!” Sombra said walking up to the Unicorn. “I don’t know who you are, and frankly I don’t care! If dad had never taught me not to be mean, you can sure as your flank bet I would have kicked you out as soon as I had the chance! So stop being a jerk! Stop insulting my family! And please for the love of our parents! STOP! BEING! A! BITCH!”

Sombra got out of Nightmare’s face, panting slightly, and stepped back while he let his angered expression fade.

“Your parents are dead aren’t they?” Nightmare taunted coldly.

“What!? Oooooh....” Sombra began as you could literally see steam rise off of his head.

“Sombra...calm.” Celestia advised.

“But! She! And her!.... AUGH!” Sombra just sighed.

“She doesn't know Sombra, she was raised by timberwolves since her tribe kicked her out.” Celestia said soothingly.

“Like that is any excuse! For all we know, we were part of some tribes and we were kicked out before mom and dad found us!” Sombra said.

“We were found in a crater, no one puts kids in a crater.” Luna said, hugging Sombra.

“How would you know? You never met any of those ‘tribes’. She could be making it all up.” Sombra said sighing as he nuzzled into Luna’s fur. “I am really not liking this lady.”

“I didn’t want to live with the wolves anymore, so I came here, and found this place, I want to stay for a night before I move on again.” Nightmare said, her cat eyes on Sombra.

“Fine go ahead! For all I care, take my room! The sooner you’re gone the better.” Sombra growled out.

“Are you not afraid I will take your crystal collection?” Nightmare asked, smiling.

“I have my most precious one with me. I don’t need the others.” He said smugly. “So go ahead!”

“I will find your more precious crystal, and I will keep the beautiful black crystal if I find it.” Nightmare said, smiling smugly.

“Lady... Are you trying to make me hate you?” Sombra asked with a pained smile.

“How does she know about your collection in the first place?” Luna asked curiously.

“Maybe she saw me digging! I don’t know! Just let her stay the night and tomorrow kick her out. If she can’t learn to be nice, she doesn’t deserve to be treated as such.” Sombra said.

“I don't watch others dig for petty horsefeather drivel, I do not care for it.” Nightmare said haughtily.

“Then why take my crystals? Just trying to intentionally make me angry?” Sombra asked.

“It is the rarest of them all, and I wish to have it.” Nightmare said coldly.

“Well my sister gave it to me. So if you want it, you can go find one yourself.” Sombra said walking away.

“And I assume your dead parents left the white tall pony in charge when they died?” Nightmare asked.

“Our parents aren’t dead lady.” Discord said scowling at Nightmare.

“Why do you keep calling me lady? I am a mare.” Nightmare said.

“Force of habit.” Discord said.

“Stupid habit if you ask me, and I have never seen such an ugle mismatched creaturte before, your race must be extinct by now.” Nightmare said absentmindedly.

“And I have never seen such a ugly mare.” Discord retorted.

“I do not care if I am called that, I have been called worse.” Nightmare shrugged.

“Oh just stop the pity parting! It’s sooooo annoying!” Discord said.

“Pity party? Why would I want pity from any of you? You’re all a joke!” Nightmare laughed using her magic to make party hats appear on everyone’s heads.

“And I think you are just being a total jerk because we have something you never did.” Discord said harshly. “A actual family!”

“I do not wish for a family, they just hold you back, and I will make you realize that, one by one.” Nightmare warned, smiling.

“Why don’t you just leave?” Discord said pointing to the door. “Just go.”

“Because I am unable to leave a house at night.” Nightmare said, pointing to the night sky.

“...Was I not supposed to make it night now? It was time for it.” Luna said blushing.

“Oh she is just spewing malarkey.” Discord said waving his hand at Nightmare and walking away.

“I will show you.” Nightmare said, walking over to the door and trying to get out, but ended up getting shocked and flew back, hitting Discord.

“She really can’t leave Discord.” Celestia said, using her magic to take Nightmare off Discord.

“Well that is just confusing. I don’t even care anymore. Just let her sleep on the couch. I will get Sombra and lock up the house.” Discord said.

“I would rather do this.” Nightmare said, her horn glowed and appearing on the ceiling, like a bat.

“Huh... Well still, I don’t like her. Keep her away from me and I will be fine.” DIscord said as he walked away.

“I can still hear you.” Nightmare said, closing her eyes.

“Good. You can keep away from me.” Discord said walking off.

“How is a unicorn able to do that?” Luna asked mystified.

“Her magic?” Celestia shrugged, walking to her room.

“Enjoy your orphanhood Sombra.” Nightmare laughed.

“Buck you bitch.” Sombra said walking by her. “Stopped listening to you now. Ssssseee ya!” And with that he walked into his room and closed the door before locking it.

“Goodnight pony killer.” Nightmare taunted Chrysalis.

“Good night miss weird pony.” Chrysalis said waving her hoof dismissively and going into her room, the whole house falling asleep as Nightmares eyes glowed.